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就本质而言,对联是有历史性、政治性、时代性和审美属性的一种文体形式。认识这一点对写作对联创出新意很有帮助。对联又有其特殊的外在形式,掌握其形式特点很重要,具体来讲,对联形式有以下几个特点。(一)上下两联数字相等,长短一致    对联由上下联组成,上下联又分别可以称作出句,对句。有的对联还有横批,也叫横额。横批就好象是对联的题目一样,同对联内容相关,起画龙点睛的作用。    对联无论长短,对上下两联而言字数都是一样的,也就是说不能一个字数多,一个字数少。再长的对联也是这样。需指出的是对联不管多短多长,何为上联,何为下联,要搭配好,一般次序不宜颠倒。另外,对联写作的长短一般视所挂的地方的需要而定。(二)上下两联要求对称    具体来讲就是上下两联要名词对名词;动词对动词;形容词对形容词;数词对数词;代词对代词;副词对副词;介词对介词。词与词之间所构成的关系也需一致,要主谓结构对主谓结构;动宾结构对动宾结构;述补结构对述补结构等。另外要求人名对人名;地名对地名;数字对数字。    当然有的对联要求也不十分严格,只要词性,结构基本相对就行了,这种对联叫宽式对。如:  蝉噪林愈静,鸟鸣山更幽。    这里“蝉”对“鸟”、“林”对“山”是名词对名词;“愈”对“更”是副词对副词;“静 ”对“幽”是形容词对形容词;“噪”对“鸣”是动词对动词;“蝉噪”对“鸟鸣”是主谓相对;“林愈静”对“山更幽”也是主谓相对。同时两句话的意思又分别是由一种因果关系构成的,这是两联对仗工整的句子。  又如: 翠翠红红处处莺莺燕燕       风风雨雨年年暮暮朝朝。    这是一句宽式对,上下联的词性都不相对,物名之间也不构成对应关系。(三)上下两联要求平仄相对    平仄即从声调、节奏、韵律方面讲。对联和律诗中间的对偶句不同,不必押脚韵,但必须分节奏,调平仄。    对联要有节奏感,念起来顺口,听起来悦耳。节奏感在对联中是重要的,不论是五字联、七字联,都需节拍谐调,长短强弱不能乱。长对联是由许多短句组成的,其节拍可依据短句的要求而要求。    对联要注意平仄相对,遵守“上仄下平”的规则。    即上句最末一字要用仄声字,下句最末一字要用平声字。这里平仄是词诗格律中的术语。在古汉语中,四声为“平、上、去、入”。今天的阳平阳平相当于“平”,上声去声相当于“仄”。而古汉语的入声字是分别派入到现代汉语的四声之中了,入声字归入仄” 。    过去人们流传这样一个口决叫“平对仄,仄对平,平仄要分清。一三五不论,二四六分明”。这就是说,上下联相应的字平仄要相对,每句的第一三五个字可以不受限制,而第二四六三个字则必须按照平仄格式,要平仄分明。    平仄的基本句式有以下几种:    三言句:平平仄、仄平平;仄仄平、平仄仄。    四言句:平平仄仄、仄仄平平;仄平平仄、平仄仄平。    五言句:平平平仄仄、仄仄仄平平;仄仄平平仄、平平仄仄平。    七言句;仄仄平平平仄仄、平平仄仄仄平平;平平仄仄平平仄、仄仄平平仄仄平。    掌握好对联的平仄和它的分布规律非常重要。仄声字具有短促有力的特点,平声字具有舒缓悠长的特点,故平仄的交替安排,往往可以抑扬顿挫,富有节奏,产生轻重、抑扬、回旋的音乐美。如:  海阔凭鱼跃(仄仄平平仄)  天高任鸟飞(平平仄仄平)又如:  柳绿千山秀(平平仄仄平平仄)  风和万水欢(仄仄平平仄仄平)




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 517 字

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你们好,我是红领巾旅行社的刘世元,大家可以叫我小刘。现在,登上大巴,我们要去龙门石窟。离龙门石窟还很远,所以我先介绍 上龙门石窟。龙门石窟20xx年11月30日已被列入《世界文化遗产名录》。20xx年被国家旅局评为了4A级旅游区。它创于北魏(约公元3年)。历经东魏、西魏、北齐等朝代,开凿时间达400余年。据不完全统计,现有佛龛2300多个






