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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5008 字

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Sanya – la ville touristique c?tière tropicale la plus méridionale deChine. Sanya Tropical beach est lessence du paysage c?tier de Hainan et a descaractéristiques uniques en Chine.Sanya couvre une superficie de 1919,58kilomètres carrés et 209,1 kilomètres de littoral.Situé à 18°09′ - 19° delatitude Nord, il est comparable à la station balnéaire tropicale de renomméemondiale et à lextrémité sud dHawa? aux ?tats - Unis. Il appartient au climatde mousson océanique température moyenne en janvier est de 11,7 ?,la température moyenne en juillet est de 28,3 ?, et la température moyenneannuelle est de 25,4 ?; la température de leau de mer est de 22 ? - 28 ?, et latransparence est de 8 - 12 mètres.Sanya nest pas seulement une grande serrenaturelle en Chine, cest une base de reproduction et de légumes dhiver dans leSud, mais aussi un endroit idéal pour la natation dhiver et la plongée sous -marine.Par conséquent, bien que Sanya ne compte que 482,1 millions de personnes,cest une ville célèbre.LAdministration nationale du tourisme a fait de Sanyalune des attractions touristiques les plus populaires de Chine au pays et àlétranger, et les dirigeants concernés lont comparée à la ? tour pyramidale ?des vacances et des voyages dagrément en Chine.Sanya Enchanted Tropical beachscene, Rich Historical and cultural features, let the unrealed wanted, let theTravelers Dream around the soul.En hiver, pendant le Festival du printemps enChine, le tourisme à Sanya doit être décrit par le mot "chaud".Beaucoupdinvités qui viennent en vacances sont des visiteurs de retour!

Cependant, lancienne Sanya a été considérée comme un cheminintimidant.Sanya était autrefois connu sous le nom de Yazhou. En raison de lacirculation bloquée et de la rareté de la population, il a été gouverné par leféodalisme comme un endroit sauvage pour exiler les fonctionnaires et lesfonctionnaires rétrogradés.Seulement les trois dynasties Tang, Song et yuan ontété rétrogradés à Sanya, cest - à - dire jusquà quarante ou cinquantepersonnes, parmi lesquelles il ny a pas de pénurie de fonctionnaireséminents.Comme le célèbre ministre Li deyu et Wei Zhiyi de la dynastie Tang, lePremier Ministre Lu duoxin, Zhao Ding et le célèbre Ministre Hu Shuan de ladynastie Song, le Premier Ministre Wang shixi de lhistoire impériale de ladynastie Yuan, etc."Un voyage de dix mille milles, pas un millier.Où est létatdes falaises?Le poème de Yang Yan dans la dynastie Tang reflète les sentimentsdes gens à Sanya.Cependant, le beau paysage naturel de Sanya, les produitsriches et uniques et le style rustique simple ont également changé létatdesprit de certaines personnes.Lhistoire de Sanya pour diverses raisons parmiles fonctionnaires, les érudits, les moines et les gens du peuple, beaucoup ontlaissé un patrimoine culturel précieux à Sanya.Les experts estiment que lesressources touristiques de Sanya sont uniques, rassemblant des ressourcestouristiques telles que le soleil, leau de mer, la plage, le climat,lenvironnement, les animaux, les sources thermales, les coutumes ethniques, lessites dintérêt et les paysages ruraux tropicaux.On peut dire que Sanya est leplus beau paysage naturel tropical de Hainan, les ressources touristiqueshumaines les plus riches.Lorsque les gens sont fascinés par le charme de la merde coco, les faits historiques, les mythes et les folklores émouvants liés aupaysage quils voient sont souvent très imaginatifs.

Les principaux sites touristiques et stations balnéaires du littoralsubtropical de Sanya sont Yalong Bay, Dadonghai, Luhui, TianyaHaijiao, SanyaTropical Ocean zoo, Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area, sea Mountain Wonders (Smalland Small Dongtian), wuzhizhou Island, etc.

Leurs caractéristiques communes ne sont pas seulement le soleil ensoleillé,la plage de sable blanc fin, le vent de coco Vert, le charme de la mer, maisaussi dans un environnement écologique pur et non pollué.La qualité de leaudans les zones c?tières est conforme à la norme nationale de classe I pour leaude mer et lenvironnement atmosphérique est supérieur à la norme nationale declasse I.Les résultats des troisième et quatrième recensements nationauxmontrent que lespérance de vie à Hainan est la plus élevée du pays, tandis quela c?te subtropicale de Sanya est la plus longue du Hainan.En outre, de nombreuxsites pittoresques ont une histoire légendaire qui ajoute encore plus demystère.

