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Bozhou City in North China border, the southern tip of the Huanghuai Plains. Jin Jianghuai South, the North hope the Yellow River, is the state-level historical and cultural city, Chinas outstanding tourist city and opening up city.

Bozhou City area of 8522.58 square kilometers, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, the citys total population of 5.34 million people.

. May 2019, the State Council approved a level Bozhou City, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, land area of 8522.58 square kilometers, accounting for the provinces total area of 6.08 percent; farmland 60. 190,000 hectares. The citys population of 5.3002 million, of which 82,000 ethnic minority people. Bozhou across longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49, latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35 ° 05, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitat jurisdiction and the Yellow River burst connected to a fan-shaped, lying flat, with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan, double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distribution throughout the Northwest Bozhou topography, natural ground to l/9000 Micro-dumping gradient to the southeast. Because of the river winding past the Yellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impact form of plain Kong, Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, the topography of ups and downs, a "Ohira small injustice," the geomorphological features. Temperate climate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperate climate, there are obviously transitional characteristics, the average temperature 14.7 ℃,

the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, an average of 216 days frost-free period, an average of 822 mm of precipitation. Area rivers are the Huaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the main trunk stream, Fei River West River, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and so on.

Bozhou City, a major mineral resources of coal, quartz stone, limestone, dolomite, clay and animal resources are foxes, badgers, Huang You, woodpeckers, owls, Lusi, Li Huang, a snake, scorpion, frog, carp, crucian carp, mandarinfish, eel, eels , Shrimp, aquatic plants are lotus root, turbot, wild rice stem, Gorgon Fruit, Reed, Po, a Chinese herbal medicines peony, chrysanthemum, Sangpi, pollen, bellflower, such as more than 400 species of honeysuckle. Specialties are Furui Gong wine, TGP, paulownia, Mansudae Yaozhen, paper-cut. Cheng Tang tomb relics have, Hua Um, spent Xilou, the ancient underpass, ethics in the Palace, Sang Lin, Cao Cao Temple, Cao Pi Temple, spent the Chinese Taiwan chapter.

Bozhou has a long history and a long history and ancient culture of the Chinese nation is the birthplace of one. On the old days, "Bo" and an ancient Yuzhou, Cheng Tang诸侯for when living in this. "Millimetres" Writing was "thin." "History Geography" Note: "millimetres with the thin." "Historical Records" set: "Since the lease to move eight Cheng Tang, Tang before the Habitat millimetres." Has on several occasions to move the capital by the people will have the soup and collectively referred to as "Bo", including South millimetres (now the south of Shangqiu in Henan Province, north of Bozhou in Anhui), North millimetres (Shandong Caoxian this area), West millimetres (this area in Henan Yanshi ). Now the Bozhou, it millimetres of South Metro. Zhou Dynasty, said here "coke." Qin unified China, the county system, Qiao home in this county, under the Dangshan County. Qinmo Sheng Chen, WU Guang-Ze in the rural uprising, because from time to the north of the Pengcheng, to occupy Qiao County. Western Han Dynasty, Yu Qiao County under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Zhouci Shi Peijun. Eastern Han Dynasty, Peijun to Peiguo. Jianan the end, out of a home Peiguo Qiao County, Cao Cao Qiao County to the vicinity of the base, the military and economic expansion on its own strength. Qiao Cao Cao in the county, such as implementation of Cultivation, vigorously carry out "Juntun," "Man Tuen," Qiao county region to promote the development of agricultural production and the growth of economic strength.

Wong Wei Wendi early 2019 (22 l), Qiao was called "Capital", and Xuchang, Changan, Luoyang, and ye are called 5. Zhengshi four years the Northern Wei Dynasty (507) Purchase South Yanzhou. The first year of an elephant Northern Zhou (579),

Yanzhou is located in the South because of ancient Near South millimetres temporary, the "ancient South millimetres away from the name of the state to" change the South for the Bozhou Yanzhou, the name of Bozhou only see this.

Sui and Tang Dynasties period, changed its name several times, or Bozhou, or Qiao County. Early Ming, Bozhou, down to the county, under the Yingzhou City. Hongzhi nine years (1496), millimetres County also upgraded the state. The early Qing Dynasty, under the Bozhou Gangnam province Fengyang House. Kangxi 2019 (1667), designated as Gangnam province of Jiangsu, Anhui, the two Buzheng Shi Division. In the first year (1912) Bozhou to millimetres County. In 37 (1948) in August the establishment of Bozhou City, in February 1949 city and county merged to restore millimetres County formed, Li Fuyang Civil Administration. March 1986 dismantling millimetres County built Bozhou City, and its affiliation with the same area. February 1998 directly to the provincial jurisdiction. May 2019-level to the establishment of Bozhou City.

Bozhou-wide cross-east longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49, latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35 ° 05, a long, Dongnanxibei syncline, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitat jurisdiction and the Yellow River to burst fan attached to a plain, is flat, with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan, double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distribution throughout the Bozhou terrain northwest and southeast high-low To 1 / 9000 of natural gradient to the ground southeast of micro-dumping.

Northwest Qiaocheng Qu Zhan floor topography highest, 42.5 meters above sea level; Lixin County, southeast of outreach to the minimum southern ditch, 22 meters above sea level, the relative gap between 20.5 meters. Because of the river winding past the Yellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impact form of plain Kong, Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, a "Ohira small injustice," the geomorphological features. Jiang soil is mainly black sand, followed by the influx of soil, brown earth soil type, soil and a small amount of lime in the vortex, kept the hills surrounding counties distribution.

