





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 16316 字

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Aujourdhui, je vous emmènerai visiter la rivière Qinhuai et le templeConfucius.Qinhuaihe River Tourism Area, located in the South of Nanjing OldCity, from the City, takes about 20 minutes to reach by car.Cest un templeConfucius comme centre, la visite, le shopping, la dégustation de saveur danslun de laffichage de la ville antique et les coutumes nationales de ladestination touristique.

Origine et évolution historique de la rivière Qinhuai

La rivière Qinhuai est une rivière qui a joué un r?le important dans ledéveloppement politique, économique et culturel de la ville antique deNanjing.On dit que la rivière Qinhuai est un canal artificiel que lempereur QINShihuang a ordonné de creuser.Qin Shihuang a visité lEst et a ordonné le foragede la montagne Fang pour communiquer avec la rivière Yangtze afin de faciliterla circulation des navires en passant par Nanjing. Par conséquent, cette sectionde la rivière a re?u le nom de "rivière Qinhuai".Cependant, selon létudegéologique, la rivière Qinhuai est une rivière naturelle avec une longuehistoire. ? cette époque, lancienne rivière traversait la montagne Fangshan,mais en raison des changements géographiques, la rivière a été détournée et aprogressivement formé le cours actuel de la riviè rivière Qinhuai danslhistoire a un large cours deau.Depuis que Yang xingmi, roi de Wu dans lescinq dynasties, a construit la ville de pierre autour du pont changgan, larivière a commencé à se rétrécir et a été divisée en "Qinhuai" intérieur etextérieur.? lintérieur de la rivière Qinhuai, la rivière Qinhuai est reliée àla rivière Qinhuai à lextérieur de la ville par le col de leau de lEst, letemple Confucius et le col de leau de lOuest au sud de la porte de leau del longueur totale de la rivière est de 10 km, ce qui fait quedinnombrables érudits et érudits célèbrent et jettent des louanges et destraces de "dix Li Qinhuai".Les grands poètes de la dynastie Tang, comme Li Bai,Liu Yuxi et du Mu, ont écrit des poèmes pour elle. Dans le fan de fleur de pêchede Kong shangren et lhistoire extérieure du confucianisme comme Wu Jing, ilsont également écrit des descriptions vives de "dix Li Qinhuai".Lanciennerivière Qinhuai est très petite par rapport à la rivière Yangtze qui traverse lenord de la ville de Nanjing, mais elle est étroitement liée à la naissance et audéveloppement de la ville de Nanjing, ainsi quau développement politique,économique et culturel de la région de Nanjing.Au début de l?ge néolithique, ily a cinq ou six mille ans, lhumanité sest développée ici.Jusquà présent,jusquà 50 ou 60 vestiges de villages primitifs ont été trouvés le long des deuxrives de la riviè Cour féodale des six dynasties et du début de la dynastieMing la utilisé comme barrière naturelle de la capitale et comme passagenaturel pour le Palais impérial.Après la construction de la ville de dingye(Nanjing), Sun Quan, dans lest du Wu, a été appelé "étang de barrière" sur lesdeux rives de la rivière Qinhuai, qui peut à la fois résister à lennemi et àlinondation.Depuis les six dynasties, les deux rives de la rivière Qinhuai dansla région de fuzimiao ont été un endroit animé avec des résidents denses et desmarchés connectés. La rivière Qinhuai a servi de principal canal de commerceextérieur dans la région de Nanjing. Les bateaux ont traversé la rivière et unefaction a prospéré.On dit que lancienne rivière Qinhuai est bordée de maisonsde chant et de restaurants, de maisons de rivière et de pavillons deau, depeintures de yachts et de lumières lumineuses, où les riches et les noblesmènent une vie de plaisir et dextase. Le dramaturge Kong shangren de ladynastie Qing décrit dans peach blossom fan comme une prostituée célèbre etintrépide, Li xiangjun, qui vit sur la rive sud du pont belle rivièreQinhuai a traversé la solitude de lépoque sauvage, la prospérité et le luxe dessix dynasties, la saleté de lancienne société et le sang et les larmes destravailleurs. Cependant, la rivière Qinhuai daujourdhui, après lasédimentation de lhistoire et la transformation des gens, a émis lodeur doucede La civilisation saine, a montré la beauté claire et émouvante.Cest untémoignage de lhistoire de Nanjing, pas étonnant que les gens soient habitués à"Qinhuai" comme synonyme de Nanjing.

Qinhuai painting boat - danchi - zhangbi of Confucius Temple - Temple frontSquare - fengxing Gate