La fleur de la ville de Sanya est la prune triangulaire, peu importelendroit pittoresque, ou les deux c?tés de la route, vous pouvez voir partoutun vert épais, flottant une série de belles plantes avec des fleurs rouges,comme un feu dhiver, cest la prune triangulaire.Larbre de Sanya est unharicot aigre.Il a un grand corps darbre, des branches et des feuilles denses,et des arbres magnifiques. Cest un arbre de paysage isolé de pelouse trèsprécieux.Cependant, dans la zone touristique culturelle de Nanshan, on peut voirdes parcelles de la forêt de haricots aigres.Sanya a re?u le surnom de Lucheng àcause de lhistoire magique du dos du CERF.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1728 字

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Each friend: now we came to the Chinese first-class, Asia first, world famous national tropical seaside tourism city, sanya.

Sanya is the southernmost city in China, the second largest city in hainan province, a land of 1919 square kilometers, 5000 square kilometers, 209 kilometers of coastline, sanya is become a fairyland with remote locations, close to nature.

Sanya is the southernmost city in China, there is a tall coconut trees, silver sand, blue sky and the endless sea.

Remember, when I first set foot on yalong bay beach, the mood is indescribable. Days attached to the sea, the sea for days, tianshui, tianhai color, very beautiful! I am eager to the arms of the sea, feet stepping on a soft, fine sand, a wave came at me and my butt sitting on the beach, pants all wet, I havent got up, again to a wave, put me down again, let me drink a mouthful of salt water. I hurriedly get up, simply change swimming trunks on the beach. The wind driving waves, spray. White spray straight line team to move forward with rows of, chasing, play with, like naughty children, joyfully poured on to the beach, and quickly pulled back, pushing me again and again to the shore, take back. Look, it is jumping to the surface of the waves, in the sunlight, little golden light, and on the countless took gold retreated to the sea. Bend down, thin sand gently hold my feet, exquisite and smooth, my whole body gently in the water jump, fingers lightly white sand flowing in the fingers, and it was very fun, very... I hopping in the arms of the spray, laughing, spray surrounded me, around me, I am immersed in waves and gentle hug.

Sanya is very beautiful, the sea was spectacular, it is like a beautiful picture scroll, deeply in my mind.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 993 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2278 字

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Jimei is a suburb of Xiamen City connected to xiamen Island by a 2,212-metre long granite causeway. Jimei is also the residence of Mr. Tan Kah-kee, a famous overseas Chinese philanthropist. Encircled by the sea on three sides, the town is known for its magnificent buildings combining western and oriental styles and picture-postcard sceneries. As a tourist site, Jimei has the following attractions to offer: Jimei School Village, Aoyuan (Turtle Garden), Returnees Hall, Xiamen Bridge and Wanbao Hill Sightseeing Farms. Jimei School Village

Jimei School Village is a general name for all schools and cultural institutions here. It was built by Mr.Tan Kah-kee in 1913. After decades of development, the village now covers a floor space area of over 100,000 square kilometers and there are more than 10,000 students in it. The higher learning institutions are Xiamen Aquatic Products College, Jimei Navigation College, and Jimei Finance and Economy Institute and Business Administration College, etc. There are also secondary specialized schools, middle schools, primary schools, kindergartens and nurseries schools in the village. In addition to the schools metioned above, one may find here auditoriums, swimming pools, stadiums, cinemas, hospitals and navigation clubs. They are rare through out the country for their large scales and good facilitation.

Jimei School Village, blending the Chinese architectural style with western one, has become a symbol of Jimei. Among the buildings of unique style are Daonan Lou in Jimen Middle School, Nanxun Lou in Overseas Chinese School and the Teaching Building of Navigation College. In front of the Daonan Lou is the Drangon Boat Pond, 800 meters long and 300 meters wide. Around it are seven pavilions of different styles, with curved eaves and carved pillars. They are called "Seven Stars Falling onto the Ground". In the middle of the pond stand two pavilions designed by Mr.Tan Kah-kee, which are named "Lonely Star Accompanying the moon". Every year, during the Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon boat racing is held in the pond with shining ripples and melodious Nanqu (south Fujian Opera) accompanied by drumbeats. Several international dragon boat racings have been held here and attracted groups of tourists at home and abroad.



