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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2327 字

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尊敬的各位考官!您好!我是考生 __X,我已经准备好了,可以开始了么!

各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到景德镇古窑民俗博览区参观游览。我是此次景德镇古窑民俗博览区的导游员小赵,我很荣幸陪同大家一起参观游览,下面将由我来为大家讲解景德镇古窑民俗 博览区。


景德镇,位于江西省东北部的低山、丘陵地带。这里山环水绕,制瓷资料充足,能工巧匠云集, 外销水运通畅。“水土宜陶”,是天然的产瓷区。

东晋开始设镇,名“新平”。唐代几易镇名。至景德元年(公元 1004 年),因当地的贡瓷倍受皇室青睐而改昌南镇为“景德镇”。至今,“景德镇”之名已沿用千年。



景德镇瓷器“白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”,自古以来,名扬天下。在琳琅满目的瓷器中,最为著名的青花瓷,青花玲珑瓷、颜色釉瓷、粉彩瓷被人们誉为“中华民族文化之精萃”、“瓷国之瑰 宝”。


青花瓷是我国陶瓷史上最优秀的瓷器品种之一,自创烧以来,一直都是景德镇瓷业的主流产品, 以致于历经近 800年而不衰。青花瓷的烧造成功,是我国陶瓷史上最具有划时代意义的事件,中国瓷 器从此进入了彩瓷时代,它使中国绘画技巧与制瓷工艺的结合更趋成熟。

青花瓷是一种以氧化钴为显色的配制颜料——“青花瓷”,在瓷坯上进行绘画装饰,再罩以透明釉,经高温一次烧成的釉下彩绘瓷器。其特点为黑色青翠,清新明丽,幽静雅致,具有中国水墨画的艺术效果。青花瓷整个器物,鲜丽的蓝色图案,与瓷胎青白相映,相得益彰,艳而不俗,鲜而不佻, 明朗而又安定,华丽而又沉着,艺术价值极高。



瓷 晶莹、幽雅的青花玲珑瓷,是景德镇传统名瓷,创烧于明代永乐年间。它既汲取了青花技术之特长,又采纳了镂雕艺术之妙法,具有轻巧致密,素雅清新的特点。外国人称其为“嵌玻璃的瓷器”,一 直以来誉满中外。




三丶颜色釉瓷颜色釉是一种以金属氧化物(铁、铜、锰、钴)为着色剂,在适当的气氛中经一定的温度烧成后,能够呈现了某种固有色彩的釉料。其釉面斑驳璀璨、呈色五彩缤纷,有的像洁白的云朵在蓝天飘游,有的像晶莹的露珠在草坪闪烁,有的像晶亮的星星在银河眨眼,有的像彤红的太阳在天边升腾,有的像碧澄的江水在静静奔流,有的像艳丽的宝石在熠熠闪光,有的像熊熊的烈火在炉膛 燃烧,有的像美丽的孔雀在翩翩开屏……


四丶粉彩瓷 粉彩属于釉上彩绘装饰。釉上彩绘是在已经烧成的瓷胎上进行绘画装饰,然后经过 800℃左右的低温烧烤,以使画面熔融后固化在瓷器表面的装饰技法。


雍正时期,景德镇瓷工又在康熙五彩的基础上,参照珐琅彩(清宫廷御用器彩料)的制作工艺,把含有氧化砷的玻璃料掺入含铅的彩料中,使彩料产生乳白色的效果,这种含砷的玻璃料被景德镇瓷工称为“玻璃白”。如果以康熙五彩为基础,在其彩料中加入玻璃白,使所有颜色都会“粉化”成不同深浅浓淡的色调,彩料的颜色都会变成带粉白的色调,如红色变成粉红色,绿色变成粉绿色等等。这些温润的中间色不仅能给人以粉润柔和的感受,而且扩大了釉上彩的色调范围,使色彩可以渲染,层次、深浅、阴阳分明,画法可以更加细致入微。由于它的特点就是带粉白色调,所以人们便称之为粉 彩,景德镇瓷工亦称之为“软彩”。

粉彩饰的特点是颜色明亮,粉润柔和,色彩丰富,绚丽雅致,绘画工笔,写意俱全,在人物、山水、花鸟等题材的装饰上具有很强的表现力,富有国画风格。粉彩瓷在雍正年间最负盛名,釉上彩瓷器到了这个时期,已经发展到了一个百花争艳的阶段,它标志着我国传统的釉上彩瓷器的发展达到了 极高的水平。

关于景德镇古窑民俗博览区的介绍就为大家讲到这里,现在大家可以自由参观一下,按照计划的 时间回到这里,祝大家玩得愉快。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9441 字

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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a bead sea tour, I am your guide DAVID.

Each visitor, hello, everyone, today my taking the tourist spot that everyone sight-sees is a sea spring gulf, arrive at bead sea, you can not go to romantic Chinese top-class ocean hot springs of romantic feeling and spend a holiday the city-sea spring gulf.

【The sea spring gulf spends a holiday city general situation 】

The sea spring gulf spends a holiday city to locate at to cover area 4.2 square kilometers in the bead gold gulf area in sea City, more than 50 kilometers apart from the city center, the plan invests 3,500,000,000 dollars, the Qing dint creates domestic top-class, the world is top-grade super large comprehensive sex tour spend a holiday city.The sea spring gulf spends a holiday a city head the period develop 1 square kilometer, it from mysterious island, ocean hot springs, spend a holiday a hotel, the dreamlike theater, medical check-up center and athletics exercise club to constitute.Is a trip to develop rich brocade China in Shenzhen after the success in Hong Kong, folk cultural village empress of another masterpiece.

Today our main route of travel BE, going first playing of mysterious island, mysterious island magic but movement the item will certainly let your intense emotion four shoot, the Hao feeling is full of, Chinese food after experience personally to possess south china sea and the natural ocean hot springs of first spring good reputation, let you to the utmost enjoy the romantic romantic feeling of ocean hot springs culture.Arrive sea spring after using up the dinner in Fisherman Warf the gulf spend a holiday the dream that the dreamlike theater of city watches a large song and dance evening party-the seaside, we will stay very sea spring gulf of enriching romantic feeling in Mediterranean to spend a holiday a hotel in the evening, hope that everyone can spend in the sea spring gulf wonderful but a day of romance.

【Mysterious peculiar mysterious island 】

The mysterious island is the topic paradise that the sea spring spends a holiday city and has personality and magic power most , it according to the coast line of natural daintiness, naturally natural lake noodles, skillfully play the high technology that the variety fascinatingly stimulate the equipments mutually blends with the whole building that spend a holiday style in city Mediterranean and constituted intense emotion four overflow of mysterious island area, wildly enthusiastic lucky big way area, the risky bush area of breathtaking incitement, mysterious strange and changeful pirate fortress area, the lake area of mermaid of dreamlike nursery tale sort and expand training camp and wait the structure and form of five the areas one camps.In the mysterious island, if you experience personally the best China and Asia possess fively play facilities, the first Asia situation full of peril, the first Asia E type chariot, the first in China flees for life a ship crazily, the first in China plays shoot type mine ride, China first set perpendicular extreme limit, so you will definitely acquire and unprecedentedly play and enjoy.

Mysterious island entrance

Is a mysterious island entrance here, gorgeous riotous of the small scaled tower building of color and thou the color thou joss-stick, the dockyard shape reappeared the living scene of soil Zhao residents of Caribbean.Get into view area, we will see lucky square and one by one in order spread to open of be full of various an exotic mood handicraft product store and eating place, people while choosing their own adoring merchandises, feel like walked to go into the mysterious world that a time and space converts.

Lucky big way area

Immediately after we step on a lucky big way, here of interact theater, listen to sound room etc. play item, will make you have a marvellous felling.Especially be you into to listen to sound room, the wood joss-stick of the Fang Xin makes you infatuate with, you will can not control feelings here of shut eyes, feel the sound of marvellous sounds of nature quietly.

Risky bush area

Arrive at risky bush area, it will make you make you feel an alternative incitement and experience.No matter is soon the mine ride that the extreme limit flies, still an extremely breathtaking situation full of peril, all full of biggest of challenge.

The world is the latest, the first China situation full of peril is like a big bird crane to sign by the side of the ocean and lets you has eager to have a try impulse.When you meticulously sit the first in China to play a shoot type mine ride, in a flash, it hurtles the high set of 34 meters by the speed of 91 kilometer per hours, at the time that you hadnt yet recovered from a fright, it camed to a perpendicular 360 degrees wreath again to turn, after wreath turns, the mine ride followed to tilt to one side orbit to turn round 270 degrees, through twice lose heavy, rushed at terminal point by camel hump circuit.

Because the orbit approaches a ground intentionally, the passengers speed feeling and shocking feeling is stronger, make the ambulation speed that the visitor feels faster than actual speed, short short 85, let you feel unprecedented incitement.

Here of mysterious theater, play India romantic feeling ballet every evening-happiness fairy, gorgeous consummate India dance, bring everyone of will be easy and happiness.

Mysterious island area

Step on a mysterious island, high towering sign at the mysterious island of the sea spring absolute being tower and perpendicular extreme limit of the center, the Zhe public is cold.Whenever the cope of night condescends to come, in the reflecting of blue light under the Chen, the sea spring absolute being tower is getting more magnificent, mysterious magnificent.If you didnt experience personally the extreme incitement of once perpendicular extreme limit and equaled dont come to mysterious island.

The Chinas first set has the perpendicular extreme limit biggest acceleration of dual function to reach to 72.4 meters per hour, Gao Tai Rang who rise 60 meters feels at the same time that losing is heavy and the incitement of excess.Suddenly the body is perpendicular get down, let you brains blank, moment the experience throw but the whole annoyance, thoroughly clean depressive extreme pleasant sensation, enjoy extreme limit madness.