Chers visiteurs,

Maintenant nous sommes arrivés à la rive de la rivière Qinhuai, la peintureet la défense dans la rivière ont été faites en imitant le style architecturalde la dynastie Ming, et il y a de grandes boules de couleur rouge et deslanternes rouges accrochées à lavant du bateau.Chaque fois que le festival deslanternes, les Nanjing sont habitués à venir ici pour profiter deslumières.Cette atmosphère a prévalu dans la dynastie Ming. Il est dit que Zhuyuanjin a visité la capitale après la construction de la capitale dans ladynastie Ming.Quand il est arrivé au bord de la rivière Qinhuai, il a vu lombredes arbres sur les deux rives de la rivière, la rivière était claire, lespavillons et les pavillons, le paysage était agréable, et a dit, "il ny a pasde bateau de croisière dans la rivière Xihe.""Quand lempereur ouvrit la bouchedor, il envoya des hommes à gauche et à droite toute la nuit construire unbateau à peinture pour gagner la joie de lempereur.Depuis lors, la visite de lapeinture Qinhuai est devenue une grande caractéristique ici.En particulier auFestival de la mi - automne, il y avait des milliers de lanternes deau sur larivière, des Lanternes de dragon dansant sur les deux rives, des chansons, destambours, des acclamations et des rires continus, qui ont duré toute la nuit, cequi a vraiment été appelé "Qinhuai lanternes dans le monde".Il nest pasétonnant que Nanjing ait un proverbe populaire selon lequel ? chaque famillemarche sur un pont et tout le monde regarde la lumière ?.La rivière Qinhuai sousnos yeux est devenue le temple Confucius (temple Confucius) depuis la dynastieSong.Dans lantiquité, le Palais des conférences de lempereur sappelait PiYong, le Palais des conférences des princes sappelait Pan Palace, et le Palaisdu temple Confucius était équivalent à lendroit où les princes donnaient desconférences, de sorte que ce pool sappelait Pan pool.En général, il y a troisponts en pierre sur le lac PAN. En termes de grade, les fonctionnaires du comtéet les fonctionnaires de lécole marchent au milieu, tandis que les éruditsmarchent sur les deux c?tés du pont.Il est dit que dans lantiquité, un éruditsest égaré sur le pont central, a commis un crime de désordre, un dilemme, a d?sauter dans Pan Chi.Sil vous pla?t, regardez le mur de brique rouge cramoisi delautre c?té de la rivière, cest le mur du temple Confucius.Zhao Bi a étéconstruit dans la troisième année de la dynastie Ming Wanli (lannée de Lize) eta une longueur de 110 mètres. Cest la Couronne de Zhao Bi pour tout lemonde.Visiteur: ce temple Confucius a été construit pour la première fois dansla troisième année de xiankang (337) de lempereur Cheng de la dynastie Jinorientale. ? cette époque, lempereur Cheng a adopté la suggestion de Wang Dao:"gouverner le pays en mettant laccent sur la culture des talents", et a décidéde créer une université sur les rives de la rivière Qinhuai.? lorigine, il nyavait que le Palais de lécole. Le temple Confucius a été construit dans lapremière année de jingpai de lempereur Renzong de la dynastie Song (1034) surla base de lapprentissage et de la richesse.Par conséquent, le temple Confuciusest une ville animée qui a évolué du Centre culturel et éducatif. Il comprend letemple Confucius, le Palais de lécole et la Cour dhommage. Il est situé sur larive nord de la rivière Qinhuai au Sud, à lextrémité est de la route Jiankangau Nord, de la ruelle yaojia à lEst et de la ruelle Sifu à lOuest, avec unegrande échelle.Bien que le temple Confucius ait été endommagé à plusieursreprises, il a été reconstruit et agrandi dans toutes les dynasties. ? la fin dela dynastie Qing et au début de la République de Chine, la structure et ladisposition de ses b?timents et temples étaient les plus célèbres du Sud -Est.Les b?timents actuels du temple Confucius ont été reconstruits en partie àla fin de la dynastie Qing et en partie au cours des dernières années.Sil vouspla?t regardez en arrière, ce b?timent de style pavillon, appelé pavillonkuixing, il a été construit pour la première fois dans la dynastie QingQianlong.Le b?timent en bordure de la rue a été détruit à deux reprises etreconstruit en 1985.Maintenant, nous sommes arrivés à la place devant le temple,qui a été ouverte par la dynastie Qing. Il y a deux stèles à lEst et à louestde la place, et il y a un Zhang Xu haut. Il est gravé avec les mots Manchu etHan "Les ministres de lart et des arts martiaux descendent ici" pour montrerleur respect pour Confucius.Le pavillon à double avant - toit hexagonal sur lec?té gauche sappelle le pavillon juxing, qui rassemble les étoiles et lestalents.Il a été construit dans la 14ème année de Wanli (1586) de la dynastieMing, et a été reconstruit par Zhu Fufeng et dautres dans la 8ème année deTongzhi (1869) de la dynastie Qing.Cest le seul b?timent de la dynastie Qingqui a survécu à lartillerie japonaise. Malheureusement, il a été démoli comme"quatre vieux" en 1968 et reconstruit en 1983 pour restaurer son apparenceoriginale.Larche au centre de la place sappelle "larche du Centre culturel dumonde".Sil vous pla?t, suivez - moi.Cest la porte du temple Confucius.On ditque létoile du canapé est létoile de lillumination dans le porte esten pierre, six colonnes et trois portes, construite dans la 16ème année de ladynastie Ming Chenghua (1480), détruite plus tard, et reconstruite dans la 9èmeannée de Tongzhi (1870) de la dynastie Qing.Cependant, la porte polaire que nousvoyons maintenant a été reconstruite en 1983.Les deux c?tés est et ouest de laporte des étoiles polaires sont East City et West City.