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 18566 字

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Hello everyone! Im very glad to meet you on such a sunny day. First ofall, on behalf of our company, happy time travel agency, I would like to expressmy heartfelt welcome to you. Thanks to your great fortune, Im very lucky to beyour guide. My name is Wang. You can just call me Xiao Wang. This one beside meis the one who has made the most painstaking efforts in our journey Our driver,Master Liu, has 30 years of driving experience. You can rest assured that hewill drive. Although our car is not big, it can accommodate all corners of theworld. Since we can get together in this small car from 9.6 million squarekilometers of land, we can borrow Fan Weis classic saying "fate..." Because offate, we sit together, because fate, we become friends, since we are friends, ifI do something inappropriate, you should put forward it in time, I will correctit immediately. My friends, our car is a blue and white golden dragon. Thelicense plate number is __X, and the last two digits of the license plate numberare __, which is our group number. I hope you can pay attention to theidentification when you get on and off. There is a song called "often go home tohave a look", there is a desire called "often come out for a walk", that istourism, tourism is important, but safety is the most important. It is said thatthe world is like a book. If you dont travel, you can read only one page of thebook: now lets travel together, lets read this page of China together. Next,lets read the first chapter: this page belongs to Hunan. The first section isChangsha, our first stop today.

Dear friends, the place we just passed by is Changsha railway station. Itstarted construction in 1975 and was completed in 1977. At that time, it wascalled Chinas three major railway stations together with Beijing railwaystation and Guangzhou railway station. At the same time, when it was completed,it was also one of the top ten buildings in China at that time. There are 16railway bureaus and two Railway Group companies on the national railway network.It can be said that there are countless trains issued every day. One of them isvery special, that is, train T1. Train T1 starts in Beijing and ends inChangsha. We think that this is a special symbolic meaning. It is Mao Zedongfrom Hunan who created new China. Changsha in Hunan is always connected withBeijing. Now we can see that the main building of Changsha railway station is abell tower, which will ring the song "Dongfanghong" every hour. Its shape is atorch, some friends say it is like a red hot pepper, symbolizing the uprightnessand blood of Hunan people.

In the cultural revolution, after Deng Xiaopings comeback, he emphasizedthe development of national economy and gave full play to the great role ofRailway "artery". Modeling reflects "a single spark can start a prairie fire".It was during the cultural revolution that the new railway station in Changshawas of special political significance. Hunan is Chairman Maos hometown,Changsha is Chairman Maos early revolutionary activities in the city, politicalsignificance is extraordinary. Therefore, the higher authorities require thatthe shape of Changsha railway station can express the theme of "a single sparkcan start a prairie fire". In order to show this theme, designers have carriedout extensive discussion and put forward many design schemes. Build a "nationalstyle" bell tower and torch. Due to the special political requirements in theconstruction of Changsha railway station and various assumptions, Changsharailway station has finally determined a unique facade scheme: a field shapedplane with staggered front and rear floors and tunnel entrance, and a bell towertorch with national style, which symbolizes that Changsha is the first placewhere Chairman Mao ignited the revolutionary fire. The bell tower is anindispensable part of the station design. Its appearance is necessary both fromthe needs of the people and from the construction of the station. Some expertswho reported in Beijing also attended the seminar. At the time of the report,Minister Wan Li paid more attention to the modeling. He suggested that thedesign should reflect the concept of Chairman Maos early revolutionary memorialsite and the characteristics of traffic architecture, and that there must be abell tower. The bell tower is the modeling center of the whole facade, withoutcareful consideration, it will affect the overall situation. The top of the belltower adopts the traditional style of ancient Chinese architecture, but thecornice is not warped and there is no curve, which makes it a little new in thetradition. Finally, the design decided to use triple eaves glazed tile roof.According to the needs of Changsha urban planning at that time, the bell towerwas in the middle of the top of the station, facing the central axis of WuyiRoad. The music was selected as the most popular "Oriental red" at thattime.

