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Hello, all of you, Im Wang Ping, a tour guide from Anhui travel agency.You can call me Wang. My side is master Ma, who has many years of drivingexperience. It is a great pleasure to visit the Chaohu scenic area with everyonein this sunny day.

Now our car is driving on lakeside Avenue, Chaohu, also called "Jiao Lake".It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a year of drought, the small whitedragon without rainfall except dry, made tiantiao, was the emperorcensureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon atthe focal basking grace, so he told him to heaven in nest state, coke baskingtimely told all the neighbors, to everyone die hard to avoid. He had delayed theopportunity to escape and was washed away by the flood. The daughter lost a pairof shoes in a hurry, and flooded, later people to commemorate the focal baskingspirit, will be in the lake called "coke Lake", and then turned into a cokebasking in Laoshan Mountain, a daughter, her a pair of shoes into the shoe hill.Of course, these are just a myth. The real Chaohu is of course the result of themovement of the earths crust.

Now we look to the left is our Chaohu, the lake area of Chaohu 800 squarekilometers, is the largest lake in the province, is one of the five largestfreshwater lakes in China. As the water rich, suitable climate for Anhuifish.

The temple stands in Phoenix Palace red sand reef, three facing water, theexisting building for the late Qing Dynasty temple diange, is dedicated to theworship of bixiayuanjun, and now people visit the temple, is no longer theaeriality pray for the gift of God, but in the work, to enjoy the magnificentscenery of Chaohu Nabaili. And in the temple at Island Lake is a vast lake,which is filled with legendary laoshan.

Laoshan Mountain is the most beautiful in Chaohu biggest lake. Laoshan notonly beautiful. Many visitors walk in the places of historic interest and scenicbeauty, rugged road, if you can hear your footsteps slightly heavier, echosounding, this is the Laoshan unique "an echo", if follow the voice can be foundfor the size of more than 20 caves, cave rocks Ling Xun, very wonderfulinsurance. To climb up, you can see the Wenfeng tower.

Wenfengs seven floors, 51 meters, 133 layers of eaves angle to walk,octagonal eight square, corner with bells, majestic appearance, exquisitestructure. The body of the tower consists of three parts: the outer wall, thecorridor and the tower heart. In the possession of the viceroy Li Hanzhang wrote"I recently", Chinese Taiwans first governor Liu Mingchuan wrote the "flow column" 25plaques and 802 statues of Buddha brick tower, people, feel the wind whistling,bells, like standing above the clouds.

Tasha linedwith Li Hongzhang like, Li Hongzhang fortune before gracedivision Zeng Guofan gathered on the lake in the Huai pointing, practice, notfar from the tower, there is a holy temple basking, red Ying tiles nestled inthe green pines and verdant cypresses, beautiful.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is about to end. In this short and happytime, I am impressed by the enthusiasm of you, and I hope that the beauty ofChaohu will leave you a good memory.




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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3529 字

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In our country in the south China sea, a bright pearl. It is like a big magnet, attracting tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists. It is a beautiful zhuhai.

This summer vacation, mom and dad will take me to visit zhuhai, appreciate the beautiful natural scenery.

And so my father mother and I sit on the bus to zhuhai. Along the way, fast car, see the trees and flowers on both sides of the road ran back as fast as he could. For a while and come to huidong, then for shenzhen. Ahead in shenzhen, many skyscrapers. My mood is very happy, we talked and laughed in the car before you know it has been a few hours, at this time has been to the dongguan, we walked along the dongguan. Soon, humen bridge, wow, what a big ah, good length and the width of bridge, the bridge is one thousand meters, is really spectacular! Across the zhongshan we arrived in zhuhai.

Because the car sat for four hours, just get off the bus, I feel dizzy, my head but was soon my joy was washed away. I observed a look, ah! This is the zhuhai, is a much better than my hometown. Countless of tall buildings, trees and flowers.

After lunch, we began to the wharf, are you going by boat, to travel around the island. I hear people say, macau is a very beautiful place, I want to see the early, I wish fly past. Zhuhai this place air is fresh, green is good, not for a moment, my body and mind become very relaxed, very happy.

To the dock, I have a look, wow, the ship here so much! We sat on a big ship, chose a seat to sit on. "Rumbling" ship set out, in a short time to macau, we are here to overlook lisboa casino, Banks, such as observation tower. The tower is spectacular, but also particularly high, towering. Blowing cool and refreshing sea breeze, bask in the warmth of the sun, sailing in the sea, watching the beautiful scenery, I dont have to mention how happy heart. After a while, sailing. After we had finished dinner, and to explore New Yuanming Palace.

To the front round new garden, I cant help to say: "good big of a palace, I stand in front of the hall, father holding a camera, press the shutter, filmed.

The New Yuanming Palace roof is red and yellow, was built with glazed tiles and wall is deep red, whole garden looks magnificent.

We go in to see a lot of scenic spots, more minutes at 7 o clock in the evening, we watched the performance in front of the big stage, the topic is >, talked about the qing dynasty, the period of the new millennium, also a lot of dance, are: the eight banners encouraging, curved knife drum dance, dance, dance of the water... After the show, we went to the river to watch >, is about some opium traffickers to a peoples homes on the island, oppressed the people, know after the qing army, and went to war with them, the final victory. Thats too intense. After watching, we back to the hotel to rest and sleep.

The second day, we got up early, ate dinner, with great curiosity to the zhuhai fisher girl like, we got off the car, looking at fisher girl like, carved out of the fisher girl like, really big, it stands by the sea, it has made a few decades, the fisher girl like wearing skirts, hands up to hold together, dont know what to do, took a several before the fisher girl like a picture of me. We are on the car, ready to leave zhuhai.

We went on from zhuhai, zhongshan city, visit the sun yat-sens former residence and memorial hall, an hour later tour finished, returned home, happy end of travel.

The visiting zhuhai, leave me a deep and wonderful memories. Oh, unforgettable trip to zhuhai!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3230 字

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Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am pleased to serve as your guide today。

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City。 It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today。 Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406。 It took 14years to build the Forbidden City。 The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi。 For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne。 In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy。

It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) 。 The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace。 Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence。 In folklore, the term “an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass。 Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments。 The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people。

The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic。 Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth。 Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people。 Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture。

The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape。 It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west。 It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters。 A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9。 9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex。 Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall。 There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate (Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Western Flowery Gate ) to the west, the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) to the east。

Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City。 A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed。 Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province。 Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province。 Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China。 Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province。 Timber was cut, processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions。



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有这样一个故事:当年孝庄太后年老病重之时,极其爱戴她的皇孙——康熙帝,心情极其郁闷。他让侍女苏麻喇姑准备好纸笔,大笔一挥,写了一个 “福”字。写完之后,玄烨和苏麻喇姑看着那个“福”字惊呆了——那个字苍劲有力,十分潇洒。细一看,竟看见了多个词组:多田,多子,多才,多寿……这不就是皇祖母的心愿吗?康熙帝越看越满意,便命人把这个“福”字拓在一块巨石上。结果,久病多时的太皇太后很快康复了!康熙帝大喜,决定将这块饱含吉祥福瑞气息的巨石代代相传,让爱新觉罗家族世代昌盛。





乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海,背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三,太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆皇帝就褫夺了和珅军机大臣和九门提督两职,抄了其全家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于国库十几年的总收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法,同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则归了“爱豪宅不爱江山”的嘉庆胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。与此同时,嫁给和珅儿子的乾隆之女和孝公主,仍居住在半座宅第中。咸丰元年,即1851年,清末重要政治人物恭亲王奕?成为这所宅子的第三代主人,改名恭王府,恭王府之名由此沿用至今。 “一座恭王府,半部清朝史”是历史地理学家侯仁之对恭王府的评价。民国初年,这座王府被恭亲王的孙子溥伟以40万块大洋卖给教会,后由辅仁大学用108根金条赎回,并用作女生学堂。新中国成立以后,王府曾被公安部宿舍、风机厂、音乐学院等多家单位使用过。






























范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1479 字

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Lijiangs commentaries, 350 - word model essay 3:

Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang. You can call me a guide.

Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Ill give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is the only ancient city without walls in Chinas famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activities.

Ok, now you give me into the city to see.

Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town.

Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also wont fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance. Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3790 字

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Hello everyone! First of all, on behalf of the travel agency, I would like to welcome you to Chaohu for sightseeing and sightseeing. I am your guide. Today we run this arrangement, the first in the morning tour of Hutian Shengjing temple, on Laoshan Island, on the way to swim Lake Avenue, Chaohu, Kameyama; Wei Li in Chinese restaurant, afternoon tour silver Ping Shan Scenic Area, the concept of the Millennium - p.suffruticosa, fairy cave, Spa Resort back rest. We Chaohu city is named for Chaohu, it covers an area of 9423 square kilometers, the total population of 4 million 500 thousand, under the jurisdiction of Lujiang County, Wuwei County County, Hanshan County, as well as the Juchao district boundary between Hefei and Wuhu in two cities, Hefei, Chuzhou, and the surrounding Luan, Anqing City, bordering the river, Wuhu, and Tongling Maanshan City, the three look relatively. Chaohu in the Shang and Zhou Jian Nan Chao, the spring and Autumn period to nest in Qin and Han Dynasties set Juchao Tang home, Chaozhou, later called the county, 84 years instead of Chaoxian, Chaohu City, in the 99 year the State Council withdrew the county of Chaohu City, the establishment of the prefecture level city of Chaohu.

Our Chaohu cultural landscape and the natural landscape is very rich, it is known as the garden of Anhui, Chaohu specialty is also very much, such as Chaohu Chaohu honey, Sophora japonica, fireworks, etc.. Now our car is driving on the Lake Road, the Lake Avenue is a set of tourism, flood control, traffic in one, in the 91 years after the flood that began to build up, a total length of 53 meters, then you can see the left is our Chaohu lake water, 800 square kilometers, lake the 23 towns are surrounded by three County District, and Lujiang County, Feidong County, Feixi county and Juchao district. We Chaohu and Dongting Lake, Hongze lake, Poyang Lake, Taihu and are known as the five largest freshwater lakes, and we Chaohu in the five largest freshwater lakes are the smallest. Chaohu, also known as the coke lake. It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a small white dragon without rainfall except sweat, sweat, made tiantiao, was the emperor censureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon at the focal Laoshan life-saving grace, so he told the emperor to trap nest the matter, and inform all the neighbors in Laoshan coke so, all the neighbors to Mian victims, however, but when the coke basking by neighbor delay the chance to escape flooded, the daughter also lost a pair of shoes in a hurry to run and was flooded, and later people to commemorate the focal basking spirit, will be in the lake called coke lake. The coke is made of a mu Laoshan, daughter turned into a mountain, one of her shoes into the shoe hill.

Of course, this is just a myth of Chaohu. The real Chaohu formation is of course the result of the movement of the earths crust. The three treasure of our Chaohu is silvery fish, white rice prawns and crabs. Chaohu lake basin is mainly Yuxi River and Yangtze River flows through their cattle Tunhe. Laoshan island covers an area of 0.86 square kilometers, 105 meters above sea level. The tower that we see now is the Wenfeng tower. There was a sharp peak around Laoshan, Luzhou champion. In order to verify the Ergui Luzhou Fu Yan Song, in the Ming Dynasty for four years (1631) built four storey tower, after the peasant uprising and stop work, to the four years of the Qing Dynasty (1878) Foreign Affairs Minister Li Hongzhang and Juan, built three storey tower, the tower has seven floors, eight horns, 51 meters high, 133. The tower post carved 802 Buddha statues, stone tablets 25 questions. There is a poem in Guo Ruomus Poems: yaokan Chaohu Kingnet, love aunt hair like oil, namely, second aunt basking.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 29527 字

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Dear friends hello! Welcome to visit zhouzhuang.

Before we entered the town main attraction, I briefly introduce first zhouzhuang.

Zhouzhuang is located in kunshan city, suzhou, wujiang, Shanghai qingpu at the boundary of three counties, the east is the famous dianshan lake, not far from here by bus to Shanghai grand view garden only need ten minutes. So someone said: "zhouzhuang is a pearl of dianshan lake."

Zhouzhuang, which is a jiangnan ancient town with a history of more than nine hundred years, its long tradition, simple morals, ancient buildings, clear river and legendary characters, become a very attractive tourist resort. Famous ancient architecture expert Mr. Luo said. "Zhouzhuang is not only a treasure in jiangsu province, and it is a treasure of the country." Chinese Taiwan jinwei magazine called zhouzhuang is "Chinas first water town". There are a lot of people after visited zhouzhuang, said: "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou, there is also a zhouzhuang in the middle." To zhouzhuang holds so many buildings in the Ming and qing dynasties and admiration, to the exquisite pattern of "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else" and dazzled, for everywhere can draw, always have amorous feelings of the poem and intoxication, feel the beauty of zhouzhuang is impossible to remake water.

Go once called zhenfengli zeguo arch before) this is ling floor, floor were laid on the border of the new and old township, sceneries is the symbol of zhouzhuang town, engraved with "once called zhenfengli zeguo" four word, written by famous calligrapher shenpeng. "Once called zhenfengli" refers to the formerly known as zhouzhuang, once called zhenfengli in northern song dynasty (1086), of the first year of yuan on ones family name is zhou di gong lang for believe in Buddhism, the two hundred mu shoda donated to a local QuanFu temple temple as the field, people feeling their kindness, once called zhenfengli, instead zhouzhuang. "A lot" refers to the ring around the water. Fang column on a pair of couplets, top allied is "Jane hangs there two day climbing royal road", the second line is abundant "xiangyang plum since time", mean we the people of zhouzhuang in the tide of reform and opening to the outside are on the way, life is becoming more and more rich.

Everyone went into the ancient township across the ling floor, please look back, there is a couplet: "blue waves, white billow above the sunny side, hundreds of feet in the cloud shadow extremely scene also." This is a famous journalist Feng Yingzi inscribed. Banners saying "tang about survial. Mean in zhouzhuang, ancient excellent national culture, the ancient life also can see some. This is a famous calligrapher feixinwo - year - old man in his later years when, inscribed with the left hand corner and his Chinese wikipedia! You can identify carefully, is the "new left my pen" four word. The ling cornices newborn, tiles white wall on both sides of the building and the road house, and a towering pagoda, constitute a ancient architectural complexes, and many people like to take photos here, back you can also leave a shadow here.

Walking tour guide: front, there is a striking white marble zhaobi, it was built to commemorate the nine hundredth anniversary of the ancient town. It outlined zhouzhuang art history. Looked up, the arch revetment, fire wall and ziyingdian window tiles, all give a person with strong sense of history.

Zhouzhuang, is typical of the jiangnan water, some people compare it to the Venice ". Four river cross divided town "well" word formation, formation of eight street, 15 all kinds of rainbow bridge across the "well" word on the waterways, add charm to zhouzhuang. Most of the residential lingang back river in the town. Street, linhe ShuiGe, the overhang (langfang doors in long, revetment, river water port, wear bamboo columns, besides you, deep curtilage courtyard, everywhere reveal of primitive simplicity is elegant, is the Chinese ancient style of the region of a "living fossil". Professor wu guanzhong visited zhouzhuang said: after "the beauty of huangshan mountains and rivers of Chinese, the beauty of zhouzhuang in beautiful China."

There is an ancient bridge in front, called Pacific bridge, built in the qing dynasty. Show in front of you is a lovely jiangnan graffiti, in the exhibition room of shen hall, you can see the famous Japanese female painter hashimoto spring from the heart to it as the main background of a painting called "zhouzhuang one day".

This ancient street street, commonly known as step, because it is very narrow, the step can cross streets dont have to get out of the door, open a shop owner can shake hands or recursion things said friendship, say again so friendship street. With the sight, the middle one is bridge gallery, the buildings in big cities is very rare, have many in zhouzhuang.