Temperate climate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperate climate, marked the transitional characteristics, mainly for the monsoon Obviously, a mild climate, sufficient light, moderate rainfall, a long frost-free period, four distinct seasons, spring temperature changes, Yu Xia concentrated, Qiugaoqishuang, long and dry winter. Because of the climate of transition, resulting in frequent confrontation and well-being of air masses, the weather changes, annual precipitation, the citys historical average temperature 14.7 ℃, the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, an average of 216 days frost-free period, the average annual rainfall of 822 mm.

Bozhou City common disastrous weather is dry, floods, high winds, hail, Ganre Feng, low temperature, frost, and so on. Drought, waterlogging is the most important natural disasters. ?

Area rivers are theHuaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the main trunk stream, Fei River West River, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and so on. Qiao Chengqu Wohe since the Immigration wandering the town, flows through the southeast Guoyang County Mengcheng County, moved to the village to collect exit Huaiyuan County, 173 km in length, the basin area of 4,039 square kilometers; Fei River West River since the Qiaocheng Qu Fei River town entry, Guoyang County, flows through the southeast, to show Gou Zhen from Lixin county in Fengtai, Yingshang County community, in the 123.4 km long, the valley area of 1,871 square kilometers; Mainz Huai River from Lixin County Li Jizhen entry to the east The Lixin County south to exit floor, Zou Mengcheng County in Huaiyuan County, 66 km in length, the drainage area 14 01 square kilometers.



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in the tranquil little village of wuzhen, the light hangs over the dong shi river in a soft summer pallour, as though the clouds are making a deliberate effort to protect the residents from sunburn. along the river, a select group of day-trippers enjoy a cruise aboard a pole-steered barge. im highly privileged to be visiting the very last of chinas ancient "water towns" to be opened to visitors.

when the authorities opened the 1,300 year old riverine settlement of wuzhen to visitors in early , they were determined to avoid the tacky mix of tourist restaurants and kitsch souvenir shops that has swamped other estuary towns such as zhouzhuang (which also lies in the yangtze river delta). wuzhens old buildings, an architectural symphony of stone, wood and tiles, have been preserved rather than restored, and lovingly maintained rather than tarted up. the result is a place that is a sheer joy to explore on foot.

wuzhen is still a living town, where daily life goes on life goes on as it has for the last thousand or so years. coppersmiths, wood-carver and silk-spinners work at their age-old crafts. bicycle rickshaw drivers exchange stories as they wait for passengers. people cart water, cook meals, and tend their gardens, each flower-plot the size of a postage stamp.

the townsfolk of wuzhen gather in the town square around mid-day - talking, smoking or playing mah-jongg. they seem laidback and contented. most of all, they seem to enjoy observing the passing parade, which provides a constant source of amusement. i started to wonder whether it was the town or the strange foreign visitors like myself that was the main attraction. western visitors are still a rarity here.

wuzhen lies in the far north-east of zhejiang province, about 90 minutes by road from shanghai. the name "water town" is especially apt; besides lying on the grand canal, the settlement is completely encircled by two rivers - the dong shi and a smaller tributary, which meet at a t-junction. no matter where you stand, water provides the backdrop, the raison dêtre of the whole town.

about 250 families used to live in the old quarter of wuzhen. however, following the "restoration" of the town, many townsfolk have been moved out to the "new" wuzhen, an attractively landscaped but otherwise characterless apartment block 15 km down the road towards shanghai. those who remain are mainly the elderly and craftspeople. while i was assured that there is nothing to stop new residents moving into the old town, young people nowadays seem strangely absent.

the old wooden shops of wuzhen look ageless and immovable, as though their timbers have totally defied the ravages of time. at first, one suspects that the custodians of the town have tried to cover up the decomposing processes of nature. but look more closely and you find slow rot setting in around the bases of the doorframes, and splinters breaking away from the lintels. what little restoration has been done is so inconspicuous as to be totally indistinguishable from the original.

all the buildings in wuzhen are in ming or qing dynasty style. one palatial establishment is the "double happiness" marriage shrine. twin hearts are joined in a nouveau-chinese character in gilt upon a flaming crimson background, presumably depicting the inseparability of marriage - perhaps the chinese know something that we westerners dont.

wuzhen also has some unique attractions, including yu liuliangs coin and paper money exhibition. nearby (would you believe) stands a pawnshop museum, as if to prove that usury is universal. (maybe fortunately, wuzhen has the only such establishment ive ever come across). i tried looking for a qing dynasty dvd player in the pawnshop, but was sadly disappointed.

no fewer than eight stone bridges cross the dong shi river, the grandest of them being the fengyuan double bridge. the bridge is separated into two parts by a wooden sluice gate. cyclists carry their bikes across the high arches of the bridges, which are designed to let boats pass underneath without difficulty.

back in the main square, the elders are still hanging out. on the village stage, a performance of peking opera is underway. across the square, a master puppeteer entertains visitors with a shadow-play of the type known in java as wayang kulit. but while the javanese version of shadow puppetry is subtle and refined, the wuzhen style has the protagonists attacking each other with the ferocity of tigers.

whether by accident or design, this town seems to have been dropped into its watery setting by a master town planner from another galaxy. a more perfect location for a settlement would be difficult to find. it is fervently to be hoped that tourism will augment rather than destroy the unique ambiance of wuzhen.