The use of "Oriental red" reflects the love for Chairman Mao. The wholemachine room of the clock tower is customized in Shanghai and then transportedto Changsha for installation. The music played was also made in Shanghai clockfactory. The towering clock tower has become the new commanding height ofChangsha. You can see it from Laodao River in the north to Xiangjiang bridge inthe West. At that time, Changsha railway station was the tallest building inChangsha. At that time, the requirement for the bell tower was that the traincould see the bell tower and the torch when passing through Laodaohe station,and the sound of telling the time could be heard a few kilometers away. WangChengzong, 32 years ago, was in charge of propaganda in the railway department.He recalled that the authorities required that there must be a huge torch on thetop of the main building of the station, which symbolized that Hunan wasChairman Maos hometown and ignited the flames of the Chinese revolution. In thespecific design, the "orientation" of the flame has become a puzzle. Judgingfrom the current location of the railway station, its east facing west.Generally speaking, if the front of the torch is in the west, if the torch isgoing to fly, it should take the front as the positive direction of the torch,that is to say, the torch is going to fly to the East. From then on, there was apolitical problem, "because Chairman Mao once said: the east wind prevails overthe west wind, the east wind shows the strength of the revolutionary people, andthe west wind marks a decadent system. If the torch flies to the East, wont thewest wind overwhelm the east wind? That wont work. Its a political mistake. "If the design is based on "east wind overwhelms west wind", the torch will floatfrom east to west. In that case, the main entrance of the station faces west,which is neither reasonable nor beautiful. Wanli clapped the torch and the flamewas burning in the sky. After a long time, no one could solve the problem of thewind direction of the torch, so we had to discuss it collectively. But we cantcome up with a way to get the best of both worlds. In order to make a plan assoon as possible, Minister Wan Li finally made a decision and came up with aplan that everyone had no objection to -- no wind, the torch flame is burning inthe sky! The flame is rushing into the sky, looking red, especially like a redpepper. It happens that Hunan people love to eat pepper. People from all overthe country who come to Changsha railway station say that this is Hunan peoplesfavorite pepper.

The flat road we are walking now is Wuyi Avenue. Wuyi Avenue was built in1951, so it is called Wuyi Road. Wuyi Road starts from the railway station inthe East and ends at Xiangjiang bridge in the west, with a total length of 4138meters. It is one of the main roads in Changsha, and it is also the east-westaxis of the whole city. It used to be relatively narrow. The road is only 19meters wide. In 20__, the provincial government invested more than 600 millionyuan to rebuild Wuyi Avenue. You can see that now Wuyi Avenue is full of trafficand orderly. There are eight motorways running back and forth, with an averagewidth of 60 meters. Wuyi Avenue is the straightest, longest, widest and mostbeautiful Central Avenue in Changsha. It passes through the most prosperousareas in Changsha. For example, Huangxing South Road Pedestrian Street, the mostpopular commercial pedestrian street in Changsha, is on its south side. Theurban construction of Changsha, especially the road construction, has developedrapidly after 20__. There is also such a small story about the road constructionin Changsha, which is popular among the people. It is said that at the 15thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1998, Comrade ZhangYunchuan, the former governor of Hunan Province, was personally received by ZhuRongji. He was a native of Changsha County. At that time, he said such asentence to governor Zhang in Changsha Dialect: "Xiao Zhang, you should makemore roads when you go back." Changsha dialect means to do more practical thingsand do something good for the common people. Governor Zhang is not a local. Hethinks he wants him to build more roads, so many urban trunk roads have beenbuilt in recent years, such as Yanjiang Avenue, Huangxing South Road, JiefangWest Road, etc. From 20__ to 20__, Changshas urban construction investmentreached more than 75 billion yuan, which greatly improved the appearance ofChangsha.