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Another tourist attraction in Kaiping City is the Li Garden. It was a private residential garden built in 1926 – 1936 by an American Chinese, Xie Wei Li by name. The garden’s name “Li” was derived from the name of its owner and it gives expression to the meaning of a Chinese idiom Xiu Shen Li Ben, which is written on an archway in the garden, meaning that cultivating one’s moral and character is the key to success in one’s life and work. This idea of the owner’s is also embodied in many other inscriptions and couplets written in the garden.

The Li Garden is laid out in the way of traditional Chinese gardening but many of its structures are built in Western styles, such as the two Roman-styled structures popularly known as the Bird’s Nest and the Flower & Rattan Pavilion. The garden covers an area of 19, 600 square meters, with a man-made stream running through and cutting it into two parts, which are connected by arch-bridges. Along the stream are pavilions, a hundred-meter-long corridor, archways, residential houses and other structures.

The residential buildings in the villa area are also combinations of Chinese and Western architectural elements. While their main structures are foreign-styled, some are roofed like a Chinese palace, and inside they are decorated and furnished with both Chinese and foreign artifacts: Western fireplace and pendent lamps, Italian ceramic tiles, Chinese wooden furniture, wall paintings depicting Chinese folk stories, Chinese gilded wood-carvings etc.

The Li Garden is indeed a paragon of harmonious combination of the Chinese and foreign cultures.as a watchtower for it was located in an open land and was provided with electric generator,searchlights and guns.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4027 字

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Добро пожаловать в город нанкин, где всегда есть "Шесть династий цзяочжоу,цзиньлин императорской области" достопримечательности. я гид из средней бригадыпровинции цзянсу _ Все могут звать меня _ гид, или маленький. рядом со мной этотводитель. мастер, его техника вождения очень хорошо, будьте уверены. надеюсь,что в ближайшие дни мы с вами сможем совершить прекрасную поездку в нанкин.Нанкин - один из семи древних столиц китая. в Восточном предместье сушёная горас черепом человека, что доказывает, что 350 тысяч лет назад, были следы"нанкинских обезьян". с начала династии дун у цзянду в 229 г. нашей эры нанкиндесять раз стал Киото, оставив богатое историческое и культурное наследие.нанкин географический район, богатые материальными ресурсами, находится в районе? золотого Треугольника? Янцзы, является важным городом в региональной экономикеКитая. нанкинский внешний транспорт широко известен и представляет собойтрехмерную транспортную систему и сеть для воздушных, шоссейных, железнодорожныхи речных перевозок. нанкин, горы кольцо воды, лук, клетки и юй, город шаньшуйлеса слились в одно целое, природа пейзаж долго славится. Природа одарилананкина живописными горами, сохранившими здесь свою славную культуру. Г - н Суньчжуншань в знаменитых словах рассказал о красоте нанкина: "здесь есть горы, естьравнины, есть глубины, в трех крупнейших городах мира также искренне труднонайти эту достопримечательность". на подножии горы чжуншань, мин Сяолинь,расположенная на подножии горы чуньшань, расположена в зелено - зеленом золотомхолме и имеет великолепное расположение. памятники тайпинского царства, огромныйдворец. в нескольких десятках мавзолей династии Южная династия получила большоемастерство, которое можно назвать гигантской системой, национальной ценностью.нершелита (храм Цися), великолепная фигура, стройная, великолепная, великолепнаядекоративная, это редкость из имеющихся в нашей стране каменных башен.