Pirate fortress area

Get into pirate fortress area, the mysterious peculiar feeling then rushes toward noodles since then.One E type chariot is most well worth playing and flees for life a ship crazily here.If that kind of fall to a precipice, the felling of extremely breathtaking incitement, only scream then acclaim can smooth.

The lake area of mermaid

Arriving at the lake area of mermaid is a peculiar water world here.The ocean cartoon of color and amiability that is riotous is the topic of the lake area of mermaid.It is the childrens nursery tale Kingdom.Here, the visitors who take a kid can let your darling child play frog jump and turn a horse, peculiar eddy etc. plays item.

Expand training camp

The mysterious island still has sea spring gulf to expand training camp.It is the topic type that China founds to expand training camp and make the importance of sea spring gulf constitute part.It integrated a hot springs, hotel, resourceses like Fisherman Warf,etc, created the new mode that comprehensive sex experience trains.Its air break bridge, the air concusses bridge, air only wooden bridge, the trust back falls off, rock climb wall, graduate wall etc. enriches of the training item is that you throw but vex and release the ideal choice of pressure.

【The romantic romantic feeling of ocean hot springs 】

The ocean hot springs covers more than 40,000 square meters, the head expects to always invest Y 170,000,000.Ocean hot springs is make use of 83 degrees of rich contain a variety to be advantageous to a human body of mineral of health and the bottom of sea hot springs of the trace element water with meticulous care create of take a bath recreational district.Our country famous medical mineral spring experts professor Chen Yan Bing calls it as south china sea and first spring.According to taking a bath way and design method, ocean hot springs taking a bath to construct is full of the foreign country romantic feeling of romantic sentimental appeal.

The ocean hot springs is managed by three greatest sections, the hot springs department collects world-wide locations hot springs cultural essence;There is luxurious comfortable rest hall in the health care department, the facilities forerunners spa hydrotherapy, various health care massages, the Chinese medicine nurse and treat and only enjoy sovereign luxurious suite etc. of dignifying the personal space.There are Chinese and western restaurants in the dining department, with produce the Chinese and Foreign delicacies of healthy health for lord.

The hot springs department is mainly amused area by the Lan sea area, Europe breeze area, eastern area, outdoor hot springs area and bathing to constitute.

Lan sea area

The spa hydrotherapy facilities of the area adoptions forerunner, the falling of x-rated stairs and 2.5 meters are bad, constituted the special structure and form that three springs fold sea.The jet here type water power massages a public baths, the strong dint sprays water afloat public baths, hurtle to shoot water power massage a public baths etc. meeting will you whole body of exhausted get rid of almost exhausted.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4657 字

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Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!

Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River.

At first I’ll have a brief introduction of Yangtze River, the Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World —Qinghai—Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River, next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.

When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of natures most fantastic sights. The Three Gorges———Qutang, wuxia and xiling————start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest.

Qutang Gorge is the smallest and shortest Gorge, but grandest of the three. The Yangtze River, mighty and rapid here is suddenly contained like a thousand seas poured into one cup, as the Song Dynasty poet SU Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins of their crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts, but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period (475bc————221BC)

Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along which the river snakes between based strange—shaped mountain peaks, each of which has a reputation based on a beautiful legend. The story of the 12 Peaks of Wushan goes like this: 12 nymphs once descended to enjoy themselves in the secular world. Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was, they decided to stay there to protect ships. As time went by, they transformed themselves into 12 peaks. The Goddess Peak, the most graceful of the 12, is said to have been yaoji, the youngest daughter of the Queen mother of the Western Heaven .Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the northern bank to be the first to greet the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell, hence its another name, Viewing the glow Peak. Seen at a distance, it resembles the silhouette of a beautiful young lady.

Down stream from the zigzagging Wuxia Gorge is Xiling Gorge which stretches 78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over 900 meters. Xiling Gorge is awesome with its dangerous rapids, shoals, reefs, sharp turns, billowy whirlpools. The water at one point is so turbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season. Xiling Gorge in the east consists of several small gorges. On the top of another is a rock that looks like a sword. On the crag of the north bank are two pieces of brown rock, which are named Bulls Liver and Horse Lung, whose shape they take. Next does the Lantern Shadow Gorge, which has four rocks, resemble Monk Xuan Zang and his three disciples———Monkey, Piggy and Sandy in the classic Chinese adventures of the four on their way to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

Around the last bend of Xiling Gorge stretches a vast plain. The river suddenly becomes wide here. Travelers on the Yangtze cruise may also visit many sites of historical and scenic interest along the river banks including the ruined of baidi Town and Precious Stone Village.

Everyone knows that the Yangtze Gorges are changing since the well—known Three Gorges Dam Project is being built at Sabdouping, Yichang, Hubei Province. The dam is 181 meters in height. Its construction investment comes up to 203.9 billion rmb, equals to 24.65 billion U.S. dollars. The installed power generation capacity is expected to be 18.2 million kilo watts. With the dam built, the flood in the Yangtze River valley will be controlled, navigation improved besides the economic benefits. Tourism will be little affected. Many cultural and historical relics are now being removed to a higher ground before the rise of the water level approaches.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has gone very quickly and your trip is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you cannot stay here any longer. Please allow me, then, take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and if you come back in the future, I hope to see you again and be your guide again.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1224 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10289 字

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Dear ladies and gentlemen, today, we are going to visit the Qin army toiletMuseum. Qinbing toilet museum is located 35 kilometers east of Youan city. Ittakes about 50 minutes to get there by car from Sheraton Hotel. Since itsopening on October 1, 1979, the museum has been visited by Party and governmentleaders of many countries, and millions of Chinese and foreign tourists havecome to visit this human miracle. French President Jacques Chirac once said:"the discovery of Qin Bing Ma Bai, the original seven wonders in the world, canbe said to be the eighth miracle. If you dont look at the pyramids, you dontreally have been to Egypt. "If you dont look at the Qin servants, you dontreally have been to China." Former vice president Mundell also said, "this is areal miracle. People all over the world should go there and have a look. " Fromthese highly concise words, we can easily see the historical and artistic valueof Qin Yong. Next, Id like to introduce the first emperor of the case, ahistorical giant who has made great achievements for a generation, so that youcan have a more detailed understanding of the first emperor of the casesmilitary toilet and its related history. When talking about the toilet, we mustfirst introduce the head politics. In 259 BC, a great man named Yingzheng wasborn. At the age of 13, after his father died, he inherited the throne.According to Thai practice, the king was not able to take power until he was 22years old and had a coronation ceremony. At that time, the power of the state ofQin was still in the hands of the empress dowager, the prime minister LV Buwei,and the eunuch muxiu (1606i). Unusual is Luo Zhen. Holding power, hot, he sawWangai gradually grow up, then plot rebellion and seize power. In 238 BC,22-year-old Ying Zheng went to the new year palace in Yongcheng, the formercapital, to hold a coronation ceremony. The fallacy lies in

On the way back to Xianyang from barnian palace, he buried an ambush tokill Yingzheng. When Ying Zheng noticed this, he defeated the helmet with hissuperior forces, captured him alive and killed him by splitting the car. AfterYing Zhengqin, he exiled RI Buwei in the name of LV Buweis indulgence inmarrying Liang. After that, LV Buwei drank poison and sprinkled it to death.

In this way, Yingzheng successfully eliminated the two hostile forceswithin the regime and consolidated its position. In order to further consolidatethe power of the monarch, Huizheng selected a group of elite generals, such asWei Liao, who was in charge of military affairs, and Li Si, who was in charge ofEurope. After that, Yingzheng formulated the policy of making long-distance andshort-range attacks, alienating foreign enemies, and breaking through eachother, and began to unify China, ending the chaotic situation of more than 500years since the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. From 230B.C. to 221 B.C., in less than 10 years, Thailand destroyed six countries,finally completed the great cause of reunification, and established the firstcentralized feudal state, which laid the foundation for the rapid development offeudal societys economy, politics, ideology and culture. This once again showsthe great talent of Yingzheng.

Yingzheng called himself the first emperor because he expected hisdescendants to pass on the regime he founded from generation to generation. Tothis end, he reorganized the bureaucracy. First, he was responsible for all theofficials from the central government to the local government; second, heabolished the enfeoffment system and implemented the county system. Third, QinShihuang also unified laws, characters, currency, weights and measures, etc.These measures greatly promoted the development of politics, economy and culturein feudal society. In addition, he also expropriated labor and extensively builtroads to facilitate transportation and economic and cultural exchanges. Heconnected the Great Wall built by Qin, Zhao and Yan during the Warring Statesperiod, and then extended it to form the Great Wall from Lintiao in GansuProvince in the west to Yinshi in Liaodong Province in the East, whicheffectively curbed the harassment of the nomadic tribes of TJB to the court.Most Chinese emperors built huge and luxurious mausoleums for themselves. Onthis point, the first emperor of the case is no exception. When he ascended thethrone at the age of 13, he ordered the construction of a mausoleum for him.Although eroded by wind, rain and man-made destruction, this huge mausoleum witha height of 120 meters and a circumference of more than 20__ meters is still 76meters high and 400 meters long. The first emperor of the case reduced thecapital Weiyang to his own mausoleum, and its layout is almost the same. Thenorthwest of the inner city of the cemetery is the Xiandian building area, thedepression in the northeast of the cemetery is the fish pond for memorial, thenorthwest corner of the outer city of the cemetery is the stone processingplant, and the outer city of the west of the cemetery is a large cemetery.According to historical records, the total population of the Qin Dynasty wasabout 20 million, and the number of strong men was 7 million. When the mausoleumwas built, the number of strong men reached 700000 at most, which shows thevastness of the project. The mausoleum of the first emperor of the case is likea huge underground palace, which is really an underground "paradise of goodfortune". There is astronomy on the roof of the tomb

In the constellation chart, t is made up of all kinds of bright jewelry,with Wuyue, Jiuzhou and rivers and lakes made up of mechanically driven mercurybelow. In addition, there is no hall for officials to worship the first emperor.In order to prevent stealing power, there are automatic bows and arrows on thedoor of each tomb. The whole mausoleum can be said to be a magnificent, solidunderground crown. The first emperor of the case also moved everything heenjoyed underground for him to enjoy in another world. He did not even let go ofthe maids who had never given birth and the craftsmen who worked hard to buildthe underground mausoleum. He ordered that all these people should be buriedalive when others were in danger, so that the maids would not marry others andthe secrets inside the mausoleum would not be revealed.