Xiao Wang noticed that some friends in our group have been looking out ofthe car window. Are you paying attention to the greening on both sides of thestreet? Careful friends may see that there are two rows of trees on both sidesof the road. The tree species with big leaves near the road is Magnoliagrandiflora, which is a tree species that Chairman Mao likes very much. If youhave ever been to Dishui cave in Shaoshan, you will know There are many tallmagnolia trees outside the No.1 building of Dishui cave. The row of small leavesinside is camphor tree, which is the city tree of Changsha. Camphor balls usedin our daily life are extracted from camphor leaves. Camphor wood furniture isalso a good furniture, mothproof, durable. As we all know, Hunan is thebirthplace of Hunan embroidery, one of the four famous embroideries. Thehigh-end Hunan embroidery products are made of silk thread on silk fabrics. Weshould pay attention to moisture-proof, mildew proof and insect proof. If westore them in Cinnamomum camphora wooden boxes, we can effectively preventinsects from biting. In the past, when our daughter got married in rural areas,our mother had to send a Cinnamomum camphora wooden box to store quilt covers.Camphor trees generally grow in the south of the Yangtze River. We may see fewfriends from the north in our regiment, but it doesnt matter. When we get toZhangjiajie scenic area, there are all over the mountains and fields. You cantake a closer look. After that, Xiao Wang will introduce to you the flowers ofHunan Province and Changsha City. The flower of Hunan Province is hibiscus.Because of the crisscross rivers and rivers in Hunan, lotus and Mulian have beenplanted everywhere since Han and Tang Dynasties. Tang Dynasty poet Tan Yongzhionce wrote in the rain on the Xiangjiang River in autumn that the hibiscuscountry in the "autumn wind thousands of Li, dusk rain thousands of families,Xue Li village" refers to Hunan Province. In 1961, Chairman Maos poem "sevenrhythms answer friends" also contains "I want to have a few dreams, hibiscuscountry" The city flower of Changsha is called Rhododendron, also known asYINGSHANHONG. It is a common ornamental flower, which can be seen in many partsof the country. The azalea is also the city flower of Chairman Maos hometownShaoshan City. On the occasion of Chairman Maos 100th birthday, the azalea,which originally opened in March and April, competed to open in the cold winterand became a great spectacle at that time.

Now we are at the crossroads of Yuanjialing, the provincial Party committeeto the north and Shaoshan road to the south.

Our current location is Furong square, which is the larger of the fivesquares along Wuyi Avenue. It is named after Furong Road, which intersects WuyiRoad. Furong Road is a north-south traffic trunk road. It is also a financialstreet in Changsha City. There is a bank or securities company every tens ofmeters. It is a commercial street of every inch of land and money in ChangshaCity. With the acceleration of the integration process of Changsha, Zhuzhou andXiangtan in Hunan Province, Furong Road is gradually extending with the times.At present, the total length of Furong Road is nearly 50 km. As early as 20__,it surpassed Beijing Changan Road and became the longest urban road in China,known as "the first road in China". Now look at the center of the square. Thereis a beautiful sculpture called "Liuyang River" in the middle of the square. Itportrays the image of a goddess with long hair fluttering in the wind andplaying the violin. Her hair is curly, with a total of nine bends. It representsa famous river in our province --- Liuyang River. In addition, the uniqueness ofthe statue lies in the fact that there are a lot of staff on her hair. Thecomplete spelling is the song "Liuyang River". "Liuyang River" is a popular folksong sung by Hunan singer Li Guyi. Where is Liuyang River? Its in the east ofChangsha City. If you come from the airport, you have to pass the Liuyang RiverBridge.

OK, now were at May 1 square. Wuyi Square is located in the center ofChangsha business circle, and it is also the area with the longest history inChangsha. The city site of ancient Changsha is todays Wuyi Square and itssurrounding area. In thousands of years of history, around Wuyi Square hasalways been the official site of ancient Changsha. At present, Wuyi businessdistrict has been firmly in the leading position of Changsha Central BusinessDistrict, affecting the whole of Hunan. In the eyes of Changsha people, WuyiSquare is the center of the old city, the intersection of Huangxing Road andWuyi Road. In the middle of the road, there are green gardens, quotation steles,traffic control desk, etc. In the north, it reaches the entrance of Zijingstreet where Liaoyuan cinema is located; in the south, it takes Yaowang streetand dongpailou as the dividing points;

To the west, Hunan theater and the first commercial bureau of the city; tothe East, the provincial supply and Marketing Cooperative (now new worlddepartment store) and Nanyang street. Wuyi Square has a strong commercialatmosphere, which is called Wuyi business district. In 20__, due to theconstruction of Changsha Metro Line 2, Wuyi Square, which is in the goldensection, will have to carry out overall quality improvement. According to therelevant units of the project, the appearance of the reconstructed Wuyi Squareis still a green square, but two large underground parking lots with a hugeunderground shopping mall and 1300 cars are added. It is expected that theproject will be fully completed and put into use with the completion of thesubway station of Wuyi Square in the second half of 20__. By that time, the newWuyi Square will be presented to the people of Hunan.