"Drew up in front of the build now, we have come to build, to visit zhouzhuang build cant watch. Everyone see, the bridge deck a cross a nut, a little tunnel party circle, looked like in the old days, people use the key so locals call it "key bridge". The bridge was built in Ming wanli period (1573 ~ 1573). This bridge is called the worlds bridge across the river north and south city, 16 meters long, 3 meters wide, span of 5.9 meters. This Shi Liang bridge called yongan bridge, frame in silver city, span of 13.3 meters long, 2.4 meters wide, 13.3 meters. Can build the spirit of the ancient town, wait a minute you can be a photo here. Why build so famous? It was the spring of 1984, Shanghai famous contemporary painter Chen come to zhouzhuang, in a small boat to see the build, feel it brought back memories of childhood. Then, in order to build as the background, create a title for the memory of hometown of painting. Later, the painting along with 37 pieces of his works in the western oil companies in the United States President armando. Hammers name hammer on display in the gallery. This painting caused a great sensation at the time, then, was armand. Hammer with high purchase hide. In the same year in November, Mr Hammer when they visit China, send the painting to the deng xiaoping. In 1985, the painting again after Chen processing become at that time, the UNs first day cover design, favored by stamp collectors and people from all walks of life. By the news media publicity, zhouzhuang town. Chens painting to make the unknown build towards the world. Key bridge is not the key is better than the key, because it opens the door to zhouzhuang and international association of friendship.

(build) dear visitors, you see, we across the corner of a small bridge, flowing water, somebody else, this kind of scenery, is the most abundant our discussing the connotation of the construction of a corner. So, whether its through, while the rain and snow or the sun, like painting will roll out here sketchpad, a depict the other side of the scene. Chinas many film directors and actors, zhouzhuang as the best location, successively took the republic will never forget in here, "strange stories," Yang Naiwu and Chinese cabbage ", "unfortunately for travel notes", "jiangnan super-rich shen three thousand", "ah shake, shake to Shanghai triad" and so on dozens of films and television shows. The famous director zhang yimou said: "the filming in zhouzhuang, satisfactory." His pursuit of this old house built a total of 4 pages, the current page 1, 1234

Build and deep cultural atmosphere of besides, this is not a day can be made.

Went to a hall now, we have come to a hall, the hall is zhouzhuang, one of only a small amount of Ming dynasty architecture for jiangsu province key cultural relics protection units. A hall for the Ming dynasty ZhongShanWang managed brother Xu Mengqing offspring. Xu Gujians supposedly named xu hall, why call zhang hall? When it was in the early years of the qing dynasty, the xu decline, will sell the house to the zhang family, was renamed the hall. Lets go to the nave of a hall and have a look. Here is a the main hall of hall "jade YanTang". Jade YanTang formerly known as yi shun hall, there are two trees in front of the earlier magnolia trees, spring comes, magnolia flower open, attracted many swallows, reproduce the swallows nested under the eaves, was seen by zhang hall master, think the swallow and magnolia trees brought vitality to a hall, so he will yi shun tong yu YanTang instead. Zhang hall is the feature of "from the door, the car boat from home". On the east side of the hall, there is a dark and a lot of figure, its role is now a large hotel staff channel. Please follow me in.

Here is the "ship" in their place. Narrow you dont look at it, but it can lead to the outside of the great lakes. It has two functions. A is a hall is a large family, consumes a lot of food every day, use and wear, are brought out by boat from here. The second is the feudal society, will always fight, master one thousand what contingency, can escape from here in his boat. I think you would like to know some we zhouzhuang customs! Here I introduce you to our "granny tea" zhouzhuang. "A savory tea" is some elderly lady after lunch this home have nothing to do, just bring your own grandchild and some of his pickled pickled cucumbers, food amaranth gather together, a cup of light tea, tasting the pickled cucumbers, chit chat. Have the opportunity to you can also go to have a taste.

[zhang hall, walked about] dear visitors, since the zhouzhuangs tourism development, more and more small stores, especially tourism craft store, in these shops, with embroidery, carving, weaving, calligraphy and painting, tourism, food and so on, prosperity zhouzhuangs tourism market, you can choose a moment some reserved for memorial.

(go to shen hall; this is shen hall, for the folk houses. Shen hall is "seven into five gate house", its seven can be divided into three parts, the first is in the first part, is the place that greeted her guests; the second, three, four into shen is the second part of the hall, is a place where guests; fifth, six, seven in the third part, is the place where shenyang life daily life. All in all, the three parts can be used can be summed up in four words: "front desk". "well, here we go in to see shen hall.

This is the first into shen hall doors in "" water, water before the main traffic tools are the ship, so here is the shenyang boat wharf, also the shen hall owner to transport.

Were stepping into shen hall second into "side wall", also known as drought doors. Is the shenyang marriage funeral affairs, decorating, passers-by a look, dont have to go in, just know today shenyang what great things. Heres a piece of the introduction of shen hall, please take a look first! A passage, near the stele shen hall and dedication. In 1995, is listed as cultural relics protection unit in jiangsu province.

This is shens third into the hall, called tea stall. Is the place where the boatman bearers and a cup of tea. Because at that time, the boatman and bearers cant be with the owner to go inside. So, all the furniture here is very humble.

We have arrived at shen hall into 4 is the main hall of shen halls hall of fame. We see the plaque on the three words "matsushige hall" (that is the number one scholar in the late qing dynasty written by zhang. This is the place where shenyang master to entertain guests, so the furniture here is very exquisite. Shen hall has a total of three help architectural style, we can see here. Please look up and butt with wonderful carved phoenix, crane, etc. Especially with the design, you will say this is the dragon, hey, this time you can be wrong! Dragon, a symbol of the time is right, shen is residence hall, so can only say it as "python". This belongs to "help" art carving. This into the roof of the two layers, we see now is the next layer, and a roof above, such a structure, you can have the effect of warm summer. Lets look at the brick gate house, this is the most magnificent five gate house one. The brick has a dream of red mansions, "the west chamber" of the situation. It is a pity in the cultural revolution these exquisite brick was destroyed, experts say is hard to repair, the brick belongs to "badge for art." and theres a bunch of "salt to help", then the fire seal on both sides of the roof is. Matsushige inside the hall is a place where shenyang life daily life, as is the custom of the past we cant go in. Today well break an example, in a visit! Shen hall is the building structure of the front office in kitchens, we have come to kitchens, here is a big basement, is now a showroom. Please visit casually.

This is the sixth of shen hall into, small basement. The statue is three thousand. Shen is three thousand yuan at the end of the Ming people, is a legendary figure, billed as the first big rich jiangnan. About shen three thousand rich, folk around a lot. Someone says: "shen wan had a cornucopia, treasure inexhaustible, an inexhaustible." Also someone says: "shen three thousand left foot is gold, is silver, but his right where he walked past, can dig the money." Others say; "Shen wan show a special skill the Midas touch." The ah, just a legend. According to expert textual research, shen three thousand wealthy for three reasons. One is to rely on put his ideas into scratch and yard this cow suggests that he is a rich a bare living by farming. The second is shen three thousand inherited the property of the family. The third is the main point, shen three thousand depend on the north side of town that a nasty water jiang to do business with foreigners. He put the jiangnan region of embroidery, silk sold to foreigners, make a lot of money. In the words of us now is to do foreign trade. Shen three thousand rich is not only one of the best in our jiangnan area, and also is famous all over the country. At that time the emperor zhu yuanzhang just do. Due to years of war, dont have much money, but he want to city wall in nanjing, and how to do? A minister suggested, "lets take the money." So, shen three thousand points to build a third task of the walls. When shen three thousandd like to take this opportunity to curry favor with the emperor, then he took out a lot of money happily. Wall repaired soon, and very beautiful, shen three thousand the in the mind very happy, so he want to stripe law the walls of soldiers. Who knows this matter by zhu yuanzhang know, zhu yuanzhang was very envious of shen three thousand, so he will find an excuse. Zhu shen three thousand arrested, said: "you want to and I than rich, also want to buy the morale, to seize the jiangshan, I this how get." And will put shen three thousand sentenced to death. Thanks to the military baiguan to intercede, shen three thousand forgave dieth, banishment was sent to yunnan. Shen three thousand family, decollation decollation, jail time in jail, the destruction. Confiscation of all his possessions. Only a little grandson escaped, shenyang just left a root. What we see now is the offspring of shen three thousand shen shen hall bunyan in qianlong built seven years. This statue on both sides of the couplets, top allied is: a wanhu nanxun zhouzhuang jiangnan treasure; Allied is: according to three shows in house guest jinling city east east Tibetan silver. The lifetime of shen three thousand are summarized.