президентский дворец, мемориальный парк павших героев юйхуатая,мемориальный музей соотечественников, погибших в результате массовых убийств вНанкине, которые были совершены против японской армии в китае, мемориальныймузей в новой деревне мэйюань и мемориал победы в переправу являютсяисторическими свидетельствами демократической революции в нашей стране. озеросюаньюй, три кольца воды, с одной стороны, рядом с городом, сюфэн тайфэн тенибашни, Бибо, можно назвать "золотой Жемчужиной". озеро моуны, содержиттрогательные и печальные легенды, озеро свет тени, цветочный коконник, изящный,изысканный и открытый. особенность нанкина известна как китайская технологияпарча "живые окаменелости" облака и "сокровище нации" Дождь камень, сталпредставителем Нанкинского туристического товара. вкусные закуски цинь Хуай исолёная утка широко известны во всем мире. в этот день нанкин, одновременно ссовременной вежливой экономикой, является красивым пейзажем с красивыми горами,живущими на драконьих досках, город хуаньхуань дворец дворец, уличные структуры,сад сад сад сад сад сад, зеленая площадь... вместе построили красочный альбом,слитый в одно целое горными и водными лесами, и продемонстрировали уникальноеочарование "зеленой древности, города культуры". Говоря о нашем Нанкине,приходится упомянуть четыре конкретных продукта, которые соответствуют ? есть?,? пить?, ? играть? и ? одеваться?: соленая утка, чай с дождями, камни и облака.Долгая история родила нанкин богатейшие туристические ресурсы, восток от горычжуншань пейзаж области, в том числе в горах, мин Сяолинь, храм линьгу ибазальту озеро, запад и Каменный город пейзаж в качестве точки зрения, к югузнаменитый пейзаж цинь Хуай является основным хитом, на севере вдоль реки пейзажобласти, в том числе мост Янцзы, просмотр Реки Лу, храм Цзинхай и другиедостопримечательности. нанкин, в котором собраны горы, вода, город и вэнь, игоры, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и горы, и тучи, ивеликие, и великие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие, ибольшие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие, и большие.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2504 字

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Ever been to hangzhou west lake said: "there sky is blue, water is green, the air is fresh, people is enthusiasm". Nominal or real?

从杜桥坐车到杭州大约4个小时。走出车门,风儿吹来那挺拔的柳树在风中热摇着,枝叶梳理自己独一无二的长头发,那一根根如丝般的秀发在你眼中舞动着,那是柳树在挥动手臂在欢迎你。只见那湖中一层层的小波浪你挤我挤地到了河岸边,碧波里的西湖在轻轻地吟唱着。岸上蜿蜒曲折的小路如同一缕轻烟缭绕,很温柔地缠绕在丛林之间。只见那生意人手中的丝巾,花雨伞……看见游人来了一拥而上,为了一桩小买卖而寸步不离、不 其烦地推销,这过分热情有时把游客追得如鸟散。我们站在湖边纷纷好姿势,“咔嚓……”让自己的倩影永远留在千年文化的杭州。

About 4 hours from Du Qiao to hangzhou by car. Out of the door, and the wind is blowing the tall willow thermal shook in the wind, leaves comb their unique long hair, that their such as silky hair dancing in your eyes, it was the willows waving arms to welcome you. See the layers of small waves in the lake you crowded I crowded into the river, blue waves of the west lake is gently singing. Shore meandering path like a ray of light smoke fills the air, very gently winding between the jungle. See that the business of silk scarves, take an umbrella... Set saw visitors come, pockets for a small business, dont bother to sell, the excessive enthusiasm sometimes chase visitors such as birds. We stood by the lake have good posture, "kacha..." The beautiful image of yourself forever culture in hangzhou in one thousand.


In a lake, heaven on earth, water is all around, set foot on the island of deeply in love with her, fall in love with this piece of land. Hits the trees there is our friend. The pieces of rock is your main "sofa", if you feel special is bad, so charming scenery can make you eliminate troubles, and the layers of small waves come, she also to share happiness with you in the sad, then with the help of wind the mother-in-law the willows dance the graceful dance.


You see, where is your closest friend, nature nature can let a person so cheerful! Nature can let you always remember her good friend - human beings.


Just swim and eat farm-style, a good friend to get to know the nature, carefree, enjoy the beauty of west lake. When I think of wanli "xiao the net Keats temple to send Lin Zifang" : after all, the west lake in June, the scenery in four. Next day even leaves endless blue, video on lotus red.


I revel in the beautiful scenery and the poem.



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假日海滩旅游区位于海口市的西海岸,北临琼州海峡,东起西秀海滩,西至贵族游艇会,全长约7 公里。是一个开放式、生态型的热带海滨公园,同时也是我国的4A 级旅游景区。是海口市市民在节假日里休闲、度假的好去处,更是到海口旅游的游客观赏美景、品味海韵、体验人生的绝佳之处。





假日海滩景区众多明珠中最闪烁的要数“印象·海南岛”的表演及其海胆剧场了。大型实景演出“印象·海南岛”是世界著名导演张艺谋以及他的“印象·铁三角”团队既20xx年奥运会开幕式后的力作。演出将时尚、休闲、浪漫的元素带给游客,通过新颖的艺术形式演绎出海南岛上真正的海岛风情,将大家带入一种新型的旅游文化体验之旅。而“印象·海南岛”的表演剧场造型构思来源于海洋珍稀生物海胆,是中国首个仿生剧场,陆地与海洋在这里浑然天成,成为海口文化旅游新地标。 剧场呈半封闭式结构,内部设施先进,可容纳 1600 人观看演出。观众坐在“印象剧场” 看台上,宛如置身于细软绵延的沙滩,在三位国内顶级艺术家的引领下,尽情展开对大海的浪漫畅想,感受美丽海南岛的印象之美。




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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to Tienjin to travel, I am your guide DAVID.

