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Beidaihe - A Must for Birds Watchers

Set on the coast some 280 km east of Beijing, the seaside holiday resort of Beidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place to recuperate after illness, but also as one of the best places in the world to see migratory birds.

Chinas Yanshan Mountain Range winds its way thousands of miles from the west to the eastern seaboard. It sends a number of waterways like the Henghe, Daihe, Yanghe and Luanhe rivers down to the Bohai Sea at Beidaihe. They create a vast area of wetlands, mud-banks, and lagoons with rich feeding and good places for birds to rest. Here migratory routes come together like great seasonal rivers of birds linking northeast Asia with south China, Indo-China, Australia and even far off east Africa.

Nature has richly endowed Beidaihe with bird species and of the 1,198 found in China, 416 have been recorded at Beidaihe. This is a part of the world that plays host to eighteen species of gulls, three of swans, and six of cranes.

Xu Weishu, vice director of the China Ornithological Society tells of the time when as many as 2,729 oriental white storks were recorded in Beidaihe, doubling the previous world record.

Look into the skies of Beidaihe in the first ten days of November every year and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crowned cranes and white cranes.

The year from May 1999 to May 20xx saw ten new bird species added to the list for Beidaihe.

Back in the 1940s Danish scientist, Axel Hemmingsen, published a report saying that he had seen large numbers of cranes at Beidaihe, but no one followed up on this at the time. Then in 1985 guided by Hemmingsens report, British ornithologist Doctor Martin Williams first came to Beidaihe. With the help of an official from the Beidaihe tourism authority, Dr Williams visited Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County. What he discovered there was far beyond his expectations and he found many new kinds of birds. Since then, accompanied by his Chinese counterpart, Xu Weishu, he has brought many overseas professionals together in Beidaihe every year to enjoy watching the birds and carry out research.

Since the first two parties of Chinese bird enthusiasts visited Beidaihe in 1999, more and more domestic visitors have joined bird watching groups going there on vacation.

Beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 1893. It was then that a British engineer helping build a railway line recognized that with its low hills, beaches and sea breezes, the headland was an ideal place to go to escape the summer heat of the interior. On his recommendation, the first holidaymakers arrived. Beidaihe, until then a poor fishing village, quickly became popular with diplomats, merchants, missionaries, and well off Chinese.

Meanwhile the birds are regular visitors here too. Flocks of gulls are easily spotted. What might not be so easy is to be able to distinguish among the bewildering variety in the skies over Beidaihe. Many different birds pass through here as the seasons come and go and every year still sees fresh species spotted. It is a magnificent sight to see the occasional flock of large cranes pass by or to watch the birds of prey, however the larger birds have been decreasing in number.

Round the calendar

The period spanning the last ten days of April through the last ten days of May is the best season for bird watching. This is when you can see the greatest number and variety of birds in Beidaihe.

Then the period from the last ten days of August through September is the time for the medium and small wading birds to pass through.

October brings another peak season as many birds pass through the area, going south for the winter.

As the colder weather comes in with the first ten days of November, flocks of cranes will be making their way south. They will come north again the following March.

The best spots

For waterfowl and songbirds, try Chitu Hill, Lianfeng Hill and the hilltops in Geziwo Park or the many well-wooded courtyards in Beidaihe District.

· For swimming and wading birds, Daihe, Yanghe and Dapu rivers should not disappoint.

· Visit Jiaoshan Mountain to enjoy watching birds of prey and songbirds.

· Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County is well worth an extended visit of a few days duration.

During the course of a typical 12-day visit, you might expect to see 200 different kinds of birds. Beidaihe China International Travel Service arranges specialist tours for bird enthusiasts. Their office number is 086-335-4033598.