We go in and have a look.

Here, is shen last into the hall, the seventh. Is the place where shenyang to eat. Table are some homely dishes, this is the main course in the middle of peculiar to shenyang, call Wan Santi, it is a specialty of our zhouzhuang! Now you can buy in the shop, you can buy a home family taste. People say: "Wan Santi fat but not greasy, crisp and not bad", was a bench treasures. Next door is shenyang in the kitchen. Look, it was in the "zhengda variety show" show was played. People also to guess, what use is to send it! I dont know! Its crowded sugar cane juice. There are many instruments of before use. Everyone can see.

Please go to the upstairs to see next. Miss on display here have master room and room. Lets take a look at the bed, its called qian gong bed, it has three points SanJin door curtain. There are many exquisite carving, let a person look very complex, but the only use a nail bed. In summer, the hot weather, you can put those carve patterns or designs on woodwork plate removed, inside ventilation. In winter, can go up again. Why call it qian gong bed? There are two: say, many lifelike characters, account in the tang dynastys founding hero, to honor those who minister, put them on beds, so called qian gong bed. 2 said the exquisite design, spent a full three years carved into, kung fu is too deep, so called qian gong bed. Other display items, please look at will.

To take up floor, this is shen hall of so-called cooks building, is the corridor, around the hall for a spin. You see, here is a piece of wood. We looked down from here, is that we have just walked through the matsushige don. At ordinary times, boards are closed. Feudal society, the woman cant literally see the guest, so I designed such a can open and close the window, when have guests, a woman can open a crack on the sly. Miss the ancient is here to see their future husband. Ok, please come with me. Here, the place is use of shenyang every year the holidays please daily, it can take people on both sides. If a good decoration on, thats a very nice small stage. In here, shen hall we visit has been completed. So, the value of shen hall where exactly? Right! Shen halls value is that it is not official curtilage, but local-style dwelling houses. Houses can have such a big scale, but also save more than two hundred years, it is extremely rare in jiangnan area.

(shen hall, to the FuAnQiao] you see, this bridge is called FuAnQiao show in front of our eyes. It was founded in 1355, in 14 years (1478), jiajing period (1522 ~ 1566) rebuilt twice, for the single span arch bridge. Span bridge 17.4 meters long, 3.8 meters wide, 6.6 meters. Qing xianfeng five years (in 1855) rebuilt, bridge deck to granite, what step ladder, middle plane, engraved with embossment pattern, bridge four bridge, pulling up in the wave, is relative. It is said that three thousand brother shen four thousand, shen because dont want to repeat his brother against zhu yuanzhang was eventually sent banishment, take the initiative to give money to do nice things for village, has been donating money to build FuAnQiao. FuAnQiao name is expressed his rich after pray for ankang wish.

Walking tour guide: dear visitors, there is wear columns, bamboo has distinguishing feature very much, so many movie directors are like the shot here, like the TV series "LiuYaZi", "jiangnan super-rich shen three thousand", etc., some of the fragments are taken here.

Look, this river city used to be our zhouzhuang vegetable market. In the family, shopping is also carried out on the water. Every morning, full of boats in the river boat filled with fresh fish, vegetables, etc. Vendors rock the boat, while selling, on both sides of the residents heard later, were to river port buy vegetables, some of the people who live in the upstairs, too lazy to come down, is directly from the upstairs down a basket, basket put their money, vendor just put the food in the basket, such a deal is a deal.

(in front of the residence of Ye Chucang) there is the KMT elders Ye Chucangs former residence. Ye Chucang nickname phoeny, is a famous poet, south club former kuomintang government secretary-general of jiangsu province, we have a period of time has been changed its name to zhouzhuang ChuCang town!

Ye Chucang was born in poverty, though made a "great" after growing up, but still pay attention to saving everywhere. Once he to old friend Shen Zhongmei home Shen Zhongmei asked him to eat? He only ordered a bad burn spiral lions head meat, snails in the water is very cheap, and this is his childhood home of the best dishes, he think this dish has a local flavor, and cheap and fine. Meal, shenyang maid Wang Ma on his twisted a towel, he hurriedly say: "no, no! I wring a towel for your family, is really guilty, should let our young people twisted towel for you." Wang Ma is moved, she said: "although the leaf master officer do big, but no official, is really a rare good man." Ye Chucang works a lot, have a ChuCang poetry ", "the micro hall collection" and so on. Died of Ye Chucang in Shanghai in 1946. Former residence to display the Ye Chucang life family, books and articles on his pictures and memories. Please enter a visit.

(QuanFu speak temple) dear visitors, this is QuanFu temple, stands in the south lake garden, temple grand, cornices high up, welcome the quartet visitors. Legend Song Yuanyou first year (1086), the surrounding work lang house to temples and building QuanFu temple in white clam lake. A castle in the past dynasties continuously expanding, fanonhouse overlap, the green water surrounded, incense heyday, become in jiangnan area is given priority to with the background of acquainting. Temple has a JuZhong, weight three thousand jins, hanging on the left side of the Ursa major. Whenever the dawn, temple has a monk greeting, bells, spread to dozens of miles away. People use it as a crow, crow, heard up in succession, cultivator, farming. Over time, "QuanFu xiao clock" become important one scene in the Zhou Zhuangren scene.

Five former QuanFu speak temple in, main body construction Ursa major, the house spacious and bright. Up to three zhangs xu Buddha Buddha sit stand plate paint, wide enough to giant Buddha palm heart WoFu, such tall body, unique in each big temple in jiangnan area. According to "zhouzhuang, Buddha Buddha this suzhou huqiu YunYan swell peak temple like Lord, qing shunzhi five years (1648), the chief Yang Chengzu soldiers in white clam lake, in the temple, Buddha, around the big Buddha RenLi manjusri, samantabhadra Buddha, are also very tall. On both sides of the oceans eighteen different manner, lifelike. , at the beginning of the qing dynasty calligrapher Li Xiangen QuanFu speak temple, see the temple and the lake water in photograph reflect, bring out the best in each other, write "water buddhist" four characters, picking up from plaque hanging on the gate and adds luster to tell QuanFu temple.

Speak QuanFu temple, incense heyday in nine hundred years, become a symbol of the development and prosperity of zhouzhuang. , however, the comparable to hangzhou lingyin temple of the temple, but in the early 50 s were forced to build upon grain depot, all the Buddha temple, books and whereabouts unknown, has a long history of ancient temples, this is a big loss of zhouzhuang.

After 90 s, zhouzhuang build south lake park. As the principal part of the project QuanFu temple, also to break ground on March 18, 1995. After three hundred days of intense construction, move at the south lake QuanFu temple, with a new appearance appear in front of people. New QuanFu speak temple, the main architecture including entrance, an pavilion, Ursa major and the scripture-stored tower, etc.

Billow in front of the gate in the south lake shore, long lake, water port wharf recumbent bibo, tourists and pilgrims can take a boat in south lake shore, the steps of interest. Entering the gate, I saw a five-hole arch stone flew across the lotus pool, the bridge columns supporting mutually. Stand on the bridge, can enjoy the red ailian HeChi green cover, also can at south lake, lake view the charming scenery.

Arch bridge, the front is faced after yu pavilion, momentum majestic. In this building, commanding, near and far scenery panoramic view. In the south lake fish cages, guess column with leaden lines, split the sparkling, white. Inside the temple pavilions, strewn at random have send, bell tower, drum tower stands on both sides, the compensate each other, make the temple more meteorological ambitious.