I introduce todays route of travel to everyone first, first, we go by carto sight-see Tienjin museum, five major ways and benefit follow virtuous bighotel, by boat tour sea river, thou cultural street, then go to a horse can waveLuos square, Italian romantic feeling area, and then visit beam Qi super pastreside with Italian barracks

The position that the car drives now is a plum the river live area, it islocated in the extension of comity road in the south of Tienjin City on-line, isthat city hall in Tienjin is unified to invite bids construction of large nestleto live area.

Now our driving is this road is a comity road, this road is the main trunkhighway that city hall in Tienjin faces a guest, the north rises Ma Chang Dao,the south goes to black cow city way, neighbor rapid road, all grow 3.5kilometers.

What we see is an impressive-looking vehemence Tienjin museum now, itlocates at on the intergalactic square and sees very much resembling to flapwings to rise the daytime goose that the desire flies from the lake noodles fromthe shape, and the total shape brief introduction is flowing freely and enrichthe feeling and art in ages very much.Museum in Tienjin is a nation one classmuseum, is in original Tienjin National Museum of History and art museumfoundation in Tienjin on set Be finished, is to display ancient Chinese art andhistory in Tienjin to develop large comprehensive sex museum, here the buildinghide each kind of cultural object 20 remaining is ten thousand, among them, onethe class cultural object is about thousand, north Sung period famous landscapepainting 《snow landscape wintry forest diagram 》 for north Sung"landscapepainting three everyones" of one Fan breadth of bequeath to posterity genuinecalligraphy, also have the treasure that be rated as the country of the westernweek protects Ding to also collect here too much and believe that museum inTienjin will present the bright hall of Chinese art to you.

The right that the garage drives is a crystal temple big hotel, is famousChinese descent, designer, Wu Xiang Zi Di, , designs of four star classhotel.

The underneath what we sight-seed is five major ways, it is located at topeaceful area in Tienjin City, there are total of 22 roads, five major waysrented boundary for England at first, if there were 20__ remainings here, thedifferent garden type ocean building is the style and said to is five majorways, in really six ways, they BE:Ma Chang Dao, the Mu south way, great reasonway and often virtuous way, Chongqing way and Chengdu way, rather than five, butspread long, be so called a kind of officer said, now then five major waysbecame the pronoun of small Tienjin ocean building.

We drive now of this was Ma Chang Dao, it was a road that grows most infive major ways, all grow 3516 meters, rented boundary race course because ofleading to an English but get, once was still that the big modern Tienjinofficer is expensive to swarm about a prosperous road that interleave go backand forth, swarmed about many celebrities here here past reside, everyonepleases see the have big clock face to face of French Luo Man type what stylebuilding was famous foreign country language college in Tienjin, it sets up in20s in last century, the building in the campus all is French building.

We turn now last is road in Hebei, everyone saw toward right-hand side infront, the 4 F that has very heavy Italian romantic feeling the small oceanbuilding was an only fresh Yue wine shop, was so called "pimple" building, theinner part repaired extremely fashionable, especially collect to settle the TaoKuang Imperial decree between the years, various stone carving, ancient weapon,have ascend to spring autumn next to about 4000 cultural objects of republic, bepraised as "the museum edibled", make people call more unique BE, the buildings305 rooms once were famous city play master, Ma Lian Liang, of old reside.

Front of the way was way in Tai-an, it is another trunk highway that faceguest and host of our Tienjin, and the building of this classic renew type inthe Greece is Wei location in Tienjin City, opened the Luan mineral mansion inthe duty bureau at first here.Is original here north ocean warlord Sun ZhuanFang of past reside, now is account to living Wei of transact a location.

Everyones inviting the hotel seeing us right ahead is a benefit followvirtuous big hotel, its starting is set up to 1863 is built by the Britishpastors Yan Sen virtuous property of, hence get, but, also have a kind ofparlance is draw from "reason fluently with virtuous" of the ConfucianismMenzis person with ideals and integritys famous saying but get, the culturalobject inside the store is too many to enumerate, therefore, be listed as byState Department in 1996 whole country point cultural object protectionunit.