Now we arrive at Huangxing Road Pedestrian Street. Huangxing South RoadPedestrian Commercial Street is 838 meters long and 23-26 meters wide from theNorth Qisi gate to the south gate. It includes nearly 10000 square meters ofHuangxing square, with a total commercial area of 250000 square meters, of which150000 square meters are newly built, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan.It is a comprehensive place integrating shopping, leisure, entertainment,catering, culture and tourism. By highlighting the commercial function,reflecting the style of the ancient city, displaying the Huxiang culture andinjecting the flavor of the times, the Pedestrian Commercial Street has becomethe representative point of Changshas economic prosperity, the image point ofurban civilization, historical and cultural heritage and modern civilization inthe commercial development with first-class city appearance, first-classlighting decoration, first-class block culture, first-class service quality andfirst-class management level The whole Pedestrian Commercial Street has become anew landmark of Changsha city image. Huangxing South Road Pedestrian CommercialStreet has become a new concept commercial center and tourist area, and has wonthe reputation of "Sanxiang commercial first street". Huangxing Road is not onlysynonymous with shopping in Changsha, but also famous for its delicious food.Fried stinky tofu: a Changsha style snack. It is fresh, fragrant and spicy. Itis burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. It has a unique flavor of"smelly to smell and fragrant to eat". It is said that it is "black as ink,fragrant as alcohol, tender as crisp and soft as velvet". Sugar oil Baba:Changsha traditional glutinous rice fried food. It is sweet, glutinous and soft,crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. For a long time, it has been anappetizing food for Changsha residents. Flavor shrimp: flavor snack. Popular inChangsha and surrounding areas. It is very popular because of its spicy taste,and it is also an essential food for drinking beer in summer. The food stallsall over the street have their own secrets and different flavors, but they cantdo without a spicy word. The diners were sweating and full of spicy food.Speaking of eating, here Xiao Wang is introducing another feature of Changsha."Changsha three unique" refers to the chrysanthemum stone carving, Chinese redporcelain and Xiang embroidery. The first Jue chrysanthemum stone carving isbased on the stone cluster at the bottom of Liuyang River in Liuyang City,Changsha. Its pattern was formed more than 200 million years ago. It is a uniquerare stone in the world. Chrysanthemum stone carving began in the reign ofEmperor Qianlong. At that time, people took stones to build dams and found thatthere were chrysanthemums in the stones. So they set up a workshop called"mending the sky stone" to carve inkstone pools with such stones. The inkstoneswere polished to produce ink, which could not be dried for a long time. Theywere deeply loved by people for their "moistening stone, tight color and clearsound". As early as in 1915, at the Panama world expo, chrysanthemum stonecarvings "plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum" were exhibited horizontally.Together with Guizhou Maotai liquor, they won the gold medal, which shocked theworld. Foreigners marveled that "stones can blossom". Since then, chrysanthemumstone has been famous all over the world



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Dear tourists, welcome to visit the Shuidonggou ancient human culturalsite. Shuidonggou site is located in Shuidonggou village, Linhe Town, LingwuCity, Ningxia. It is 30 kilometers away from Lingwu City in the south, 19kilometers away from Yinchuan City in the west, 11 kilometers away from Hedongairport, and connected with Ejian banner of Inner Mongolia in the north,covering an area of 7.8 square kilometers. Scientific research found thatShuidonggou area is the holy land of human reproduction 30000 years ago. In1923, French paleontologists de Rijin and sang Zhihua discovered a prehistoriccultural site here. Through excavation, a large number of stone tools and animalfossils were unearthed. Therefore, Shuidonggou became the earliest Paleolithiccultural site in China, known as "the birthplace of Chinese prehistoricarchaeology" and "the historical witness of cultural exchanges between China andthe west". In 1988, it was listed as a national key cultural relics protectionunit, and in 20__, it was rated as AAAAA tourist attraction by the NationalTourism Administration.

Dear tourists, Shuidonggou site records the historical witness of ancienthuman reproduction and struggle with nature, and contains rich and preciousprehistoric materials. It is the only Paleolithic site officially excavated inthe Yellow River area in China so far. Over the past 80 years, through sixarchaeological excavations, more than 30000 stone tools and 67 fossil animalshave been unearthed in Shuidonggou. Among them, some stone products, tools andstone making and repairing techniques, which form the basis of Shuidonggouculture, can be compared with the stone tools of moste and orina periods inEurope, West Asia and North Africa. In particular, a large number of lewalowastone cores unearthed are close to the shape of orina culture, which is quiteancient in Europe. For this phenomenon of distant distance and culturalsimilarity, foreign famous archaeologists believe that it is "the assimilationeffect of human long-distance migration". The culture represented by Shuidonggousite plays an important role in the study of the origin of regional stonetechnology tradition, the excavation and variation of ancient culture, and themigration, diffusion and exchange of late renewal human beings in NortheastAsia. It is of great significance to the comparative study of eastern andWestern cultures more than 30000 years ago.