Third, the main architecture is Ursa major. The eaves newborn, majestic and do not break elegant. Four Chinese characters "" Buddhas light shines on up to 18 metres between the roof. Set in both sides of the plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum brick composition and chic, subtle message. Slowly into the hall, the hall central for copper statue of sakyamuni the Buddha), 5 meters high weighing 3 tons. On both sides of the Buddha, which straddles the lion manjusri and straddles the samantabhadra on the elephant. Behind the plastic float hai guan Yin, standing at the back of the aojiang fish, attire. The eighteen arhats statue on both sides of the hall, and each has its expression, lifelike. The entire Ursa major, the shekinah, xiangyun, place oneself meantime, enough to feel the buddhist culture.

Sutra platform surrounded by water winding twists and turns, through the halls of the central stands three layers, the cigarette smoke all day long. The lotus around the stone railing, engraved a propitious moire. The audience are connected to the winding path under the water of water pool, with kam lepidoptera swimmers, poetic.

Ursa major, the scripture-stored tower is three floors. Hall spacious, beautifully decorated. In the building housed many buddhist culture. Scripture-stored flanked by large monastery and the abbot room, echo each other at a distance.

Zhouzhuang repair QuanFu temple, borrow water scenery, the wonderful artical excelling nature, buddhist culture, architectural art and garden landscape into an organic whole, for both buddhist culture enthusiasts and religious believers provides an ideal place, also for the tourists to provide a great place to linger.

Speak out QuanFu temple: you look across the small teahouse is that SAN MAO teahouse, it was built in memory of Chinese Taiwan writer SAN MAO. In 1989, three hair came to our of foggy and rainy in zhouzhuang, she saw the zhouzhuang small bridge, flowing water, somebody elses charming scenery, can not help but regrets ground say: "isnt that what I miss home?" Three hair shed tears excitedly. Three hair came back to Chinese Taiwan after the letter, also often said and taste zhouzhuang hairy crab, it is a pity that she can never achieve this desire. Zhouzhuang people to commemorate her, will the old house was three hairs teahouse. Display picture of the three hairs, teahouse, in addition to handwriting, letters, also display picture of the Chinese and foreign large number of literati and scholars visit zhouzhuang.

(walk while guide) is a fan in front of the building. You see, there is an ancient bridge, its called "ZhenFengQiao". The name "ZhenFengQiao", I dont need to tell everyone all know, it is because of the formerly of zhouzhuang. Fan of the small building bridge is the famous "floor". Fan building used to be a small restaurant, called "DE" restaurant. How could it be famous? The late qing dynasty, had some progress of youth culture formed a group, called "south society". Then south club members LiuYaZi, Chen to disease, such as Wang Dajiao people like to drink in this restaurant poetry, they also to restaurants, wrote many famous poems. After these poems into the fan building sets, and then fan buildings fame has spread.

Why is called "fan building" "fan building"? Originally south club members in the wine shop drinking poetry, they feel everything small restaurant is very charming, dishes are very attractive, wine is charming, the surrounding environment is also very charming. As a result, they are funny to restaurant called "fan building". The restaurant is called "fan floor has a purpose," is to transfer the line of sight of the reactionaries.

Well, we have to see fans inside the building. Fan for linhe built two storied building. Building south club members on display photos, handwriting, writing and calligraphy and painting works, as well as contemporary calligrapher write "fan building" in the poem. Wax on the second floor of the east, is a set of characters, show is "building temporary drink the cup", is convincingly, such as see its person. Received many fans floor after open to the tourists, south of the seed of club members, they enthusiastically to the fan building to provide data and real images, also take an active part in social studies in the south, small fan, caused many peoples attention at home and abroad.

Continue to go forward: here is the clear daoyuan temple, also known as "temple", was founded in Song Yuanyou years (1086 ~ 1096), it has been more than nine hundred years history. After the middle period of Ming dynasty, the monastery where grand scale is increasing. Jiajing period, local jade wall donated bestowed the door. 25 years of the reign of emperor kangxi, Taoist hu-day feather alms fund-raising building the jade emperor cabinet. Five years later, he built it in the cabinet in the west, the qing emperor qianlong 16 years, monk Jiang Naji built in the mountains outside ShengDi pavilion, a castle in the face PuQingQiao, formed the SanJin around buildings, promenading, covers an area of 1500 square meters, become one of the famous monastery where human. Chengcheng xu monastery where not only preserve the rich religious culture heritage, but also has excellent geographical location and scenery, also make the monastery where visitors linger the pilgrims.

Dear visitors, I it is the end of the tour guide. If you have time, you can walk around in the town and have a look. Let me once again in this part, thank you for coming. At the same time, also please bring zhouzhuang blessing to your family and friends. Wish everyone have a happy travelling in zhouzhuang, good lucky for you!



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Andy taihe palace, also known as copper tile temple, located in the northern suburb of kunming city fengshan, common name YingWuShan. Sound fengshan mountain, formerly known as phase Ming wanli was taihe palace after mirage, renamed fengshan, since the Ming dynasty famous Taoist temple scenic spot in yunnan province.

Qing guangxu sixteen years (1890) ShuZao "rebuild taihe palace inscriptional record" detailing the taihe palace to create history: "my south yunnan (kunming) will outside the walls of suiyeh, ten miles from the city, there are mountain mingfeng, and the common name YingWuShan. Before Ming wanli nonyl Yin years (in 1602), Taoist Xu Zhengyuan knocking please yunnan provincial governor Chen utilities, in conjunction with the frenzy qian mu chang elementary, this right mu theory, platform guilds and the mountain, liu modeled after HuGuang wudang mountain peak of peak seventy-two built the Forbidden City, the temple copper smelting, casting for zhenwu father of golden body. Name the palace yue tai, is modelled on the wudang mountain 27 palace name. Installation of three yuan, ring cui two palace at that time, and supplied the holy immortal Buddha, various departments, deep worship seems back. And the house, the" taihe palace "series of. Its ground left Yi show of huashan, golden horse tenghui; right near the shore of the sea, green chicken renewal, alone but as a scenic spot and south yunnan. Township of said, or Andy, or jinding, let it loose and out of the ear."

Is described in this section of the inscriptions on the basis of historical materials, imitation of wudang mountain in hubei was kunming golden time taihe palace, the temple founder, copper smelting, true Wu Jinshen Taoist temple scale, and the sound of the phoenix mountain landform. Thirty years Ming wanli (1602) Taoist Xu Zhengyuan attacking "and please use bing" yunnan provincial governor Chen, Chen bin in conjunction with qian 沐昌祚 frenzy, this right MuRui, platform will liu, reach mingfeng mountain, agreed on imitation of mount wudang taihe palace 27 built. This with Ming wanli let-out years (1604 years) in taihe palace with Chen bing, founder of the "ding tai temple built to remember" is the same. ShuZao inscriptional record of the vernacular narrative, popular, easy to read. With Chen bin inscriptional record chronicle of classical Chinese, it is not easy to read.

ShuZao inscription, puts it: "when installation of three yuan, ring cui two palace" period of inaccurate. Actually create taihe palace, in the first seven years has built "ring jade palace". With Chen bin from the jade ring, said: "more than stroke 3 years, yunnan MingGuan in the jade palace built fengshan ring, including for ge, si lu (lu dongbin), two temple, king, TaoTianJun, ho, liu two fairy and si pavilion." With Chen bin, fujian jinjiang, jinshi, Ming wanli 21 years (1593 years) to the right organization platform to the governor of yunnan. With Chen bing "caresses dian 3 years", namely the twenty-third year of wanli (1595), he "MingGuan in sound built fengshan ring jade palace". Thirty years wanli (1602) "knocking" taihe palace with Chen bing built mirage "Taoist Xu Zhengyuan", is the Taoist priest rings jade palace.

As with Chen bin ding tai temple built to remember stated: "the nine years of and caresses dian", namely thirty years wanli (1602), with Chen bin "kai BuSheng dongcheng, of the mountains between the original a few no when a shekel xu, delay in ring, the true qi english-english, even curled jade ring left, ammonites Laura, comfortable colour pheasant from the central disk, jade bureau now, no light yue also Bi to wipe?" With Chen bin kai 沐昌祚, MuRui, liu will climb of the mountain, BuSheng location, jade palace "even curled ring left" is to the mountain. This clear, Ming wanli 30 years with Chen bing site for taihe palace, jade ring. Taihe palace mirage, three yuan gong Ming started building 30 years (1602), "beginning completed, all with Wang Zhengzhi month, just a load and repair". "Wanli let-out, spring the JiDan day" (1604), with Chen bin from the ding tai temple built to remember.

