





范文类型:辞职信,全文共 2154 字

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1、state you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date.

as we have discussed, i am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level 1. i want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than march 1.

please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective march 1.

i will be leaving my position as general counsel on august 31.

after six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in hhh, i have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in october–at your convenience. the decision has been quite difficult for me because i truly have enjoyed the relationships i’ve built here.

i offer my resignation as training coordinator with hhh. my last day will be march 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner.

2、state your reason for leaving. you may be as vague or as specific as you wish. bear in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record

this new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure i’ve looked forward to for sometime now.

i have been concerned about the limited opportunities for advancement. as you know, i’ve always been one to thrive on change and growth.

i have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters.

as you know, my training is in the financial area, and i’ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions of that kind.

my experience with previous employers has been administrative

work, and that is the kind of job to which i’d like to return.

as we have discussed, because of changes in my personal financial responsibilities, i have had to seek a position that offered a higher salary–although i understand your budgetary constraints.

i really haven’t decided completely what kind of job i want to pursue, although i am interested in the possibility of going into business for myself.

at this point, i’m toying with the idea of turning one of my hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.




范文类型:材料案例,适用行业岗位:学生,个人,全文共 1299 字

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光阴荏苒,大学生活已经过了一年,即将进入新的一学年。进入大学第一天的情景我至今记忆犹新,那时的我还带着一丝迷茫,什么事都不懂。 而今,我在这个校园里已经生活了一年多,一年的时光使我从青涩少年走向了成熟。回顾在过去的这一年大学生活,我学会了不少,有好多东西让我受益匪浅。在这一年中,不管是学习方面、实践能力方面,还是思想方面都有所进步,都得到了一定的锻炼和提高,基本上具备了当代大学生应有的素质。










范文类型:自我评介,全文共 592 字

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Hello, everybody! I am glad to stand here and introduce myself. I am and my English name is .

I am eleven years old. My birthday is on Christmas Day. I am a student of Grade 6, Class 1 of Ruhe New District Primary School. I like to play violin, reading, swimming, skiing and surfing the internet....I have a lot of hobbies! The color I like best is silver. My favorite food is hamburger.

When I grow up, I want to be a writer because a writer can write many books which are useful to people (I dont know if this is correct or not). Thank you very much for listening to me. Thank you once again!



范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 740 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 2512 字

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Everybody is good! Im the tour guide Zhao Hongjie, you must know the imperial palace in Beijing? Thats right! Beijing the imperial palace is famous in the world heritage, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, is the worlds largest and most complete existing ancient building group. Is known as the worlds top five palace. It is located in the centre of Beijing, the old city. Then let me take you to visit us...

From tiananmen square, through a piece of the blue brick flies in the floor of the square, then arrived at the main gate of the Forbidden City - the meridian gate. The Forbidden City has four door, front door of the meridian gate, east gate DongHuaMen, Simon xihua gate, north gate of creature. Meridian gate, commonly known as the five-phoenix towers across the meridian gate, and have wide big courtyard, in more than 30000 square meters of open courtyard, there are five delicate white marble Bridges to the gate. To the gate, into the palace of "the outer court," the palace of architecture on the basis of its layout and function is divided into "the outer court" and "imperial palace" two most. In the etheric and, neutralization, and three main halls as the center, is the place where emperors held at will, also known as the "power". Across the bridge through the gate is the grand hall of supreme harmony. The hall has a tortuous story, heard it burned with skyfire, three times also repaired three times, and even more amazing is the construction of the palace didnt a nail! Imperial palace to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility after three palace as the center, the two wings of yangxin temple, east, west sixth, and bypass the imperial palace, we finally arrived at the imperial garden, the garden planted full of plants. Along the way, will smell a burst of light fragrance. Is the feudal emperors and empresses live.

Into the Forbidden City, from tiananmen square, also can by the back door - creature door into the taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, through the gate of heavenly purity, entered the imperial palace, imperial palace road, east and west road route. If it is a half day tour, the three routes can only swim a, can generally be walk road. Can see the palace of heavenly purity, walk road pay tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, and the imperial concubines lived. In general, use a half-day tour of the Forbidden City, is more difficult, want to knowledge more widely, everybody admire to touring!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1007 字

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Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.


First let me introduce myself. My name is LiShuai, and my English name is Jacky Lee. Ive finished my undergraduate education in Xidian University, Majoring in Electronic Science and Technology in the college of Technical Physics.