Dachengmen - dachengdan Hall - Academic Palace

Chers visiteurs,

En passant par la porte de létoile, cest la porte principale du templeconfucien, appelée Dacheng Gate, aussi appelée halberd Gate.Il y a quatre stèlesà lintérieur de la porte.Le premier est la tablette Confucius Wenli Tuo, gravéedans la deuxième année de la Dynastie Qi yongming (484).Il a enregistrélexpérience de Confucius dans la vingt - quatrième année du Duc Lu Zhao (518av. J. - C.), de Qufu, sa ville natale, à Luoyang, la ville du roi Zhou, pourenquêter sur le système des lois et règlements et chercher des moyens deconsolider le régime des esclaves de l?tat Lu.Dans la partie supérieure de latablette se trouve linscription "Confucius asking Ritual Map, Wu jinghengquestion".La photo montre deux personnes en voiture, un groupe de personneshabillées en costumes anciens devant la scène daccueil de la porte de la Ville,et les mots "deux ans yongming, Confucius dans la cérémonie de la porte de lasemaine lu" autour.Cette stèle a plus de 1500 ans dhistoire, les images et lestextes sont encore clairs et reconnaissables, est une relique rare etpré deuxième tablette est la tablette du temple confucien Jiqing.Linscription a été écrite par Lu Zhi lorsque le temple confucien a étéreconstruit de la dynastie Yuan à la deuxième année de lUniversité (1309) etgravée par le prince Chun Zhai dans la première année de la dynastie Yuan à lapremière année de la dynastie Shun (1330).La troisième tablette est la tablettede la famille Feng Si, qui parle de la deuxième année de la dynastie Yuan àShun, lempereur wenzong a ordonné que Yan Hui, Zeng Shen (les deux disciples deConfucius), Confucius Chi (le petit - fils de Confucius) et Meng Ke (le disciplede Confucius transmis de nouveau) soient scellés comme quatre saints.Laquatrième tablette est la tablette de la très sainte dame, qui parle de ladeuxième année de la dynastie Yuan à Shun (1331), lempereur Wen Zong a ordonnéque la femme de Confucius soit la très sainte dame.Sur les deux c?tés de la Courdu temple se trouve la galerie des stèles (à lorigine, cétait lendroit pouradorer le monument des soixante - douze sages de Confucius Gate), dans laquelle30 stèles de calligraphes contemporains célèbres sont exposées.Maintenant, silvous pla?t, suivez - moi par le chemin de la pluie de pierre au milieu.Avantdentrer dans la salle Dacheng, je vais vous présenter cette table en plein airdevant la salle. Cest lendroit pour le sacrifice et la danse.Dans lantiquité,le premier jour du mois de février et dao?t et le jour de la naissance deConfucius (27 ao?t du calendrier lunaire), les fonctionnaires locaux ont tenu degrandes activités de balayage dans le temple confucien.Le sacrifice a adoptélétiquette que les esclaves de la dynastie Zhou ont sacrifié aux dieux et auxesprits du ciel et de la terre. Devant la salle Dacheng, des ustensiles enbronze imités ont été placés, et deux vaches, 16 porcs et 16 moutons ont étéfournis, ainsi quune grande quantité de brocoli, de fruits secs et frais et debougies en papier parfumé.Les principaux sacrificateurs doivent porter descostumes anciens spéciaux, lire des textes sacrificiels, faire troisprosternements et neuf prosternements à Confucius et aux quatre paires(Confucius gaotu) et aux douze zhe (Confucius Family brother), et être équipésde groupes et déquipes de danse pour chanter Confucius. Par conséquent, unescène doit être aménagée devant la salle Dacheng.Maintenant, sil vous pla?t,suivez - moi dans la salle principale du temple Confucius, Dacheng Hall.Ilsagit dun b?timent majestueux, avec des avant - toits lourds et une crêtecentrale avec des sculptures de perles de dragon.Les b?timents de cette taillesont également rares dans tout le pays."Dacheng" signifie que Confucius arassemblé les pensées des anciens sages et sages.Dans la salle Dacheng,Confucius et ses quatre grands disciples étaient au Centre, et douze statues desenfants de la famille confucienne étaient sur les deux c?tés.Maintenant DachengHall a été ouvert comme "Nanjing Local Culture Museum".Sil vous pla?t, avancezplus loin, cest le Palais de lécole du temple Confucius.Au - dessus du linteaude la porte, il y avait à lorigine la plaque "xueyang", larche en bois decyprès à lextérieur de la porte, sur laquelle il y avait le titre "la premièreécole du Sud - est".Au nord de larche se trouve un jardin de fleurs avec desbalustrades en bois autour, et à gauche et à droite il y a quatre salles delecture, où les étudiants étudient eux - mêmes.Les noms de ces quatre chais sont"zhidao", "zhide", "yiren" et "amusement".? larrière se trouve le Mingde Hall,qui a été construit dans la neuvième année de Shaoxing (1139) dans la dynastieSong du Sud et sappelle Wen Tianxiang.Mingde Hall est lendroit où lesétudiants se réunissent. Après le pèlerinage de la nouvelle lune (1er et 15lunaires), les étudiants se réunissent ici pour former leurs tuteurs à prêcherl?glise Sainte et lOracle.Il y a une "tablette allongée" sur le mur est, cestla loi de linstruction.Sur les poutres de gauche et de droite pendent les sixcomtés de la résidence Jiangning pour soulever des questions.Le b?timent devantnous est le pavillon de lencens de poire, qui était à lorigine un sanctuairedédié aux parents de Confucius. Maintenant, il a été transformé en terrain dejeu.Le b?timent à lEst est le b?timent Qingyun, qui a été construit dans la14ème année du calendrier Wanli (1586) de la dynastie Ming. Cest un templeancestral pour les envoyés des dynasties passées. Il a été construit à loriginecomme un b?timent de trois étages, parce quil est proche de la Cour dhommage.Afin dempêcher les gens de regarder la Cour dhommage den haut, il a ététransformé en b?timent de deux étages dans la dynastie Qing. Létage supérieur aété utilisé comme bibliothèque et létage inférieur estAprès labolition delexamen impérial à la fin de la dynastie Qing, il a été transformé en écoleprimaire. Au début de la République de Chine, il a été transformé en JiangningCounty Education Association. Pendant la guerre anti - japonaise, il a étéutilisé pour ouvrir des maisons de thé et des lieux de chant. Après la guerre,il a été successivement utilisé comme centre déducation populaire et NanjingTongzhi Hall.Cest aussi lun des rares b?timents qui ont survécu à lancienpalais.Visiteur: après avoir visité larchitecture du Palais de lécole, nousallons visiter un autre complexe Architectural ancien du temple Confucius, laCour dhommage.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 13341 字

