





范文类型:材料案例,全文共 939 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7069 字

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故宫位于北京市中心,也称“紫禁城”。这里曾居住过24个皇帝,是明清两代(公元1368~1920xx年)的皇宫,现辟为“故宫博物院”。故宫的整个建筑金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽,被誉为世界五大宫之一(北京故宫、法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、美国白宫、俄罗斯克里姆林宫),并被联合国科教文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。 故宫的宫殿建筑是中国现存最大、最完整的古建筑群,总面积达72万多平方米,有殿宇宫室9999间半,被称为“殿宇之海”,气魄宏伟,极为壮观。无论是平面布局,立体效果,还是形式上的雄伟堂皇,都堪称无与伦比的杰作。 一条中轴贯通着整个故宫,这条中轴又在北京城的中轴线上。三大殿、后三宫、御花园都位于这条中轴线上。在中轴宫殿两旁,还对称分布着许多殿宇,也都宏伟华丽。这些宫殿可分为外朝和内廷两大部分。外朝以太和、中和、保和三大殿为中心,文华、武英殿为两翼。内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫为中心,东西六宫为两翼,布局严谨有序。故宫的四个城角都有精巧玲珑的角楼,建造精巧美观。宫城周围环绕着高10米,长3400米的宫墙,墙外有52米宽的护城河。 现在,故宫的一些宫殿中设立了综合性的历史艺术馆、绘画馆、分类的陶瓷馆、青铜器馆、明清工艺美术馆、铭刻馆、玩具馆、文房四宝馆、玩物馆、珍宝馆、钟表馆和清代宫廷典章文物展览等,收藏有大量古代艺术珍品,据统计共达1052653件,占中国文物总数的六分之一,是中国收藏文物最丰富的博物馆,也是世界著名的古代文化艺术博物馆,其中很多文物是绝无仅有的无价国宝。













在午门以内,有广阔的大庭院,当中有弧形的内金水河横亘东西,北面就是外朝宫殿大门——太和门,左右各有朝房 廊庑。金水河上有5座桥梁,装有白色汉白玉栏杆,随河宛转,形似玉带。





太和殿(明朝称奉天殿、皇极殿),俗称“金銮殿”,太和殿高35.05米,东西63米,南北35米,面积约2380多平方米。长宽之比为9:5,寓意为之尊。面积是紫禁城诸殿中最大的一座,而且形制也是最高规格,最富丽堂皇的建筑。太和殿是五脊四坡大殿,从东到西有一条长脊,前后各有斜行垂脊两条,这样就构成五脊四坡的屋面,建筑术语上叫庑殿式。檐角有10个走兽(分别为 龙、凤、狮子、天马、海马、狻猊、押鱼、獬豸、斗牛、行什),为中国古建筑之特例。大约从14世纪明代起,重檐庑殿是封建王朝宫殿等级最高的形式。太和殿有直径达1米的大柱72根,其中6根围绕御座的是沥粉金漆的蟠龙柱。殿内有沥粉金漆木柱和精致的蟠龙藻井,殿中间是封建皇权的象征——金漆雕龙宝座,设在殿内高2米的台上,安放着金漆雕龙宝座,御座前有造型美观的仙鹤、炉、鼎,背后是雕龙屏。太和殿是故宫中最大的木结构建筑,是故宫最壮观的建筑,也是中国最大的木构殿宇。整个大殿装饰得金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽。太和殿是皇帝举行重大典礼的地方。即皇帝即位、生日、婚礼、元旦等都在这里庆祝。
































有人做了一个统计,即,太和殿顶屋脊及瓦当、滴水等共有龙纹2632条,外檐额枋及门窗彩绘包括饰件共有龙纹5732条,殿内檐及殿内梁枋天花上共有龙纹4037条,殿中金柱、藻井、宝座、屏风及陈设上共有龙纹609条,殿内墙壁及暖阁门罩等共有龙纹542条。这是个尚不完全的统计,太和殿内外的龙纹、龙雕等各种形式的龙就有13 844条之多。这种万龙朝圣的装潢设计,构成了一种威严神秘的氛围,以获得神化皇帝、恫吓臣民的效果。





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:儿科,医师,全文共 1557 字

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Unknowingly we have spent a month in the obstetrics, and in this month, so I fully solid learned a lot of expertise. Obstetrics and Gynecology is different from other departments, its professional knowledge is very strong, and only really hard to learn to understand thoroughly, is considered to be better.

Under the guidance of the teacher with Professor Wang, every week we have received the theory of indoctrination, such as: specialist knowledge points, precautions, nursing operations. So that I more in-depth theory linked to practice, for example, to the baby shower should pay attention to what, although it is less than we take a bath for the baby, but I can learn from, in addition to the delivery room for the patient disinfection of the skin, I have deficiencies, but I prefer to learn from, and strive to correct, strive to do a good job.