At the moment, what we are dealing with is No.1 pit of qinbaiguan, which iscalled "the eighth wonder of the world" of Qins toilet. In order to deal withthe huge military array, you must have the following questions in your mind: Howdid these Qin maids find out? 7 Why did they look different? 7 Why did they makethese chants? How many hundred of them are in pits 1, 2 and 3. OK, now I willanswer your questions. These chants were discovered by Xiyang Caiqu farmers inthe process of drilling wells in March 1974. According to the old people in thevillage, Qin Xiang was found there as early as the Ming Dynasty. One day, therefugees in the village ordered a well in the outer space of the village. Thewater in the well was very clear and gratifying. But the next day, they foundthat the water at the bottom of the well was gone. The audacious of them tied arope around their waist and went down to check. After a while, a scream camefrom the well, and the people on the top pulled the people up. The man said hesaw a standing monster in armor. He reached for him. The listeners were veryafraid and wanted to fill the well with soil as soon as possible. But theyfinally decided to report it to the cultural relics department. After theexploration and identification of archaeological experts, pits T, 2 and 3 in theqintiao museum were identified as the accompanying burial pits of the firstemperor of the case. From 1974 to 1979, after five years of hard work, amagnificent building with scientific structure was erected on the site of Pit 1.This is Pit 1 of the Subing toilet, which was opened to tourists at home andabroad in October 1979. Pit 3 was opened to the public on September 27, 1989,world tourism day. Now, on the site of Pit 2, a marble building has beencompleted. It began to receive tourists in November 1994. Since then, all threepoking pits have been protected

Buildings, no longer subject to wind, sun and rain. For visitors to watch,nostalgic at the same time, archaeologists are still there to continue toexcavate the toilet. According to the survey, No. 1 pit is 330m long from eastto west, 62m wide from north to South and covers an area of 14260m2. At theeasternmost end of Dongkeng, there are 3gf warriors facing east, 7 in each row,with a total of 210 pokes. They are the vanguard of the army. Behind thevanguard is the main body of the army. They are divided into 38 columns,standing in 11 tunnels. Each tunnel is paved with green bricks, and there is acolumn every 2 meters on both sides of the tunnel. The columns support thewooden roof, which is covered with woven "herringbone" mats. The mats arecovered with soil. The whole tunnel is 5 meters deep from the surface. Inaddition, on the south, North and west sides of the tunnel, there are a line ofwarriors facing outward. They are the right wing, left wing and guard of thearmy. At the moment, more than 1000 pottery barrels have been unearthed from Pit1. According to the campaign, more than 6000 military toilets will be unearthedin Pit 1 after all excavation. Its pit 2, which opened in November 1994. It isa square array of chariots, cavalry and infantry. It is estimated that more than1000 soldiers and Dong, and more than 500 chariots, horses and pommel horses canbe unearthed. Pit 2 covers an area of 6000 square meters. Its east part is asmall square array with 6334 curved barrels. In the south of pit No.2, there are64 chariots forming a Na square array, each row has 8 chariots, a total of 8Fei; in the middle, there are 19 chariots and unarmed soldiers with chariots; inthe north, there are chariots and cavalry. In the north is a cavalry formationcomposed of 6 chariots, 124 pommel horses and 124 cavalry. Now, we come to pit3, which is 25 meters west of Pit 2. The pit was discovered in 1976. It isconcave shape, covering an area of 520 square meters. stay

In Pit 3, archaeologists found only one chariot and 64 Samurai stabs. Theystand opposite each other, holding the weapon man (SH6).



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Dear tourists, how are you? Im your guide. You can call me Liu Dao. Whatwere going to visit today is the temple of heaven, the place where the emperorworshiped heaven.

Emperor Yongle of the Ming dynasty built the altar for heaven worship inthe south of Beijing, imitating the Great Hall of worship in Nanjing. The mainbuilding is the Great Hall of worship, which is the location of todays Hall ofpraying for new year. The temple of heaven has outer wall and inner wall. It isround in the north and square in the south.

Now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. Whatwe are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar where the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. There are two enclosure walls in the round hill,which make the outside square and the inside round, in line with the statementthat the sky is round and the place is round. What needs to be mentioned inparticular is that the place where the emperor stood was the Tianxin stone inthe center of the mesa. He is one of the three acoustic phenomena in the templeof heaven. When reading aloud here, the voice is particularly loud, and now itsthe same here. You tourists may as well experience the strange effect, and likethe emperor of that year, tell God your good wishes.

As you may have noticed just now, there are many cypress trees in thetemple of heaven. Yes, its like a natural oxygen bar in Beijing. Among theseancient cypresses, there is a cypress over 500 years old, which is the ninedragon cypress outside the west wall of echo wall. Its trunk texture is verystrange, full of ravines, and twisted, like nine dragons winding around playing,so it is not too much to call it Jiulong cypress. Please dont climb trees. Payattention to your words and deeds. This is a sacred place. We should keep aquiet mind,

After liberation, the temple of heaven has not only become a famous touristattraction, but also an integral part of Beijings urban green space. Not onlytourists come here, but also some elderly people who are specially for physicalfitness.

Todays tour is over. I hope this tour can make you remember and leave adeep memory in your heart.

I hope you will come again next time.



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Welcome to Shaoxing Lu Xun Memorial Hall. Shaoxing is a famous historicaland cultural city with outstanding people and brilliant stars since ancienttimes. Lu Xun, a great modern Chinese writer, thinker and revolutionist, is oneof the outstanding representatives. Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, wasborn on September 25, 1881 in a dilapidated family of feudal literati andbureaucrats in the capital of Shaoxing. He started at the age of 7 and studiedin Sanwei bookstore at the age of 12. When he was 13 years old, his grandfatherwas jailed for bribery in the imperial examination. His father, Zhou Boyi, fellill and suffered a lot from the decline of his family. When Lu Xun was 18 yearsold, he resolutely "took a different road, fled to other places, and went toNanjing and Japan to study. After returning to China in the summer of 1909, hesuccessively engaged in teaching and literary creation in Hangzhou, Shaoxing,Beijing, Xiamen, Guangzhou and Shanghai. On October 19, 1936, he died of illnessat his home in Shanghai new village. He was 56 years old.

Lu Xun spent more than one third of his life in Shaoxing. He not only spenthis childhood and adolescence in his hometown, but also carried out his earlyteaching practice, literary creation and social revolutionary activities. Thelife experience of his hometown not only has a great influence on hisideological development, but also is an important source of his literarycreation. Today, we are going to follow the footsteps of this great man andvisit his hometown.

Now we come to Lu Xuns birthplace - Lu Xuns former residence. Lu Xunsformer residence is located at the west head of the Zhoujia new gate at theentrance of Duchang Fangkou. The new gate of the Zhou family is the place wherethe Zhou family has lived for many years. It was built in the Jiaqing period ofthe Qing Dynasty, facing south from the north, with green tiles, pink walls,brick and wood structure. It is a typical deep courtyard in the south of theYangtze River. In 1918, the house, together with the herb garden behind it, wassold to Zhu, a neighbor in the East. After the change of ownership, most of theoriginal houses have been demolished and rebuilt, but the main part of Lu Xunsformer residence is fortunately preserved, so today we are lucky to see theoriginal Lu Xuns former residence.

These two black stone storehouse gates were originally the side gates ofZhou Jiaxins gate, where Lu Xuns family went in and out.

This ordinary mud flat house is the place where Lu Xuns family used toplace vehicles. As we all know, Shaoxing is known as "Venice of the East".Therefore, most families are equipped with water transportation. The two talloars are used on big ships, while the two small oars are used on black canopies.Sedan chair is a means of land transportation, among which the sedan bar is theoriginal of Lu Xuns family.

From the right door, through the corridor, to the "sweet scented osmanthushall". Mingtang is commonly known as Tianjing in Shaoxing. There used to be twolush osmanthus plants planted here, hence the name of Osmanthus Mingtang. WhenLu Xun was a child, he used to lie on a small table under the osmanthus tree insummer to enjoy the cool. His stepgrandmother Jiang, while shaking a banana fan,played riddles for Lu Xun and told stories such as "cat is the master of thetiger" and "water overflows the Golden Mountain". Lu Xun was influenced by folkliterature since childhood and provided rich materials for his later literarycreation. Later, he had vivid memories in his articles such as dog, cat, mouseand on the collapse of Leifeng Pagoda.

Through the sweet scented osmanthus hall, you come to Lu Xuns bedroom. Inthe summer of 1909, Lu Xun returned to his hometown from Hangzhou after studyingin Japan. He successively held teaching posts in Shaoxing Fuzhong school andShanhui Junior Normal School. This bedroom was his bedroom and study when he wasteaching in Shao. Lu Xun often prepared lessons and wrote late into the night.His first classical Chinese novel nostalgia was written here. The iron pearwooden bed on display in the bedroom is the original of that year.