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明万历十五年 (1587),海瑞卒于南京都察院右都御史任上,消息传到北京,万历皇帝下诏南京、北京二都举行公祭,丧出江上,奠祭哭拜的人,百里不绝。朝廷专门派行人司行人,海瑞的同乡、学生许子伟护送其灵柩回琼州安葬。

万历十七年 (1589)二月廿二日,海瑞的灵柩终于运回海南,安葬在海口市滨涯村。





海瑞是海南岛琼山县人,生于明正德九年(公元1520xx年)。他40岁 中举,最初在福建做官,后升任浙江省淳安县知县、嘉州通判等职,15 64年,海瑞升任户部云南司主事,入朝为官,在任期间,大胆革除弊端, 惩办权奸,为民请命,平反冤狱,深得民心,但也得罪了不少权贵。当 时明世宗酒色朝政,只想寻找长生不老药,而朝廷上下无人敢谏。海瑞 视死如归,自备棺木,上奏一本《治安疏》,结果锒铛入狱,世宗死后, 海瑞获释,官复原职。 1569年出任右佥都御史,钦差总督粮道巡抚应天十府。他秉公执法,打击贪官污吏,使骄奢淫逸之风大为收敛。但不 久受到奸佞排挤,被罢官还乡为民,在琼山老家闲居20xx年。 72岁时, 海瑞被明神宗起用,到南京为官。 1587年,海瑞在南京去世。

海瑞一生居官清廉,刚直不阿,清廉正直,深得民众的尊敬与爱戴。同样也在官场上得罪了很多人。在南京当吏部尚书时就被民众称赞甚至拿他的画像当门神。据说听到他去世的噩耗时,当地的百姓如失亲人,悲痛万分。当他的灵柩从南京水路运回故乡时,长江两岸站满了送行的人群。很多百姓甚至制作他的遗像,供在家里。关于他的传说故事,民间更广为流传。后经文人墨客加工整理,编成了著名的长篇公案小说《海公大红袍》和《海公小红袍》,或编成戏剧《海瑞》、《海瑞罢官》、《海瑞上疏》等。海瑞和宋朝的包拯一样,是中国历史上清官的典范、正义的象征。 明代著名的思想家李贽对海瑞的评价: “先生如万年青草,可以傲霜雪而不可充栋梁”,入骨三分。

海瑞一生刚直不阿,是杰出的政治家、历史上有名的清官。死后财物只有俸银8 两、旧袍数件,但却留下了“南包公”、“海青天”的美名。他的灵柩还乡启程那天,南京市民罢市数天来悼念他。



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Today, my mother and I came to yichang.

First of all, we live in the longquan mountain villa. The scenery here is good, is across the Yangtze river and the lower LaoXi, xiling gorge.

The next day, we went to the gezhouba dam. Let me introduce the Yangtze river gezhouba: Yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy hub project, is the first river in our country, the first large scale hydropower projects built on the Yangtze river. The project and its permanent equipment all by our country.the design, construction, manufacturing and installation.

The gezhouba project is located in the Yangtze river three gorges export, in yichang, hubei province. After the Yangtze river the three gorges ends at nanjinguan, suddenly open, river by broadening abruptly three hundred meters to three hundred meters. The gezhouba and by the river on the river xiba two island is divided into three shares, from right to left, referred to as the great river, jiang and the sanjiang, respectively. Great river is the main channel of the Yangtze river, navigable all the year round, two jiang and the sanjiang only in the flood water. Gezhouba water conservancy hub is built in which.

The gezhouba project is mainly composed of locks, power plants and discharging sluices, sluice and the water retaining structure.

Dam, the dam, 47 meters high total length of 2595 meters, control river basin area of 100 square kilometers, the total capacity of 1.58 billion cubic meters. Excavation backfilling conditions of 111.3 million cubic meters, the whole project of eleven million one hundred and thirty thousand cubic meters of concrete, the installation of metal structure of 77500 tons.

The gezhouba project building three locks in the three rivers and river, in one way through capacity of 20 million tons recently, forward is up to 50 million tons. 2, no. 3 shiplock head bay bridge set activity. Crest road and rail. In rivers and two each a massive runoff hydropower station, a total of 21 sets, total capacity of 2.71 million kilowatts, the average annual output of 14.1 billion degrees. A discharge sluice in two massive, three rivers and river each building a sluice, all open, is safe to vent in the history of the Yangtze river flood largest 110000 cubic.