I am open-minded, willing and have broad interests like basketball, reading and especially in engineering such as software programming, website design, hardware design. For example, during the past four years, I have accomplished two websites: one is the website of our school, and the other is the website of the doctor forum of china 20xx. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus plus programming language and have written some application programs. In July in the last year,I finished my graduate project with flying colors,which was a software application about Image Process . In addition, I have also finished some projects about embedded system by using MCU when I was a junior.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 354 字

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Im a primary scholar! My name is Liyuanyuan, Im in class3 grade3. Sometimes, I like swimming with my father, my favorite sports is basketball, because it can keep health I think Im very voluble and friendly! I want to make friends with everybody! Thanks a lot!




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1223 字

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In this school year, I am in the study, strict demands on themselves, assiduously, studious, correct attitude, clear objectives, basically mastered some of the professional knowledge. In addition to the study of professional knowledge, I also pay attention to the expansion of knowledge, extensive knowledge of other disciplines, thus improving their ideological and cultural quality, to become a good college students Fighting.

In ideology, I called for active progress, love the motherland, love the people, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the principles and policies, abide by national laws and regulations and the rules and regulations to actively move closer to the party, book. I have a strong ambition, the courage to criticize and self-criticism, and establish a correct outlook on life and values. In life, to develop a good living habits, life is full and structured, there is a strict attitude towards life and good attitude to life and life style, warm and generous, honest and trustworthy, helpful, have their own good accident principle, can And students live in harmony; actively participate in various extracurricular activities, which continue to enrich their own experience.



范文类型:材料案例,适用行业岗位:教研,全文共 1407 字

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范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1305 字

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6.3 在每批技术资料发运后24小时内,乙方应将合同号、空运提单号、空运报单日期、资料项目、件数、重量、航班号和预计抵达日期用电报或电传通知甲方。同时将空运提单和技术资料详细清单各一式2份寄给甲方。

6.4 若技术资料在空运中丢失、损坏、短缺,乙方应在收到甲方书面通知后30天内,免费外寄或重寄给甲方。在甲方收到技术资料后60天内,如果没有以书面形式提出资料不全或增补要求,则视为甲方验收。

6.5 技术资料采用英文,计量单位以公制表示。

第七条 考核与验收

7.1 合同产品的第一台样机,由甲、乙双方组成的联合考核小组,按附件七规定的时间和内容进行考核。如果符合附件一规定的技术要求,即可验收,并由双方代表签署合同产品考核验收合格证书一式4份,双方各执两份。

7.2 如果合同产品的技术性能达不到规定的技术标准,双方应友好协商,共同研究,分析原因,采取措施,消除缺陷,进行第二次性能考核。考核合格后,双方签署考核合格证书。

7.3 如果第一次考核不合格是乙方责任,乙方应自费再次派遣技术人员进特第二次考核。

7.4 经过第二次考核仍不能合格验收,若责任在于乙方,刚乙方须赔偿甲方遭受的直接损失。并采取措施艄除缺陷,进行第三次考核。

7.5 经过第三次考核仍不合格,如系乙方责任,则甲方有权终止合同,并接第九条的规定处理。若系甲方责任,则由双方协商合同进一步执行的问题。

第八条 技术改进

8.1 乙方提供的技术资料,如有不适合甲方生产条件的(如设计标准、原材料、外购配件及共他生产设备等一,乙方有责任帮助甲方修改技术资料,闪加以确认。在不影响合同产品性能情况下,应采用中国产的原材料、配套元器件和设备。

8.2 在合同有效期内,双方对合同产品的任何改进和创新,都免费将改进或创新的技术资料提供给对方。

8.3 改进或创新的技术所有权属于改进或创新一方,另一方不得对其申请专利或将其转让给第三者。

第九条 保证和索赔

9.1 乙方保证所提供的技术资料是乙方经过实际使用的最新技术资料,并保证向甲方及时提供任何改进和发明的技术资料。

9.2 乙方保证所提供的技术资料是完整的、正确的、清晰的,并保证按时交付。

9.3 如果乙方提供的技术资料不符合第六条规定,乙方必须在收到甲方书面通知后30天内免费将所缺的技术资料,或清晰、正确的资料寄给甲方。

9.4 如乙方的技术资料不能按本合同附件二规定的时间交付,乙方则须按下列比例支付罚款给甲方:




9.5 乙方按本条规定被罚款时,并不解除其继续交付技术资料的义务。

9.6 如果动方迟交技术资料6个月以上,甲方有权终止合同。乙方须将甲方已给交付的全部金额,并加年利_________%的利息,一并退还甲方。

9.7 由于乙方责任,验收不合格,造成甲方有能正常投产而终止合同时,乙方应退还甲方已经支付给乙方的全部金额,并加年利_________%的利息。




范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:建筑,全文共 4869 字

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This Agreement is made in Haidian District, _________(Placename)on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) among the following parties:

AAA (Passport No.: _________);

BBB (ID No.: _________);

CCC (ID No.: _________);

DDD (ID No.: _________);

EEE (ID No.: _________);

FFF (ID No.: _________); and HHH Co., Ltd., with official address being: _________(Address)hereinafter "HHH").


A. III entered into a three-year term loan agreement with HHH on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y). Pursuant to the said loan Agreement, III has borrowed RMB_________ from HHH to invest in the establishment of JJJ Co., Ltd.

(hereinafter "JJJ Company").

B. BBB entered into a three-year term loan agreement with HHH on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y). Pursuant to the said loan agreement, BBB has borrowed RMB_________ from HHH to invest in the establishment of the JJJ Company.

C. The JJJ Company was 70% owned by III and 30% owned by BBB right after its establishment.

D. III entered into the share transfer agreement on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) with each of AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF.

Pursuant to the said share transfer agreements, III has transferred 30% of the shares of the JJJ Company to AAA and 10% of the shares of the JJJ Company to each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF.

E. A debt transfer and assumption agreement was entered into on _________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) among III, AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE, FFF and HHH. Pursuant to the said debt transfer and assumption agreement, III has transferred his repayment obligation under the aforementioned loan agreement with HHH to AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE, and FFF; AAA has assumed RMB_________ loan obligation from III and each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF has assumed RMB_________loan obligation from III.

F. As of the date of this Agreement, each of AAA and BBB owns 30% of the shares of the JJJ Company and each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF owns 10% of the shares of the JJJ Company. To maintain their interest in the JJJ Company, each of AAA and BBB owes HHH RMB_________ and each of CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF owes HHH RMB_________.

Therefore, the parties agree to the following regarding the repayment of loan from each of AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF to HHH:

1. Repayment of Loan

1.1 HHH has the right to request each of AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF (each hereinafter "the borrowing party") to transfer his/her interest in the JJJ Company to HHH or any person specified by HHH at any time; provided that such transfer will not be in violation of PRC laws and regulations.

1.2 The borrowing party shall execute all necessary documents relating to the transfer of the interest in the JJJ Company within three days following the receipt of the transfer request from HHH and shall cooperate with the designated transferee to complete all the procedures relating to the transfer of the interest in the JJJ Company.

1.3 Should the borrowing party transfer part of his/her interest in the JJJ Company to HHH or the person specified by HHH under HHH request, the borrowing party shall be viewed as having repaid the amount of the loan as calculated in accordance with the following formula: X=T(multiplication symbol) (A degrees(division symbol)B). X means the amount of the loan deemed repaid, T means the total amount of the loan, A means the number of shares of the JJJ Company being transferred to HHH or the person specified by HHH, and B means the total number of the shares of the JJJ Company held by the borrowing party.

1.4 HHH agrees that the borrowing partys fulfillment of the obligation to transfer his/her full interest in the JJJ Company to HHH or the person specified by HHH shall be viewed as having repaid all of his/her loan.

1.5 Unless with the written consent of the borrowing party, HHH shall not request the borrowing party to repay his/her loan in any form other than the transfer of the interest of the JJJ Company.

1.6 Unless with the written consent of the HHH, the borrowing party shall not transfer any of his/her interest in the JJJ Company to any third party.

1.7 The parties, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and both faith and through friendly negotiations, shall determine the method of the repayment if the borrowing party, under the PRC laws and regulations, is not able to transfer his/her interest in the JJJ Company to HHH or the person specified by HHH.

2. Effective and Miscellaneous

2.1 This Agreement goes into effect as of the date of signature by the parties.

2.2 Should there is any conflict between this Agreement and any other prior agreements or arrangements among the parties, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

2.3 This Agreement has seven original copies with equal legal force and each to be held by one party.

2.4 Matters uncovered by this Agreement may be separately discussed and decided by the parties.

* This Agreement is originally written in Chinese and this is an English translation.