Through obstetrics and gynecology practice, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of obstetrics and gynecology, familiar with the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care, abnormal process and sick women care, family planning and womens health guidance content, at the same time to understand at home and abroad New technologies and new therapies, such as interactive bathing, doula delivery, infant touch, baby swimming, etc., to carry out nursing research, writing papers, cultivating students comprehensive quality, and improving students Practical skills.

Obstetrics internship, although busy, but busy with income. Regardless of any department, I will strive to actively do a good job!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:酒店,全文共 491 字

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Hello, I am Lisa Huang. I recently graduated from Zhejiang University, majoring in Hospitality and Hotel management. I had my internship as a receptionist in W hotel in the past six months. During my work with W hotel, my communication and interpersonal skills were improved. Also I have learned how to handle different situations. Today I am here and I am applying for the receptionist position in Westin. I truly hope that I will be a part of your team and bring immediate value to Westin.



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 273 字

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june 6, 20__

dear mrs. corbin,

i was so sorry to learn of your illness. you must hurry and get well!everybody

in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon. mr. burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.

sincerely yours,

mary burke



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:外贸,企业,全文共 1773 字

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As an international trade specialized student, i know the importance of english in english learning, so i have been high-standard requirements themselves. through their own efforts, to passed cet band 4 and again to points passed cet6. in spoken english i have been in the exercise myself, and reached a certain level. in addition, i also laid a japanese primary basic. not only in english, as the rest of course also study hard. in six semester four times won the scholarship, and once passed the national computer rank examination (level 2).

Moreover i took an active part in social practice activities, and to exercise their professional skills, increase their professional knowledge, and has achieved good results. through a series of stratified activities, i also gradually grasp the people contacts and communication skills, learning how to make ourselves in a harmonious interpersonal relationships. through studies i deeply realize the theory instruction practice meaning, and really in the code yourself. in learning and activities of remaining i also actively enrich himself, reading, rich knowledge, and grasped certain of the computer application skills enough to handle the job requirement.

Believe after three years study the lives of hone, already will i hammer become a moral decently, strong-willed, high ideals and soaring aspirations, has the enterprising spirit and team cooperation spirit of excellent college students. believe i have knowledge and competence can completely fit for any difficult work, environment of hard did not prevent completed i finish work. if i am lucky to become a member of your company, i will put all the youth and enthusiasm exert into work, obtain due grades for the development of the company, and contribute their efforts.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2439 字

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Through four years of the door to survive, I grew a lot. At the time of my graduation, I made a summary of my four years of experience and feelings, and as a guide to my future initiatives. Mind, I seek to move forward, the mind has made great progress in consciousness. I love the country, love the people, decisively attached to the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system. I think the price of a person by his society for others to do the honor to measure, I participate in the cause of the Chinese Communist Party is to actively achieve their own costs. I earnestly studied all kinds of theories of the Party and actively paid them to practice to have a clearer understanding of the Party.

Learning, I think the door to the important task of students or learn cultural knowledge, so I learn in the sense, not to relax. I think that a good learning method to learn very good knowledge, so in each test, I sum up a city learning experience. But to deal with our computer-related professional disciples, the optical optical good books on the knowledge is far from enough. I often use the spare time to read the computer class books, and participated in a number of computer degree of qualification tests, successfully obtained certificate, certificate, certificate. I kept looking for the sublimation of character, pay attention to their own conduct, to independent thinking as their motto, when not forgetting. With the progress of learning, I not only learned the mass foundation of knowledge and a lot of professional knowledge, my mind has a qualitative Pentium, a faster grasp of a new skill knowledge, I think this is very tense for the future.Such as the Department of Health students will campaign, the yard structure of the speech contest, arts and cultural festival of the arts show, English speech contest. In the process of participating in these activities, I make friends with some good friends, learned the manners of doing things, to cultivate their own skills.

Social practice has made great progress. Four years in college, I participated in a lot of school activities and did some social practice.Do tutors, volunteers, dumping and planners, and occasionally feel tired, but increased with other students to exchange and to learn from their opportunities, to develop their own communication skills, learn the strengths of others, Clear the drawbacks of their own, let the door to survive more colorful.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2753 字

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(3)percent of the total contract price for delay exceeding weeks;

9.5 the payment of penalties by party b to party a as stipulated in article 9 shllnot releve party b of its obligation to deliver the said documents.

9.6 whenever the delay in delivering the said documents exceeds 6 months, party ashall be entitled to terminate the contract at its discretion and party b shall beobliged to re- fund party a all its payments together with the corresponding ingerestat the rate of... per-cent per annum.