Gezhouba dam construction in two phases.

First phase of the gezhouba water conservancy construction in the three rivers and two river. One phase of the project includes two river power plant, discharge sluice and sanjiang 2, 3 two locks, sluice and so on five big buildings and other water retaining structure.

Yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy construction, not only for industrial and agricultural production to provide strong power in central China, and effectively improve familiar gorge channel, at the same time for the construction of the Yangtze river three gorges water conservancy hub project, Chinas largest accumulation of test, improve technology, training team.

On the third day, we visited the worlds largest water conservancy hub project, the three gorges.

The three gorges project mainly include blocking river dam, hydropower station, such as lock composed of three parts.

We went to visit the Yangtze river three gorges project target figure and original geomorphological map to recognize the three gorges dam site of three gorges project being built at zhongbaodao island as "hard granite rock mass", is the most ideal to build the dam dam site.

And I looked at the three gorges project night scene graph, the three gorges of the night view is very beautiful!

We really great, even the waves of the Yangtze river can be under control.



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荷李活道东端连接著兰桂坊,旧中区警署(前香港警察总部)也位于此街,在旧中区警署侧中央广场的Dragon-i酒吧,曾吸引多位足球明星访港时到此消遣。连接中环与半山区的中环至半山自动扶梯系统,亦途经荷李活道。 在上环一端荷李活道附近的摩罗上街和乐古道,则是著名的古董和怀旧物品集中地。



由于早年统治香港的英国人聚居荷李活道一带的半山区,中环荷李活道南边一段的苏豪区英文名字“Soho”除了取源于英国伦敦苏豪区外,起初也是来自“荷李活道的南边”的英文缩写“South of Hollywood Road”。今天的苏豪区充斥著不少充满外国特色的餐厅和酒吧。



2、地铁中环站 D1出口右转至戏院里,沿皇后大道中往中环中心方向,再乘半山自动扶梯往荷李活道。



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Chinese Taiwan (Chinese Taiwan) is located on the continental shelf of the southeast coastof Chinese mainland, east facing the Pacific Ocean, [1] northeast of the RyukyuIslands, [2] south boundary bus Strait and Philippines archipelago, [3] WestChinese Taiwan Strait and Fujian Province, facing [4-5], with a total area of about 36thousand square kilometers, including Chinese Taiwan Island and Orchid Island, greenisland, Diaoyu Island and other 21 subsidiary islands and Penghu islands 64islands. Chinese Taiwan Island, with an area of 35798 square kilometers, is the largestisland in China [6-7], 7 of which is mountainous and hilly. The plains aremainly concentrated in the western coast, with great changes in terrain andaltitude. Because it is located at the junction of tropical and subtropicalclimate, the natural landscape and ecological resources are rich and diverse.With a population of about 23 million, more than 70% of them are concentrated inthe five western metropolitan areas, of which Taipei, the most important city,is the largest.

Chinese Taiwan is the largest island in Chinese Taiwan, including its own island and 21affiliated islands such as Lanyu, Lvdao and gouyu islands, and 64 islands inPenghu Archipelago, of which Chinese Taiwans own island covers an area of 35873 squarekilometers. At present, the so-called Chinese Taiwan region also includes islands suchas Jinmen and Mazu, which are close to the mainland. With a total area of 36006square kilometers, it is Chinas "multi island province". Chinese Taiwan island is longfrom north to South and narrow from east to west. It is 394 km in length fromnorth to South and 144 km in width from east to west.



