





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 749 字

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My name is . Im nine years old. Im in class three, grade eight, Experimental Primary School

I was a tall, white skin, have a glossy black hair, two eyebrows, a pair of big eyes, others are my eyes can speak.

I am a lively and lovely little boy, my character is very outgoing, I see strangers, take the initiative to greet him, let alone acquaintances

My hobby is widespread, reading "playing computer, playing, watching TV, I love reading, my shelves are full of my love of the book, a story King ,

I am a diligent child, I always do my own thing, not let my father and mother go to help, the yard is dirty, I always go clean

I have a weakness is doing homework very careless, this shortcoming I must try hard to correct, please look at my actual action!




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 9280 字

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Blink of an eye 10 years have gone, we ushered in a new year. Summing up the work of the past year, from a personal point of view about the measurement of awareness.

Quality is the life, quality is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise development. In the fierce competition in the construction market today, how to improve the construction quality management level is every enterprise managers must think about. Factors affecting the quality of construction in all aspects. From the engineering measurement point of view, analyze the work of measuring the pay-off to ensure and improve the quality of the construction of an important role, and simply how to strengthen the management of measurement work to improve the quality of construction.

It is a very important technical work of municipal road engineering that the measuring and measuring line is an important technical work. It is inseparable from the whole process of construction, from the preparation before construction to the completion of the construction, to the final acceptance after construction. How to do a quick and good measurement of the line, is a basic technical skills and test the basic requirements.

Do the measurement before the commencement of the end

Before the start of the project, the survey and design units shall be responsible for on-site surveying and settlement according to the design documents, and the site standard point, conductor piles and crossing point piles shall be clearly identified according to the design drawings. Within the measurement of signs, must take appropriate protection measures. On the measurement of the end, it is necessary to emphasize the protection of pile position, that is, in the design unit after pile, should be timely use of brick piers or pouring cement pier and other methods to be protected, so as not to lose. These piles are generally farmland or residential areas, it is easy to be man-made destruction, and once destroyed, let the survey and design units to fill test, then delay the construction, but also increase the cost.

Midline retest and edge loft

Center line measurement is based on the alignment measurement, the road center line plane position on the ground marked in detail. It is the difference with the alignment measurement is: alignment measurement, but the intersection of the road and the straight line segment of the necessary turning point marked out, and in the midline measurement, according to the intersection and the turning point with a series of stakes will road straight Segment and curve segments are specified in detail on the ground.

The alignment survey is usually carried out by the survey and design units, and then the pile and measurement results to the construction side, the construction unit by the middle line and construction measurement.

Subgrade construction should be fully restored before the center line, according to the restoration of the pile in the road and the relevant provisions of the roadbed side of the pile. On the midline re-measurement and edge lofting, should pay attention to the following points;

One should pay attention to the distance between the intersection, the direction is consistent with the drawings; such as an engineering project has several tenders, should pay attention to the center of the adjacent tenders are closed, midline measurements should be in-depth adjacent tenders 50 ~ 100 M; attention should be paid to the center of the structure such as bridge and culvert is closed; should pay attention to the relative position of the building and other buildings and drawings are consistent. If you find problems in a timely manner to identify the reasons for the design unit.

Second, retaining pile set. It is very important to set up pile protection pile in the middle of the road, but these piles are easy to be destroyed during the construction. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the restoration and surveying work of the middle pile during the construction of the roadbed. In order to quickly and accurately restore the center pile in the original position, must be on the road before the construction of the main control point of the pile such as the intersection point, turning point, curve control points set up retaining pile. The so-called retaining pile, is outside the scope of the construction is not easy to be destroyed where some stakes set up.According to these pile, with simple methods (such as the intersection point, range, etc.), you can quickly restore the original pile point.

Set the pile should pay attention to the following aspects: in each straight section of the road, at least three control piles to set up retaining pile, so even if there is a control pile can not be restored, the other two points can be used to restore the straight section To the original position; the intersection angle of the two direction lines as close as possible to 90 °, should not be less than 30 ° angle of intersection; retaining pile should be selected outside the scope of construction, but not too far away; Pile distance can not be too far; The retaining pile must be solid and reliable, pile to facilitate the erection of measuring instruments and observation.

