





范文类型:竞选稿,演讲稿,适用行业岗位:班长,全文共 676 字

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范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:中学,学生,全文共 934 字

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almost everyone knows the famous chinese saying:a young idler,an old beggar.

throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again

proved to be true.

it goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which ones

mental and physical states are at their peaks. it takes relatively less time and pains

to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments. in

addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health

problems when young. therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success

in different aspects of life. of course,we all know:no pains,no gains. if we dont make every effort to make

good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals.

as students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we

can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future.



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1427 字

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Over time, our great research universities drive human progress. They lay the foundation of life as it can be, more than capitalism, more than government policy. In life, personal and social ideals are everything or almost everything, and universities are all about ideas, so it works.

That is, it works provided certain conditions outside the academy are maintained. Universities are not invulnerable to the actions beyond their borders and they depend for their vitality on the societal respect for and commitment to what we do

Now, the enemies of the search for truth. What is important to realize is that the ideals that define the academy and guide the activity pursued herein, just like the primary freedoms we live in, do not come easily. They are in fact often counterintuitive. The embrace of freedom necessarily means you must accept a certain degree of unconformable disorder and even seeing chaos and sometimes unnerves the best of us.

There are many wise people who have commented on this fact of life. My favorite is a great justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who is setting forth the first articulation of the modern first amendment jurisprudence noted that the choice the openness required for the search for truth runs against human instinct. He bluntly explained how the impulse to persecute those we disagree with is actually quote “perfectly logical, given the natural wish to believe what we want to believe.”



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,翻译,全文共 593 字

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范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 2000 字

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The second thing I’ve noticed is that although you know no one is better than you, every other persons is equal to you and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

I’ve worked with eight Presidents, hundreds of Senators. I’ve met every major world leader literally in the last 40 years. And I’ve had scores of talented people work for me. And here’s what I’ve observed: Regardless of their academic or social backgrounds, those who had the most success and who were most respected and therefore able to get the most done were the ones who never confused academic credentials and societal sophistication with gravitas and judgment.

Don’t forget about what doesn’t come from this prestigious diploma -- the heart to know what’s meaningful and what’s ephemeral; and the head to know the difference between knowledge and judgment.

But even if you get these things right, I’ve observed that most people who are successful and happy remembered a third thing: Reality has a way of intruding.

I got elected in a very improbable year. Richard Nixon won my state overwhelmingly. George McGovern was at the top of the ticket. I got elected as the second-youngest man in the history of the United States to be elected, the stuff that provides and fuels raw ambition. And if you’re not careful, it fuels a sense of inevitability that seeps in. But be careful. Things can change in a heartbeat. I know. And so do many of your parents.

Six weeks after my election, my whole world was altered forever. While I was in Washington hiring staff, I got a phone call. My wife and three children were Christmas shopping, a tractor trailer broadsided them and killed my wife and killed my daughter. And they weren’t sure that my sons would live.

Many people have gone through things like that. But because I had the incredible good fortune of an extended family, grounded in love and loyalty, imbued with a sense of obligation imparted to each of us, I not only got help. But by focusing on my sons, I found my redemption.



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1034 字

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In fairness to George, ‘pains is taken’ is the way they spoke back then. Today, Washington would probably say ‘take pains.’ Or maybe T-Pain.

But Washington, really, Washington’s point, and Washington U.’s motto, are principles I hope that all of you will take to heart: truth will prevail where pains are taken to bring it to light. And with truth comes strength.

The pains that every generation has taken to bring light are why secession didn’t succeed…secession didn’t succeed in 1794 or 1861. The pains taken by abolitionists, and suffragettes, and civil rights marchers, and marriage equality advocates brought America’s core truth to light: that all people are created equal.

And today…today, the necessity of taking pains to bring truth to light is greater than ever because the tools for spreading lies are more powerful than ever.

Since the dawn of democracy, there have always been those, to paraphrase Socrates, who try to make the weaker argument appear the stronger and who care more about winning debates than being truthful.



范文类型:竞选稿,演讲稿,适用行业岗位:班长,全文共 662 字

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范文类型:演讲稿,贺词,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 1463 字

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emily dickinson once wrote, "parting is all we need to know of hell."


谢谢学院和同学们给我这个机会来和即将毕业的14级同学们最后说上几句衷肠话语!在这之前,受到同学们邀请来参加今天的这个晚会,我十分乐意,因为14级的同学是我非常非常喜欢的一届学生,说什么都要来送大家一程的。后来听说要我作为教师代表做一个发言,我便开始忐忑起来。我不敢代表全院的教师同事来这里讲话,就代表自己来简单聊几句吧,至多,还可以代表一下亲爱的 杨老师,呵呵!




