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天坛,位于北京城区的东南部,原是明、清两代皇帝祭天、祈谷的圣地,是世界现存规模最大的祭天建筑群,建于明朝永乐四年至十八年(1406~1420),与紫禁城(故宫)同时兴建。耗时20xx年,距今已有580多年历史。其占地273公顷,比故宫大3.7倍,略小于颐和园。天坛是通称,它实际有两个坛组成,南为圜丘坛,北为祈谷坛。 历代封建皇帝对祭天活动都极为重视,每年要两次亲临天坛祭天。第一次是在农历正月十五日,至祈年殿举行祈谷礼,第二次是在冬至,至圜丘坛禀告五谷业已丰收,感谢天帝的保佑之恩。


此刻在我们眼前的是圜丘坛,俗称祭天台,它建于明嘉靖九年(1530),清乾隆十四年(1749)扩建,是一座四周由白石雕栏围护的三层石造圆台,通高五米,明、清两代,每年冬至日皇帝亲临的祭天礼仪,就在此坛举行。 圜丘坛在建筑形式上,有着许多神奇有趣的说法。各项建筑材料的数学计算均极其精确,其中包含"九"的含义与运用深为中外广大游人所赞叹与称奇。

圜丘坛共分三层,每层四面各有台阶九级。各层铺设的扇面形石板,是九或九的倍数。最上层的中心是一块圆形大理石(称作天心石或太极石),是游人最感兴趣的又一奇妙之处。 从中心石向外,第一环为9块,第二环18块,到第九环81块;中层从第十环的90块至十八环的162块;下层从十九环的171块至二十七环的243块,三层共378个"九",为3402块。 同时,上层直径为9丈(取一九),中层直径为十五丈(取三五),下层直径为21丈(取三七),合起来45丈,不但是九的倍数,而且还有""之尊的含义。为什么要用九或九的倍数来设计建造祭坛呢?原因是:一、据神话传说,皇天上帝是住在九重天里,用九或九的倍数来象征九重天,以表示天体的至高与至大。二、在我国古代把单数(奇数)看作阳数,而将双数(偶数)视为阴数。天为阳、地为阴。天坛是用来祭天的,只能用阳数进行建筑。而"九"又被视为"极阳数",这是最吉祥的数字。现在我们再到这上面来看看这块天


好,现在我们继续往前走,这座殿宇就是皇穹宇,它距今已有四百多年历史。殿高19.5米,底部直径15.6米。砖木结构,整个殿宇用八根檐柱支撑,顶无横梁,由众多斗拱层层上叠,天花板层层收缩,组成美丽的穹窿圆顶式的藻井。殿内正中的石台宝座,是放置皇天上帝神牌的地方;宝座前左右的石台,是放置皇帝历代祖先牌位之处。殿外的东西配殿,为供奉日月星辰和云雨风雷诸神牌位之所。进到这里后不知道大家有没注意我们周围的这圈围墙?这就是颇负盛名的回音壁。围墙周长193.2米,直径61.5米,墙高3.72 米,厚0.9米。它的奇特之处并不是在它的外观上,而是在于同刚才的天心石相似的声学现象。如果两个人分别站在院内东西配殿后的墙下,均面部朝北对墙低声说话,可像打电话一



我们现在脚下的路叫做丹陛桥,这明明是一条笔直坦荡的大道,为何又称"桥"呢?因为在道路下辟有一个券洞,与上面的大道正好形成立体交叉,故称为桥。这是一条南北走向的石砌台基大道。丹陛桥为天坛内坛的主轴线,起着连接南端圜丘坛和北端祈谷坛两组建筑物的重要作用。桥面中心线的石板道叫"神道",神道左右两侧的条石道,分别叫"御道"和"王道"。天帝神灵走"神道",皇帝走御道,王公大臣走王道。 沿着丹陛桥继续向北走,现在在我们左边的是具服台,它位设于丹陛桥北段东侧,为一座凸字形平台。这是皇帝前往祈年殿行祀谷礼时,更换冕服(祭服)的地方。