Through the slate patio, facing is the well preserved two floors and twobottoms of Lu Xuns former residence. The first half of Dongshou is the mainplace for Lu Xuns family to eat and meet guests. Shaoxing is commonly known as"xiaotangqian". When Lu Xun was a teacher in Shaoxing, he often receivedvisiting friends and students here. The leather chair in the upper right cornerof the living room was used by Lu Xuns father. Lu Xuns father was dismissed asa scholar after his grandfather Zhou Fuqings cheating on dance in the imperialexamination hall. He was depressed and depressed. After that, he was so sickthat he was mistaken by a quack doctor that he died at the age of 36. From thenon, Lu Xuns family fell into predicament from a well-off family. After a seriesof family changes, young Lu Xun suffered from the coldness and coldness of theworld. He saw the degeneration and ugliness of the upper class society, whichhad a great impact on his thought and embarked on the road of seeking truth.

Separated from the living room is Lu Xuns mothers room. The Eight Leggedbed in the south is the original one that Lu Xuns mother, Lu Rui, had slept in.The little bed in the East is the bed that Lu Xuns brother ZHOU Jianren used tosleep in.

On the table by the window are displayed the things that Lu Xuns motherused to do needlework. Lu Rui, Lu Xuns mother, was born in anqiaotou, Shaoxing.She was kind and resolute. She was able to read books through self-study. Lu Xunadmired his mother and once said, "if my mother is 20 or 30 years younger, shemay become a heroine." Luri is indeed an extraordinary mother. Her three sonsare known as "the three heroes of the Zhou family" in the modern literaryworld.

To the west of the small hall is Lu Xuns stepgrandmother Jiangs bedroom.Lu Xun was deeply impressed by the stepgrandmother, who was cheerful andhumorous, and often told stories and riddles to his nephews andgrandchildren.

A patio away from Luruis bedroom is the kitchen where Lu Xuns familycooks and cooks. In front of the kitchen, the "three eye stove" used by the oldrich family in Shaoxing was restored according to the memories of the peopleconcerned. Pictures and words praying for blessings and avoiding evil spiritswere painted on the walls of the stove. The kitchen cover on the north wall wasmade by Zhang Fuqing, the "busy month" of Lu Xuns family. Zhang Fuqingsometimes brought his son to carry water for help, and became a close friendwith Lu Xun. Lu Xun and Yunshui met for the first time in this kitchen. "Purpleround face, wearing a small felt hat and a bright silver collar around hisneck", it was this water transportation that made Lu Xun realize a strange worldthat he could not see in books. In 1921, when Lu Xun wrote his novel hometown,he took water transportation as a model and created the vivid artistic image of"leap soil".

The three rooms in the back are where Lu Xuns family stores rice and farmtools. The one on the right is Zhang Fuqings residence. In the middle is thecorridor leading to BaiCaoYuan.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we can see that this garden is the famous"BaiCaoYuan". Although the name of BaiCaoYuan is elegant, it is actually anordinary vegetable garden. It was a deserted vegetable garden shared by morethan a dozen families in xintaimen at that time. Usually, some melons andvegetables were planted for drying rice in autumn. In his childhood, Lu Xunoften played with his friends in the herb garden, enjoying the cool in the shadeof trees in summer and catching crickets in the mud wall in autumn. In winter,we catch birds in the snow. As for BaiCaoYuan, Lu Xun once described it vividlyin his famous prose from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore. In the article, hewrote with infinite affection: "it is not necessary to say the green vegetablebeds.

Smooth stone well fence, tall acacia tree, purple mulberry Just around theshort mud wall, there is infinite interest. " What we see now is the landscapein Lu Xuns works. When Lu Xun was 12 years old, his family sent him to Sanweibookstore to study. He had to say goodbye to his crickets, raspberries andMulian, and went to the most severe private school in the city to study. Nowlets say goodbye to everything here and follow Lu Xuns article from BaiCaoYuanto Sanwei bookstore.

From Lu Xuns former residence, walking hundreds of steps to the East,walking south through a stone bridge, and entering through a black paintedbamboo silk door, you will arrive at Sanwei bookstore, where Lu Xun studied inhis youth. Sanwei bookstore is a famous private school in Shaoxing City in thelate Qing Dynasty. It used to be the study of Shou family. Lu Xun began to studyhere at the age of 12. His five-year study career benefited him a lot,accumulated rich cultural knowledge, and laid a very solid foundation for hisfuture literary creation.

The plaque of "Sanwei bookstore" is hanging in the middle of the library,and there is a pair of clasps on both sides of the pillars: "music is silent,filial piety is the only thing; Taitang flavor is poetry." They were all writtenby Liang Tongshu, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. What is "threeflavors?" according to Mr. Shou Jingwus son: "reading classics tastes likerice, reading history tastes like food, and a hundred schools of thought tastelike vinegar." Among them, acyl is condiment. There is a picture of pine anddeer hanging under the plaque. Every day, students should salute the plaque andthe picture before they start reading.



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Good friends! Now, here we are the famous three gorges of Yangtze river, the three gorges between chongqing and hubei province is located in the upper stream of Yangtze river, is the floorboard of the qutang gorge, wu gorge and xiling. But the scenery here, the grand risk but do not break elegant beautiful zhuang, is a good place for leisure.

The total length of two hundred km, everybody look at both sides is the continuous mountains, mountain without any gap, like a green dragon. Here the mountain towering, canopy, lock the sky became a tape. But for now is noon, even the sun was visible!

Of the three gorges project is a "scene". All the year round, the place has a vastly different beauty waiting for you to enjoy. In the summer, and the waters prevailed here, fast-flowing, is a bold and unrestrained beauty. But for safety reasons, or be a little careful. Autumn, is a kind of sad beauty, each with a frost in the morning, have an ape that has turned the noise, real tear-jerker.

If you are a like quiet beauty, really come to the right time! Spring day like today, showed the quiet beauty of the three gorges. Here is like snow jet and green deep pools, the cyclotron to west also reflected the shadow of everything in the world, visitors can explore in turn head to see, here, it has reflected the sun! On you on both sides of the mountain, with a lot of strange pine, interesting. Now, in front of us is on both sides of the waterfall. This water torrents agitation is cultured and shoot the aesthetic feeling, well, as the ship, we enjoy clear water show, the beauty of the mountain grass sheng!

Happy time always passed quickly, we are thats the end of the trip. May this trip to the three gorges can leave a good memories in your heart, goodbye!



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Hello! Hello, I am a lollipop travel guide, my name is Lou, where the name,we call it my house! We are going to travel on the Great Wall today. I hope youwill have a good time with me.Beijing the Badaling Great Wall, the MutianyuGreat Wall, the Great Wall, the Great Wall Juyongguan, Simatai the Great Wall,today, we are going to climb the Great Wall juyongguan.

Juyongguan the Great Wall perimeter 4000 meters, this is just part of thethe Great Wall! The Great Wall east of Shanhaiguan, west of Jiayuguan, more than13000. According to legend, the emperor built the the Great Wall, the prisoners,soldiers and forced to turn to move on after this, "Ju Yong believers", namedjuyongguan. Because it is next to the lush mountains of trees, Yamahanabrilliant, magnificent scenery, so we called it the "green pass".

We first went to "the best in all the land, this is a piece of" stone,engraved with the words, "the best in all the land" China two ", one of the bestin all the land" is the focus of Jiayuguan the Great Wall, the other isJuyongguan, Juyongguan not originally ", because it is the best in all the land"section of the Great Wall is a gateway very important, so was also known as "thebest in all the land", interested visitors can take a picture, but please hurry,Ill be climbing in the Great Wall.

Keep up with you, climb the Great Wall and dont drop the queue. The GreatWall is very steepy and safe. You see, the uneven wall called battlements, aboveetc.look-mouth and nozzle, for watching and shooting. Do you see those cities?Is his fortress, when the war, soldiers can do harm to the temporary treatmenton the inside.

Next, we came to the city of Chinese Taiwan, you can go to visit the city of Chinese Taiwanzhunbing ancient note, dont Scribble, but the ancient historical relics!

Come on, top! Its cool and comfortable. Why is the Great Wall broken?Because of the obstruction of the mountains and rivers, everyone breaks, andthey meet in half an hour.

This is the end of this journey. I hope that after listening to myexplanation, we have a better understanding of the the Great Wall. Goodbye!



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Songshan Mountain, located in Dengfeng City, Henan Province, is one of theworld-famous five mountains of China (Taishan Mountain in Shandong, HuashanMountain in Shaanxi, Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi and Hengshan Mountain inHunan). Songshan scenic spot has 36 peaks, stretching for 60 kilometers, mainlycomposed of Taishi mountain and Shaoshi mountain. The highest peak is 1494meters above sea level.

There are more than 270 human landscapes in Songshan scenic area, includingten temples, five temples, five palaces, two temples, four nunneries, fourcaves, three altars and pagodas. It is a historical gathering place of Buddhism,Confucianism and Taoism. The world-famous Shaolin Temple is hidden in the armsof Mount Song. These rich cultural landscapes and rare geological relics reflecteach other, forming a three-dimensional, multi-level and multi-functionalcharming landscape of Songshan Geopark.

Songshan World Geopark is located in Dengfeng City, Henan Province, with atotal area of 450 square kilometers. The main types of geological relics are thecomponents of Geology (including structure). The main geological landscapesinclude the unique weathered and corroded structure and the limestone karstlandscape.

The Songshan Mountain is located in the southern margin of the North Chinaancient land. Within the scope of the park, the strata of Archean, Proterozoic,Cenozoic and Cenozoic geological historical periods in the past 3.5 billionyears are continuously and completely exposed. The stratigraphic sequence isclear and the structural features are typical. It is called "five generations inone hall" by the geological circles. It is a complete stone book of earthhistory.

Yuzhai mountain, Junji mountain, wazhiling mountain and Jianshan mountainin the main peak area of Songshan Mountain are mostly composed of quartzite. Inaddition to the tectonic movement, the peaks rise up to the earth, with steepand beautiful walls. The peculiar peaks and valleys are all over the area,forming a unique terrain and landform.