Set up retaining pile of curve side. For the curve segment, because of the more difficult to determine the side of the pile, re-measuring time-consuming more, so after a precise line, the edge of the curve section of the pile pile should also be set representative pile, which can reduce Repeat the measurement, reducing the measurement workload.

Third, the laying of mileage pile. After the midline pile is fixed, it is possible to lay out the control pile of the mileage pile on this basis. Mileage pile layout principle is: in the straight section, generally arranged in every 100 meters of the entire pile of cross-section, similar to the common road construction 100 meters pile layout; in the curve section of the pile to be properly encrypted, in the curve Mileage pile can be large stakes, above the mileage mark with paint or ink station, into the road outside the scope of construction on both sides of the ground, it is best to play on each side of a . To ensure that the construction is not easy to damage the case, from the embankment edge should be as close as possible to facilitate the use, generally 1 to 2 meters.

The laying of mileage piles is not addressed in most of the surveying and setting-out sections of the Construction Manual, and is not taken into account at many sites. I found in some sites, some construction technicians in the construction survey, the determination of the distance station is a long distance from a foot a foot row over, not only a waste of time and prone to cumulative error. If the mileage stakes are not allowed, then the elevation, slope quality control is out of the question.

Third, the proofreading and additional standard point

First, the use of design units set up before the standard point should be carefully checked, close the gap may not exceed the limit, such as exceeding the allowable deviation should identify the reasons and promptly reported to the relevant departments. The design unit delivers the leveling points normally set several months ago. These points in the field can easily be man-made collision or natural subsidence due to the ground changes, so be sure to carefully review before use; Second, the standard point of additional principles: the distance is generally 150 to 200 meters, Plus transfer station for the principle. The additional standard point should be closed with the design unit to pay the standard point, such as an engineering project at several tenders, but also with the adjacent standard segment of the standard point of closure, the closure may not exceed the limit.

The position of the leveling point shall be located on a solid, non-sinking, non-touching ground or a solid building of a permanent building. Can also be installed in the protection of deep-buried wood piles or concrete piles, and make clear signs. The leveling point should be checked once a month, and the level of the spot where the movement is suspected should be checked after re-inspection.

Vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement

Through the midline re-test, side piles line and the laying of the standard point, you can measure the vertical and horizontal cross-section. The main purpose of vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement is to calculate the amount of earth, so the vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement after the end of the measurement results should be checked with the design drawings. Where the results with the original within the allowable deviation, the original results shall prevail, and only when there are significant differences with the original results, can be reported to the supervisory engineer after verification changes. It should be noted that: the work must be carried out before construction. If the measured amount of earth and the design does not conform to the supervision of the approval should also be carried out before construction.Some site excavation to the supervisor before the actual amount of earthwork and design does not match, require additional visa, but the final supervision refused.So be sure to pay attention to the timeliness of the work.



范文类型:自我评介,介绍信,全文共 1160 字

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Dear Sir or Madam,

Having heard that there is a need for students of English major in your company, Id like to render my services for the post you are offering.I am a 23-year-old undergraduate expecting to graduate by July 20xx from the Department of English, Central South University, with a bachelor degree majoring in English.

In the past three years, I have participated in several activities concerning the application of English. In July 20xx I used to work as an office assistant in an Import Export Company for two weeks, during which I have done some translation and reception work that enabled me to learn a great deal which couldnt be taught in class. Whats more, June 20xx saw my translation efforts made for the tender materials of English version of some construction companies. I think my education and previous experiences will enable me to offer helpful services.

The enclosed resume will tell you more about my details, and my references, to whom I can refer you as to my personality and ability, is available upon request. I shall be pleased to come to your office for a personal interview at any time that is convenient to you.

Yours faithfully



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:外贸,企业,全文共 704 字

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Thank you for a giving me such time to introduce myself. I am Mary Jell Kate Sajolan

Ive got great kids and my life is great.

I can offer six years experience in managing employees, customers and logistics with excellent project management skills and a great eye for detail. All of which should make me an ideal candidate for your organisation

I should say that I am a diligent, self-motivated and a kind person. I have the ability to work hard and achieve my target in time. I am a hard working team worker as well as a good listener. I am also very determined,very good at making my point.