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Dear tourists, the scenic spot we are going to visit is the Ming XiaolingMausoleum, which is located in Dulong, Mt. Zijin. Xiaoling Tomb of the MingDynasty is the joint Tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, andhis Empress Ma Shi. Zhu Yuanzhang was born in 1328 to a poor peasant family inFengyang, Anhui Province. He joined Huangjue temple at the age of 17, joined thered scarf army of Guo Zixing at the end of the Yuan Dynasty in 1352, led thearmy to conquer Nanjing in 1356, and ascended the throne in 1368.

Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty was built in 1381. In 1382, it wasburied in empress Ma Shi. In 1398, it was buried here after Zhu Yuanzhang diedof illness. The project was not completed until 1413. It was named Xiaolingbecause Zhu Yuanzhang advocated "governing the world with filial piety" on theone hand, and because empress Ma was posthumously named "Xiaoci" on the other.Therefore, the tomb was called "Xiaoling" in the Ming Dynasty and "Xiaoling" inthe Qing Dynasty to show the difference between dynasties.

Relying on Zijin Mountain, the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum has a windingShinto. The mausoleum abides by the tradition of Chinese architecture, and itscentral axis is symmetrical. It is the first Mausoleum of Baocheng Baoding. Themausoleum shape of the former dynasty and the later Dynasty is the firstMausoleum of the Ming and Qing Dynasties for more than 600 years. As a nationalkey cultural relic protection unit, it was listed in the world cultural heritagelist in 20__.

What we see now is the first gate of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, dajinmen.In those days, a 45 Li external wall extended from both sides of dajinmen,including the whole Zijinshan.

The roof and gate of the old golden gate, which was covered with yellowglazed tiles, have disappeared. Only the castle and the three arches.

Over the golden gate, we came to Sifang city. It turned out to be a stelePavilion. Because the top of the pavilion was destroyed by the war in XianfengPeriod of Qing Dynasty, only four walls and four door tickets were left. Eachside is 26.86 meters long, just like an ancient castle. So Nanjing peoplecommonly call it Sifang city. There is a tablet of "the miraculous work of theXiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty" in the city, which is 6.7 meters highIts 2.08 meters high and called Mian. Its said that its one of the nine sonsof the dragon. Its very heavy. This tablet is the largest Ming tablet inNanjing. The inscription is written by Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.It has 2746 words and is divided into seven parts. First, it describes his lifeexperience and was born in Jurong family. Second, it asks for the peoplesorders and makes a great fortune. Third, it calms down the world, ascends thethrone and becomes emperor, cezhonggong and the crown prince, and is granted thesame surname. Fourth, it abolishes Zhongshu and sets up six departments to takecharge of military power. Fifth, it attaches importance to talents and the studyof founding a nation; 6、 He lived a simple life, and asked him to be buried withMa after his death in Xiaoling; 7. The name of 57 royal children and 144 fourcharacter eulogies, the inscription is a high praise of Zhu Yuanzhangs life.The completion of the monument of the great Ming Xiaoling was in 1413, whichmarks the end of the Ming Xiaoling project. Behind Zhu Dis great contributionto Zhu Yuanzhang, in fact, he built up his own prestige in Dashu, so as to showthe legitimacy of inheriting the throne. He originally sent tens of thousands ofmigrant workers to chisel a huge stele in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. If thecap, body and base of the stele were 72 meters high, they were too huge tocarry, so they were abandoned.

After passing the Yuhe bridge, we come to the Shinto of the XiaolingMausoleum of the Ming Dynasty. The Shinto is divided into two sections. Thefirst section is Shixiang road. On both sides of the road, there are six kindsof Stone Beasts, four in each group, standing on both sides and squatting onboth sides. Kirin is the king of animals, symbolizing the majesty of kings, andChina _ s legendary law beast, symbolizing the integrity of kings; camels arethe boats of the desert, showing the vast territory of Ming Dynasty and thetranquility of the western regions of the country; the elephant is a symbol ofthe country and the people, and the people are obedient; the unicorn is a kindof monster of Chinese mythology and legend, symbolizing the benevolence of theemperor. The last animal to see is a horse, which symbolizes loyalty to theemperor. The main purpose of placing these stone beasts on both sides of theShinto is to record Zhu Yuanzhangs achievements, to show the prosperity of theMing Dynasty, and to pray for the suppression of demons and evil spirits.

Walking along the stone statue Road, the second section of Shinto,wengzhong Road, lies ahead. There is a pair of pillar at the intersection, whichis also called Huabiao. The Shinto standing in front of the mausoleum is alsocalled lingbiao. There is the function of indicating the road here. From here,Shinto begins to turn due north. On wengzhong Road, there were two pairs ofmilitary generals, who were wearing armor and holding a wat board in theirhands. They were burly, and two pairs of civil ministers, who were wearing courtclothes and holding wat boards in their hands, were solemn. They are a pair ofyoung people and a pair of middle-aged people respectively, which indicates thatthere are successors in Daming. At the end of the Shinto Road, there is aLingxing gate with six pillars and three gates. The original gate was destroyedin the war in Xianfeng Period of the Qing Dynasty. Now the Lingxing gate isrestored in 20__ according to historical data. This is the ceremonial gate forvisiting the mausoleum.