There are eight nationalities living in the park, including Han, Hui, Pumi,Bai, Yi, Miao, Uygur and Mongolia, forming a multi-ethnic family. On thefestival days of ethnic minorities, the local government and the Han compatriotscelebrate with them to fully display their national customs, customs, customsand other national cultures, and enjoy the customs and fun of ethnicminorities.

There are many scenic spots and historical relics in the scenic area. Inthe world-famous Shaolin Temple, Shaolin monks practice qigong and Shaolin KungFu (martial arts). Besides Shaolin Temple, there are many other temples, such asZhongyue temple, also known as "Little Palace"; Fawang temple and Huishantemple, two of the oldest existing temples in China; and two of the oldest andbest preserved observatories in China.

There are also a large number of stone inscriptions in Songshan, totalingmore than 20__, composed of famous calligraphers Yan Zhenqing, Su Dongpo, HuangTingjian and Mi Fu.

The world-famous Shaolin Temple is located at the West foot of SongshanMountain, 100 kilometers southwest of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province.It is not only an important Buddhist holy land in China, but also a trainingcenter for ancient Chinese Kung Fu.

Shaolin Temple was founded in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern WeiDynasty (495). It was built by Yuan Hong, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern WeiDynasty, for the purpose of setting up batuoluoji, an Indian monk, to preach. In537 ad, another Indian monk named Bodhidharma came here. It is said that hecreated a set of simple unarmed fighting rules on the basis of Batas creation,which is called "Xingyiquan". He once faced the wall in the stone cave on wurupeak behind the chariot of Shaolin for nine years.

This is the origin of Shaolin Kung Fu. At the beginning of the 7th century,a small army of 13 Shaolin monks was famous for defeating the whole army of theSui Dynasty and rescuing the later Tang Emperor Li Shimin from prison. After Liascended the throne, he granted a great reward to a temple in Shaolin. He gave athousand hectares of land and a water mill. The monks who took part in the waralso had their own rewards. Shaolin Temple has been famous all over the worldsince then, known as "the most famous temple in the world", and has also becomea national training center for kung fu masters. In its heyday, there were morethan 3000 monks stationed here.

As Shaolin Temple has always been the center of rebel activities, it wasburned three times, the most serious of which was in 1938. A fire burned formore than 40 days, burning almost all the classical literature and records inthe temple.

Today, there are many pavilions and halls in Shaolin Temple, covering anarea of about 4047 hectares. The most interesting historical relics are themurals in the East Hall, depicting groups of monks practicing kung fu.

When you come to the gate of Shaolin Temple, you can see the plaque ofShaolin Temple hanging on the gate. It was written by Emperor Kangxi of QingDynasty.

In addition, the "talin" at the foot of the mountain to the west of ShaolinTemple is the burial ground of the monks who presided over Shaolin Temple in thepast dynasties since the Tang Dynasty, about 250, which is the most populargroup of talins in China.



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forbidden city(紫禁城)

(in front of the meridian gate)

ladies and gentlemen:

i am pleased to serve as your guide today.

this is the palace museum; also know as the purple forbidden city. it is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in china today. under ming emperor yongle, construction began in 1406. it took 14years to build the forbidden city. the first ruler who actually lived here was ming emperor zhudi. for five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when qing emperor puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .in 1987, the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization recognized the forbidden city was a world cultural legacy.

it is believed that the palace museum, or zi jin cheng (purple forbidden city), got its name from astronomy folklore, the ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the ziwei yuan(north star). the constellation containing the north star was called the constellation of heavenly god and star itself was called the purple palace. because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. in folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, laozi, to the hanghu pass. here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. the word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people.

the red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic. red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. yellow is the color of the earth on the loess plateau, the original home of the chinese people. yellow became an imperial color during the tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.

the forbidden city is rectangular in shape. it is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west. it has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters .a 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex. octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall. there are four entrances into the city: the meridian gate to the south, the shenwu gate(gate of military prowess) to the north, and the xihua gate(gate of military prowess) to the north, and the xihua gate(western flowery gate )to the west ,the donghua (eastern flowery gate) to the east.

manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the forbidden city. a total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed. marble was quarried from fangshan country mount pan in jixian county in hebei province. granite was quarried in quyang county in hebei province. paving blocks were fired in kilns in suzhou in southern china. bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in shandong province .timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions.

the structure in front of us is the meridian gate. it is the main entrance to the forbidden city. it is also knows as wufenglou(five-phoenix tower). ming emperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the chinese lunar year in hornor of their counties .they also used this place for punishing officals by flogging them with sticks.

qing emperors used this building to announce the beginning of the new year. qing emperor qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremony from ban li(announcement of calendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon )to avoid coincidental association with another emperor` s name, hongli, which was considered a taboo at that time. qing dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience and for other important ceremonies. for example,when the imperial army returned victoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the emperor presided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war.

(after entering the meridian gate and standing in front of the five marble bridges on golden water river)

now we are inside the forbidden city.before we start our tour, i would like to briefly introduce you to the architectural patterns befour us .to complete this solemn, magnificent and palatial complex, a variety of buildings were arranged on a north-south axis, and 8-kilometer-long invisible line that has become an inseparable part of the city of beijing. the forbidden city covers roughly one –third of this central axis. most of the important building in the forbidden city weree arranged along this line. the design and arrangement of the palaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal court and rigidly –stratified feudal system.

the forbidden city is divided into an outer and an inner count.we are now standing on the southernmost part of the outer count. in front of us lies the gate of supreme harmony .the gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions ,symbolizing imperial power and dignity. the lions were the most exquisite and biggest of its kind. the one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ball is said to represent state unity. the other one is a female. underneath one of its fore claws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperial succession. the winding brook before us is the golden water river. it functions both as decoration and fire control .the five bridges spanning the river represent the five virtues preached by confucius :benevolence, righteousness, rites, intellence and fidelity. the river takes the shape of a bow and the north-south axis is its arrow. this was meant to show that the emperors ruled the country on behalf of god.

(in front of the gate of supreme harmony)

the forbidden city consists of an outer countyard and an inner enclosure. the out count yard covers a vast space lying between the meridian gate and the gate of heavenly purity. the “three big halls” of supreme harmony, complete harmony and preserving harmony constitute the center of this building group. flanking them in bilateral symmetry are two groups of palaces: wenhua (prominent scholars) and wuying (brave warriors) . the three great halls are built on a spacious “h”-shaped, 8-meter-high, triple marble terrace, each level of the triple terrace is taller than the on below and all are encircled by marble balustrades carved with dragon and phoenix designs. there are three carved stone staircases linking the three architectures .the hall of supreme harmony is also the tallest and most exquisite ancient wooden-structured mansion in all of china. from the palace of heavenly purith northward is what is known as the inner court, which is also built in bilaterally symmetrical patterns. in the center are the palace of heavenly purity, the hall of union and peace and palace of earthly tranquility, a place where the emperors lived with their families and attended to state affairs. flanking these structures are palaces and halls in which concubines and princes lived. there are also three botanical gardens within the inner count, namely, the imperial garden, caning garden and quailing garden. an inner golden water river flows eastwardly within the inner court. the brook winds through three minor halls or palaces and leads out of the forbidden city. it is spanned by the white jade bridge. the river is lined with winding, marble –carved balustrades. most of the structures within the forbidden city have yellow glazed tile roofs.

aside from giving prominence to the north-south axis, other architectural methods were applied to make every group of palatial structures unique in terms of terraces, roofs, mythical monsters perching on the roofs and colored, drawing patterns. with these, the grand contour and different hierarchic spectrum of the complex were strengthened. folklore has it that there are altogether 9,999 room-units in the forbidden city. since paradise only has 10,000 rooms, the son of heaven on earth cut the number by half a room. it is also rumoured that this half –room is located to the west of the wenyuange pavilion (imperial library). as a matter of fact, although the forbidden city has more than 9,000 room-units, this half-room is nonexistent .the wenyuange pavilion is a library where “si ku quan shu”- china `s first comprehensive anthology-was stored.

(after walking past the gate of supreme harmony)

ladies and gentlemen, the great hall we are approaching is the hall of supreme harmony, the biggest and tallest of its king in the forbidden city. this structure covers a total building space of 2,377 square meters, and is know for its upturned, multiple counterpart eaves . the hall of supreme harmony sits on a triple “h”-shaped marble terrace the is 8meters high and linked by staircases. the staircase on the ground floor has 21 steps while the middle and upper stairways each have 9.

the construction of the hall of supreme harmony began in 1406. it burned down three times and was severely damaged once during a mutiny. the existing architecture was built during the qing dynasty. on the corners of the eaves a line of animal-nails were usually fastened to the tiles. these animal-nails were later replace with mythical animals to ward off evil spirits. there are altogether 9 such fasteners on top of this hall. the number nine was regarded by the ancients to be the largest numeral accessible to man and to which only the emperors were entitled.

there was a total of 24 successive emperors during the ming and qing dynasties who were enthroned here. the ball was also used for ceremonies which marked other great occasions: the winter solstice, the chinese lunar new year, the emperor` s birthday, conferral of the title of empress, the announcement of new laws and policies, and dispatches of generals to war .on such occasions, the emperor would hold audience for his court officials and receive their tributes.

this area is called the hall of supreme harmony square, which covers a total of 30,000 square meters, without a single tree or plant growing here, this place inspires visitors to feel its solemnity and grandeur. in the middle of the square there is a carriageway that was reserved for the emperor. on both sides of the road the groud bricks were laid in a special way seven layers lengthwise and eight layers crosswise, making up fifteen layers in all. the purpose of this was to prevent anyone from tunneling his way into the palace. in the count yard there are iron vats for storing water to fight fires. in the whole complex there are altogher 308 water vats. in wintertime, charcoal was burned underneath the vats to keep the water from freezing .why so vast a square? it was designed to impress people with the hall` s grandeur and vastness. imagine the following scene. under the clear blue sky, the yellow glazed tiles shimmered as the cloud-like layers of terrace, coupled with the curling veil of burning incense, transformed the hall of supreme harmony into a fairyland. whenever major ceremonies were held, the glazed, crane-shaped candleholders inside the hall would be it, and incense and pine branches burnt in front of the hall. when the emperor appeared, drums were beaten and musical instrument played. civilian officials and generals would kneel know in submission.

the last qing emperor puyi assumed the throne in 1908, at the age of three, his father carried him to the throne. at the start of the coronation, the sudden drum-beating and loud music caught the young emperor unprepared .he was so scared that he kept crying and shouting,”i don’t want to stay here. i want to go home.” his father tried to soothe him, saying, ”it` all soon be finished .it` all soon be finished ”the ministers present at the event considered this incident inauspicious. coincidentally, the qing dynasty collapsed three years later and there with concluded china `s feudal system that had lasted for more than 2,000 years.