I love reading and communicating with people. play music to relax myself in my spare time.

Thanks for your attention.



范文类型:评语,适用行业岗位:初中,教师,学生,全文共 2758 字

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作文评语 初中教师常用的作文评语

文句流畅,但首尾不能呼应 内容欠充实,结构不紧凑 词藻华丽,内容再求充实 叙述平顺,再求精美 造词生涩,未能达意 文字草率,有欠修饬 词能达意,再求整饬 文词尚称通顺,但欠精练 词句重覆冗杂 语多赘余,文欠生动 段落要分明,前后勿倒置 闲文太多,须力求简畅 描写应求深刻 词意可采,尚待磨鍊 清婉有致,结尾稍差 文句不畅,表达呆滞 较前进步,望再努力 造句杂乱,意欠明显 词句未能表达情意 词句生硬,文意晦涩 文句生涩,未能达意 语多赘余,文欠畅顺 笔法尚可,唯欠精鍊 文句生涩,意不明畅 略有议论,再求畅达作文评语 初中教师常用的作文评语 引证不适切,语意欠详明 虽切题旨,但不畅顺 思路不清,意不明晰 用词欠妥,语气不贯 识见不高,说理也欠圆妥 材料太贫乏,理由欠充分 组织欠严密,辞意不明畅 草率成篇,内容贫乏 立意虽佳,文则欠通 析论不明,语多欠详 对…生动而详细的叙述,是本文的一天特色,也体现了作者观察的敏锐与细致.这是文章成功的一大要素. 本文内容生动丰富,语言新颖清爽,结构独特合理. 辞畅意达,所见亦是 阐述详尽,文词简洁 说理恰当,笔调畅达 层次分明,见解正确 深入浅出,明白简要 分析清楚,词亦顺适 用例恰当,解说清楚 文尚可通,描写则欠精彩 自然承上启下,细节描写突出人物品质,令人感动. 叙事中夹写景,以已度人,将心比心. 拟人化语言使文章更显得生动活泼. 外形描写十分有趣,突出了…的可爱.介绍中融入了自己的思想,有感染力. 用了列数字,举例子的方法,很形象. 过渡自然,每一段交待得很清楚. 这部分参照课文中的例子,语言过于平板,可适当修改,使语言更生动. 采用比喻,拟人等修辞手法,形象地写出了…的美.这部分还可以展开写.以小见大,表现… 比喻句用得精当.加入了古诗进行联想,富有韵味. …和…形成鲜明对比,突出… 小学生能有这样的体会,令人刮目相看. 对…的比喻用得妙. 运用多种感官,描写十分仔细. 孩子的气的语言很有意思. 加入人物行为,使画面生动. 这段多余,不如删去,使文章更简洁. 发挥奇妙想象,运用精妙比喻. 充满童趣的拟人与比喻,使文章顿生光彩. 这段描写读来令人感动. 心理描写细腻,比喻句用得好, 排比名的使用为文章增色不少. 以味诱人,意境深远. 比喻贴切,用词生动. 以轻松愉快的语气,向我们娓娓道来,令人回味无穷. 结尾含蓄,点明主题. 结束得有点突然,夸张了. 结尾简炼,感人.作文评语 初中教师常用的作文评语 结尾同样有趣. 结尾呼应应开头,结构完整. 由景生情,结尾自然. 比喻形象,贴切,精彩的结尾可谓点睛之笔. 结尾似乎没有写完,应能与开头照应.观察细致,描写生动. 结尾呼应文题,点明中心. 文章开头简而得当,通过环境描写来衬托人物心情,十分艺术化.杂而不乱,能做到详略得当,重点突出.结尾恰到好处地点明中心,语言朴实而含义深刻,耐人寻味. 以感受开头,以感受结尾.