范文类型:工作总结,演讲稿,适用行业岗位:比赛,校长,全文共 1056 字

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英语,作为一种世界通用的交际工具,在人们的生活、学习、工作中具有非常重要的作用。具备扎实的英语功底,熟练地应用英语,是时代对当代学生的召唤。为丰富同学们的校园文化生活,拓展我校英语教学的第二课堂,展示我校师生学英语、用英语的风采,进一步营造浓厚的英语氛围,我们举行了本次英语故事演讲比赛。 我希望通过这次比赛,为我们的同学提供一个施展自我的平台,也为提高自身英语素质创设一个良好的氛围。希望各位参赛选手,能以高超的英语素养展现出自己的才华,以出色的演讲技巧展现自己的潜能,以娴熟的临场发挥展现自己的睿智,以得体端庄的举止展现自己的品位。




My dearest students,I had a dream that I could major in English when I was a student .But after graduating from the unversity,I became a chemistry teacher.And now I have a dream that all my students can do well in English when I am standing here.I will give my best applause for each classmate.

Thank you! Good luck to you!



范文类型:工作总结,演讲稿,适用行业岗位:比赛,校长,全文共 581 字

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大家好! 在张主席的指导下,英语教研组长赵瑞亮老师、八年级英语互研组长陈莲洁老师及全体八年级英语教师精心筹备了本次英语朗读比赛。这次比赛,既是对我们英语教师教学水平的一次集中检验,也是对全体同学英语学习水平和学习成效的一次精彩展出,它对我们的英语教学和校园文化必将产生深远的影响。


我想,每一位参赛选手都会有这样的感觉:真正带给我们幸福体验的不只是今天的比赛,而是准备过程中的付出和辛劳。 在中学阶段学好英语,特别是拥有一口标准流畅的英语口语,是你们在未来的人生之旅中占尽先机的通行证。虽然各种高考英语的改革可能对部分家长、同学产生了一定的影响,但你们要记住,在全球一体化的今天,国际接轨的频率越来越高,英语作为国际通用语,它的国际地位永远不容忽视, 我们衷心希望全体同学能够以今天的英语朗读比赛为契机,努力练就自己英语口语的超强本领,为自己今后走向社会积聚必要的基础和能量。最后,让我再次代表学校对位这次活动的成功举办而付出辛劳的各位老师和同学表示衷心的感谢,对各位参赛选手的精彩表现表示衷心的祝贺。




范文类型:演讲稿,自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 1466 字

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each examiner:

I call____, come from shandong province.this year is 21 years old, is astudent who will soon graduate.

passes the foundation knowledge that the teachers guidance controled acalculator with personal effort firmly in the school.mainly studied c languageat the software aspect. c#. java etc. plait the distance language, the datastructure, vf. access etc. database is applied, calculator operatesystem.studied the dreamweaver web page manufacture and the asp network to weavea distance also.studied the calculator network at the hardware aspect, thecalculator construction with bine many times to attend to pack machine, set thefulfillment of the net operation lesson, make me control the work principle ofthe calculator and the set of the calculator network net process.

in addition, i attend various activities of the school organization to cometo the oneself of 锻炼 actively and do various part-time to increase socialexperience.the teacher is divided into the group to us in the experiment andpractice of the lesson remaining to complete mission, make we the deepcomprehension arrive the importance of the team.the and the rise time acquiresthe school scholarship during the period of school, three staffs.

however necessarily limited at the knowledge that the school learn,therefore i would ready to take advice study in the later work, the backlogworking experience, the exaltation work ability.hope your company to give me adisplays an own opportunity!



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1613 字

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All of which he opposed -- from paying tens of millions of dollars in arrearages to an institution, he despised, the United Nations -- he was part of the so-called “black helicopter” crowd; to passing the chemical weapons treaty, constantly referring to, “we’ve never lost a war, and we’ve never won a treaty,” which he vehemently opposed. But we were able to do these things not because he changed his mind, but because in this new relationship to maintain it is required to play fair, to be straight. The cheap shots ended. And the chicanery to keep from having to being able to vote ended -- even though he knew I had the votes.