(on the stone terrace of the hall of supreme harmony)

this is a bronze incense burner. in it incense made of sandalwood would be burnt on important occasions. there are altogether 18 incense burners, representing all of the provinces under the rule of the sing monarchs. on either side of the hall, 4 bronze water-filled vats were placed in case of fire. next to the terrace on either side, there is a bronze crane and tortoise, symbols of longevity. this copper-cast grain measure is called ”jialiang.” it served as the national standard during the qing dynasty. it was meant to show that the imperial ruler were just and open to rectification. on the other side there is a stone sundial, an ancient timepiece. the jialiang and the sundial were probably meant to show what the emperor represented: that he was the only person who should possess the standards of both measure and time.

in the very forefront of the hall of supreme harmony , there are 12 scarlet , round pillars supporting the roof. the hall is 63 meters from east to west and 37 meters from north to south, it is 35 meters in height. in front of this architechture, there stands a triple terrace with five staircases leading up to the main entrance .it has 40 gold doors and 16 gold-key windows with colored drawings on the pillars and beams. in the middle of the hall, a throune carved with 9 dragons sits on a 2-meter-high platform. behind the throne there is a golden screen and in front of it, there is a imperial desk . the flanks are decorated with elephants, luduan(a legendary beast), cranes, and incense barrels. the elephant carries a vase on its back that holds five cereals(i. e. rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and beans),which was considered a symbol of prosperity. as ancient legend has it that luduan can travel 18,000 li (9,000 kilometers )in one day and knows all languages and dialects. only to a wise adjust monarch will this beast be a guardian.

the hall of supreme harmony is also popularly known as jinluan dian (gold bell hall or the throne hall). the floor of the hall is laid with bricks that turn it into a smooth, fine surface as if water has been sprinkled on it .the so-called golden brick, in fact, has nothing to do with gold. reserved exclusively for the construction of the royal court, it was made in a secretive, and complex way, and, when struck, sounds like the clink of a gold bar. each brick was worth the market price of one dan (or one hectoliter ) of rice.

the hall is supported by a total of 72 thick pillars .of these, 6 are carved in dragon patterns and painted with gold and surround the throne. above the very center of this hall there is a zaojing, or covered ceiling, which is one of the specialities of china `s ancient architure. in the middle of the ceiling is a design of a dragon playing with a ball inlaid with peals. this copper ball, hollow inside and covered with mercury, is known as the xuanyuan mirror and is thought to be made xuanyuan, a legendary monarch dating back to remote antiquity. the placing of the caisson above the throne is meant to suggest that all of china` s successive emperors are zuanyuan` s descendants and hereditary heirs. now you might have noticed that the xuanyuan mirror is not directly above the throne. why? it is rumored that yuan shikai, a self-acclaimed warlord-turned emperor moved the throne further back because he was afraid that the mirror might fall on him .in 1916 when yuan shikai became emperor, he removed the original throne with a western-style, high-back chair. after the foundation of the people` s republic of china in 1949 the throne was found in a shabby furniture warehouse. it repaired and returned to the hall.

(leading the tourist to the bronze vats either on the east or the west)

the water vats in front of the palaces or house were called “menhai,” or sea before the door by the ancient chinese. they believed that with a sea by the door, fire could not wreak havoc. the vats served both as a decoration and as a fire extinguisher. they were kept full of water all year round.

during the qing dynasty, they were altogether 308 vats in the palace enclosure. they were made of gilt bronze or iron. of couse, the gilt bronze vats were of the best quality. when the allied forces (britain, germany, france, russia, the united states, italy, japan and austria) invaded beijing in 1900 under the pretext of suppressing the boxer rebellion, the invaders ransacked the imperial compound and scraped and gold off the vats with their bayonets. during the japanese occupation of beijing, many vats were trucked away by the japanese to be made into bullets .

(in front of the hall of complete harmony)

the square architecture before us is called the hall of complete harmony. it served as an antechamber. the emperor came here to meet with his countiers and add his final touches to the prayers which would be read at the ancestral temple. the seeds, snowers and prayer intended for spring sowing were also examined here. the two qing sedan chairs here on display were used for traveling within the palace during the reign of emperor qianlong.

(in front of the hall f preserving harmony)

this is the hall of preserving harmony. during the qing dynasty, banquets were held here on new year` s eve in honour of mongolian and northwestern china` s xingjiang princes and ranking officials. the emperor also dinned here with his new son-in-law on the wedding day. imperial examinations were also held here once every three years. during the ming and qing dynasties, there were three levels of exams: the county and prefectural level, the provincial level and national level. the national exam was presided over by the emperor. the civil service exam in ancient china started during the han dynasty. it served the purpose of recruiting confucian scholars to the ministers and high officials. during the tang and qing dynasties reinstituted and ancient system. once every three years, three hundred scholars from all over the country came to beijing and took exams for three day and night. this system was abolished in 1905.

(behind the hall of preserving harmony)

this is the largest stone carving in the palace . it is 16.73 meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick .it weighs about 200 tons. the block was quarried in fangshan county, roughly 70 kilometers away. to transport such a huge block to beijing, laborers dug wells along the roadside half a kilometer apart, and used the groundwater to make a road of ice in the winter. rolling blocks were used in the summer. in 1760, emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty ordered the carving of the existing cloud and dragon design in place of the old one which dated back to the ming dynasty.

note : from here, the tour can be conducted via three different routes: a western route(route a), a central route (route b) or an eastern route (route c) .the commentary for each follows.

route a

ladies and gentlemen:

you have seen the three main halls of the forbidden city. now i ` d like to show you around the hall of mental cultivation and the imperial garden . the hall of mental cultivation is situated is in the western part of the innermost enclosure and is symmetrical to fengxian (enshrinement of forebears) hall in the east. this hall was built during the ming dynasty. it is a h-shaped structure consisting of an antechamber and a main building .the hall is surrounded by corridors. in front of the hall is the office of privy council.

before emperor kangxi of qing the dynasty came to power the hall of heavenly purity served as the living quarter of the emperors. emperor yongzheng chose to live in this hall and attended to every day state affairs from here .for the sake of protecting cultural relics, this hall is not open to the public .you can have a look at the inside from the door. the central hall was the audience chamber where the emperor read memorials, granted audience to officials and summoned his minsters for consultation. the western chamber of the hall was where the emperor read reports and discussed military and political affairs. the hall consists of many inner rooms and is decorated with images of buddha and miniature pagodas. on the screen wall there hangs a picture of two emperors in the han costume. in a southern room there three rare calligraphic scrolls, hence the name of the room “sanxitang” (room of three rare treasures) . the room on the eastern side is of historical interst because it was here that empress dowager cixi usurped power and made decisions on behalf of the young emperor . a bamboo curtain was used to separate them .

empress dowage cixi was born in 1835 in lu` an prefecture of shanxi province. she` s of manchurian nationality and her father was a provincial governor from south china. when she was 17 years old ,she was selected to become a concubine of emperor xianfeng and moved into the forbidden city. she gave birth to a son when she was 21years old and was made a concubine the following year. when the emperor passed away in the summer of 1861, her son ascended the throne and title of cixi, meaning “holy mother” was conferred upon her and she became the empress dowager. in that same year empress dowager cixi carried out a count coup d` etat and ruled behind the scenes with another empress dowager, ci` an, for 48 years. she passed away in 1908 at the age of 73. it was in reference to this situation that the term “attending to state affairs behind a bamboo curtain” developed .in 1912 , empress dowager longyu declared the abdication of the last qing emperor puyi. they were allowed to remain in the forbidden city for the next 13 years .the royal family was forced to move out permanently in 1924.

behind the central hall were the living accommodation of 8 successive qing emperors .three of them actually passed away here. the side rooms flanking the hall were reserved for empresses and concubines. now let` s continue with our tour. it will take us to the hall of heavenly purity , the hall of union and peace ,the palace of earthly tranquility, and the imperial garden.

route b

(inside the hall of heavenly purity)

ladies and gentlemen:

we are now entering the inner court. from the gate of heavenly purity northward lies the inner court where the emperors and empresses once lived .the hall of heavenly purity is the central hall of the inner court ,and was completed during the reign of emperor yongle of the ming dynasty. there are 10 pillars supporting the entire structure and the hall is 20 meters in height .in the center of the hall there a throne. above it hangs a plaque with an inscription that reads “be open and above-board,” written by shenzhi,the first emperor of the qing dynasty. beginning with qianlong` s reign, the name of the successor to the throne was not publicly announced .instead, it was written on two pieces of paper, one to be kept on the emperor` s person throughout his reign, and the other placed in a small strongbox that was stored behind his plaque. the box was opened only after the emperor passed away. altogether there where 4 emperors who ascended the throne in this way, namely qianlong, jiaqing, daohuang and xian feng.

the hall of heavenly purity was where the emperors lived during the ming and qing dynasties. according to tradition ,extravagant annual banquets were held here on new year` s eve in honour of royal family members. foreign ambassadors were received here during the late-qing period. two important “one thousand old men` s feasts” of the qing dynasty were also held here. all the invitees had to be at least 65 years of age.

this hall was also used for mourning services.