范文类型:邀请函,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 202 字

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This is to acknowledge that we cordially invite our client ______________ Passport No. , delivered

Expiration date

Date of birth:

to visit _______ abound ______

The Manager


Signed _____________________



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:文秘,全文共 1681 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 3989 字

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Time flashed by, and shortly trial is nearing completion. This is my precious life experience, but also left me a wonderful and beautiful memories. During this time my colleagues and leaders give me enough tolerance, support and help, see below UI designer personal evaluation.

Felt the leaders be tolerant to diversity-minded, people do not feel as advertising through wind and rain, how rainbow pride, but also appreciate the Chongqing advertising practitioners as pioneers of hard and firm (now the domestic advertising industry, I think ChongqingThe advertising industry is still under development and a late start). In awe of colleagues and leadership, but also for me to have the opportunity to become a part of todays advertising and surprised.

In this three-month period, under the leadership and colleagues of careful care and guidance, through their tireless efforts, all parties concerned have made some progress, now I work for the following report.

I remember the first time candidates, I recognize the companys confined to one of several top advertising company in Chongqing, awareness of the designer is only limited to a post in a relatively simple and creative art implementation. In addition, we know nothing about it. Therefore, the trial period how to know, understand and are familiar with their own trades, it became my priority.

First, through the accumulation of theoretical study and daily work enabled me to have a more profound understanding of the company.

I remember the early companies, referred to my first job was in the hands of a corporate greeting card changes, but ashamed to say that, because for the other companies are not familiar with the overall image of the packaging, resulting in this little greeting card to modifytask let me in the companys first day of work from about 5:00 pm until late at night after 12:00, repeated changes and long waits for a client response to me, both fresh challenges are everywhere. School do not understand, it is the premise and basis of all progress made. During this time I have to seriously study and understanding of the relevant information on the company and on the companys previous, current customers of the relevant information have a relatively preliminary understanding, (in this regard, a group leader Luo Hui, Art Director Mo Jian there like me, new to the company in the near art Yang Pan, are great help to me, I have been very grateful to them) together with the daily work of the company I have accumulated more profound understanding, but also aware of the the company in Chongqing, the advertising industry a pivotal position, her development to promote the development of Chongqing, the advertising industry has a huge role.At the same time, the company has more advanced enterprise management system and administration of standard operation. All this makes me the companys development is full of confidence and vision.

Second, conscientiously study and job functions, the ability to work has been improved to some extent.

According to the requirements of the job responsibilities, my main task is to (1) is responsible for the completion of design work, head down the allocation instruction; (2) to participate in discussions related to creative advertising; other work (3) assigned by the leadership. By completion of the work, it made me realize that a competent designer should have considerable knowledge of art, familiar design software operating capacity also must have a good design mentality, and to dare to put forward their own ideas and more programs , innovation! of course, good language skills are essential to the leadership and colleagues of their own creative ideas.

Currently I am deficient in terms of creative ideas, but also more and more neighborhoods to the groups senior leaders and colleagues and members of other groups, more learning. To give yourself a competent advertising art designer, I also read a lot of design-related books, and to seek help and improve their work.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1469 字

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inspection of the contracted products, so that party a can use the technical documents

and know-how supplied by party b toproducethe same products in the contract factory.

party b shall do its best to arrange for party a’s personnel to visit the majorusers

and the manufacturing process of the components from other countries of the contracted


5.2.2 party a shall send twice its technical personnel to party b’s factory for

training, andthe total number of the participants shall not exceed 320 days/man

(excluding the inter-preter).

5.2.3 the first training shall be from the third to the fourth month after the

contract comes into effect. there shall be 4 technical persons and an interpreterto be

sent to party b for training for 16o working days/man (5 days week). the training shall

cover the design of the contracted products and manufacturing technology.

5.2.4 the second training shall be from the eighth to the nineth month. party a shall

sent 4 technical persons and an interpreter to party b’s factory for training for 160

working days/man  (5 days per week). the training shall cover the designing, the

manufacturing technology,erection and adjustment of the contracted products.

5.2.5 party a shall bear the travelling expenses of its trainees; party b shall

provide party a’s trainees free of charge with boarding, lodging and means of

conveyance for travel- ling between the lodging place and the factory.