On the east side of Shixiang Road, there is a hill called Meihua Mountain.Shinto turns a bend around Meihua Mountain. It turns out that this mountain wasthe mausoleum of Sun Quan in the eastern Wu Dynasty. During the construction ofthe Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, someone suggested that thismausoleum should be removed. However, Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Sun Quan is also ahero. Let me see the gate." so the Shinto curved and became the natural barrierof the Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty. Now it has become a famous plumappreciation base in Nanjing.

Now we see the Jinshui bridge. Behind the Jinshui bridge is the mausoleumbuilding of Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty. There were five Jinshui bridgesfacing the five gates of the mausoleum palace, which were destroyed by the warin Xianfeng Period of Qing Dynasty. Only three of them were restored in QingDynasty. We can see that the stone carvings on the bridge deck and bridgefoundation are still relics of Ming Dynasty, and the bridge railings wererebuilt in Qing Dynasty. Starting from here, the building is in accordance withChinese tradition, with the north facing south and the central axissymmetrical.

Up the slope, the first thing we see is the square gate of Wenwu, which isthe gate of the mausoleum palace. Its yellow tile, red door and red wall set offeach other, showing the royal style. This gate was rebuilt in 1988 according tohistorical materials. In front of the gate, on the east side of the wall, thereis a special notice tablet, which was erected in the first year of Xuantong. Itis written in the characters of Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Britain andRussia. The content is to warn visitors to protect Xiaoling.

Entering the Wenwu square gate, we come to the Beidian. The Beidian wasoriginally the gate in front of the Xiaoling hall. Because the gate wasdestroyed in the war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the destroyed gate wasrebuilt into a Beidian in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. There are fiveinscriptions in the hall. In the middle of the five inscriptions, "Zhilong Tangand Song Dynasty" is inscribed in the handwriting of Emperor Kangxi, which meansthat Zhu Yuanzhangs achievements in governing the country surpass those ofEmperor Taizong Li Shimin and Emperor Songtai in the Tang Dynasty Zhao Kuangyin.Kangxi, as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, showed his respect and admirationfor Zhu Yuanzhang on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had his own goodintentions. At the beginning of the reign of Kangxi, the Han people did notaccept the Manchu rule. Kangxi knew that it was not enough to rely on theManchus high pressure policy alone, but also on the Han people. He visitedXiaoling of Ming Dynasty six times and five times in his life. He knelt downthree times and kowtowed nine times. In 1699, when he visited Xiaoling of MingDynasty for the third time, he wrote "Zhilong Tang and Song Dynasty" to win thehearts of the people. Next to them are two steles inscribed by Emperor Qianlongwhen he visited the mausoleum. There are also two lying steles on the back,which respectively record the first and third visits to Taizu mausoleum duringEmperor Kangxis southern tour. There are records written by Tao Dai, governorof Liangjiang and Cao Yin, weaving doctor in Jiangnan.

This building is the former site of Xiaoling hall, which is the mainbuilding of Xiaoling. You can see the three-story xumizuo platform base of theoriginal white marble. The platform base is three meters high. The four cornersof the three-story platform base are still left with stone carved head. Thereare three steps around the platform base. Its the middle of the road. On thethird floor of xumizuo is the hall of enjoyment, which is dedicated to ZhuYuanzhang and empress ma. The original palace was destroyed by the war inXianfeng Period of the Qing Dynasty. Now we can see 56 huge stone pillars on theplatform foundation, each with a diameter of 0.91 meters. Its easy to imaginehow spectacular the hall was at that time. At that time, the hall of Xiaolingwas nine rooms wide and five rooms deep, with double eaves, covered with yellowglazed tiles and a bucket arch overhanging eaves. The scale of Xiaoling was muchlarger than that of Changling Hall of Ming Chengzu in Beijing. What we see nowis the three Bay small hall restored during the reign of Tongzhi in the QingDynasty, which is not as large as before.

Passing through the inner red gate and the Shengxian bridge, the buildingin front of you is Fangcheng. Fangcheng is a huge building in front of Baoding.The outside is made of big stones and huge bricks. There are eight characterwalls on the East and west sides of Fangcheng. The four corners of the wall aredecorated with brick carvings. These brick carvings are representative works ofthe early Ming Dynasty. Passing through the 54th level corridor in the center ofFangcheng, you can see the south wall of Baocheng. On the front of the wall, youcan see that it is built with 13 layers of stones. It is said that the sevencharacters were engraved in the early years of the Republic of China to answervisitors questions.

From the East-West corridor between Baocheng and Fangcheng, you can climbto the minglou. It was originally a beautiful building with double eaves andyellow glazed tiles. It was destroyed by the war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdomin the Qing Dynasty. Only four walls are left. In 20__, the minglou protectionproject was completed, and it has been restored. In July 20__, the minglou wasofficially opened to tourists, showing the distribution of Ming Dynasty in ChinaThere are 19 mausoleums of emperors in China.

Behind the Fangcheng is Baoding, which is a large round mound with adiameter of 325-400m. On the top of the mound are towering trees, and below itis the palace where empress Ma of Zhu Yuanzhang was buried. Baocheng is a brickcity with a circumference of 1100 meters around Baoding. The imperial mausoleumin Baoding of Baocheng city is the first mausoleum in Ming and Qing Dynastiesfor more than 500 years. Its just that the Ming Dynastys top is roughly round,while the Qing Dynastys Mausoleums top is oval.

Today, the east side of the Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty haspreserved the site of the Dongling Mausoleum of Zhu Biao, Prince of the MingDynasty.