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the tour will take 4-6 hours. the route is as follows:

out side the east gate-side the east gate –in front of the hall of benevolence and longevity- in front of garden of virtuous harmony-in front of the grand theater building- a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall o jade ripples- in front of the o jade ripples- in front of the yiyunguan (chamber of mortal being)-hall of happiness and longevity- in front of the yaoyue (chamber of mortal beings)-hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the yaoyue(inviting the moon ) gate of the long corridor- strolling along the long corridor- visiting an exhibition of cultural relics- in front of the hall of dispelling clouds- inside the hall of dispelling clouds- atop the tower of buddhist incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense- inside the garden of harmonious interest –outside the south gate to suzhou shopping street- atop the stone bridge inside the suzhou shopping street –on the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street- on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat- in front of the ruins of the garden of complete spring –along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the kunming lake-leaving out through the east gate.

(out side the east gate)

ladies and gentlemen: welcome to the summer palace.(after the self-introduction of the guide -interpreter) i hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you .

during our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.

the construction of the summer palace first started in 1750. at that time, the qing dynasty was in its heyday and china was a powerful asian country with vast territories. the monarch in power then was emperor qianlong. with supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday. after 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the garden of clear ripples was completed and served as a testimony to china` s scientific and technological achievements. in 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the yuanming yuan (garden of perfection and brightness) by angol-french allied forces. in 1888, empress dowager cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace). characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the summer palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world. this is the main entrance to the summer palace-the east gate on top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a chinese inscription which means garden of nurtured harmony” , whose calligrapher was emperor guangxu. the gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother. all others used the side doors.

(inside the east gate)

the summer palace can be divided into two parts: longevity hill and kunming lake .the whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three- fourths consists of a lake and rivers .this imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesque spots of interest. the layout of the summer palace includes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. entering the east gate we will come the the office quarters. entering the east gate we will come to the office quarters. the annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty. this is the gate of benevolence and longevity. above the door there is a plaque bearing the same name in both chinese and manchurian characters. the gigantic rock in the foreground is known as taihu rock, or eroded limestone, quarried in jiangsu province and placed here to decorated the garden. on the marble terrace sits a bronze mythical beast, known as qilin or xuanni . it was said to the one of the nine sons of dragon king. a point of peculiar interest is that it has the head of a dragon, antlers of a deer, the tail of a lion and hooves of a ox, and is covered with a unique skin. it was considered an auspicious creature that brought peace and prosperity. this grand hall is the hall of benevolence and longevity. it was built in 1750 , and was known as the hall of industrious government. emperor qianlong ruled that the halls where monarchs attended to state affairs would be named after them . after the rebuilding of the summer palace, the hall was renamed, suggesting that benevolent rulers would enjoy long lives. the arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. in the middle of the hall stands a throne made of sandalwood and carved with beautiful designs. in the background there is a screen carved with nine frolicking dragons. on either side of the throne there are two big fans made of peacock feathers, two column-shaped incense burners, crane-shaped lanterns and an incense burner assuming the form of luduan, a mythological animal which was suppose to have the power to prevent fire. the small chambers on eight side were where the emperor qianlong and empress dowager cixi rested and met officials on formal occasions. on the verandah in the foreground of the hall there are bronze statues of dragon and phoenixes which served as incense burners on major occasions. they are hollow and smoke comes through holes on their backs. also on the veranda are tai ping (peace) bronze water vats made during the reign of emperor qianlong. as a precaution in case of fire, a fire was lit underneath the vats in the winter to keep the water in them from freezing.

(at the entrance of garden of virtuous harmony)

we are now visiting the garden of virtuous harmony, where emperor qianlong and empress dowager cixi were entertained with beijing opera performances. it mainly consists of the dressing house, the grand theater building and the hall of pleasure smiles. the grand theater building known as the cradle of beijing opera” was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. on september 10, 1984, the garden of virtuous harmony opened its doors to visitors. there are also 7 exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here. the staff here put up court dresses of qing dynasty in order to give the visitor a more vivid impression.

(in front of the grand theater building)

this building is 21 meters in height and 17 meters in width and features three tiers of tilted eaves and stages. all of the stages are connected to a raise ,and a winch is installed at the top. a well and 5 ponds were sunk under the ground stage. there are trapdoors in the ceiling for fairies to descend, as well as on the floor for demons to surface. the underground passages also served as a means of improving resonance and making the performers` voices more audible .of the three main theater building of the qing dynasty, the grand theater building is the tallest and the largest. the other two are changyin (fluent voice ) pavilion in chengde, an imperial summer resort. the building played a major part in fostering the birth and development of beijing opera: since the completion of the grand theater building, many performances were held in it in honor of the empress dowager cixi.

(a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall of jade ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the hall of benevolent and longevity. it appears that there` s nothing special ahead. however, after we clear the rockery, we will reach kunming lake. this is a application of a specific style of chinese gardening. not far away in the lake there is a islet. it is filled with peach and weeping willow trees and serves as a ideal place to appreciate the scenery. the pavilion on the islet is called zhichun (understanding spring) pavilion and is chardcterized by four- edged, multiple eaved roofs.

(in front of the hall of jade ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwelling is the hall of jade ripples. it was first used by emperor qianlong to attend to state affairs. it was also where emperor guangxu of the late qing dynasty was kept under house arrest. this hall is a hallmark of the reform movement of 1898, emperor guanxu was empress dowager cixi` s nephew. after emperor tongzhi died, empress dowager cixi made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her wielding of power behind the scenes. when emperor guanxu was 19 years old ,empress dowager cixi relinquished power to him but continued to exert considerable influence. in 1898, the reform movement took place with the aim of sustaining the corn principles of the qing dynasty while reforming outdated laws. the movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by empress dowager cixi. the emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and emperor guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years .all the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard. emperor guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs. the wall remains intact for tourists to see.. dynasty while reforming outdated laws. the movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by empress dowager cixi. the emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and emperor guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years .all the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard. emperor guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs. the wall remains intact for tourists to see. (in front of yiyunguan (chamber of mortal beings) this was where empress and empress dowager of china` s feudal system. however, emperor guanxu was not the last emperor of the qing dynasty. the last in the line was emperor puyi, who ascended the throne in 1908 at the age of three, too young to be married . in 1912, he was forced to abdicate. during the short reign of emperor puyi. empress longyu handled state affairs on his behalf in the name of empress dowager. in 1911, a revolution led by dr. sun yat-sun succeeded, and the year after, empress longyu announced the abdication of the last emperor of china.