这样便使文章前后照应,首尾连贯,同时又使文章主题回环复沓,感染力极强. 以饱满的激情,描写了……,开头简明扼要,重点突出,详略得当,内容具体. 文章对……的气氛渲染充分而恰到好处,对文章重点…作了细腻而传神的刻画.立意高远,令人赞叹. 切合实际,蕴含着朴素而深刻的哲理,读来令人精神振奋,情绪激昂. 特写镜头别开生面,情趣盎然.全文充满童心童趣,读来倍感亲切. 这篇文章充满了激情,从字里行间能体会到小作者对…的喜爱之情.全文层次清晰,语句流畅. 事例叙述生动,具体,趣味性强,且与前面的比喻…一脉相承.最后,作者用寥寥数语,表现出了自已对…的情感,令人感动. 文章语言清新活泼,描写能抓住事物的主要特征,篇幅短小精悍,值得一读. 文章语言通俗易懂,贴近生活实际,读来令人倍感亲切. 文章开头新颖,具有先声夺人之效.使读者一见面就能对人物产生…的印象.文章前后连贯,形成完整的形象. 文章能过清新有趣的语言,描写了…的事.字里行间,充满童年真童趣,欢声笑语不绝于耳,不失为一篇佳作.详略得当,虚实相生,是本文的两大特色,……内容更丰富,更生动. 充分运用动静结合的写法,并辅以比喻,拟人等手法,通过生动,形象的语言的描绘,使读者仿佛置身于梦境一般.结尾处对人物的赞美,情真意切,感人至深. 注意观察具体事物,并展开合适的想象,这是本文的成功之处.文章融情于景,边绘景边抒情,善于运用打比方的手法,使文章生动具体,让人爱莫能助释手卷. 文章含蓄的结尾,既点题,又耐人寻味.文章开头引人入胜,吸引读者.…点面结合,使文章生动,具体,详略得当. 对于景色的描写,语言简练而准确,联想则为触景生情,情景自然融合.全文清新秀逸,亲切委婉,朴素而不落俗淘,值得借鉴. 全文眉目清晰,生动紧凑,趣味性强. 文章边叙事边抒情.结尾处集中表达情感,既照应开头又总结全文.首尾连贯,一气呵成. 文章有详有略,言之有序,内容生动具体,不失为一篇佳作. 文章内容新颖,结构合理,流畅连贯,自然通达.细节描写颇具匠心.极富功底. 全文语言生动准确,情节精彩曲折,仿佛将读者带进了开心乐园,令人眉开眼笑. 全文通俗易懂,趣味性强. 文章线索明朗,主题突出,紧紧围绕…进行.文章开头与结尾时的诗化语言,充满想象与韵律之美,令人愿读,爱读,不忍释手. 虽为一件小事,但作者却描述得有声有色,结尾处不可或缺的点晴之笔,较好地凸现了文章主题.` 对细节传神的刻画,恰恰相反到好处地揭示人物的内心世界,这是本文的成功之处. 文章选材新颖,…这件事,乡村生活气息浓郁,富有儿童情趣.读后令人身心愉悦,舒畅. 本文是一篇较为成熟的叙事明理之作,文章以准确流畅的语言,展示了实验的全过程,跌宕起伏,妙趣横生.小作者观察仔细,叙述时井然有序 对实验现象的描写,能切中要害,详尽而全面.文章体现了自然科学的趣味性和知识性,读来饶有兴味. 文章开头交待得十分清楚,起到总领全文的作用.结尾处寥寥数语,显示了作者探索科学奥秘的远大理想和坚定信心,催人奋进. 本文三大成功之处:首先注意选取最美好的片断来写,其次用词准确,第三文章结构紧凑. 本文围绕…这一中心组织材料,语言准确,鲜明,生动,内容极其丰富具体,不失一篇成功之作. 本文取材真实生活,选材恰当,很有新意,段落分明,过渡自然,情趣盎然,可读性强. 全文节奏明快,语言清新,始终洋溢着诙谐与风趣,读来其乐无穷.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2591 字