现在在我们左手边的是七星石位于长廊东南侧的旷地中,共有七大一小石块。但为何称作"七星石"呢? 据传说,明永乐帝迁都北京时,想修建一座祭天地的坛庙建筑,但难找到合适的地方。这时,有一晚他梦见天上北斗七星落地于此,谓之天遂人意,为其解了不决之难,从而降旨于此地建造祭坛。 据资料记载,七星石为明代嘉靖九年,经人工雕凿后而置于此处的。嘉靖皇帝十分迷信道教,道士对他说,祈年殿东南方太为空旷,这对他的皇位、寿命不利。于是便设七星石在此,以镇压风水。在七星石东北隅还有一块小石头,据说这是清朝统治者为了纪念他们的祖先功德而增置的。其设于七星石的东北方向,用以表示不忘本源之意。




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各位游客朋友: 大家好,我是本次迪斯尼乐园的导游。我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。现在大家乘坐的是迪斯尼专线,本专线将在1小时候到达香港迪斯尼乐园,途中我会为大家做一些有关迪斯尼的介绍。 香港迪斯尼乐园是一个老少皆宜的童话王国,主要分为:明日世界、探险世界和幻想世界,这三个世界适宜的人群也不一样,下面就来听听你适合哪个世界吧!明日世界时一个充满刺激,变化莫测的游戏王国,它的代表游乐设施就是飞越太空山。飞越太空山又被称作“室内过山车”,乘客在车厢的整个旅途只有不到20秒的时间,可以看到亮光,其余全在黑暗中度过,太空车直上、直下、忽左、忽右,让许多乘客流连忘返;探险世界是一个与充满神秘的地方,丛林历险是探险世界最有趣味性的游戏,乘客们坐在船上,可以看到许多动物,喷水的象宝宝、伺机吃人的食人鱼、晒日光浴的大猩猩,通过船长风趣的讲述,乘客们会通过重重难关,最终到达终点泰山的木屋;幻想世界是每个喜欢童话的人必须要去的地方,那里的有了设施虽然不是很刺激、很神秘,但那是卡通人物的集结地,可以跟它们一起合影留念。对了,还要提醒大家,在整点的时候还会有迪斯尼人物表演的节目哟!下午3点和晚上7点分别有迪斯尼大巡游和星梦奇缘烟花表演。 现在到站了,大家赶快去尽情畅游童话王国吧!



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Dear friends hello, everyone, today I will take you to visit is Beijing north on the edge of the Confucian temple and guozijian, you can see here today, early to wish you happy! Beijing imperial academy is located in Beijing dongcheng district settle door guozijian street (formerly known as cheng Yin street), and the Confucius temple. The imperial overall building sits, distribution on the axis jixian door (door), business (second), coloured glaze memorial arch, construct harmony, yi lun hall, JingYiTing. Things on both sides of the four six hall hall, a traditional symmetric pattern, is the only ancient existing in our country, the central public university construction. Main building of Beijing temple of Confucius is covered with yellow glazed tiles, is the highest building in the feudal society regulation.


You come with me now I see past the door; Also called lingxingmeng is Confucius temple gate, door width between three and seven deep purlin, single eaves jehiel the top of the hill, basically retained the architectural style of yuan dynasty, past the door on both sides of the connection in the outer wall of the temple, is a city gate. Enter the past the door, right against the face is dacheng door. Dacheng door was established in the yuan dynasty, rebuilt in the qing dynasty, the width between five and nine purlin, deep single eaves jehiel the top of the mountain. The entire building is located on the tall brick stylobate, embossed on the royal standing in the way of high sea dragon pattern, wulong play bead, lifelike. Dacheng in front of the corridor on both sides by 10 shek kwu, each raised from stone carving a poem in ancient safari. This is when the qing qianlong imitation Zhou Xuan Georgian stone relics upon everyone to think in this photograph.

Everybody tell me tight I now the first into the courtyard of the former arranges various matters, that is the emperor, the east of the slaughter pavilion, well pavilions, kitchen god, the dishes that look, that is used to slaughter, cleaning and cooking. On both sides of the library, lent by god for offering Kong Liqi store and prepare offerings.