(in the hall of happiness and longevity)

the aged empress dowager cixi was so fond of the summer palace that she decided to live here from april through october of every year. this group of buildings served as her residence. this group of courtyard dwellings consists of a forecourt and a backyard with annex courts on each side .the whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting . with its quiet and tasteful layout, the hall of happiness and longevity made life very easy and convenient. no wonder one of empress dowager cixi` s pleasure boat. on the pier there is a tall lantern post. flanking the staircase leading to the main entrance of the hall, there are bronze cranes, deer and vases, symbolizing universal peace. the interior layout is the same as the imperial court, with throne, a large table and incense burners placed in the middle. at mealtime, eunuchs-in –waiting would make a gigantic table out of this table and empress dowager cixi would dine on 128 courses. because of this more than 1,800 tales of silver would be spent each month on meals. on the east side of the living room is the cloak room. the bedroom in on its west. in front of the yaoyue (inviting the moon ) gate of the long corridor the famed long corridor is ahead. facing kunming lake and in the foreground of longevity hill, the long corridor stretches from yaoyue (inviting the moon ) gate to shizhang (stony old man) pavilion. it is 728 meters in length and consist of 273 sections and connects four octagonal pavilions. in 1990 ,it was listed in guinness book of world records.

(strolling along the long corridor)

the long corridor is one of the major structures of the summer palace .since the corridor was designed to follow the physical features of the southern slope of longevity hill , four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions (beauty-retaining pavilion, enjoy-the ripples pavilion, autumn water pavilion and clarity distance pavilion) were placed at bends and undulation. thus sightseers will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. as a major part of the architectural style of the summer palace, the long corridor serves as an ingenious connector between the lake and the hill. scattered buildings on the southern slope were linked to creat a unified complex. this corridor can also be called a corridor of paintings ”: there are more than 14,000 paintings on its beams. some of them are of birds, flowers and landscapes of the west lake in hangzhou, zhejian province. others present scenes from literary classics. the majority of the landscape painting were done under the order of emperor qianlong, who preperred the scenery of south china.

(by the door leading to the exhibition of cultural relics)

this group of temple-shaped structures are known as qinghua (clarified china) hall ,also known as arhat hall during the reign of emperor qianlong. the original hall burned down in 1860. after it was reconstructed, it was renamed. qinghua hall is now used as a exhibition hall displaying rare cultural relics collected in the summer palace. the hall consists of 6 exhibition rooms with tens of thousands of articles of treasure on display in turn. among the exhibits there are bronze ware, porcelain, jade assemblages from the ming and qing dynasties, and rare and paintings. there is also a gigantic stone slab, which is more than 3 meters in height and width. it bears the handwritten inscriptions of emperor qianlong is commemoration of the suppression of a rebellion in the xinjiang region. only this slab survived when the angle-french allied forces set fire to the summer palace.

(in front of the gate of dispelling clouds)

now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakeside slope, the tower of buddhist incense within the hall of dispelling clouds. the hall of dispelling clouds was where numerous palatines kowtowed to empress dowager cixi. it was surrounded by galleries and flanked by annex halls. in the forecourt there is a pool and marble bridges . starting from the lakeside, there lies in succession a memorial archway, the gate of dispelling clouds, the hall of dispelling clouds and the tower of buddhist incense. all of these structures are built on a central axis and each is taller than its predecessor. this was designed to give prominence to the last structure, the tower of buddhist incense, which was a symbol of imperial power. the layout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in buddhist sutras. this group of structure are among the most magnificently constructed here in the summer palace.

(inside the hall of dispelling clouds)

the original buildings on this site were burned down by the anglo-french allied forces in 1860. a new set of structures was built during the reign of emperor guanxu, and was called the hall of dispelling clouds, suggesting that it was a fairyland. the hall was built on a high terrace, and has 21 room. inside the hall are a throne, screens, tripods and mandarin fans. on a platform you will see bronze dragons, phoenixes and tripods. at the foot of the platform there are four bronze water vats, the ancient form of fire extinguishers. the 10th day of lunar october was ,empress dowager cixi` s birthday. on that day ,she sat on the throne here to receive congratulations and gifts. now we are going to pay a visit to the highlight of the summer palace- the tower of buddhist incense. what we are now standing on is a stone terrace which is 20 meters in height. it has a semi housed stairway of 100 steps, you will live for 100 years. so, let` s go !

(in the front of the tower of buddhist incense)

an octagonal structure with three storeys and quadruple eaves, the tower of buddhist incense is the very center of the summer palace, and is one of the masterpieces of ancient chinese architecture. the tower is 41 meters in height, and is buttressed by 8 solid pillars made of lignumvitae logs. with its complex structure, ingenious layout, towering terrace and convincing grandeur, the tower of buddhist incense was artfully set out by the imperial gardens and beautiful scenery surrounding it .the tower overlooks kunming lake and other picturesque spots within an area of tens of kilometers .on the west side of the tower stands baoyunge (precious cloud pavilion). it is made of bronze and is7.5 meters in height and 270 tons in weight. it resembles its wooden counterparts in every detail. it is one of the largest and most exquisite bronze pavilions still on existence in china. lamas prayed here during the reign of emperor qianlong in honor of the monarchs and their families. at the turn of the century 10 bronze windows were spirited abroad. in 1992 an american company bought the windows and returned them intact to china.