(inside the palace of union and peace)

this hall sits between the hall of heavenly purity and the palace of earthly tranquility, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth ,as well as national peace .it was first built in 1420 and reconstructed in 1798. the hall is square in shape ,and is smaller than the hall of complete harmony .you will see a plaque here inscribed with two chinese characters, wu wei, which were handwritten by emperor qianglong. a throne sits in the middle of the hall with a screen behind it .above the throne there hangs a caisson ,or covered ceiling. the emperor held birthday celebrations and other major events here.

in 1748 during emperor qianlong` s reign, 25 jade seals representing imperial authority were kept in this hall .no seals were allowed out of the room without the prior consent of the emperor. on each flack there is a water clock and a chiming clock.

(inside the palace of earthly tranquility)

this used to be the central hall where successive ming empresses lived. during the qing dynasty, it was converted into a place where sacrifices and wedding ceremonies were held .the room on the western side was used for sacrifices and the room on the east was the seeding chamber.

route c

ladies and gentlemen:

you have seen the three main halls of the forbidden city. now i` d like to show you around scenes of interest along the eastern route. the first is the treasure hall. this mansion is called the hall of imperial zenith. this is where sing emperor quailing lived after abdication. nearly 1,000 artifacts and treasures are on display here, among which the golden hair tower is one of the most famous. this tower is 1.53meters in height and its base is 0.53 meters in circumference .it was built under the order of emperor quailing to be used to collect fallen hair in commemoration of his mother. there is also a “day harnessing water jade hill ” on display here. yu was a legendary monarch of the remote ixia dynasty. under his leadership, the people learned how to harness the yellow river. this jade assemblage, 224 centimeters in height and 5 tons in weight, is the largest jade artwork in china. this mat was woven with peeled ivory. these artifacts are among china` s rarest treasures.

(in front of the nine-dragon screen)

this is the nine-dragon relief screen .erected in 1773,it is 3.5 meters in height and 29.4 meters in width. underneath is a foundation made of marble .the surface of the screen is laid with a total of 270 colored, glazed tiles in the design of 9 dragons ,some rocky mountains ,clouds and the sea. it was meant to ward off evil spirits the ancient chinese regarded 9 dragons, some rocky mountains, clouds and the sea. it was meant to ward off evil spirits .the ancient chinese regarded 9 as the largest numeral and the dragon as a auspicious beast .the 9 dragons are different in color and posture and all are made of glazed tiles. interestingly a piece of the third dragon from the left is made of wood. it is believe that when the nine-dragon screen was almost finished ,a piece of glazed tile was damaged .emperor qianlong was scheduled to inspect the work the following day .using quick wits, the craftsman in question molded the missing piece with clay and sailed through the imperial inspection. later ,he asked a carpenter to carve a wooden one to replace the one made of clay.

(approaching the imperial garden)

behind the palace of earthly tranquility and trading the north-south axis is the imperial garden. there are old trees, rare flowers and exotic rock formation in this garden .it cover a space of 11,700 square meters, or roughly 1.7 percent of the forbidden city. most of the structures in the garden are symmetrically arranged . however, each is different in terms of parrern and decoration. woods clumps of bamboo screen off the garden and strengthens its deep and serene atmosphere.

there main structure of the imperial garden is the qin` an hall. positioned in the central-northern part of the garden ,this hall is flanked by other halls and pavilions on the east and west. the hall sits on a marble pedestal. the taoist deity of zhenwu is enshrined here and emperor would pay homage here a quarterly basis. taoist rites were held during the reign of emperor jiajing of the ming dynasty. in front of the hall there is a cypress that is 400 years old .in all there are a dozen such rare trees in the garden, and most of them are cypresses or pines. to the northwest of the hall , there is the yanhui(sustaining sunshine) pavilion and to the northeast there lies the duixiu (accumulated refinement )hill. this hill was built over the foundation of the long- pershed guanhua (admiring flowers) hall of the ming dynasty. it is 14 meters in height and made of al kinds of rocks quarried in jiang su province. at its base stand two nstone lions, each carrying a dragon shooting water 10 meters up into the air from its mouth. there are meandering paths leading to the hilltop. at the top of duixiu hill sits the yujing (imperial viewing)pavilion. traditionally, on the day of the double ninth festival (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month ), the emperor ,his consort, and his concubines would climb up to yujing pavilion to enjoy the scenery.

at the southeastern corner of the garden is jiangxue(crimson snowy) verandah. nearby to the southwest lies yangxing study (study of the cultivation of nature) .the yangxing study was used as a royal library during the reign of emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty. the last emperor of the qing dynasty, puyi once studied english there. in front of the jiangxue verandah some chinese flowering crabapples grow. the structure got its name from the crabapples who blossoms trun from crimson to snowy white. in front of the verandah, there grows a rare flower that was brought from henna province under the order of empress dowager cixi. in the northest is chizao tang (hall of using flowery language), once used as a library where rare books were stored.

there are also specific pavilions symbolizing the four seasons .the halls of wanchun and qianqiu ,representing spring and autumn respectively ,are square in shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shaped ridges. the halls of chengrui and fubi,dedecated to winter and summer, are characterized by two verandahs and bridges at their bases .paths were paved with colorful pebbles and arranged in 900 different designs.

the imperial garden can be accessed through the qiong yuan (jade garden )west gate or the qiong yuan east gate. a third gate, the shunzhen(obedience and fidelity)gate, opens to the north. its doors are laid in glazed tiles and it was only used by the empress or concubines.

as our tour of the forbidden city draws to a close, i hope that i have helped you understand why the palace is a treasure of china and one of the cultural relics of the world. it is under the strict protection of the chinese government. since 1949 when the people` s rupublic of china was founded, nearly one trillion rmb was spent on its restoration and refurbishment. the forbidden city has undergone four major facelifts to date. each year, the government earmarks a large sum to gather, sort and study cultural relics. the palace now contains a total of 930,000cultural relics. well, so much for today .let` s go to reboard the coach. thank you !



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一、 规格最高,可与宫殿建筑比美:


二、 数量较多,形式多样:


三、 界划灵活,空间丰富:


四、 做工精细,技巧高超:































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历年的冰灯有不同的主题,一组组冰灯、彩灯,既蕴含着人们丰富的智慧和创造力,又给游人带来美的享受。加上声、光、电的巧妙设计, 更使龙庆峡的冰灯艺术充满魅力。历届冰灯节的主题尽管不同,但顺水库大坝飞流直下的冰瀑奇观,却年年保留,70米高的巨坝上垂下巨大冰瀑,下饰冰花、冰柱,形成一座飞流千尺晶莹剔透的冰雪乐园。美丽的龙庆峡冰灯艺术节,带给游人一片欢乐。


鸡冠山:又称独秀峰、凤冠岛。三面环水,一峰独处。山顶至水面约70米,从正面看酷似一只卧着的公鸡,是龙庆峡的标志性景观。 神仙院:位于景区最高峰,距水面200多米,院内有古松,高24.7米,胸径约0.6米,树龄约320xx年。神仙院分为上下两院,玉皇阁和神茶馆。 百花洞:长320米,展区面积3000平方米,人造花草树木1650种,以鸟兽动物点缀其中。百花洞分为繁花似锦、热带雨林、北国风光、江南小景、百花朝凰等景观。



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Bozhou City in North China border, the southern tip of the HuanghuaiPlains. Jin Jianghuai South, the North hope the Yellow River, is the state-levelhistorical and cultural city, Chinas outstanding tourist city and opening upcity.

Bozhou City area of 8522.58 square kilometers, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng,Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, the citys total population of 5.34 millionpeople.

. May 20__, the State Council approved a level Bozhou City, exemptedGuoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, land area of 8522.58square kilometers, accounting for the provinces total area of 6.08 percent;farmland 60. 190,000 hectares. The citys population of 5.3002 million, of which82,000 ethnic minority people. Bozhou across longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49,latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35 ° 05, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitatjurisdiction and the Yellow River burst connected to a fan-shaped, lying flat,with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan,double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distributionthroughout the Northwest Bozhou topography, natural ground to l/9000Micro-dumping gradient to the southeast. Because of the river winding past theYellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impact form of plain Kong,Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, the topography of ups anddowns, a "Ohira small injustice," the geomorphological features. Temperateclimate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperate climate, there areobviously transitional characteristics, the average temperature 14.7 ℃,

the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, an average of 216 daysfrost-free period, an average of 822 mm of precipitation. Area rivers are theHuaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the main trunk stream, Fei River WestRiver, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and so on.

Bozhou City, a major mineral resources of coal, quartz stone, limestone,dolomite, clay and animal resources are foxes, badgers, Huang You, woodpeckers,owls, Lusi, Li Huang, a snake, scorpion, frog, carp, crucian carp, mandarinfish,eel, eels , Shrimp, aquatic plants are lotus root, turbot, wild rice stem,Gorgon Fruit, Reed, Po, a Chinese herbal medicines peony, chrysanthemum, Sangpi,pollen, bellflower, such as more than 400 species of honeysuckle. Specialtiesare Furui Gong wine, TGP, paulownia, Mansudae Yaozhen, paper-cut. Cheng Tangtomb relics have, Hua Um, spent Xilou, the ancient underpass, ethics in thePalace, Sang Lin, Cao Cao Temple, Cao Pi Temple, spent the Chinese Taiwan chapter.