In ancient China, the imperial mausoleum was originally built in Fangshangof Qin and Han Dynasties. The representative mausoleum was Qinshihuang Mausoleumin Shaanxi Province. In Tang Dynasty, it was changed to the mausoleum near themountain. The representative mausoleum included Tang Qianling Mausoleum of LiZhi, Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty and Empress Wu Zetian of Shaanxi Province.In Song Dynasty, the imperial mausoleum was built in Fangshang of relativelysmall scale. In Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang initiated the mausoleum form ofBaocheng Baoding mausoleum and former dynasty and later Dynasty mausoleum.

The Ming Dynasty established its capital in 1368 and perished in 1644.There were 16 emperors before and after it. Except for the Ming XiaolingMausoleum in Nanjing, the rest of the mausoleums were in Beijing. Only JianwenEmperor Zhu Yunwen had no mausoleum. Many tombs of the Ming Dynasty have left uscountless places to watch.

As the remains of Chinese culture, ancient Chinese mausoleums have leftimportant material materials for later generations to study and understandancient Chinese economy and culture. Dear tourist friends, todays visit iscoming to an end. Thank you for your cooperation in my tour guide work. Welcometo visit Ming Xiaoling again!



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〔过双桥〕各位游客,大家看,我们对面的一角,有小桥、流水、人家,这种景色,是我们周庄建筑内涵最丰富的一角。所以啊,不管是雨雪霏霏,还是赤日炎炎,喜欢画画的人都会在这里铺开画板,描绘着对岸的一景一物。我国的许多电影导演和演员,都把周庄作为最佳的外景地,先后在这里拍摄了《共和国不会忘记》、《聊斋志异》、《杨乃武与小白菜》、《济公游记》、《江南巨富沈万三》、《摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥》等数十部电影和电视剧。著名导演张艺谋说:“在周庄拍片子,很令人满意。”他追求的就是这种古宅的建 共4页,当前第1页1234






































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"Lherbe sauvage près du pont zhuque, le coucher de soleil à lentrée de laruelle Wuyi..."Cétait ma première connaissance du temple Confucius quandjétais enfant.

Je ne sais pas, jai peur.Si vous êtes un touriste, vous êtes déjà venu àNanjing, mais vous nêtes pas allé au temple Confucius, cest vraimentblanc!

Le temple Confucius est un lieu pittoresque célèbre à Nanjing avec unelongue histoire.Le temple Confucius sappuie sur la rivière Qinhuai, qui est laRivière mère de Nanjing, tout comme la rivière Yangtze et la rivière jaune rivière Qinhuai est bordée de vagues bleues et scintillantes. De tempsen temps, de jolis petits poissons sautent de leau. Asseyez - vous sur lebateau de peinture du temple Confucius et regardez le paysage. Il ny a pas dego?t.

Pour voir le temple du ma?tre, venez la nuit.? ce moment - là, le templeConfucius était lumineux et lumineux avec des néons colorés. Il semblait quelaurore sétait produite au - dessus de la ville. Il était magnifique. En cemoment, les gens sont venus au temple Confucius pour errer malgré la fatigue dela nuit.Faim? Ha ha ha, pas de problème! Folloe me! Soupe de vermicelles de sangde canard, sac de soupe de jus de poulet, kebabs dagneau, pas assez pour KFC!McDonalds aussi! Et des collations classiques comme le tofu puant deNanjing...Oui! Et le canard deau salée! Le canard deau salée est unespécialité de Nanjing! Bienvenue à déguster! Lun des canards deau salée est lecanard osmanthus, qui est raffiné au niveau du Canard d deau salée et contientlodeur douce de losmanthus.Le temple Confucius quand les gens ne sont pas "lepont lion n° 2" juste manger, il ya aussi beaucoup de magasins à la mode pourvous.Bien s?r, vos yeux ne seront pas oisifs, le temple Confucius est un ancienb?timent il y a longtemps, contient la saveur de lancien Nanjing, les murs dela sculpture fine, le toit des motifs nationaux magnifiques, ne peut pas êtrebeau.De plus, la rivière Qinhuai était plus belle cette nuit - là, et leauclaire reflétait le ciel étoilé, les arbres verts, les b?timents et les lumièrescolorées qui illuminaient la rivière Qinhuai.

Au festival des lanternes, le temple Confucius est encore plus bondé degens. Il y a de petits magasins vendant des Lanternes dans les rues et lesruelles. Il y a de belles lanternes de lapin, des Lanternes de cheval ancienneset des Lanternes de Confucius.En plus des lanternes, il y a beaucoup de magasinsde lanternes dans le temple du ma?tre pendant les jours du Festival deslanternes.Les lanternes sont grandes et petites, les grandes contiennent dusésame, les petites bulles deau sucrée, sont très savoureuses.

Nous croyons que non seulement le temple Confucius, mais aussi Nanjing,cette ville historique, lavenir sera plus beau!