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甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________

代表(签字):_________ 代表(签字):_________

签约地点:_________ 签约地点:_________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日

附件:patent license contract

附件一 专利资料的名称、内容和申请情况

附件二 合同产品的型号、规格和技术参数

附件三 提成资的起算时间和计算方法

附件四 出让方查帐的内容和方法

附件五 对甲方人员的培训计划

附件六 乙方派遣专家的技术服务计划

附件七 产品考核验收办法

party a :_________

party b:_________


the patent right which said in the contract os owned by party b.

party b has the right and agreed to grant paryt a the rights to use,manufac-ture and sell the contract products of the ppatented technology;whereas party a hope to use the patented technology of party b to manufacture and sellthecontract products;

both parties au thorized representatives, through friendly negotiation, have agreeto en-ter into this contract under the ertms as stipulated below;article 1 definitions

for the purpose of this contract, the following terms have the following meanings;

1.1 patented technologymeans those letters patent, and applications thereforpresently owned or hereafter acquired by party b and/or which party bhas or may have therigt to control or grant license thereof during the term hereof in any or all countriesof the world and which are applicable to or may be used in the manufacture of cotract products.

1.2 contract productsmians the products described in appendis2 annexed hereto,to-gether with all improvements and modifications thereof or developments with respectthere-to.

1.3 patty ameans_________. or his legal representative, agent and inhetitorto theproperty of the company.

1.4 party b means_________,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,to the property of the company.

1.5 the contraet factory means the place which party party a manufactures thecontract products. that is_________.

1.6 spare p`menas replacement parts for contract products or for any part there-of.

1.7 componentsmeans those components and parts of contruct produets which par-tyb has agreed or may from time to time agree in writing to permit party a to manufactureor sell.

1.8 technical documentsmeane engineering, manufacturing and originatinginforna-tion relatiog to the manufacture and servicing of contract products, includingdrawings, blueprints,design sheets, material specifications, photographs, photostats and general da-ta, and designs and pecifications relating to manufacturing contract producdts, tools and fix-tures, but includes,however, onlysuch information as is available to party b and applicable to the operations of party aunder this contract which detaile as per appendis 1 to the con-tract.




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 4738 字

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To a supermarket, has been for three months, the tension of the adaptation period is over, new challenges in sight. Meditation review, in this family so I got more exercise, learning more knowledge, pay more friends, and accumulated more experience, of course, through a number of profound lessons learned to find their own All sorts of deficiencies. This half is full, for the better development of the supermarket to do their best is incumbent on the responsibility. Now their 20xx-3 month 3 weeks of work are summarized as follows:

Last week, the basic work is as follows:

1, this week is mainly on the supermarket s food area of the full range of commodity date investigation, the results of the inspection is not ideal, there have been many recent commodities, is a serious individual goods are still on the shelf expired. Now the staff has been re-planning the area of responsibility, so that employees are familiar with their management of the region, to strengthen the staffs sense of responsibility, reward and punishment at the same time. For those who deal with the shelves of goods, can retire back, can not retire the staff and management to pay their own.

2, once again this week, the price of goods on the store to sign checks, so that the price tag and the corresponding goods. Check out a lot of goods without price tag, and now has to re-print out a new price tag, to strengthen the staff in this area of training. Focus on clean-up, the staff should be responsible for the platoon to be a large label, in kind, check the code to achieve the three match, for the wrong code or string of goods to inform the foreman and register,

3, on the store merchandise row of the surface to be concentrated, homing treatment, the same single product multiple display to be concentrated in a row of surface display, beautiful commodity display. Prior to the surface finishing is not ideal, the same single product multiple display to be concentrated in a row of display, has now been an effective solution. So that employees strengthen the learning and strict access to the principle of goods, that is, "how to enter the commodity, any out."To ensure the accuracy of the goods in the store.

4, part of the region for small adjustments. The discharge of commodities in the bulk area was re-planned,

Adjust the bulk of the flow of people, the image point of view than the previous effect is better.

5, pay close attention to the phenomenon of late employees and do not punch the phenomenon, and the emergence of the punch card and then eat breakfast

Case. So that employees come early, after breakfast and then punch, to avoid having to eat breakfast to go to work, improve staff self-discipline.

6, staff gathered to chat, work to play the phone also appeared. Strengthen the tour, see this

The circumstances, the punishment, as long as the principle of a mistake, never condone. Increase the distribution of the work of the staff, and allow staff to actively patrol the field, good anti-theft work.