The second into the courtyard is the center of the Confucius temple courtyard, every time, for the Confucius memorial ceremony here then bell and drum everywhere, deriving euphoria, ceremonial majesty. Dacheng hall is the second into the main architecture of the courtyard, has also been the center of the whole Confucian temple architecture, is the most sacred temple in the Confucius temple. Dacheng hall built Yu Dade after six years, was destroyed in the war, Ming yongle nine years (in the reconstruction, the qing guangxu thirty-two years between the temple by expansion between 7 to 9. Inside the brics floor, in the top group longjing mouth smallpox, their level of regulation is the highest building, comparable to the palace hall of supreme harmony. Temple consecrate Confucius "dacheng them.the most holy king," whore, as both sides have obtain "four with twelve zhe" memorial tablet., ghost lead the case on a statue, jue, You, Bian, beans and other phenomena are the qing qianlong drive makes genuine. Inside and outside the hall hangs 9 to xuantong emperor of the qing emperor kangxi imperial tablets, all is the emperor book probes into four words of Confucius, is precious cultural relics.

The third into the yards most distinctive, Confucius temple is composed of the footprints door, temple worship and things peidian peidian independent complete compound, and the former binary compound segmentation significantly and natural transition, reflects the ancients, the clever conception on the ministry of construction bureau. This group of buildings called the footprints temple, is the home of the five generations of ancestors worship Confucius temple. Built in Ming jiajing nine years, rebuild two years qing qianlong, green glazed tile roof instead of the gray tiles and roof. Chung temple, also known as the five dynasties shrine, width between five and seven deep purlin, before the house has a wide platform, the platform built on three sides with step every tenth level. Temple consecrate Confucius memorial tablet of five generations of ancestors and obtain YanHui, hole Ji, who, mencius memorial tablet of the father of the four ancient Chinese philosophers. Things peidian peidian, located in masonry stylobate, width between three and five deep purlin, single eaves the hanging, in cheng, cheng hao finds brother, zhang zai, Cai Shen, zhou dunyi, zhu six Confucianism, the father of the first.

Watching operas.it comprises three courtyards and buildings with clear level difference and function division, harmony to form a whole set of royal sacrificial architecture community, is a prominent representative of Chinese ancient architecture.

Good rest, the next station is a famous institution of the imperial college, all with me tight now I went to jixian quo zi jians door, the door is the door yard has well pavilions, held on the east side of the door communicates with Confucius. A second - business door, into the quo zi jian is the imperial college of the second into the yard, there are coloured glaze memorial arch, harmony and yi lun hall.

Now you tell me I will stay, let me introduce for you construct harmony and yi lun hall, came slowly into the business with me now to the door, the front is imperial academy two door large coloured glaze memorial arch, it is the only specifically for education in Beijing and set up a memorial arch. Banners are on both sides of the emperor, is a symbol of respecting culture in ancient China from. , located in jixian door are the three four pillars between the hip roof top on the 7th floor type coloured glaze memorial arch, 48 years of qianlong (1783). Is face book "teach jersey won bridge", just as the "university in section view," painting, is the only do not belong to Beijing temple coloured glaze memorial arch

Now, let me explain to you the quo zi jian construct harmony, it is the center of the imperial academy building, built in the axis center of a square in the middle of a circular pool high stage, save spire is a square faced the house. All around to open the door, set 6 steps. Construct harmony around the promenade, all set up delicate Bridges across the pool to make the house and yard are interlinked, this kind of architectural form as a symbol of nature round place. Acceded to the throne after the emperor qianlong, whenever a new emperor, are here to do a lecture, in a show of the central governments emphasis on higher education.