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Each group members, today we will visit the scenic spots is a tomb. Sun yat-sens mausoleum is located in nanjing, the second peak of small maoshan the foothill, is one of the greatest Chinese democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen mausoleum, it is a famous building in nanjing during the period of the republic of China, has now become a card and sign in nanjing, is one of the first 5 a grade scenic spot. First, lets look at the sun yat-sen this person. Sun yat-sen, sun yat-sen, because when engaged in revolutionary activities in Japan has used "zhongshan firewood" alias, so your respectful name he is Mr Zhongshan, domestic and foreign friends often referred to as Dr. Sun yat-sen. Was born in 1866, as a teenager in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places to study, after graduation to practice medicine in places such as guangzhou, macau, and after a medical in politics; Organization founded the Chinese brothers in Japan in 1905, put forward the "expel the manchus, restore China, the establishment of the republic of China, the average land ownership" of the platform, as well as the three peoples principles ", the peoples livelihood and civil rights for democracy "theory; After the revolution in 1911, was elected the provisional President of the republic of China; The oath of office in 1912 New Years day, after yuan shikai secretly, he has led the "second revolution" movement "protecting" the movement to protect the ", etc.;

On March 12, 1925, died in Beijing because became ill because of overwork. Sun yat-sens mausoleum burial site is sun yat-sen was selected, on April 1, 1912 is the sun for the day after the peaceful reunification of the north and south, resolutely resigned as their President, sun yat-sen and hunting hu and others had to purple mountain area, he looked around the terrain, smiles to the around said: "after I had another died, to national begging for this 柸 soil, to house body". Sun yat-sens mausoleum was designed by young architects Lv Yanzhi, and mountain building, sits, Ming tomb, in the west and the east which the soul valley temple, cemetery global form design is "wake-up call". Sun yat-sens mausoleum since the start in the spring of 1926 in the summer of 1929 to build. Held on June 1, 1929 at 12 noon "manusoleum" sun yat-sens coffin was buried inside the tomb has never been opened. LingQian parts: (2 minutes)

Now we came to the tomb of the half moon square. Octagonal stone table, south of the square there is a statue of baoding copper, 4.25 meters high, abdominal diameter 1.23 meters, weighs 5000 kilograms, is one of the monuments of sun yat-sens mausoleum, the ding is in the autumn of 1933 by guangzhou zhongshan university President and all the teachers and students to donate, tai chi-tao wrote pot belly cast with "wisdom, kernel, brave," three word is the school motto of sun yat-sen university, ding also groove wear mother huang xiao ", the full text, so the xiao ding and ding. Ascend the stairs by square, right against the face of humanity, located in the center of the front, this is a four pillars three eaves of memorial arch, built in 1930, 12 meters high, 17.3 meters wide, with fujian granite archaize generation built wooden arches form, banners overlying blue glazed tile, before and after the column foot drum stone, the bottom of the column for rectangular stone bridge, arch carved lotus petals on clouds and ancient buildings such as coloured drawing or pattern design, because it is in writing banners on a stone, engraved with sun yat-sen calligraphy "fraternity" two gold-plating spiral, so called "love fang". Love a word from the tang han yus "the way" "universal love" benevolence ", it is said that sun yat-sens favourite topic

These two words to send people, that the word has become his life very good summary and reflection. Through the memorial arch, is a 480 meters long and 40 meters wide of the pyramid-shaped mound, left, middle and right three pyramid-shaped mound, intermediate in 12 meters wide, 9 meters wide on both sides of the lawn, which planted with cedar, Sabina chinensis, such as evergreen trees, the two sides of the pyramid-shaped mound each 4.6 meters wide, in what they each have the lawn, which not only planted gingko trees, such as cement benches for YeLing person to rest, also has in the design of both conforms to the spirit of traditional Chinese architecture, but also has a unique style, strict in axisymmetric give a person the sense with testimonies is rigorous, with two symmetrical cedar, Sabina chinensis, ginkgo, red maple trees instead of the ancient imperial tomb common stone golem, suggesting Mr Zhongshan spirit such as cypress trees last forever.



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Hello, everyone! Today we are going to visit the Confucius Temple on theBank of Qinhuai River. Speaking of Confucius Temple, we have to talk aboutQinhuai River, the mother river of Nanjing people. Qinhuai River, also known ashuaishui, Xiaojiang and longzangpu, is the ancient origin of Nanjing culture. Itenters the city from dongshuiguan and leaves the city from xishuiguan. It flowsthrough the section about ten li in front of the Confucius Temple, so it iscalled "ten li Qinhuai". From ancient times to the present, both sides of theQinhuai River are a prosperous scene. Du Mus poem in the Tang Dynasty says:"smoke cage, cold water cage, sand cage, Night Mooring Qinhuai near therestaurant. Business women do not know the hatred of national subjugation, butthey still sing "the flowers in the back court" across the river. Afterliberation, with the vigorous construction of Nanjing municipal government,todays ten mile Qinhuai River has become a national 5A scenic spot showing theunique style of Jiangnan.

The Confucius Temple consists of Confucius Temple, Academy and Gongyuan. Inthe Eastern Jin Dynasty, the imperial court built the Academy here; in the SongDynasty, the Confucius Temple was expanded on the former site of the Academy; inthe Southern Song Dynasty, the imperial examination hall Gongyuan was opened.However, the Confucius Temple was destroyed and built five times in history. Thelast one was destroyed in 1937 by the Japanese invaders. Todays ConfuciusTemple was rebuilt after 1984.