7, clerk of the impact of leaving. Instantly deal with clerical work before, especially retreat

Cargo aspects of the work, so that the impact brought down to a minimum.

Next weeks priorities

1, to strengthen the training of new employees, to the staff more ideological communication, followed a strict and customs

Love and use methods. So that they get started as soon as possible to reduce the occurrence of the problem, so that the mental outlook of employees has changed, the enthusiasm of the work of autonomy has been played.

2, for the next phase of the event to prepare, inventory management, good stock plan, do a good job

Return of goods in question

3, do their own work at the same time a good part-time clerks work, and a good handover to the next clerk

Work 4, the manager and manager to complete the work assigned to coordinate the work to maintain the normal all stores


5, to strengthen their own learning, the development trend of the supermarket retail industry is unstoppable, but the same retail industry

When faced with opportunities and challenges coexist, he was fortunate to be able to participate in the development of the times the most among the industry, we must seize the opportunity to work hard. After all, the time to join the retail industry is very short, specifically the beginning of the work of the supermarket was nearly a year, and market knowledge and supermarket knowledge is so deep. Through calm self-reflection, there are many deficiencies, learning, learning, relearning is the same task in the work and spare time.In short, in the days after I put more effort into the cause of the supermarket to fight for, with the development of benefits to return to the company, to achieve their own value in life.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1487 字

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Over the past year under the leadership of the hospital leadership and X, under the careful guidance of the head nurses to complete the task of nursing work, summarized as follows:

First, strengthen the professional and technical: in the hospital management and the "three basic three strict" six basic operation under the leadership of serious study, and very good to complete the operation, so that their basic skills have been further improved, to more Good service patients, and this into the actual work. In the past six months, I am in addition to the basic skills of hard work up and down, the hospital is still in the operation of the specialist skills excellence, holding the attitude of continuous learning and proactive.

Second, to strengthen the service, etiquette awareness: to serve the brand building of the dawn of work, personal service, ritual awareness is also very important part. I am more stringent in this regard their own requirements, I am actively involved in this years hospital in the relevant aspects of training, and through the hospital in the service of each examination. At work, I always remember "all the patient-centered" concept, threw himself into the work, to pay their own a modest power to the patient feel the warmth of home. In my personal efforts, I am honored to be elected head of the etiquette team, overall responsibility for the staff of the instrument appearance, I will take this opportunity to meet the challenges to update the attitude.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 286 字

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Hello,My name is Amy.Im 9 years old.I am a student in Yu Cai school.I am tall and thin.I have short hair and big eyes.I am good at singing and danging.I like reading books.I like my classmate,I like my teacher.




范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:护士,全文共 742 字

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Dear Mr.,

Froyour advertise572488aaacb24f66bb52e40aa70a19t, I learned about your position for a registered nurse.

As you will see fro attached resu, I have over years of nursing experience. Presently I work in Hospital and would like the opportunity to ve into public nursing.

Throughout nursing career I have de572488aaacb24f66bb52e40aa70a19strated the ability to build excellent relationships with both the patients and peers on the nursing staff. I aloyal, dedicated and willing to work hard within a tea

Thank you for considering application. If you should wish to contact iediately I can be contacted at either of the above nuer, otherwise I shall call your office in theing week to arrange an interview for a tually convenient ti.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:空乘,全文共 610 字

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Good morning everyone,my name is ,and my english name is . Iam 21 years old and iam from (qingdao/) .

I have very happy family, they were my mother,my father and i. my father is soldier and my mother is doctor .i love them verymuch,we leave very luckly everyday!

I have some interests, four example: play piano singsong ang swimming.I have lend so much from them.

when i was young, i haved a dream, i was dreaming flying in the sky, so ,i long to work in the plain. then, iam here,i weash you would take me, because iam looking four would, to working four(china easten airlines),nice meeting you again.

thank you !



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 552 字

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June 29, 20xx

Dear Bill,

What shocking news to me when I was told by Mr. Lewis that you could not pass the entrance examination. This means you have to wait for another year to attend the next entrance examination. I quite understand how you feel now. Still you have many more chances to try. So I hope that you will not take this to heart, and will get ready to try again. I am sure you will easily succeed next time.