Dear tourists, Shuidonggou area is also a Grand View Garden of militarydefense buildings in northern China, such as the Ming Dynasty Great Wall,beacon, Castle, gully, pier, etc. In the nature reserve, the great wall windingeastward, the mound and Hough towering on the high platform, the simple andmysterious castle, and the winding and deep ditch make people dizzy. It makespeople think of the heroic scene of "the first soldiers holding spears to fightagainst the base, and the general pulling out Swords to chase Hu soldiers".Shuidonggou is located in the southern margin of Ordos platform. The Yadanlandform created by nature makes it full of powerful and peculiar charm ofbarren valley. After tens of millions of years of wind and sand carving anderosion, there are more than 20 unique native forest landscapes, such as ghostcity, wotuoling, motianya, duanyungu, Tamarix Valley, etc., which make peoplemarvel at the sight and sigh at the end of time. After more than two years ofdevelopment and construction, Shuidonggou tourist area has become a tourist areaintegrating tourism, scientific investigation, leisure and entertainment, andmilitary exploration. With the opening of Shuidonggou site museum, Shuidonggouscenic area has added new highlights.

Dear tourist friends, now we come to the most mysterious Tibetan soldiercave in Shuidonggou. Now we see a black hole on the cliff, which is the famousTibetan soldier cave. The so-called Tibetan soldier cave is a tunnel where thegarrison of hongshanbao turns from the ground to the ground, conceals the army,protects itself, waits for an opportunity to attack, or sets up an ambush in anopen place. This is the only and most complete ancient three-dimensionalmilitary defense system in China. In the defense system of the great wall of ourcountry, the Great Wall, the castle and the underground hiding soldier cave areclosely linked, but they are not in the whole country. This is the onlyplace.

The Tibetans cave, now in front of you, is the earliest tunnel warfare siteand prototype in China. If we can say that the tunnel warfare between the EighthRoute Army and the guerrillas during the Anti Japanese war can make the enemyscared, we can imagine that more than 500 years ago, the frontier garrison ofthe Ming Dynasty blocked the invaders out of the Great Wall with the same wisdomand courage. In the past, due to the lack of development, there was no conditionto enter the cave for sightseeing. People only know that the road of zangbingcave is like a labyrinth. In addition, the cave roof collapses, many places arecovered by soil, there are traps in the cave, and there may be snakes andscorpions. Therefore, people dare not go far into the cave. No one can tellexactly what is inside the cave. In this way, the cave becomes a very mysteriousplace for people to fear.

Now, we can safely go in and have a good look, but you must follow me andfollow the route guided by the signs to prevent you from getting lost and unableto get out.

We should be extra careful and pay attention to safety!

Dear tourists, now we come to Shuidonggou Ruins Museum. The museum, with aconstruction area of 4308 square meters and a shape similar to the stone toolsunearthed from Shuidonggou, is the only theme museum in Northwest China todisplay the cultural features of the Paleolithic age. On the basis of thevisiting function of traditional museums, it integrates artistic, literary andhigh-tech elements. With 270 degree super large halfview, real scene, phantomimaging and other display forms, combined with the application of the worldsmost advanced sound, light, electricity, adjustable seismic platform and othertechnologies, it truly reproduces the happy fishing and hunting life of ancientpeople 30000 years ago, the production scene of making stone tools, and theheart shaking disaster scenes such as rainstorm, flood, landslides, etc., withbeautiful and realistic images The artistic conception makes tourists quicklyintegrate into the 30000 year life scene. 30000 years is a long time, but inShuidonggou Museum, time is no longer a distance. High technology allows you totravel 30000 years in an instant. It creates a new form of Museum exhibition inChina, and is the only and largest indoor audiences interactive experiencePavilion in China.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4533 字