9.7 if the verification tests fail with the responsibility lying with party b andif,as theresult,party a cannot start normal production with the contract having to beterminated, party b shall erfund all the payments previously made by party a to party btogether with the interest at the rate of... percent per annum.

9.8 if only some aspects of the properties of the product are not up to the standardsasstipulated in the contract and the responsibility lies with party b, party b shallcompensate party a with ... percent of the total contract price according to concredtcircumstances. ifthe responsibility lies with party a, party a shall pay the totalcontract price in accordancewith the stipulations.article 10 confidentiality

10.all drawings, designs, specifications and all other technical informationmade available under this contract by party b shall be kept strictly confidential byparty a who.shall not sell, transfer or divulge it in any manner to anyone exceptthose of its own employ-ees who will be using it in the manufacture of the products,without prior written consent ofparty b. party a may. however,supply such technicalinformation to its subcontractor to the extent necessary for such subcontractor tomanufacture parts of contract products,pro-vidingthat party a shall have suchsubcontractor agree, in writing, to hold suchnical information strictly in confidence.

10.2 ln case any part (s) or all of the above-mentioned technical information havebeen madepublic by party b or any third party. party a shall be thus released form theresponsi-bilityfor keeping secret the part(s) or all of the technology already published.

10.3 after the termination of the contract, party a shall have the rigbt to usetheatents supplide by b, i. e. paryt a shall still have the right to design,manufacture,use,and export contract products.article 11 infringement

11.1 party b guarantees that it is the legitimate owner of the patent to thestipulations of the contract, and that it is lawfully in a position to transfer thepatent to party a. of accusation of infringing the rights of a third party occurs,party b shall be responsible for the matter and fully the legal andeconomicresponsibilities trising therefrom




范文类型:自我评介,演讲稿,全文共 4580 字

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I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Before my speech, Id like to show my gratitude to the service and sacrifice of English Union. Thank you for offering me such a fabulous opportunity to exchange with other English lovers. My name is Yang Longbo, a boy majoring in Automation in Changan University. My favorite motto is “Follow your heart”. Former CEO of Apple Steve Jobs once said," If you live each day as if it were the last, youll certainly be right.", which made a deep impression on me. He has used his life to prove the truth of this saying. Realizing that our time is limited has helped him make considerable difficult choices in life. Because almost everything-all expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment and failure-will run away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Dont let your inner voice be overwhelmed by the noise of others opinions. What is most important is having the courage to follow your own heart and intuition. Somehow they already know what you truly want to become. Live everyday as if it were the last of your life and make your life better.

That is all. Thank you.


Hello,everybody .My name is .I am studying in Grade one in a junior middle school. Today , I’ll talk about a lovely toy! She is a little cat and she always wears a pretty small butterfly bow.

Oh,you’ve got it! She is Hello Kitty----my favourite toy!

I like Hello kitty very much. She always wears a smile on her face and looks happy. You can always see her photos on watches, notebooks, bags and many other different things. After more than 30 years’ growth,Hello kitty has become the most popular toy cat in the world.

So,why do people like Hello kitty so much? Do you know why?

I think it’s because of her healthy appearance and sweet smile. People will feel relax and happy when they see her.

What’s more,Hello Kitty stands for bravery,honesty, kindness and most importantly... friendship

Her favourite thing is to play outdoors and her hobbies include music, reading,eating, and best of all making new friends. Just like she says "You can never have too many friends."

Hello kitty’s lovely face always makes us feel warm and happy. And from Hello Kitty,I learn to understand the importance of friendship and I decide to share happiness with my friends ,be kind and helpful to every people ,and become a girl that everyone loves!

Well,this is Hello Kitty---my favourite toy.I believe after my speech, more and more people will like her ,right?

That’s all,thanks for listening!



范文类型:请假条,全文共 766 字

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To: John Smith, Supervisor

From: George Chen, Accounting Department

Date: March 11, 20xx

Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27。

Yesterday I received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house。 As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assess the situation, and help them to get over these difficulties。 Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least make arrangements for repair work。 I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also e to help。 Financially I have no difficulties。

I will call you at 1:30p。m。 or you can call me at any time。



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 1005 字

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Hello, everyone . I’m glad to be here . Let me introduce myself . I’m O , one of the twenty-six letters in English . I have 25 sisters and brothers . We live together in a city called “ Letter city” . It is not very big , but it has seven rooms . A. H .J and K are good friends, so they live in a nice room. B. C. D. E. G. P. T. V are lovely and warm-hearted each other, they live in the biggest room. F. L. M. N. S. X. Z live together next to them . Y and I are twins , of course . They are both happy every day . U .Q .W are brothers, they live in a room to look after each other . Only R and O (It’s me) live alone in the two smallest rooms . Every day have a lot of things to do . We get together and make lots of words , we never feel lonely.