范文类型:材料案例,全文共 1164 字

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范文类型:自我评介,全文共 535 字

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Self-evaluation: 1. engaged in production, administration, finance, audit and other work, accumulated a wealth of practice management experience, to lay the foundation for carrying out the audit work.

2. Good character and ethics, honest and trustworthy, "Entrusted by the people, loyalty and business of the people";

3. Strong environmental adaptability and sense of learning

4. The objective, fair and proper values, a better grasp of auditing principles and practical operational flexibility "degree";

Hobbies: Tennis, swimming, running



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 878 字

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It was with a great sense of loss when we/I heard of (insert name) death.

We/I wanted to let you know that you have our/my greatest sympathy,and our/my heart(s) are/is truly saddened.

(insert name) was more than just a wonderful person; he/she was always so kind and considerate to us that we always welcomed seeing him/her at every opportunity.

And,we know that his/her passing will not only leave a void in our lives,but in the hearts of all those who knew him/her.

(insert name) will always remain within our hearts,and we have included (insert name) and you in our daily prayers.May God give you strength.

If there is anything that we can do to help you in anyway,please do not hesitate to call us at anytime.You can phone either of us at (insert area code and phone number) even if it is only to talk.

Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With our deepest sympathy,



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1206 字

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Yangzhou dongguan street is located in yangzhou city, jiangsu province, is the most representative of yangzhou city is one of the historical street. It is east to the ancient canal, National Day road on the west, the total length of 1122 meters. Is not only the yangzhou dongguan street, before the amphibious transportation route, and is a business, handicraft industry and religious and cultural center. High street bustling street, merchants, the business is thriving. Lu chenhang lines, fresh fish, melon and fruit, bamboo line nearly hundred. Dongguan "old" businesses have opened on the street in 1817 four beautiful sauce and pickle shop, Xie Fuchun powders shop in 1830, 1862 Pan Guang and hardware stores, 1901, 1909 Chen Tongxing Xia Guangcheng tofu shop shoes shop, 1912 dried big prosperous ZhiDian, 1923 earthquake TaiChang powder, 1936 hong-xing zhang, 1938 qinfeng appreciating the pawn shop, 1940 seems fresh tea club association abundant south goods shop in 1941, 1945 LingDaXing appreciating shops, in 1946, the rich of the pawnshop, in addition to Zhou Guangxing hat shop, HengMao oil hemp shop, along the southern Thailand goods shop, hengtai auspicious color, Zhu Deji flour shop, etc.



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 430 字

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Dear John,

get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. Do be careful while you are ill.

Don’t worry about your lesson and I am willing to help you learn it when you return. We are best friends so I will never allow you to fall behind.

You can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and you some funny cartoons.

be happy when you are back.

Your truly,

Li Ming



范文类型:评语,适用行业岗位:三年级,全文共 2778 字

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许鹏飞,今天老师在欣赏你的佳作时,好紧张,好激动.仿佛就在那激烈的赛场上.你爱国心强,要不小小年纪的你,怎么能从甜睡的梦中准时在凌晨4点起来观看这实况转播昵 你观察仔细,你把那扣人心弦的场面清楚地跃然文中.


















看了你的文章,老师不由地想起了一句话"功夫在诗外",没有平时大量的课外阅读,怎么会有现在这么优美的文笔和独到的见解 "十年磨一剑",继续努力好吗 只要锲而不舍,相信你手中的笔会成为光华四射的剑!







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1747 字

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Located in the most prosperous ancient city of yangzhou dongguan street, entered the street will feel an antique flavor. Road on both sides of the house is built with blue bricks and roof is covered with black tiles. In this the set off of blue bricks HeiWa, red lantern hanging at the door of the house is very bright. The eaves of the houses are up, mother said that this is the ancient house in the eaves, the characteristics of newborn this is to let the rain does not flow into the room.

Dongguan street, very lively, the most characteristic of the road on both sides of the snacks. Sell vamps, sells sesame seed candy, have sold baked wheat cake... Wide variety of snacks to let a person see more dazzling. Suddenly I saw a group of people around a roadside stall, I gather together past a look, ah! Turned out to be an old man was made all kinds of sugar painting, I asked: "grandpa, this call what?"