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 9280 字

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Blink of an eye 10 years have gone, we ushered in a new year. Summing up the work of the past year, from a personal point of view about the measurement of awareness.

Quality is the life, quality is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise development. In the fierce competition in the construction market today, how to improve the construction quality management level is every enterprise managers must think about. Factors affecting the quality of construction in all aspects. From the engineering measurement point of view, analyze the work of measuring the pay-off to ensure and improve the quality of the construction of an important role, and simply how to strengthen the management of measurement work to improve the quality of construction.

It is a very important technical work of municipal road engineering that the measuring and measuring line is an important technical work. It is inseparable from the whole process of construction, from the preparation before construction to the completion of the construction, to the final acceptance after construction. How to do a quick and good measurement of the line, is a basic technical skills and test the basic requirements.

Do the measurement before the commencement of the end

Before the start of the project, the survey and design units shall be responsible for on-site surveying and settlement according to the design documents, and the site standard point, conductor piles and crossing point piles shall be clearly identified according to the design drawings. Within the measurement of signs, must take appropriate protection measures. On the measurement of the end, it is necessary to emphasize the protection of pile position, that is, in the design unit after pile, should be timely use of brick piers or pouring cement pier and other methods to be protected, so as not to lose. These piles are generally farmland or residential areas, it is easy to be man-made destruction, and once destroyed, let the survey and design units to fill test, then delay the construction, but also increase the cost.

Midline retest and edge loft

Center line measurement is based on the alignment measurement, the road center line plane position on the ground marked in detail. It is the difference with the alignment measurement is: alignment measurement, but the intersection of the road and the straight line segment of the necessary turning point marked out, and in the midline measurement, according to the intersection and the turning point with a series of stakes will road straight Segment and curve segments are specified in detail on the ground.

The alignment survey is usually carried out by the survey and design units, and then the pile and measurement results to the construction side, the construction unit by the middle line and construction measurement.

Subgrade construction should be fully restored before the center line, according to the restoration of the pile in the road and the relevant provisions of the roadbed side of the pile. On the midline re-measurement and edge lofting, should pay attention to the following points;

One should pay attention to the distance between the intersection, the direction is consistent with the drawings; such as an engineering project has several tenders, should pay attention to the center of the adjacent tenders are closed, midline measurements should be in-depth adjacent tenders 50 ~ 100 M; attention should be paid to the center of the structure such as bridge and culvert is closed; should pay attention to the relative position of the building and other buildings and drawings are consistent. If you find problems in a timely manner to identify the reasons for the design unit.

Second, retaining pile set. It is very important to set up pile protection pile in the middle of the road, but these piles are easy to be destroyed during the construction. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the restoration and surveying work of the middle pile during the construction of the roadbed. In order to quickly and accurately restore the center pile in the original position, must be on the road before the construction of the main control point of the pile such as the intersection point, turning point, curve control points set up retaining pile. The so-called retaining pile, is outside the scope of the construction is not easy to be destroyed where some stakes set up.According to these pile, with simple methods (such as the intersection point, range, etc.), you can quickly restore the original pile point.

Set the pile should pay attention to the following aspects: in each straight section of the road, at least three control piles to set up retaining pile, so even if there is a control pile can not be restored, the other two points can be used to restore the straight section To the original position; the intersection angle of the two direction lines as close as possible to 90 °, should not be less than 30 ° angle of intersection; retaining pile should be selected outside the scope of construction, but not too far away; Pile distance can not be too far; The retaining pile must be solid and reliable, pile to facilitate the erection of measuring instruments and observation.

Set up retaining pile of curve side. For the curve segment, because of the more difficult to determine the side of the pile, re-measuring time-consuming more, so after a precise line, the edge of the curve section of the pile pile should also be set representative pile, which can reduce Repeat the measurement, reducing the measurement workload.

Third, the laying of mileage pile. After the midline pile is fixed, it is possible to lay out the control pile of the mileage pile on this basis. Mileage pile layout principle is: in the straight section, generally arranged in every 100 meters of the entire pile of cross-section, similar to the common road construction 100 meters pile layout; in the curve section of the pile to be properly encrypted, in the curve Mileage pile can be large stakes, above the mileage mark with paint or ink station, into the road outside the scope of construction on both sides of the ground, it is best to play on each side of a . To ensure that the construction is not easy to damage the case, from the embankment edge should be as close as possible to facilitate the use, generally 1 to 2 meters.