Six hall is on the left, it is located in the monarch harmony of left and right sides of the 33 rooms, collectively known as six don, respectively is: HFM hall, hall, hall, the truth monastery hall, hall of justice, wide industry hall of fame, is gongsheng guo-zi-jian diploma of the classroom. Ask now I have a look at the right of the yi lun hall, it is located in the north of monarch harmony hall, the yuan dynasty, chongwen pavilion, the Ming dynasty yongle rebuilt and renamed yi lun hall, in the early years was the emperor to give lectures, after construction of monarch harmony, to the prison library. You followed me to go now, behind is JingYiTing, it is located in yi lun hall, is the third into the quo zi jian yard. Building the Ming jiajing seven years, and has a drink offering wing wing and the department of industry and seven drive makes word tablet, is a place for drink offering quo zi jian in the office. You see my fingers direction, in between the Confucian temple and guozijian passageway, there is a made up of 189 large stone forest of steles. Stone carving with Confucian classics: zhouyi, "history", the "book of songs", "rites" and "yili", "rites", "spring and autumn zuo zhuan, the biography of the spring and autumn period and the ram," the spring and autumn GuLiang biography ", the analects of Confucius, "xiao", "mencius", "er ya". This writing is the blueprint of yongzheng years jiangsu jintan gongsheng Jiang Heng lasted 12 years and calligraphy. Fifty-six years of qianlong (1791 AD) burring on the monkey made a. All writing a total of more than 630000 words, large scale, our method is good, the accuracy of the content and the seal of fine degrees are better than that of xi an "writing", and in terms of scale is the second largest after xi an forest of steles forest of steles. Legend emperor qianlong life ho-shen, wangjie as President, Peng Yuanrui, liu2 yong as vice-president to textual research. Peng Yuanrui rare books in the song thirteen classics HeDing Jiang Heng calligraphy by the draft, and the popular form of characters to the old style, make the text more complete specification, ancient meaning, qianlong praised, were given taizi Pacific title. This makes ho-shen envy is special, of rights in ones hand he ordered overnight to stone tablets to mend all the old style. Until after the collapse of the declaration and archaic handwriting to repair again, there are pieces of dig on BeiMian traces

Now I first drink offering is to introduce the quo zi jian yuan dynasty famous neo-confucianism Xu Heng, at that time, a student more than 200 people. Students studying here is called "guo-zi-jian diploma", roughly three sources: a scholar in the selection of the right direction guo-zi-jian diploma from all parts of the country, to the further study; Second, foreign students, mostly from Korea and their logic, dispatched, Russia, etc.; 3 it is to "donate", front guo-zi-jian diploma, as long as the money to pay the full, can receive "prison", a guo-zi-jian diploma.

Ok everyone around now, photograph, taken everybody, whats the end of our journey, youll actually Confucius temple and the imperial college have too many things in hope you once again for coming here in a wide-variety of culture, thank you, goodbye everyone!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 730 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3089 字

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Badaling this name, when the earliest poet in the jin liu ying long poems in the late badaling, on my computer screen is "and" badaling ". The yuan dynasty, here say "north", and nankou in relative terms. Living in suburb of Beijing ChangPing County from nankou to north mouth, canyon, that grow in the middle is a 40 famous canyon in the Great Wall of juyongguan, therefore this glen was named "gap". The badaling crests of ditch north end of the top.

By named "eight DaLing" homophonic. By cascading mountains in this area, the rugged, built the Great Wall is said to be here to turn eight curved, over eight big mountains, in those days to build the Great Wall is very difficult, time limit for a project has been slow to finish, has eight supervisors to die for it. Finally through the enlightenment of fairy, take "city eight method", namely "tiger with bridle sheep back saddle, the swallow bit mudskipper a shoulder, stone turtle carry a rabbit guide, the magpies bridge ice shop stack", to carry building materials in the mountains. So people would call this period of the Great Wall "eight DaLing Great Wall", then place names homophonic into "badaling".

By named "bada ridge" homophonic. From the yuan dynasty, there was a call to this "bada she walked" emperor, see here the mountain steep, lofty mountain jade green, so much yue, given to the name "bada ridge", after the myth of "badaling". But access to the recorded every emperor, Chinese emperors timelines and other historical materials, all with the yuan dynasty had called "bada she walked" the emperor, but there is a call love bada Li Ba force, his fourth is the yuan dynasty emperor injong. Yanqing county is where he was born in badaling.