"Call sugar painting." The old man answered.

"I also want one."

See grandpa took a spoon, burning with round pot scoop a spoonful of sugar, and studied experimentally in a square on the draw a curved shrimp body gently, then he is in front of the shrimp body around a few times, ah! Draw a pair of pliers, then he trembled under two between two pliers, two long beard will appear in front of my eyes, and then quickly under the shrimp body to wrap up a few times, the draw is a tail. After a while, a lifelike, wriggling shrimp appear in front of my eyes. See old man with a wooden stick with a little sugar, and firm pressure on the painting, finally, he very carefully by shovels shoveling sugar painting, I quickly licked two times, my sweetie, delicious, delicious!

Jollification, traffic, antique dongguan street really make people linger.



范文类型:邀请函,全文共 369 字

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The new year is coming, are we expecting to have a wonderful,memorable,special time to welcome new year? Do you want a crazy party? Do you want to just relax and enjoy? Come with me, here is heaven and you can do everything your like!Lets share classmate heart at (time place). Can not wait any more...

Come on! Where is your passion?

Happy night and day!



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 4828 字

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1. Kindergarten teacher, said: a fine three bed-wetting, the second five yuan, three times seven dollars. I would like to ask the teachers how much money monthly, we see you a show of hands, said: teacher, I would like to do the year VIP membership card! I wish you a Happy Childrens Day!


2. Do not move, robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad, to hand over your heart, out of your troubles off your sorrow, Well! Change this, I sent you! I wish a happy Childrens Day 61!


3. Notice: Tomorrow is your day. I wish you happy holidays in advance! Please click here to a kindergarten for Bangbang Tang, a silk Sassafras tsumu the nose, a Kaidang pants, urine is not a wetland. We would like to inform! !


4. Ignorance was young, had rash juvenile; silent over the years in the fingers, when the Childrens Day walk in the street, realized that the past does not look back. Expenditure of red wine, for this does not belong to our holiday cheers! Happy Childrens Day


5. The annual, all the world blessed in our children a happy Childrens Day of this day, let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Childrens Day! Happy holidays!


6. Aspiration is the wind, is a fan happy, blessed is the ship. Aspiration of the wind, blowing fan happy, the children carrying the blessing of the boats, drift to the happiness of you, gently greetings: Happy 61!


7. Childrens Day approaching, I, on behalf of the leadership struggling in the chat line to the children expressed the most profound greetings! And hope that we bear in mind when I give you to live the teachings of: a good Internet access, every day online! Happy Childrens Day!


8. Do not move, robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad, to hand over your heart, out of your troubles off your sorrow, Well! Change this, I sent you! I wish a happy Childrens Day 61!


9. The day hope you are happy like a teapot on the stove, although small Pipi burned the boiling hot, but still happy blowing whistles, braving the well-being of the bubble, the music Pidianpidian! I wish you a happy Childrens Day!


10. your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you.


11. Under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. This time playing chase? The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away! Childrens Day is approaching, you would like to spend as smile! Happy Childrens Day!


12. Childrens Day is approaching, I wish you had children: youth are not old, and maintain pure heart, has a sweet smile, a child-like skin, carefree life, have no illusions about the future and look forward to! Happy holidays!


13. Rose would also like to thank opened, the Childrens Day will never Viiv!


14. when the peony in full bloom, swallows flying; legitimate Rose Michelia, Cherry cooked, the best time of year! Peony the United States less than you, than you cherry red, Xiaodi young girl, a happy Childrens Day!


15. text messaging to so happy with you gently hugging, difficult to see you Guaiguai Road, secretly Zoudiao trouble, particularly auspicious for your attention, so you always happy smile! 61 Happy!


16. adults and children with permanent Childlike Innocence, children and adults together to mature.


17. the small people I wish you a happy holiday, with the wisdom of age with growth.


18. youth is the hope of life, but the wisdom of age to growth.


19. Today is Childrens Day, the fun do not you play phone, play your collection on the other messages received on your reading of this article do not. Hey, you read. In addition, I wish you a happy holiday, the just want to say: listen to your children so?