After that, we went on as he began to look at the other side of things and do some great things together that he supported like PEPFAR -— which by the way, George W. Bush deserves an overwhelming amount of credit for, by the way, which provided treatment and prevention HIV/AIDS in Africa and around the world, literally saving millions of lives.

So one piece of advice is try to look beyond the caricature of the person with whom you have to work. Resist the temptation to ascribe motive, because you really don’t know -— and it gets in the way of being able to reach a consensus on things that matter to you and to many other people.

Resist the temptation of your generation to let “network” become a verb that saps the personal away, that blinds you to the person right in front of you, blinds you to their hopes, their fears, and their burdens.

Build real relationships -— even with people with whom you vehemently disagree. You’ll not only be happier. You will be more successful.



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,翻译,全文共 710 字

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范文类型:演讲稿,工作总结,适用行业岗位:比赛,全文共 3818 字

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范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:中学,学生,全文共 957 字

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Looking around me today, I think of the generations of Yale graduates who have come before you. Individuals who have been for something.

There are many names we know and others that would be less familiar – presidents and world leaders, artists and business executives, scholars and scientists.

Like them, I know you will heed the call to leadership and service and leave your mark on every realm of human endeavor.

That is Yale’s mission – that is what Yale is for.

As members of the Yale community, what do we believe?

We believe that facts and expertise, applied with creativity and wisdom, can transform the world.

We believe that education and research save lives and make life more meaningful.

We believe that diversity of thought and diversity indeed are essential to human progress.

We believe, most of all, in the boundless potential of human ingenuity; that together, we can solve great challenges and bring light and truth to a world in great need of it.



范文类型:演讲稿,征文,全文共 1629 字

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water is the source of life

earth looks like a big blue marble; from high above the earth and from the moon, the planet gleams and shines. the blue water in the oceans and seas of the earth makes a dramatic image.water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on earth. it is the reason people can live on this planet. water is everywhere. water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas.in a real sense, water keeps earth alive.                                                the last drop of water will be the worlds human tears. we chinese are one of the 12 water-poor countries, as people waste, water less and less.  however, there are many waste of water, for example: some of the children bought water gun filled with water shooting water everywhere; there are some students hand-washing after washing bowls, or not turn off the faucet, waste a lot of water... .... yunnan-guizhou plateau, where the recent prolonged drought, making survival of the population there is facing a serious threat to address this problem, we in china 1.3 billion to develop awareness of water conservation. therefore, i appeal to you here: "take action at water saving

stop earth mother from crying!

地球看上去就像一个巨大的蓝色玻璃球, 从高高的地球上空或从月球上望去,这颗行星熠熠生辉,闪闪发光。

地球上大洋大海里的蔚蓝色的水构成了一幅激动人心的图画。 水是地球上的美丽之源、生命之源。 水是人们能在这颗行星上生存的根本。 到处都有水。

水深藏于地底下的岩层里、在天然蓄水区里. 从真正的意思上说,是水维持着地球的生命。


但是生活中还有许多浪费水的现象,比如;有些小朋友买来水枪到处射水,还有一些学生洗完碗或洗完手,都不关水龙头,浪费了许多水……最近云南贵州高原那里长时间持续干旱,使那里居民生存面临着严重威胁,针对这个问题,我们中国13亿要养成节约用水的意识。                                                      因此,我现在向大家呼吁:‘‘珍惜每一滴水,让地球妈妈不再哭泣



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:中学,学生,全文共 735 字

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My father values talent. He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. He is colorblind and gender neutral. He hires the best person for the job, period.Words and promises, no matter visionary they sound will only get you so far. In our business, you’re not a builder, unless you’ve got a building to show for it, or in my father’s case, city skylines. Most people strive their entire lives to achieve greatsuccess in a single industry.My father has succeeded in many on the highest level and on a global scale. One of the reasons he has thrived as an entrepreneur is because he listens to everyone. Billionaire executives don’t usually ask the people doing the work for their opinion of the work. My father is an exception.



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 660 字

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Goodmorning/afternoon,everybody!A famous American poet says , "Life is short, study is long." Everyone should work hard and study well. Never waste any time. Now we are young, we have so many things to do. Youth time is like a happy bird. If it flew away, it would never return. Nothing is more important than time.

Today some students spend too much time enjoying their lives such as eating, clothing, traveling and so on. Others spend too much time reading some useless books. A lot of time has been wasted. They have no idea that waste of time means wasting of one’s life.

While we are young and full of energy, let’s study hard.

My speech is over ! Thank you.