(on a hilltop leading from the back door of tower of buddhist incense)

now we can see the long and snaking western causeway and a shorter dike that divides kunming lake into three areas that contain south lake island, seaweed-viewing island and circle city island. the three island represent three mountain in ancient chinese mythology, i. e. penglai, fangzhang and yingzhou. this peculiar method of incorporating a lake a three mountains within a single garden was a brainchild of emperor wudi of the han dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, bearing testimony to feudal monarchs` s longing for longevity. as the legend goes many heavenly elixirs grew on the three mythical islands. using artificial building techniques, the ancient chinese built this masterpiece based on the myth to make the mythical on appear to be accessible to humans.

(inside the garden of harmonious interest)

setting a garden within a larger garden has been one of china traditional architectural styles. the garden of harmonious interest serves as a fine example of this. this garden was built under the order of emperor qianlong and modeled after the jichang garden (garden of ease of mind )at the foot of mount huishan, jiansu province. it was renamed by his son emperor jiaqing in 1811. the existing garden was rebuilt by emperor or guangxu. empress dowager cixi used to go fishing here. the garden features 10 waterfront platforms, pavilions and halls as well as hundreds of galleries with all of its structures facing the lake and pools, the garden of harmonious interest is basically a garden of waterscape. spanning the vast expanse of the lake and pools are five bridges, each quite different from the others. the most famous of them is the bridge known as knowing –the fishing-bridge.” it is said that more than 2,500 years ago during the warring states period, two philosophere named zhuang zi had an interesting argument by the side of a pond. zhang said, ”fish swim to and fro in the water. what happy fish!” hui asked , ”you are not a fish. how do you know they are happy? ” zhuang replied, you are not me .how do you know i don’t know? ” hui signed, i am not you ,therefore, i don’t know you . and you are not a fish ,so how do you know that fish are happy? ” zhang said, you ask me how i know fish are happy, why do you keeping me the same question?” although the garden of harmonious interest was designed after jichang garden, it not only absorbed the original designs, but exceeded it .

(outside the south entrance to suzhou shopping street)

now lets have a look at longevity hill. on the back slope of the hill stands a group of architectures. the centerpiece of structures there are known as the four continents and are dedicated to buddhism. this group was laid out and arranged in accordance with buddhist cosmology. aside from a main shrine and structures embodying the four continents, there are eight towers representing minor continents. the shrine is surrounded by four lamaist pagodas and between the major and minor continents, there two platforms representing the sun and the moon. the qing authority attached great importance to buddhism. to further strengthen ties with the ethnic minorities who practiced buddhism, the monarchs incorporated both han and tibetan styles of architecture into this group of temples. further north at the foot of the four major continent lies the suzhou shopping street. built along the back lake of the summer palace, this street stretches about 300 meters and features more than 60 stores. it includes restaurants, teahouses, pawnshops banks, drugstores dye houses and publishing houses. in order to recreate the atmosphere of ancient times, visitors will have the chance to exchange their money to ancient style chinese coins for use here. storefronts are trimmed with traditional signboards and ornaments. the commercial culture of the mid-18th century has thus been recreated.

(atop the stone bridge inside the suzhou shopping street)

visitors may be surprise to see that this shopping street is almost the same as that in south china. as a matter of fact, this street was designed after the shops along the canals in suhzhou. originally known as emperor` s shopping street, it was built during the reign of emperor qianlong. after making several inspection tours to south china and being duly impressed by its commercial prosperity, emperor qianlong ordered the construction of this street. the imperial shopping street was burnt down by anglo-french allied forces in 1860. the site remained desolated until 1987, when reconstruction began. it was opened to the public in september 1990. with commercial culture as its hallmark, the suzhou shopping street is a vivid representation of china` s traditional cultures.

(on the road from the south fate of the suzhou shopping street to the marble boat)

this is the hall of pines. from it to the west we can walk to the marble boat. the path we aree taking stretches between longevity hill and back lake. monarchs and their cohorts used to stroll along it .hence it was named central imperial path. along this path you will see lilacs all around. hence, this road is also known as the path of lilac.

(in front of the ruins of the garden of complete spring)

quite a few unique structures were burnt down during the reign of emperor qianlong, among which the garden of complete spring was one of the most famous. the ruined and desolate courtyard by the roadside was its original site, it remains to be restored. this group of structures cover an area of 4,000 square meters and features a number of halls built on three different levels. all of the structures were connected with galleries and stone staircases. with its natural and ingenious combination of pavilions, a hall, galleries and rooms, the garden of complete spring serves as a fine model for other gardens. emperor qianlong frequently visited this compound.