Connecting down us will by boat sight-see sea river, we will go aboard nowfor the sake of ensuring your safety and please a preservation like yourpersonal luggage so as not to damage with throw to lose, and notice the hygieneon board, dont throw fruit peel indiscriminately, take the kids passenger toinvite you to nurse like your child, dont want to let him for the sake of hissafety the activity dont explore your head and body on a ship and alone inaddition to a window, finally remind you, there is a life jacket under each seatwith fully need , good, everyone notices foot, please go aboard!The sea river isone of seven big river rivers in the whole countries, all grow 72 kilometers,wind around to flow through several city areas inside Tienjin City, mothersriver of Tienjin, load Tienjin for 600 years, how much in the last years torrentnot interest, conceive ancient times and now civilization in Tienjin, feedpassionate hospitality of sea river children.The position that the ship anchorswas 5 A class view area in nation thou cultural street, asked everyone to takethe good baggage product goes on board and notices foot with me and please!

Thou cultural street is with diva temple for center, have a street of placespecial feature in Tienjin very much, divas temple is one of three greatestdivas temples in the world, is our country northern Goddess of the Sea thecultural research center and norths biggest Goddess of the Sea temple is also afolk cultural Tienjin source, thou cultural street concentrated Tienjin is tovarious handicraft product of national all directions, draw by willow youthamong them, clay doll Zhang Cai Su and Wei record kite the most famous.

We drove onto the idea type romantic feeling area now, it locates at in thesouth of Hebei to carry and once was area in the center of Italian lend-lease inmodern Tienjin history, is unique Italian history appearance buildings that isalso a biggest our country domestic in Asia.Being the center horse of Italianromantic feeling area here can wave Luos square

Now what we want to visit is the studio being super past to reside anddrink ice room beam Qi, the beam Qi is super is a modern age only one of theheart parties leaders, he and the Kang is only capable to initiate heart andcall "Kang beam", after E Xu political reform fails, the beam Qi is super exiledJapan, Xin Hai revolution behind return to country, drank ice the indoor tocompose works like 《Chinese history research method 》, 《 Manchu dynasty academicgeneral outline 》 ,etc in its studio, after again is drinking a finished work inthe ice room and call 《drink ice room to match to gather 》 .

Friends, what everyone visited is an Italian barracks now, according to therules of the bitter ugly treaty, eight countrys allied troops send a soldier tostation Tienjin, 1902, Italy built up barracks in the lend-lease and pleasedfriends to together visit with me.

Liked friends, todays tour was getting aller is over.Thanking you to thesupport and match that I work is getting more perfect, has for the sake of mywork what not thoughtful place invite you to leave a precious opinion, wish youall the luck!Expect to gather together with you again at my home town,Tienjin!

Thank everyone!



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Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum, Im glad to serve you, I am the guide from this journey all Korean an inscription, everyone call me Korean guide line. Today I accompanied him you have a good time.

Now, you have came to the Forbidden City, which is located in the centre of Beijing by bus. 24 emperors lived here, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, it is the Palace Museum. The palace the whole building magnificent and solemn gorgeous, whether plane layout, magnificent mountains, in the form of the 3 d effect still is incomparable masterpiece.

Lets watch the center axis of the palace! The central axis in the central axis of Beijing city. After the three main halls, palace, imperial garden is located in the central axis. On both sides of central axis of the palace, but also with many house, grand magnificent.

Looking at central axis, art treasures museum! Some of the Forbidden City palace the establishment of a comprehensive history museum of art, painting, pavilion pavilion, classification of ceramics, bronze, engraved hall, toys, craft art gallery in the Ming and qing dynasties, pavilion, four treasures of the study hall, pride, watches and clocks, and judgments of clear acting palace relics exhibition, collect a large number of ancient art treasures. According to statistics, there are 102653, including many cultural relics are unique priceless.

Even the palace of the four corner, every Angle has 18 column seventy-two liras turrets, there is a legend about turrets. One day, the emperor yongle let ministers in the Forbidden City on the four horns of building a nine beam column 10 seventy-two liras, baffled ministers to it. One day, a carpenter saw a des sauterelles cage, very strange, feel cage went up and took a look, a number, thats nine beam column seventy-two liras ten! The carpenter immediately to the secretary. From then on, they left such turrets.

Dear visitors, our todays tour end, right now, todays explanation to me, you are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, I am thankful. Finally, I wish you all have fun! thank you