Folklore with Chen bing in fengshan "three meet lu dongbin, is Lv Xian pilot he is singing phoenix mountain" cave ", so he "caresses dian 3 years" or "MingGuan in sound built fengshan ring jade palace", "the cabinet si lu". Ring after the completion of the jade palace, with Chen bing had written the couplet:

Used to dream of spring, charming, swallow the garment, and missed the nine atlas fairy bone, purple devoted chicken calls, the horse on the world of mortals, to the head out of the door?

Empty mountain was about company, seven fujian phrases, phase invited six cups of tea, a letter to the sword shadow cross day, flute blowing sea, where Mr Fly!

With Chen bin in "the gate to the governor of yunnan", is infatuated with officialdom "towards the garment", and Taoism "nine atlas fairy bone", contradictory mood, only excuse me "sword shadow cross day, flute blowing sea" in lu fairy, he should "to the end of the jump out"?

With Chen bins beginning build taihe palace, was to have such a words: "take an examination of the essence of the xuan emperor day b, take the xuan Xiao when emperor, mark the most in taihe, drawing and also, generation can be enshrined. I have a random, cheng zhu wen emperor jose type profile of its system, through the ages to long how..." Saying is true gen fu emperor is "the fine that day b, xuan Xiao ride when emperor", zhenwu signs, taihe (that is, the wudang mountain) is the most famous mountains. Since the tang dynasty years, generations of si. Ming emperor zhenwu Zhu Dichong letter, edict to overhaul wudang mountain, historic grand FengSi zhenwu. Mount wudang "god zhenwu, yongle like" legend, after the zhenwu palace in the world are according to the "yongle like" plastic zhenwu.

Ming chongzhen decade (1637) moved to the hall struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, annals inscriptional record contained are consistent. Ming chongzhen decade (1637), the governor of yunnan Zhang Feng He will tianzhufeng tongdian moved to struck binchuan chicken foot mountain. Tianzhufeng is also called "jinding" for this purpose. Chicken feet mount tongdian destroyed in 1966 during the "cultural revolution" sweep "capitalism". Move Zhang Feng He tongdian, taihe palace tongdian base is not opened, the lower platform sandstone reliefs railings, survived.

The qing emperor kangxi years to rebuild fengshan tongdian taihe palace, "fan of copper to more than five hundred" (250 tons). Tongdian soot cleaning dirt in 1980 found that bronze on the ridge purlin is connect body covered with inscriptions, soot was sunk panel cover beam in the middle of the word, I climbed up to see is "the qing emperor kangxi 10 years were the big ten there are six days ji lu month day prince of wu sangui to build". Inscriptions confirmed nine years of the reign of emperor kangxi (1670) repair wu sangui taihe palace, rebuild the zhenwu bronze, bronze statues, vertical "copper trail of rod more than ten zhangs, graceful tenet". Kangxi decade (1671) completed October 16. For twelve years wu sangui kangxi (1673) theres clear, therefore, local Chronicles inscriptional record only said "recasting" nine years of the reign of emperor kangxi, avoidance is the wu sangui recasting bronze.

Wu sangui reconstruction after the zhenwu bronze, cast a mouthful of "seven swords" suspension in bronze, this is the inscriptional record contained in zhenwu "hui sword hung, often ghost and monster". Wu sangui and it used a wooden broadsword, weighs 12 kg (6 kg) in taihe palace, in order to show off its wuwei.

JiaQu tongdian positive, the qing emperor kangxi 33 years (1694) yungui governor king following documents hanging brass plate inscribed "namo amitayus". "Amitayus" namely "amitabha", many people wondered, generation of MingRu yungui governor, why in zhenwu palace hanging plaque of Buddhism? Wudang mountain, yongle 14 (1416) wudang zhenwu bronze, sky column peak built peaks near turf has boundless longevity Buddha hall of Buddhism, Buddhas path to outdo each other. That built a tongdian holy will, the buddhist compromise, "let not the Buddha," true Wu Dian "amitayus" plaque hanging on the end, worship zhenwu, at the same time also praise "namo amitayus". Singing phoenix mountain tai temple mount wudang 27 building, hanging plaque ji-wen wang on the basis of wudang mountain and their stories.

Qing daoguang twenty-five years (1845) "rebuild two tianmen inscriptional record" recorded in the qing dynasty in kunming two earthquakes: "qianlong years, yunnan provincial earthquake, xinqi save, jue have the spirit of". The earthquake had little impact. Light "thirteen years (1833) of July 23, to yunnan to flame, retrieval temple memorial arch, guest waiter, jolt to destroy." Taihe palace greater disaster the xianfeng years, taihe palace destroyed by BingXian, three yuan house reduced to ashes. Each damage, after repair in different degrees. , guangxu sixteen years (1890 years) to guangxu thirty-one years (1905 years) before and after 15 years, tai temple abbot ming-qing li fundraising "several Wang Chi, Yu An turn oversee animate yunnan mineral, former governor Tang Gongjiong, but cast copper ten thousand catties, and an appointment again, holding donations. Casting pavilion, serve gods, tiles, and entrance, memorial arch, a house, all for the new."

Taihe palace Andy military takeover in 1950, as the "kunming golden area". Successively belonging to bureau of culture and education, culture bureau, construction bureau, bureau of parks and woods management. In 1966 during the "cultural revolution" sweep "capitalism", the temple clay statues are destroyed, and the collapse of the house, HuangYan creeping weed. And placing the taihe palace belong to kunming in 1968 tire factory dormitory, in 1970 by the city of kunming city construction bureau.

After the downfall of the gang of four, year after year to repair ancient buildings, rebuild the thunder temple temple, old gentleman, sanfeng temple, renovate three doors, lingxingmeng door, new gallery pavilions, local repair wall of Ming dynasty. Build peak tower, 1983, to protect the original kunming city of the Ming dynasty yongle xuanhua floor clock.

From 1983 to 1991, in the south east of phoenix mountain, new requisition of land of 273 mu, the building covers an area of 500 mu of the size of the kunming botanical garden landscape. Botanical garden landscape is divided into twelve theme park flowers tea garden, greenhouse flowers, azalea garden, water garden, magnolia garden, rose garden, bamboo botanical garden, naked seed plant area, rare and endangered plants area, demonstration area, the parrot garden lawn garden (bonsai area) and cedar. Provincial, municipal government investment of more than 800 ten thousand yuan.

For the 1999 world horticultural exposition in kunming, from 1997 to 1999, the municipal government successively in fengshan Andy investment of 20 million yuan, a comprehensive maintenance taihe palace ancient architectural complexes, and repair tower, open up the tower travel services, to build a large greenhouse, new cuckoo boutique garden, botanical garden development orchid nursery and ferns, rebuild the autumn garden restaurant, travel hostel, reconstruction of campus tourism toilet. Andy self-raised funds to build "China golden expo garden", on the basis of the further development of golden bronze cultural tourist attractions... To build the regulation for taihe palace mirage created in four hundred to one of the largest repair and building. Andy spot among the first-class scenic spot in yunnan province in 1999.



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Hunan province is located in the south of the Yangtze river middle reaches, the majority of areas in the south of dongting lake, the name of hunan. Within the territory of the xiangjiang river runs through north and south, and hunan for short. Allegedly, the xiangjiang river basin in the past more than planting lotus, the tang dynasty poet Tan Yongzhi have "autumn wind wan li furong country" of words, so it is called the "lotus" of hunan. Sichuan hunan jiangxi province in the east, west, south which the guangdong, hubei province in the north.