(along the lakeside by the marble boat)

now we have returned from the back of longevity hill to the front. there is the famous marble boat. this structure is 36 meters in length and its body was made of marble. on top of it is a two storeyed structure. the floor was paved with colored bricks. all of the windows are inlaid with multi-colored glass and the ceiling was decorated with carved bricks. the drainage system channels rain water down through four hollow concrete pillars and into the lake through the mouth of dragon heads. according to a book written by emperor qianlong, the boat was used for enjoying the scenery and was supposed to be symbolic of the stability of the qing dynasty. halfway up the slope there stands the hall for listening to orioles . the ancient chinese liken the warble of an oriole to beautiful songs and melodies, hence the name of the hall which used to be a theater. now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in china, featuring imperial dishes and desserts. it is a must for many foreign visitors to have lunch here when then come to beijing. more than one hundred heads of state worldwide have dined here and the late premier zhou enlai has held banquets here in honor of state guests. (sightseers who want to try the restaurant can go boating after they eat. those who do not can go abroad right away. those who do not feel like taking the boat can stoll along the long corridor to the outside of the east gate). (boating on kunmin lake) we are now going to enjoy the lakeside scenery from a pleasure boat. as a main part of the summer palace, kunming lake covers an area of 220 hectares, or three fourths of the combined space of this summer resort. this natural lake is more than 3500 years old. this lake was originally called wengshan lake. in 1749 emperor qianlong ordered the construction of qingyi garden, the predecessor of the summer palace. involving nearly 10,000 laborers, the lake was expanded and turned into a peach-shaped reservoir, the first of its kind for beijing. from 1990 to 1991, the beijing municipal government ordered the first dredging of the lake in 240 years .involving 200,000 men and hundreds of dredgers and other tools, a total of 625,600 cubic meters of sludge was dredged and 205 bombs dropped by the japanese during the anti-japanese war were removed. the summer palace set a precedent for sightseeing by boat. there used to be a large imperial flotilla, of which the kunming merry dragon” was the most famous. it was destroyed by the anglo-french allied forces in 1860. to make the tour of the summer palace a more pleasant one, a large pleasure boat tai he ” (supreme harmony )was built. this double –decked boat is 37.09 meters long,8,59 meters wide and 10.49 meters high. it can travel at a speed of 9 kilometer per hour. small pleasure boats are also available to tourist. another major spot of interest on the western causeway is jingming (bright view ) hall. both its front and rear face the lake. this structure also features three two- storeyed halls of varying heights. our tour is drawing to a close as we approach the shore. today we only visited the major scenic areas of the summer palace. i have left other spot of interest for your next visit. i will show you out through the east gate. i hope you enjoyed today` s tour. thank you .good-bye and good luck.



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Dear tourists, Hello! Im your tour guide this time. Next, you are going tovisit the beautiful scenery of Mengcheng under my guidance. I hope you can havea good time in these three days and leave a good memory. My name is ZhangXiaokang. You can call me Zhang Dao or my name. There are several things to tellyou on the way to Mengcheng. I hope you remember that you must pay attention tosafety in the scenic area, and dont walk around. If you get lost, pleaseremember to call me. Ill pick you up. I hope you have a good time.

Next, Id like to introduce Mengcheng. Mengcheng County is located in thenorthwest of Anhui Province and the middle of Huaibei plain. It is a strategicplace in the Huaihe River Basin and a must for ancient military strategists. Itcovers an area of 2091 square kilometers, with 2.3 million mu of arable land. Itgoverns 15 towns, 2 offices, 1 Industrial Park and 1 forest farm, with apopulation of 1.32 million. Mengcheng is a famous historical and cultural cityin Anhui Province, the hometown of Zhuangzi. There are many cultural relics andscenic spots in Mengcheng, such as Zhuangzi temple, Confucian temple, Wanfopagoda, Sanxing street, baiyunan, East West Huaide bridge, etc. Niu Qun, afamous crosstalk artist, once held a temporary post as deputy county magistrate.Mengcheng is the hometown of couplets in China and a famous historical andcultural city at the provincial level. It is an open county approved by theState Council, a national experimental area for rural reform, and a national top100 forestry county.

Mengcheng Confucian temple, also known as Confucius Temple, was built inthe 21st year of the Yuan Dynasty (1284 AD). It was a place for offeringsacrifices to Confucius, performing rituals and running schools in feudaltimes.

From the front to the back of the Confucian temple are lingxingmen, panchi,Panchiao (to be built above), dachengmen and dachengdian. Lingxingmen is facingqingqujie, which means "walking in the clouds". There is a well in the southwestof lingxingmen, named Shengjing "Shengjing Ganquan", which is one of the eightsceneries of Mengcheng. Dachengmen is connected with Minghuan temple in the Eastand Xiangxian temple in the West. In front of Dacheng hall, there are two sideswith verandas. In the east of the hall is Jiexiao temple, and in the west isZhongyi temple. The east courtyard is Wenchang Pavilion, and the West courtyardis Minglun hall. Dacheng hall, formerly known as xianshuai hall, also known assage hall, is the main building of Confucian temple. The hall is five rooms wideand three rooms deep. It is a building with nine purlins, eighteen frames andforty-two eaves piers. It uses giant Chinese fir as pillars, and the cornicesare tilted. It is magnificent. The inside and outside of the hall are paintedwith heavy oil, carved beams and painted buildings. It is the most magnificentand well preserved ancient building in Huaibei area. Once upon a time, there wasa Confucius shrine in the middle of the hall, with eight characters on bothsides: Yan, Zeng, Xiao, Ti, Zhong, Xin, Li, Yi Lian and shame. Above the hallhung three plaques of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlongs imperial book,namely "model of all ages", "people never have" and "participation in heaven andearth". The reading platform in front of the hall is more than one meter high,with a circle of white marble railings, and stone steps in the middle and onboth sides for people to climb. There are seven East and seven West corridors.For the gray tube hole covering the top, the garage was originally for Confucius3000 disciples, the west room was originally for the past dynasties Xianrutablets.