By named "the tatar" homophonic. Once rumored in the Ming dynasty, the badaling area to become defensive in the forefront of the manchu troops, hetuvidya han Chinese northeast of the manchu people referred to as "tartars", so some people think that the badaling is "give Tartary (guard) of the mountain of Tartary.

By named "eight ridge" homophonic. Legend of the late Ming dynasty li rate army uprising in to this, they blocked, the article analyzes anxiously. When the qing, said there are eight XianGuan ahead. Article analyzes listen with a sigh: "the eight ridge here is really difficult to cross, storm appears to be no way!" So command uprising army diverted, then here is called the "eight ridge".

More than four is definite no written records, difficult to textual research. In fact the most trusted, should be in "changan guest words" explanation: "road, convenient." Because the badaling is the mouth outside juyongguan, north to yanqing, akagi, Mongolia, west datong, zhangjiakou, shore, xuanhua, east to yongning, universal, south to changping, Beijing and other regions, is convenient, so it is a important traffic arteries and ancient defense outpost, known as the "Beijing north first barrier".

In 1982, the badaling as Beijing badaling - an important part of the Ming tombs scenic areas, by the state council approved the first batch of state-level scenic spot list.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 470 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1902 字

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澳门汗青城区是一片以澳门旧城区为焦点的汗青街区,其间以相邻的广场和街道毗连而成,包罗妈阁庙前地、亚婆井前地、岗顶前地、议事亭前地、大堂前地、板樟堂前地、耶稣会眷念广场、白鸽巢前地等多个广场空间,以及妈阁庙、港务局大楼、郑家大屋、圣老楞佐教堂、圣若瑟修院及圣堂、岗顶剧院、何东图书馆、圣奥斯定教堂、民政总署大楼、三街会馆(关帝庙)、仁慈堂大楼、大堂(主教座堂)、卢家大屋、玫瑰堂、大三巴牌楼、那边吒庙、旧城墙遗址、大炮台、圣安多尼教堂、东方基金会会址、基督教墓地、东望洋炮台(含东望洋灯塔及圣母雪地殿圣堂)等20多处汗青构筑。澳门汗青城区于2019年按照文化遗产遴选尺度 Ciiiiiivvi 被列入《天下文化遗产目次》。


多元共存 调和领悟


四百多年间,在这块城区内,来自葡萄牙、西班牙、荷兰、英国、法国、意大利、美国、东瀛鬼子、瑞典、印度、马来西亚、菲律宾、朝鲜乃至非洲地域等等差异处所的人,带 著差异的文化头脑,差异的职业武艺,差异的风尚风俗,在澳门汗青城区内盖屋子、建教堂、修马路、筑炮台以至闢建墓地,睁开多姿多彩的糊口,包罗种种文化勾当。在这种机会下,澳门得民俗之先,成为中国境内打仗近代西方器物与文化最早、最多、最重要的处所,是其时中国打仗西方文化的桥头堡。与此同时,栖身在澳门的外国人,也以各类方法,向天下各国先容在澳门见到的统统中国文化头脑与糊口习俗。澳门,也是一道外国熟悉中国的派别。



明末清初,大量上帝教传教士以澳门为传教基地,起劲从事远东地域的传教事变,并由此缔造出中西文化交换的光辉篇章。这些传教士来自差异的修会,他们为中国带来了西方近代的科学技能及人文艺术,又向西方先容了中国的文化成绩。而作为基地的澳门,在各修会的全力建树下,开创了很多“中国第一”的奇迹,如中国第一所西式大学(圣保禄学院)、中国第一所西式医院(白马行医院)、中国第一以是西方金属制版和印刷拉丁笔墨的印刷厂(圣保禄学院隶属印刷所)、中国第一份外文报纸(《蜜蜂华报》)A Abelha da China 等等。由耶稣会在澳门创办的圣保禄学院(现已不存)及圣若瑟修院,为上帝教在远东和中国的传教奇迹作育了大量人才,同时也作育了大批中国籍的传教士,为中西文化交换作出卓越的孝顺。