The laying of mileage piles is not addressed in most of the surveying and setting-out sections of the Construction Manual, and is not taken into account at many sites. I found in some sites, some construction technicians in the construction survey, the determination of the distance station is a long distance from a foot a foot row over, not only a waste of time and prone to cumulative error. If the mileage stakes are not allowed, then the elevation, slope quality control is out of the question.

Third, the proofreading and additional standard point

First, the use of design units set up before the standard point should be carefully checked, close the gap may not exceed the limit, such as exceeding the allowable deviation should identify the reasons and promptly reported to the relevant departments. The design unit delivers the leveling points normally set several months ago. These points in the field can easily be man-made collision or natural subsidence due to the ground changes, so be sure to carefully review before use; Second, the standard point of additional principles: the distance is generally 150 to 200 meters, Plus transfer station for the principle. The additional standard point should be closed with the design unit to pay the standard point, such as an engineering project at several tenders, but also with the adjacent standard segment of the standard point of closure, the closure may not exceed the limit.

The position of the leveling point shall be located on a solid, non-sinking, non-touching ground or a solid building of a permanent building. Can also be installed in the protection of deep-buried wood piles or concrete piles, and make clear signs. The leveling point should be checked once a month, and the level of the spot where the movement is suspected should be checked after re-inspection.

Vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement

Through the midline re-test, side piles line and the laying of the standard point, you can measure the vertical and horizontal cross-section. The main purpose of vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement is to calculate the amount of earth, so the vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement after the end of the measurement results should be checked with the design drawings. Where the results with the original within the allowable deviation, the original results shall prevail, and only when there are significant differences with the original results, can be reported to the supervisory engineer after verification changes. It should be noted that: the work must be carried out before construction. If the measured amount of earth and the design does not conform to the supervision of the approval should also be carried out before construction.Some site excavation to the supervisor before the actual amount of earthwork and design does not match, require additional visa, but the final supervision refused.So be sure to pay attention to the timeliness of the work.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 1044 字

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Familiar with the basic knowledge of clothing production, understand the theory of human structure, the clothing fabric, accessories have sufficient understanding of the nature, proficient in garment production process and technology, cost structure. Familiar with the clothing business orders orders single process, production scheduling process, the production process, inspection procedures standards. Hands-deep skills, work enthusiasm, passionate, helpful, strong communication skills, with innovative thinking, a team spirit and can withstand greater work pressure.

Self-confidence, honesty, seriousness, rigorous, like learning, love of creation. Art skills solid, good at Flash, 3Dmax, AI, Photoshop, has many years of animation experience, can quickly adapt to new things, has a good aesthetic ability, a unique creative style. He was responsible for many web pages, animation, game projects, familiar with the two-dimensional animation and three-dimensional animation of the production process, both design and management capabilities.



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 940 字

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范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1504 字

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granted shall be deemed to have been sold when paid for.

3.6 if the contract products are returned or allowances made thereon after the royalty

thereon has  been paid party a shall be entitled to take ppropriate erdit for such

overpay-mentagainst royalties thereafter accruing.

3.7 if party b demand to audit the accounts of party a,it shall notice party a within

l0(ten) days after receiving the written notice of party a in accordance with article

3.4 of the contract.the speeific content and procedure of auditing accounts are

detailed in appendix 4 tothe contract.

article 4 couditions of payment

4.1 royalty stipulated in section 3 to the contract shall be effected by party a to

arty bthrough the bank____________(here it is the business bank of party a, and the bank

_________(here it is the busines bank of party b), payrnent shall be settled in________.

4.2 party b shall immediately issue the related documents ofter receiving the written

notieesubmitted by party a in accordance with artiele 3.4 of the contract, the royalty

shall be paid by party a to party b within 30(thirty) days after party a has received the

fol-lowing documents whichare provided by party b and found them in confoumity with the

stipulations of thcontract.

a. four copies of the statement on calculation of the royalty;

b. four copies of the commercial invoice;

c. two copies of the sight draft.

4.3 party a shall have the right to deduct from any of the above mentioned payment the




范文类型:心得体会,全文共 822 字

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范文类型:请假条,全文共 374 字

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Dear Mr/Ms ;

Today Im writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for Ive got cold last night with carlessness.

This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. Ill be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.

Yours ever,