People like us , so they make an A.B.C song for us . We are proud of ourselves . Dear friends , welcome to our “ Letter City”. Please don’t forget me . I’m O , and I’ve leaned English for only about 2 years . I think I’m really OK . Do you agree ? Thank you!



范文类型:汇报报告,适用行业岗位:技术,全文共 1431 字

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巨大的商业前景和重要的学术价值,吸引了来自于业界和学术界不同领域的研究人员在这一问题上开展研究.一些原型系统先后被提出,主要有ibm的qbic/cuevideo[4][5],virage公司的video engine[6],卡内基梅隆大学的informedia[7],哥伦比亚大学的videoq[8]等.这些努力最终促成了国际标准——mpeg-7(多媒体内容描述接口)的诞生.但是随着问题的深入,研究人员面临了更大的障碍:视觉/听觉内容的机器理解,即难以建立底层特征与高层语义的联系.同样的难题困扰了人工智能领域多年.一般认为,寻找通用的解决方法是异常艰难的.因此,一些研究转而专注于解决特定领域的应用问题,如新闻,电影等.在这些特定领域,结合相应的领域知识,是可能将底层特征与高层语义建立某种联系的.









范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 558 字

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范文类型:请假条,全文共 335 字

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July 20, 20xx

Dear Mr. Black:

I am terribly sorry to informyou that I am unable to go to school today owing to a severe headache. I enclosea certificatefrom the doctor who is attending on me, as she fears it will be two days before I shall be able to resumemy study. Could you kindly excuse my absence on Monday and Tuesday? Thanks.




范文类型:慰问信,全文共 678 字

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dear john

i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.

don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.

you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.

if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.

your truly,

li ming



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:文秘,全文共 2027 字

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一 明确工作目的,了解、适应办公室的工作性质和特点


二 尽职尽责,做好本职工作。为了能够更好地完成日常本职工作,我做了以下努力:

















范文类型:邀请函,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 1533 字

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9 July

First name last name

School of Business University ADRESS

Nanjing, Jiangsu P.R. China

Dear Professor x,

We are pleased to invite you to serve as a Visiting Scholar at Arizona State University. Your affiliation will be with Accountancy Program, housed in the School of Accountancy (in the W. P. Carey School of Business), and directed by Professor .

Your appointment will begin on 30 September 20xx and continue through 29 September 20xx. We understand the objectives of your visit will be to participate in research in the arears of taxation and behavioral accounting and auditing.

We understand from you that you have adequate financial resources from your home university and other sources for your visit. We cannot provide you with financial support of any kind. However, ASU will provide you with library access, Internet access, and very likely can provide you with a desk (perhaps shared) and limited access to a networked printer. We suggest you bring a personal laptop, if possible, as we do not have computers available for visitors. You are also welcome to attend any classes you like at ASU, provided the instructor agrees.

Professor has agreed to serve as your Faculty Sponsor. He/she will be able to advise you regarding courses and any other matter which may be of interest or concern.

Your immediate family members, i.e. your husband: Surname: x, First name: x, Date of Birth:x, x; and your daughter, Surname: x, First name: x, Date of Birth: x, may accompany you.

We welcome you and look forward to your visit.




范文类型:辞职信,全文共 778 字

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To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apples CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apples brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 693 字

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Good morning, everybody! Today, Im very happy. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is . My English name is Eileen. Im 8. I study in Class 1 Grade 2 in The Shiyan Primary School of Shiqiao. Im an active girl. I like playing table tennis and badminton,because I think theyre very interesting. And I also skip rope at school everyday. Id like eating potatoes. Theyre tasty.

My favourite colour is pink. And I like chinese best. Its funny. On weekends, I like reading in my room and going skating on The Panyu Square. I have a happy family. My father, my mother and me. My dream is to be a painter, because I like drawing very much. Im a happy girl. Thank you for listening! Please remember me!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 481 字

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dear sir or madame.

hello ! i m ,i feel i will be fit for the job needed in your company. i’m 22 years old and in good health. after graduation from a middle school, i have studied it for many years. i am a better man.do well in personal responsibility ,i am good at both operating a pc,i like palying basketball.computer and listening to the music.i’m interested in the position .

i want very much to be accepted by your company. i’ll work hard if i can be a member in your company.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:六年级,全文共 475 字

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everybody is good, my name is called tang jia.i in the sixth grade, faced with rose the middle school now,father and mother,grandfather paternal grandmother,teacher schoolmates place the very big expectation to me, i will certainly not disappoint their expectation, will study diligently,passes an examination junior middle school‘s key class! in the future will become social a person of great ability and tremendous potential, will make the contribution for the motherland!