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1967 字

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Amnesty mobilises thousands of people who have never been tortured or imprisoned for their beliefs to act on behalf of those who have. The power of human empathy, leading to collective action, saves lives, and frees prisoners. Ordinary people, whose personal well-being and security are assured, join together in huge numbers to save people they do not know, and will never meet. My small participation in that process was one of the most humbling and inspiring experiences of my life.

Unlike any other creature on this planet, humans can learn and understand, without having experienced. They can think themselves into other people’s places.

Of course, this is a power, like my brand of fictional magic, that is morally neutral. One might use such an ability to manipulate, or control, just as much as to understand or sympathise.

And many prefer not to exercise their imaginations at all. They choose to remain comfortably within the bounds of their own experience, never troubling to wonder how it would feel to have been born other than they are. They can refuse to hear screams or to peer inside cages; they can close their minds and hearts to any suffering that does not touch them personally; they can refuse to know.

I might be tempted to envy people who can live that way, except that I do not think they have any fewer nightmares than I do. Choosing to live in narrow spaces leads to a form of mental agoraphobia, and that brings its own terrors. I think the wilfully unimaginative see more monsters. They are often more afraid.

What is more, those who choose not to empathise enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18, in search of something I could not then define, was this, written by the Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:中学,学生,全文共 2760 字

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I should know: In the acting business, you fail all the time.

Early in my career, I auditioned for a part in a Broadway musical. A perfect role for me, I thought—except for the fact that I can’t sing.

So I’m in the wings, about to go on stage but the guy in front of me is singing like Pavarotti and I am just shrinking getting smaller and smaller...

So I come out with my little sheet music and it was “Just My Imagination” by the Temptations, that’s what I came up with.

So I hand it to the accompanist, and she looks at it and looks at me and looks at the director, so I start to sing and they’re not saying anything. I think I must be getting better, so I start getting into it.

But after the first verse, the director cuts me off: “Thank you. Thank you very much, you’ll be hearing from me.”

The next part of the audition is the acting part. I figure, I can’t sing, but I know I can act.

But the guy I was paired with to do the scene couldn’t be more overdramatic and over-the top.

Suffice to say, I didn’t get the part.

But here’s the thing: I didn’t quit. I didn’t fall back.

I walked out of there to prepare for the next audition, and the next audition, and the next one. I prayed and I prayed, but I continued to fail, and I failed, and I failed.

But it didn’t matter. Because you know what? You hang around a barbershop long enough—sooner or later you will get a haircut.

You will catch a break.

Last year I did a play called Fences on Broadway and I won a Tony Award. And I didn’t have to sing for it, by the way.

And here’s the kicker—it was at the Court Theater, the same theater where I failed that first audition 30 years prior.

The point is, every graduate here today has the training and the talent to succeed.

But do you have guts to fail?

Here’s my second point about failure:

If you don’t fail… you’re not even trying.

My wife told me this expression: “To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.”

Les Brown, a motivational speaker, made an analogy about this.

Imagine you’re on your deathbed—and standing around your bed are the ghosts representing your unfilled potential.

The ghosts of the ideas you never acted on. The ghosts of the talents you didn’t use.

And they’re standing around your bed. Angry. Disappointed. Upset.

“We came to you because you could have brought us to life,” they say. “And now we go to the grave together.”

So I ask you today: How many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes?

You invested a lot in your education. And people invested in you.

And let me tell you, the world needs your talents.

Man, does it ever.

I just got back from four months of filming in South Africa—beautiful country, but there are places with terrible poverty that need help.

And Africa is just the tip of the iceberg.



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Tim is also known as a strong advocate for environmental issues, broader educational access, racial equity, and for the rights of the LGBTQ community.

He has been vocal in his belief that corporations should do their part to make the world a better place.ell, thank you, Provost Drell.

Again, to the members of the Class of 20xx:

On behalf of Stanford University, congratulations to you on this very special day.

You have graduated from the family of Stanford students, and you have joined the family of Stanford alumni.

From this day forward, wherever you go in the world, whatever path you explore, and whatever contribution you seek to make – you will remain forever Cardinal, and forever a part of the Stanford community.

And so, in closing, as you start a new journey as graduates of Stanford, I hope you will remember these words:

Let today serve as a beginning, and not an ending.

Follow your talents, your interests, and your foundational values to discover your own unique path to living a life of purpose.

And most importantly: Embrace the opportunities ahead of you and use the platform you’ve earned to change the world for the better.

Congratulations, Class of 20xx!