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文成塔原名镇龙塔,明万历二十一年(1593年)始建,原址在回龙山下。为祈县邑民居殷富,文运亨通,故名为文成塔。清康熙十九年(1680年)五月倒塌。乾隆三十七年(1772年)八月十三日在今址动工兴建,乾隆三十九年冬(1774年)竣工。文成塔是一座楼阁式古塔,塔身完整、塔身完整,古朴苍雄,向为文人墨客所驻足。文成塔为楼阁式,6面7层,层高5.8米,每面宽51米,青石基高O80。外径9 3米,内空直径4.6米,墙厚2.35米。通高41.4米-塔体用特制青砖浆砌而成,外粉白灰。底部在东北面开一园拱小门,门高2米,宽O.80。各层开三实门三虚门。塔内原有术制缭梯,今已废。塔门顶上嵌青石板上刻"文成塔"三个大字,左刻"乾隆壬辰年造"字样。计用砖24万块,25万斤,石5000,铁20__,积工1000余,合计费银8500两。今塔身完整,惟底部曾在抗日战期间被日寇飞机炸毁少许墙脚。



2 横街

























3 必姆镇




4 临湖




5 樟村镇









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 851 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 537 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 400 字

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春 季,湖岸山崖,野花竟放,充满生机。有很多游人在这个季节乘船来到这里泛舟、野餐。船从五虎岛往上行驶,不久可到“花砬子”。在松花湖沿岸有森林面积在21万公顷,其中有水曲柳、桦等天然林的红松、白松等人工林。山林中盛产人参、五味子等药材,还有山葡萄、榛子、蘑菇等特产。






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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 214 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 731 字

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黄龙名胜风景区位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州松潘县境内,为国家5A级旅游景区,已列入《世界遗产名录》。 景区由黄龙本部和牟尼沟两部份组成。

黄龙本部主要由黄龙沟、丹云峡、雪宝顶等景区构成,牟尼沟部分主要是扎嘎瀑布和二道海两个景区。 主要因佛门名刹黄龙寺而得名,以彩池、雪山、峡谷、森林“四绝”著称于世,是中国唯一的保护完好的高原湿地,这里山势如龙,又称“藏龙山”。这一地区还生存着许多濒临灭绝的动物,如大熊猫和四川疣鼻金丝猴。 黄龙以规模宏大、结构奇巧、色彩丰艳的地表钙华景观为主景。梯田般层层错落向上的彩池,映出奇幻的色彩,五光十色;浅滩上水流涌动,阳光照射,波光粼粼,晶莹透亮;水下铺垫着一层细细的浅黄色苔藓,涉足滩流,恍若进入瑶池仙境。

黄龙景区早以罕见的岩溶地貌蜚声中外。景区内整个山谷几乎全被乳黄色的碳酸钙质覆盖,从高外看去,宛若一条从岷山雪峰飞腾而下的黄龙,蜿蜒于茂林翠谷之中。千层碧水形成层层叠叠的梯状湖泊、池沼,如璞 玉,似牙雕。池水澄清无尘,水色因水底沉积物和树木、山色的千变万化,而呈黄、绿、浅蓝、蔚蓝等颜色,堪称人间仙境。 黄龙沟的彩池大小共有2300多个,沿沟谷向上,聚集成8群,每群各不相同,独具特色。 该区属高原温带亚寒带季风气候类型。气候特点是:湿润寒冷,一年中冬季漫 长,夏无几日,春秋相连。

?到达与离开:黄龙位于四川阿坝州,去往黄龙景区有飞机、客车、包车、自驾等多种交通方式。 整体上看,先到达成都或重庆,再转机至九黄机场,是较为快捷的途径。 黄龙景区可以与九寨沟景区一同游览,从九寨沟、松潘、川主寺包车前往也是常见的到达方式。 短途游客也可从成都自驾前往黄龙景区。 景区内有黄龙索道,乘坐索道可直接到达黄龙景区的精华景点,十分便利。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 654 字

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第一绝是天下第一巷: 位于天一巷景区,全长238.8米,两侧石壁高120—180余米,最宽处0.8米,最)窄处0.33米,可谓世界一线天绝景。20__年,崀山天一巷入选中国世界纪录协会世界第一巷,创造了世界之最。








范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:婚庆,全文共 468 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 833 字

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发祥晚唐扬名元明毓秀钟灵沧桑久历 ;

食货四方衣被天下商旅云集佳境重来 。












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