The dongting lake plain is located in the north of hubei province. East range Mimi, yueyang, west to LinLi, changde, taoyuan, yiyang, Joe, XiangYin mouth, south to the north to the south of jingjiang reach of hubei province. Covers an area of 12690 square kilometers (hunan province). At an altitude of 30-50 meters. Long-term deposition of dongting lake, lake of exposed the fluvial alluvial plain. The dongting lake plain and south-central es on the plain of jianghan plain, hubei province, is one of the three great plains is an important part of the Yangtze river plain.

River in hunan province, do so more than 5 km river in 5341, the total length of 90000 km, the basin area in more than 5000 square kilometers of the river article 17. Except a few of the pearl river water system and the gan river in the province, mainly in hunan, endowment, yuan and li four water and its tributaries, along the terrain into dongting lake from the south to the north, the city ling angeles into the Yangtze river and dongting lake water system formed a relatively complete. The largest rivers in the xiangjiang river in hunan province, is also one of the seven major Yangtze river tributaries. Dongting lakes largest lakes in the province. The lake across hunan and hubei provinces. In 1644-1825 in dongting lake area of 6270 square kilometers. In 1937, covering 1937 square kilometers. 1983 measurements, dongting lake water is only 2691 square kilometers, less than half in 1825. Due to the increasing lake sediment loads, 28 years, from 1949 to 1977 in dongting lake shrink 85500 mu per year on average.

Hunan is a minority more provinces, are back, tujia, miao, zhuang, manchu, dong, yao, Mongolian, uygur, yi, Tibetan, Korean, etc. 26 ethnic minorities.

Changsha in hunan province is located in the eastern north of hunan province, the xiangjiang river downstream, jing railway line, the east and jiangxi tonggu, over load, yichun, pingxiang border, south to xiangtan and zhuzhou city, west and loudi and yiyang region adjacent, north borders on yueyang area. Changsha is the provinces political, economic, cultural and transportation center, one is one of the famous historical and cultural city by the state council. About seven thousand years ago, changsha has the original ancestors reproduced here. The name of changsha began in the western zhou dynasty. Dynasty period to the southern town of chu, qingyang, the qin dynasty unified the rear changsha county, the early western han dynasty set up changsha kingdom, han, jin and southern dynasties, changsha as the slag in the county, sui xingsha, tang for tam states, the five dynasties and ten states for capital, and chu yuan to tam state road, and another day in the road, the Ming and qing dynasties for changsha office, set up in 1933 in changsha city. Since the qing dynasty, changsha calendar for hunan. On August 4, 1949, changsha peaceful liberation.

After the founding of new China, this economic development soon, has now formed by mechanical, textile, light industry, chemical industry, building materials, food and other industrial comprehensive industrial system, the main products are cotton, cigarettes, industrial pump, blower, coal, steel, cement, etc., traditional industrial products, changsha, hunan embroidery, liuyang grass cloth, firecrackers, chrysanthemum stone, copper officer, pottery, etc. Agricultural and sideline products is given priority to with rice, pig, fish, tea, citrus, tea oil, rapeseed and other also.

Hunan province rich in mineral resources, is the national important mineral base, known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals," said, nearly is known as "the hometown of non-metallic" again.

A lot of places of interest in hunan, yueyang tower, dongting lake, yuelu academy, writing, as pavilion, orange chau, shaoshan MAO zedongs former residence, xinmin society, water pool revolutionary memorial hall, self-study university site, site of liuyang Wen Gu city meet site, comrade liu shaoqis former residence, residence of comrade Yang Kaihui, lei feng memorial hall, etc., and hengshan, zhangjiajie national forest park, etc.



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Distinguished guests:

How do you do! I entrusted by the tourism and hospitality sector, to visit the city qufu. Visit our warmest welcome to the guests. I had the privilege of guided Tours, for everyone is very happy, this is our common appreciation at a good opportunity to learn. See after please leave valuable advice.

First of all, to briefly introduce the general situation of the historical and cultural relics qufu.

Historical and cultural city qufu is Chinas ancient great thinker, educator, politician and relevant literature, the sage Confuciuss hometown, the hometown of SAN mencius, the ancestor of the Chinese nation is the birthplace of the yellow emperor yuan, the capital of yan, shang Yin old country, the capital of lu. Three sovereigns four interest-bearing work here, have a history of more than 5000 years. The underground is rich in treasures, the earth has many cultural relics. Existing 112 cultural relics, including the protection unit of the United Nations, the world cultural heritage, the three national protection 4, 12 at the provincial level, the other for the prefecture-level protection.

Top priority is "three hole two temple ling", "three mountain two linyi temple". Confucius, Confucius, konglin was suggested, commonly known as the "three holes", sacrifice Chinese yuan SAN duke of zhou temple, worship Confucius is the first big disciple after st YanHui temple, commonly known as "two temple"; "Ling" is the birthplace of the yellow emperor, long-lived QiuShaoHao ling; "Three mountains"; Confucius birthplace mountain ni, writing group of the Kowloon hills, small mount tai - nine town (also known as the nine mountain). Second is: the best mother in the world education child mother meng Lin, Confucius parents buried Liang Gonglin; "The temple" is li bai, du fu poetry, right, break up, the famous scholar direction reclusive country garden "stone temple".

We now see the Confucius temple.

Confucius temple, also called to the Confucian temple, is a sacrifice to Confucius and his wife Qi officers seventy-two sages and. Confucius temple and the imperial palace in Beijing and hebei chengde city summer resort said Chinas three major ancient building group. Expert of Confucius talked about the four words: construction time is the oldest, the most ambitious, most complete, Oriental architectural features the most outstanding. As you can see Confucius temple two questions: one is the great contribution of Confucius for China and the east culture; The second is skillful craftsman in history of China.

Confucius temple was built in 478 BC, built in the second year of the death of Confucius temple. At the Confucius temple, between three display of Confucius, clothes, cars, books, etc., at the age of "FengSi". Emperors have expansion on Confucius temple, overhaul, 15 had 31, minor repair hundreds of times to todays scale. Confucius temple imitated imperial palace architecture of the system, three road layout, nine yard, there are 466 houses, doors pavilion 54, something relatively in a central axis, has nearly one thousand pieces of stone tablet, covers an area of 327.5 mu, for up to two li and 150 meters. Now see Confucius temple is the size of the Ming hongzhi years. After the liberation national funding repair protect many times. Released the first national key cultural relics protection units in China, UNESCOs world heritage list in December 1994, the United Nations protected units of cultural relics, long time of Confucius temple architecture, epic scale, the intact is the worlds rare.

Shinto. "Maninsan wall" vigorous cooper before this section of the road to "Shinto". Important temples are designed to open before the respect of informed, called "Shinto".

Maninsan wall. The door is QuFuMing city is the south gate, is also the first door of Confucius temple, the hanging "maninsan wall" four characters, the qing emperor qianlong YuBi. It comes from Confucius disciple zi gong. Lu convention governors, zi gong extensive and profound knowledge is advanced, with Confucius, zi gong is present, immediately stand up and say, I dare not with my teacher Confucius than, learning is like a wall, I only have a towering high the wall, my teacher asked of several walls. That is to say, my knowledge is equal to a high head, shoulder be clear at a glance is profound; Confucius learning have me several times as much, after detailed research, a comprehensive discussion, to understand all of his, after entering the door, to see the beauty of the ancestral temple, head you cant see it at the door. Posterity to describe Confucius profound knowledge from teacher wall of towering, to "hundreds of towering", "towering" to the emperor of Ming dynasty named Confucius "civilian world," in this letter have "hh" Confucius learning, praise Confucius learning has ten thousand eight feet, look up, cant see the top, also said the wall deep wall high base is very strong. The four ZiYuan written by an imperial Ming, emperor qianlong to express his attention to Confucius, pro book "maninsan wall" changed his YuBi.

Good music lane. This workshop was built in the Ming dynasty, to consummate and perfect expression of Confucius learned, like the whole process, playing music in the intact all along. Accompanied by bell, bell up "first order", is qing ended, and the voice of the vibration "jade" as the qing fell, "organized, it will," said praise Confucius learning is a collection of ancient sage, so called "Kim seng and vibration jade", "Kim seng" the sound of the clock, the beginning, "vibration" jade qing, eventually. Which is the source of eps to "finish" idiom. "Good music" is a famous calligrapher of Ming dynasty Hu Zuanzong topic.