Bozhou has a long history and a long history and ancient culture of theChinese nation is the birthplace of one. On the old days, "Bo" and an ancientYuzhou, Cheng Tang诸侯for when living in this. "Millimetres" Writing was "thin.""History Geography" Note: "millimetres with the thin." "Historical Records" set:"Since the lease to move eight Cheng Tang, Tang before the Habitat millimetres."Has on several occasions to move the capital by the people will have the soupand collectively referred to as "Bo", including South millimetres (now the southof Shangqiu in Henan Province, north of Bozhou in Anhui), North millimetres(Shandong Caoxian this area), West millimetres (this area in Henan Yanshi ). Nowthe Bozhou, it millimetres of South Metro. Zhou Dynasty, said here "coke." Qinunified China, the county system, Qiao home in this county, under the DangshanCounty. Qinmo Sheng Chen, WU Guang-Ze in the rural uprising, because from timeto the north of the Pengcheng, to occupy Qiao County. Western Han Dynasty, YuQiao County under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Zhouci Shi Peijun. EasternHan Dynasty, Peijun to Peiguo. Jianan the end, out of a home Peiguo Qiao County,Cao Cao Qiao County to the vicinity of the base, the military and economicexpansion on its own strength. Qiao Cao Cao in the county, such asimplementation of Cultivation, vigorously carry out "Juntun," "Man Tuen," Qiaocounty region to promote the development of agricultural production and thegrowth of economic strength.

Wong Wei Wendi early 20__ (22 l), Qiao was called "Capital", and Xuchang,Changan, Luoyang, and ye are called 5. Zhengshi four years the Northern WeiDynasty (507) Purchase South Yanzhou. The first year of an elephant NorthernZhou (579),

Yanzhou is located in the South because of ancient Near South millimetrestemporary, the "ancient South millimetres away from the name of the state to"change the South for the Bozhou Yanzhou, the name of Bozhou only see this.

Sui and Tang Dynasties period, changed its name several times, or Bozhou,or Qiao County. Early Ming, Bozhou, down to the county, under the Yingzhou City.Hongzhi nine years (1496), millimetres County also upgraded the state. The earlyQing Dynasty, under the Bozhou Gangnam province Fengyang House. Kangxi 20__(1667), designated as Gangnam province of Jiangsu, Anhui, the two Buzheng ShiDivision. In the first year (1912) Bozhou to millimetres County. In 37 (1948) inAugust the establishment of Bozhou City, in February 1949 city and county mergedto restore millimetres County formed, Li Fuyang Civil Administration. March 1986dismantling millimetres County built Bozhou City, and its affiliation with thesame area. February 1998 directly to the provincial jurisdiction. May 20__-levelto the establishment of Bozhou City.

Bozhou-wide cross-east longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49, latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35° 05, a long, Dongnanxibei syncline, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitatjurisdiction and the Yellow River to burst fan attached to a plain, is flat,with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan,double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distributionthroughout the Bozhou terrain northwest and southeast high-low To 1 / 9000 ofnatural gradient to the ground southeast of micro-dumping.

Northwest Qiaocheng Qu Zhan floor topography highest, 42.5 meters above sealevel; Lixin County, southeast of outreach to the minimum southern ditch, 22meters above sea level, the relative gap between 20.5 meters. Because of theriver winding past the Yellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impactform of plain Kong, Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, a "Ohirasmall injustice," the geomorphological features. Jiang soil is mainly blacksand, followed by the influx of soil, brown earth soil type, soil and a smallamount of lime in the vortex, kept the hills surrounding countiesdistribution.

Temperate climate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperateclimate, marked the transitional characteristics, mainly for the monsoonObviously, a mild climate, sufficient light, moderate rainfall, a longfrost-free period, four distinct seasons, spring temperature changes, Yu Xiaconcentrated, Qiugaoqishuang, long and dry winter. Because of the climate oftransition, resulting in frequent confrontation and well-being of air masses,the weather changes, annual precipitation, the citys historical averagetemperature 14.7 ℃, the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, anaverage of 216 days frost-free period, the average annual rainfall of 822mm.

Bozhou City common disastrous weather is dry, floods, high winds, hail,Ganre Feng, low temperature, frost, and so on. Drought, waterlogging is the mostimportant natural disasters. ?

Area rivers are theHuaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the maintrunk stream, Fei River West River, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and soon. Qiao Chengqu Wohe since the Immigration wandering the town, flows throughthe southeast Guoyang County Mengcheng County, moved to the village to collectexit Huaiyuan County, 173 km in length, the basin area of 4,039 squarekilometers; Fei River West River since the Qiaocheng Qu Fei River town entry,Guoyang County, flows through the southeast, to show Gou Zhen from Lixin countyin Fengtai, Yingshang County community, in the 123.4 km long, the valley area of1,871 square kilometers; Mainz Huai River from Lixin County Li Jizhen entry tothe east The Lixin County south to exit floor, Zou Mengcheng County in HuaiyuanCounty, 66 km in length, the drainage area 14 01 square kilometers.



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Badaling Great Wall located at Beijing yanqing county JunDouShan ditch ancient road north port. Badaling consists of "eight DaLing", "bada ridge", "eight ridge", "tatar" the four kinds of harmonics. Badaling is the mouth outside juyongguan, north to yanqing, akagi, die zhangjiakou, equal, east to yongning, universal, south to changping, Beijing and other regions, is convenient, so it is a important traffic arteries and ancient defense outpost, known as the "Beijing north first barrier". Badaling Great Wall is open to tourists the first location of the Great Wall, badaling scenic spot to the Great Wall at badaling is given priority to, build the badaling hotel and title by President jiang zemin of China Great Wall museum, such as full-featured modern tourist service facilities. Badaling scenic spot to its magnificent landscape, perfect facilities is famous in the world and the profound connotation of culture and history. "Not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall, badaling Great Wall is the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign people from all walks of life to visit in Beijing will come to that, so far, the Great Wall at badaling, including Nixon, Margaret thatcher, etc, have been established more than three hundred world famous people who hit the badaling Great Wall was xiuse view here.

Badaling Great Wall its GuanCheng is narrow east west wide trapezoid, built during Ming hongzhi 18 years (in 1505), jiajing and wanli period once repair. Something second east GuanCheng MenE topic "agent in town", engraved in the eighteenth year of jiajing (1539); Simon frontal topic "north gate lock-and-key", engraved Yu Wanli ten years (1582). Both doors to the masonry structure, coupons hole as a platform, on the north and south of Chinese Taiwan have their own channels, connection GuanCheng walls, and the stage build by laying bricks or stones around the crenel. Before and after the construction of pier 1316.

The Great Wall at badaling typically shows the Great Wall and style. As Beijing barrier, overlapping mountains here, the situation it is. Momentum is extremely powerful stretches the wall between the north and the south hovering in group of mountain majestic mountains, sight, no end. To both sides of the Great Wall more than line according to the mountain, steep cliff ancient books by "crash", the exact Outlines the badaling position of military importance.

Badaling is an important military strategic position since ancient times, the spring and autumn period and the warring states period to defense the northern nationality, in the built the Great Wall, still see the residual wall, pier remains, it leads in accord with the Ming Great Wall. Badaling is a mountainous overlapping JunDouShan at a mountain pass, in the Ming dynasty changan night said: "the road from then on, convenient, therefore the badaling, is the highest in barrier." Visible badaling geographical strategic position.

After eighty years of construction, the badaling Great Wall became chengguan associative, on the other side of the pier fort, heavy city guard, fire alarm system of tight defense.

Escort juyongguan badaling Great Wall is the gateway in history, from the Great Wall at badaling to todays nankou, grow in the middle is a 40 gorge, gorge zhongjian about city "juyongguan, the canyon hence the name" guan ditch ", and really grip the mark is badaling Great Wall, badaling on clearance groove at the top, two peak here, sceneries in a open, commanding, the situation is extremely dangerous. The ancients had "under the badaling juyongguan, such as building, such as looking well", "the agent of risks, not GuanCheng, in badaling". Visible at juyongguan is just a GuanCheng, true is built at the badaling Great Wall. Badaling mountain pass special terrain, becomes all previous dynasties mohican, therefore, here to build the Great Wall is very important strategic significance.

Badaling is the witness of many important events in history.

After the first emperor qin shihuang east tateishi, from badaling via datong, then drive back to xianyang. Queen mother XunXing shaw, yuan MAO shipments, the yuan dynasty emperor twice a year to travel between Beijing and on, emperor of Ming dynasty, the northern expedition, the article analyzes compromised, personal expedition emperors in the qing dynasty in Beijing badaling is. In modern history, the empress dowager cixi fled west tears in badaling, zhan tianyou in badaling hosts to build China is to build on our first railway, Beijing railway, sun yat-sen board the badaling Great Wall, etc., and left many historical allusion and precious historical memory, is history.

The Great Wall badaling Great Wall is open to tourists the first location. "Not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall". Badaling has received so far, the Chinese and foreign visitors to one hundred and thirty million, successively with Nixon, Reagan and thatcher, mikhail gorbachev, Elizabeth, heath, 372 foreign heads of state and the world of many characters, the badaling sightseeing.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3261 字

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(In front of the meridian gate)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am pleased to serve as your guide today。

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City。 It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today。 Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406。 It took 14years to build the Forbidden City。 The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi。 For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne。 In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy。

It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) 。 The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace。 Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence。 In folklore, the term “an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass。 Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments。 The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people。

The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic。 Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth。 Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people。 Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture。

The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape。 It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west。 It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters。 A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9。 9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex。 Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall。 There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate (Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Western Flowery Gate ) to the west, the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) to the east。

Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City。 A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed。 Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province。 Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province。 Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China。 Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province。 Timber was cut, processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 383 字

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