Dacheng gate, also known as halberd gate, is five rooms wide, which is thepassageway leading to Dacheng hall. In the east of the temple, the famousofficial Temple was used to drink for Su Shun, while Fengji and other officialshad political power in Mengcheng

In the west, the ancestral hall was originally for Zhuangzi, He Wei andother local sages.

Mengcheng is still the residence of Zhuangzi. There is Zhuangzi temple inMengcheng, but after the erosion of time, Zhuangzi Temple no longer exists. Theexisting Zhuangzi temple was built by Mengcheng County Government on the formersite of Zhuangzi temple in Song Dynasty, with a total area of 52 Mu and a totalconstruction area of 1086 square meters. The whole temple consists of two parts:ancestral hall complex and Wanshu garden. The main buildings are dashanmen,Yingbi, Shanmen, xiaoyaotang, guhengmen, Puchi, wuxiaoting, Guantai, Guanyubridge, mengdielou, Nanhua Jingge, dongxibeilang, daoshe, Hakka, etc. In May20__, Zhuangzi temple was officially listed as a national AAA touristattraction.

After talking about the scenic spots, lets talk about the localspecialties. There are many local delicacies, such as fried cake, Mengcheng SAsoup, beef jerky, hairy crab, jiulonggong noodles in Sanyi Town, etc. There aremany kinds. I believe you will have a good time. Dont forget to bring somelocal products to your friends when you leave. Well, its time to say goodbye toyou. I hope you have a good trip and have a good memory. Goodbye, everyone.



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探险世界让游客亲身感受一个亚洲及非洲地区原始森林的旅程,同时探险世界亦将多种奇珍异卉集中在一处展出。游客可以参加乐园内的森林河流之旅,及发掘其它惊险的游乐设施如整个以森林之王Kingofthe Jungle为题的岛屿等。探险世界更设有一个最大的室内剧场,这剧场专为迪士尼现场表演而设。









下一站是幻想世界,在这里你可以找到最心爱的迪士尼人物:维尼、米老鼠…… 想当年我来的时候还没有这些东西,你们太幸运了!













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Dear visitors:

Today we are going to visit lijiang. Chinas two major ancient city was UNESCO world cultural heritage list, they took a south north, each has its own characteristics, northern shanxi pingyao ancient city, is the south is the ancient city of lijiang in yunnan province. Lijiang dayan, baisha, beam river three relatively independent urban construction units, dayan ancient city is the concentration of their representatives, so people are often called dayan ancient city of lijiang. From the geographical terms, the dayan ancient city of lijiang is a famous Chinese and foreign ancient city of ethnic minorities plateau.

Formed in the early yuan dynasty of ancient city, has been a northwest yunnan commercial center since the Ming and qing dynasties and the connection of yunnan sichuan-tibet tea ma gu town, has been 800 years of history. Ancient city covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers, the elevation 2400 meters, inhabited by more than 6200 households, the resident population, about 25000 people, including naxi nationality population accounts for about 67%. Lijiang in December 8, 1986 was released by the state council as national famous historical and cultural city, December 4, 1997, is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Beneath our feet is a "map", and frogs, eight diagrams is the naxi ancestors create divination tools according to the theory of five elements. Design is crawling in the middle of a frog, back like a divination texts, abdominal across the arrow, symbol of the party five lines of colored eight. Now facing east, symbol "wood", color green; South frog mouth, mouth spit "fire", heat color red; Frog abdomen center, into a "soil", ochre yellow; Arrow pointing towards the west, the symbol "iron", iron color white; Frog end toward the north, and out of the "water", water color and black. In addition, the frog left limb pointing to the southeast, right limb pointing to the southwest, the left foot to the northeast, right foot to the northwest, and south, east, west, north, symbol of eight side sticks. Design with twelve animals around the image, since due east of order is, ox, tiger, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig, rat, things to make. So, wood, fire, earth, iron, water five lines of each match male female and ten, then 60 cycle with 12 kinds of animals and ordinal number. Bargh figure of the naxi ancestors primitive cosmology, and even to the study of the origin of gossip, has important reference value.

Visitors, now we are at the square street. Sifang street is the center of the city square, it is a pavement linked together by rows of an approximate rectangle square street, street, covers an area of about 6 acres. Why call square street, there are two main types: one theory is that the shape of a square is the magistrate printing, like square by tusi named sifang street, from the meaning of "town square". Some will say, because the road leading to all directions of stream of people is in all directions, the logistics distribution center, so call square street. Southern China also has a trade channel called "tea ma gu", it is the Tibetan and lijiang horse, fur, medicinal herbs and other specialty and southern goods such as tea, silk, jewelry, a trade channel, old town of lijiang is the town in the tea-horse ancient road, the square street is the trade center of the town.

Maybe you have noticed the square street is not level, but slightly tilted east, is this why? Square street as the naxi proverb says, is a what are sold in addition to chicken bridle busy bazaars, a few days will have a lot of garbage, the old city and has no fixed cleaner, the ancient city of the people according to the topography, skillfully use of west river natural flushing street field. Way is: market are scattered in the afternoon, people with three pieces of ceiling a brake on the streets of river, west river, flood on river flow to the street, surrounded by the owner of the shop with a stick in the water drive, sewage flows into the east river, to thousands of hectares of farmland irrigation. Their street, the water in the river is clean, and free the law of sweeping the floor, this is afraid is in our city.