"Two cypress bear a hole". Anything vibration jade fang this single-arch bridge, each have a cooper, so called "two cypress bear a hole". This bridge is called: "panxi water bridge" and near the palace panxi pools of water are interlinked, so of "looking forward to water". Read the book of Confucius in the past, admitted to universities is called "hope", few are high, is hoping to get rich and live are thriving.

Dismount monument. Temple wall thing each set up a stone tablet, specially made in 1191 A.D. dismount tablet, under the car. Monument to the west of the early destruction, the east on the tablet "and officials like now dismount." In the past, officials and common people through its foot it dismount, in order to show respect for Confucius, Confucius temple.

Lingxingmeng door. Built in Ming dynasty, rebuilt in 1754 AD, from wooden to stone. "Fasten qianlong YuBi lingxingmeng door". Galaxy legend heaven "twenty BaSu", among them, there is a star called "lingxingmeng" in charge of the culture, also known as "wanted", "vibration day star", the Confucius linked with the tube culture star in the sky, said he is of the highest cultural aspects, such as in the past to worship, offering "wanted", Confucius as Buddha day.

Tai qi fang. This lane is built by the Ming dynasty in 1544 AD, highly praised the thoughts of Confucius, the proposition as "the universe can nurture space. Heaven and earth, the quartet of close, close of Yin and Yang", said the "tai" qi is the most basic things, the universe of taihe, the strength of the human world. "Tai qi" department of shandong province governor Ceng Xi calligraphy.

To the Confucian temple lane. Built in Ming dynasty "to the Confucian temple lane", is a white marble, act the role of flame orb.

Shall the heavens and the earth, the champions league at all. This monastery where transform to build a very peculiar memorial arch, wooden horn around edges, head one thousand renewal, there are eight monsters, is called "day dragon lion", from its majestic inspiration, can drive out evil, they just. Saying, "DE shall east arch of heaven and earth", said the benefits of the thoughts of Confucius advocated to humans like little, deeds can compare with heaven and earth. Saying the ancient and modern "crown" on the west side of the memorial arch, praise Confucius thought, the way of ancient and modern is to lift the champions league.

The door. Three, four units are same as above, the central panlong. This name comes from mencius, the four ancient sage "yi, yi zhi, evil city, Confucius, mencius reduce sacred traces of four saints to four words:" yi qing of the saint, also yi zhi SAN was also, is the sum of evil city SAN, Confucius also st. "St" highly praise Confucius thoughts enduring, is suitable for the saint of The Times. The emperor QuFuChao hole to line "three kneeling nine knocking gift", walk the door; All previous dynasties "yan called" open "holy gate" at birth, except in both cases, it is not easily open the door. All walk fast 覩 door, halls.

Fast 覩 door and take a sneak peek. Means learning four "five classics" of Confucius, who learn who have culture, the first who learn who first have the knowledge, to learn, to see first read for pleasure.

Halls. According to the YanHui praise Confuciuss named after a paragraph. YanHui, saying, teacher, Yang "high, drilling and even stronger than before. Praise Confucius learning cant see the top up, called "high", "learning classical Chinese is hard to understand, is called" even stronger than before, "high is not high, after is completely can learn hard. YanHui said "teacher shoot, good attractive, I by wen bo, said I to the ritual." My teacher coaxing, taught me to culture, and give me with courtesy.

Han stone man. Back in highgate pavilion has two han stone man high historical value, one is "TingChang", local small officer (han dynasty), died of an entrance, is the king of lu tomb guard. A survey by generations of a specialist, and text have important value to the study of the han dynasty clothing.

Confucius is my official curtilage, garden and combined with examples

Confucius temple is on the east side of Confucius, Confucius is office grandson hereditary slot. Was built in the song dynasty, through generation of continuous expansion, the size of the form now. Covers an area of 200 mu, there are houses more than 480. Yamun and residential building in together, is a typical feudal aristocratic manor, imperial edict, issued by the official department lobby is used to accept the emperor or the family affairs. Confucius back yard has a garden, quiet and tastefully laid out and pure and fresh, layout, here can be called garden, is also a garden and combined with examples. Confucius in possession of a large number of historical archives, cultural relics handed down from generation to generation in clothing and gear, and precious.

Konglin was suggested to be continue ss oldest and best-preserved family cemetery

Konglin was suggested, also known as the most holy, Lin in qufu north gate, covers an area of 3000 mu, around the brick wall for 14 Lin, and his descendants of Confucius family cemetery. Konglin was suggested in BaiGui passageway, enter konglin was suggested to be after 1200 meters of the pyramid-shaped mound, and then through the stone arches, stone bridge, tunnel, arrived in Confuciuss grave. The tomb of Confucius manor 6 meters high, the tomb of the east is the child of Confucius hole hole Ji carp and his grandsons grave. In konglin was suggested, and some grave remains of a stone huabiao, man and beast. All of these are in accordance with the grade of MuZhongRen was knighted a set, the extended and plants in konglin was suggested in 2500, there were mounds More than 10, ten thousand. Its duration, mould was buried, the preserved, are rare.



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Fuzhou, an ancient city center with a history of more than 2200 years, islocated in this famous historical and cultural block of three lanes and sevenalleys. Covering an area of about 40 hectares, it is composed of three lanes,Seven Lanes and one central street, namely Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglulane; Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane,Jibi lane and nanhou street, so it has been called "three lanes and Seven Lanes"since ancient times.

Three lanes and seven alleys originated in Jin Dynasty, perfected in Tangand Five Dynasties, and flourished in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Up to now, theancient pattern of lanes is basically intact. It is the only "living fossil ofLifang system" in Chinese cities. There are more than 200 ancient buildingspreserved in lanes. Among them, there are nine national key cultural relicsprotection units, and there are a large number of provincial and municipalcultural protection units and historical protection buildings The Museum ofarchitecture.

The three lanes and seven alleys are famous for their unique geographicalfeatures. They have always been "the settlement of famous people in the capitalof Fujian". Many people, such as Lin Zexu, Shen Baozhen, Yan Fu, Chen Baochen,Lin Juemin, Lin Xu, Bing Xin, Lin Shu, who had an important influence on thesociety at that time and even the process of modern China, all came from theseplaces, making this hot land full of special humanistic values and unshakablespirituality and talents, and becoming the center of Fuzhou proud.



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接下来我们要欣赏的就是黄山 第一奇观、黄山四绝中首位的、把黄山装扮得犹如仙境一般的“黄山云海”!黄山从古至今就有云海之都之称。山以海名,谁曰不奇?似海非海,云雾缭绕,拍手叫绝之!这是徐霞客游黄山时留下的感叹。

现在我们步行来到欣赏云海最好的地方“北海”。 狮子峰、始信峰周围的云海偏北叫做北海,又叫后海,因为东西南北中做后的就是“北”。狮子峰顶与清凉台,是观云海的佳处,再加上也是观日出的极好所在,更是美得无法用语言来形容。




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早上好!大-家-早-上-好!(见客人没反映时补上一句),很好,大家都睡醒了,现在请大家抬起高贵的头看看车的正前方,看到什么了?导游?对!我就是你们今天的导游,那么请大家务必记住我这张长得不算美,但总算对得起观众的脸(笑声),把我留在脑海中,旅途快乐又轻松。下面呢,我就给大家正式介绍一下自己,哎呀,激动的心,颤抖的手,拿起话筒我要献丑,谁要不鼓掌谁就说我丑,哎——,很好,谢谢大家的掌声,后面还有一句呢,谁要说我丑我下车就走(笑声),从大家的掌声中可以看出大家的审美眼光还是相当不错的嘛!我呢,是 一名专职导游员,我的名字叫 ,有缘坐在一辆车里就是一家人了,古语有云:百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠,今天我们同吃、同游、同乐还同“居”(驹),哎,怎么就同居了,有些游客问,古时候不就把车叫驹吗?难道我们还不是同居吗?只要你需要我,我会第一时间出现在你面前。