This is gong fang. Lijiang in the first year of yongzheng of the qing dynasty, namely "gai-tu-gui-liu policy", in 1723 AD by the original toast rule changes by the central government appointed officer has a certain term of flow rule, lijiang has just entered the society by the feudal lords feudal landlords and the society. The change of the social system inspired folk children study enthusiasm, from "gai-tu-gui-liu policy" to the abolition of the imperial qing dynasty 180 years, lijiang has a s a juren and seven jinshi. "Three for" a door in the developed areas of the central plains culture is not surprising that, in lijiang can be such a long ruled by toast frontier minority areas, it is a sensational joyous event, so the government and people donated here built a two layer of gong fang. Late qing dynasty, the alleys and out of the lijiang finally a jinshi and heptyl ji, so the villagers in the site after burn reconstruction gong fang, and up to three layers. In fact, from the "gai-tu-gui-liu policy" to cancel the imperial qing dynasty, the ancient city alone has two "three for a door". Now, population is more than 30 of the naxi nationality, but has hundreds of experts and professors; The annual college entrance examination enrollment, per capita in the province has been leading the way. Naxi nationality is, as it were, a people advocating culture, good at learning.

Visitors, thank you for your cooperation. Here, visitors can free activities for 1 hour. Activity was over here to set. Pay attention to safety!



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不怪乎,人们都把亚龙湾称之为“天下第一湾”。 为了提高亚龙湾旅游区的知名度,国家旅游局在1996年把旅游休闲的重点放在海南岛,因此,在亚龙湾建有亚龙湾中心广场,主要就是配合“96.11”开幕仪式在此举行;在亚龙湾中心广场处最引人注目的不外乎就是高27米的图腾柱,图腾柱的建设,代表了中国56个民族,取意为各民族共同腾飞。 在图腾柱周围,有三层粗旷豪放的花钢岩雕塑,分别代表了中国的4个神圣吉祥化身、8个远古神话传说及24个气节生灵雕塑,这些雕塑,构成了强烈的中国古天文宇宙意识和坦荡的古东方文化神韵。





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Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum is the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the queen Zhu Yuanjin Ma burial tomb, which is located in the southern foot of the purple mountain long Fu play in Mount Everest, Nanjing is the largest and one of the best preserved imperial tombs.So far more than 600 years of history.

The emperors in ancient China chose the site of the mausoleum very carefully, and paid special attention to choosing the land of "Ji Di", that is, the place of geomantic omen.Every time I go out the site, in addition to sending one or two court officials, but also absorb the knowledge of geography, will see the alchemist in Feng shui.After selecting the mausoleum, the emperor had to examine the scene himself and was satisfied with it and was finally finalized.Soon after Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he was concerned about the "paradise" after his death, and began to plan the construction of the mausoleum.It is said that he has called Liu Bowen, Xu Da, Tang He, and other ministers to discuss site selection.Five people agreed to write their respective best burial sites on paper and then open them at the same time.The results are written, Great minds think alike., Dulong Fu Mount Everest ".So the site of the tomb of Zhu Yuanjin was thus fixed.Dulong Fu is a hill located beneath the Zijin Mountain peak, 150 meters high, about 400 meters in diameter, is like a huge natural grave.Chinese feudal emperor often put themselves as sons of the heaven, to build the tomb in Dulong Fu, is in line with the requirements of the feudal superstition.

Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum Yu Wu nine years (1376) began to build, build competent mausoleum engineering enterprises is "Dudu Fu Li xin.At that time, a large number of migrant workers were employed, and dozens of temples were left behind by their predecessors.Since the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasties, Buddhism has been widely spread in China. The emperor of Wu even regards Buddhism as a national religion, so the temples in Nanjing are numerous.In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were more than 300 Buddhist temples, nearly 500 in the Southern Dynasties, and 100 thousand monks.His poetry in the Tang Dynasty: "in the four hundred and eighty temple, how many loutai yanyu."It was the portrayal of the flourishing Buddhist temples in Nanjing.In addition to moving to the temple, even moved a lot of previous tombs.But when moving to the Three Kingdoms, the tomb of Sun Quan (now on Mount Mei Shan in Nanjing), Zhu Yuanjin said, "Sun Quan is a true man, keeping him as a gatekeeper."."It was not removed.Hongwu fifteen years (1382), the first phase of the project completed, coincided with the empress Mas death, Zhu Yuanjin held a grand funeral for her, and the coffin burial tomb, called her "Xiaoci Queen", which is also the name of the tomb.In 1383, the main project of the tomb built hall.In 1392, the crown prince ZhuBiao died and was buried in the tomb of the East, called dongling.Hongwu thirty-one years (1398) built "Ming Tomb magic holiness monument", the construction of the mausoleum engineering ended, the project took 23 years.Before the death of Zhu Yuanjin, had left a testament; "funeral to frugality, no Jin, change because of the tomb and the world, three subjects are released, as marriage."This is obviously Zhu Yuanzhangs trick of buying peoples hearts.The whole Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum building, Xiaolingwei East, South to West Fang Weigang dismount, the walls of the city, north of Longgang only halfway up the mountain, a radius of more than 20 km, is a grand scale.In the long 23 years of construction, depletion of the flesh and blood of the people.At that time, there were ten thousand trees planted in the tomb area, thousands of deer kept and 5700 guards.Its wide range, large scale, before the Ming Dynasty is rare.But Zhu Yuanjin was buried, there are 40 concubines to bury, in which 2 people were buried in the tomb of the East and west sides, 38 people from the buried in the tomb.This China exposed the feudal ruling class was cruel, they not only to enjoy the splendor rich, after death still "death", the burial, at the people life.



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请大家跟我继续往前走,这里是学校的长廊,顶上爬满了葡萄滕 。长廊两侧的大柱子,都用极其丰富画上了许多的鱼,这里也是同学们乘凉的场所。