Temple Square (2 minutes)

Dear tourists, now we come to the square in front of the Confucius Temple.The integration of temple and market is one of the most remarkablecharacteristics of Confucius Temple. The square is a temple in the verticaldirection and a city in the horizontal direction. The temple and market areintegrated into a unique atmosphere. The red wall behind you is called Zhaobi,which has the functions of shielding, avoiding evil spirits and decoration. Itis 110 meters long and is the largest in China. The semicircular pool in frontof Zhaobi is called panchi. In ancient times, the place where the emperorlectured was called Biyong, the school palace where the princes lectured wascalled panchi, and the school palace of Confucius Temple was equivalent to theplace where the princes lectured. Therefore, this pool is called panchi. Thebridge on the west side of panchi is called Wende bridge, which is named for theConfucian advocating the moral of writing. Because the direction of the bridgeis consistent with the meridian, it is cultivated every year Around the 15th dayof November, the reflection of the bright moon in the sky will be divided intotwo parts by the shadow of the bridge. This spectacle is called "Wende dividingthe moon". There is a star gathering Pavilion on the west side of Wende BridgeSquare, which means "stars gather, talents gather". Facing this large archway,it is the "world Wenshu archway". The shape is four pillars and three doors,which means that it is the center of world culture. There is Kuixing Pavilion onthe south side of the archway. In ancient times, it was said that Kuixing was asign of prosperity of literature and also a symbol of winning the first place inthe imperial examination. Therefore, Kuixing was regarded as a God by studentsof all ages. In the north of the square is the Lingxing gate. It is said thatthe Lingxing gate is the cultural star in the sky and the star cluster in chargeof education. The reason for its name is that it means that the scholars of theworld gather here.

Dachengmen, terrace (1 minute)

Dacheng gate is the main gate of Dacheng hall and the main gate ofConfucius Temple. In the ancient feudal hierarchy, only officials could go inand out from Dacheng gate, while ordinary scholars could only go in and out fromthe side gate. Two big characters, Li and Ren, are engraved on the walls on bothsides behind the door, which are the core of Confucius thought and his lifelonggoal. Behind the Dacheng gate and in front of the Dacheng hall, there is acorridor. On both sides of the corridor, there are eight of the twelve studentsof Confucius. They are all carved from white jade of Han Dynasty. They are minsang, ran Geng, ran Qiu, Duanmu Ci, ran Yong, Zai Yu, Yan Yan Yan and Zhong you.At the end of the corridor is a terrace, which is 1.4 meters high, 21.8 meterslong from east to west, and 14 meters wide from north to south. It is surroundedby stone railings. In front of the terrace are two dragon play pearls and Danbistones, and on both sides are stone lamps. The terrace is a place for sacrifice,singing and dancing. In the middle of the terrace is a bronze statue ofConfucius. In front of the bronze statue is an iron censer, engraved with thetitle of "supreme saint and forerunner". With a height of 4.18 meters and aweight of 2.37 tons, the bronze statue is the largest one in the Confuciantemples in China. On both sides of the terrace, there used to be two verandahs,which were used to worship the memorial tablets of the 72 sages of Confucius andto store sacrificial, ceremonial and dancing utensils. Now they are reduced tosmall two verandahs and changed into stele corridors. There are more than 30steles with ink marks of famous calligraphers such as Zhao Puchu, Lin Sanzhi andWu Zhongqi for tourists to enjoy.

Dacheng Hall (2 minutes)

Dacheng hall is the landmark of Confucius Temple, 16.22 meters high, 27.3meters wide and 27.9 meters deep. The words "Dacheng hall" are written on thesea blue vertical plaque under the front eaves. There is a standing sculpture oftwo dragons playing with pearls on the roof of Dacheng hall, which is the firstof its kind in China. The light and beautiful style of the roof covered withgreen tiles is obviously different from that of the northern Confucius Templewith yellow glazed tiles. It is more easygoing and popular, which is one of themanifestations of Nanjing Confucius Temple closer to folk culture. In the centerof the hall, there is the largest portrait of Confucius in China. On the top ofthe portrait are three plaques, all of which are written by emperors of pastdynasties. They are "model of the world" by Kangxi, "with heaven and earth" byQianlong, and "Si Wen Zai Zi" by Guangxu. In front of the portrait stand fourstudents of Confucius, namely Mencius, Kongji, Zengshen and Yanhui. In front ofthe portrait are ancient musical instruments such as Qin, guzheng and drum. Onthe walls around, there are 38 inlaid murals reflecting Confucius life anddeeds, which are "the picture of Confucius miracles", carved by 200 craftsmenin Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, using famous jade, chicken blood jelly, Shoushanstone, gold, jewelry and other precious ornaments from Zhejiang, Fujian, InnerMongolia, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. The total investment is 5.8million yuan, and the current value is more than 100 million yuan The 38 muralsare: the picture of the holy trace, the preface of the title, the prayer ofNishan, the book of Qilin jade, the two dragons and five elders, etc.

Inscriptions (1 minute)

From Dacheng hall, the ancient well on the right is Yutu spring. Accordingto records, Yutu spring was discovered and excavated by Qin Hui. Beside thespring stands the stele of raising money for imperial examinations, whichrecords the history of Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtangs donation of examineesfees to Beijing in the period of Liangjiang governor. On the other side, thereare four steles, the most famous of which is the stele of Confucius asking forrites, which was carved in the Southern Dynasty. It records the story ofConfucius seeking for rites from Laozi in Luoyang, the city where the emperorlived from the state of Lu to the state of Zhou, when slavery was about tocollapse at the end of the spring and Autumn period. In addition, it is the onlythree steles in Nanjing, namely, the stele of Jiqing Confucius Temple and thestele of fengzhishengfu The stele of man and the stele of FengSi.

A school: school gate (30 seconds), Mingde Hall (1 minute 30 seconds),Zunjing Pavilion and its surroundings (1 minute)

The academy is located in the rear of Dacheng hall. It is inscribed on thelintel of the gate in the south by Zeng Guofan, and on the lintel of the gate inthe north by Qin Dashi, the number one scholar in the southeast. Entering thegate of the Academy, you can see a bell and a drum standing in the two pavilionson the left and right. On the forehead of the pavilions are the words "Xi Li"and "Yang Sheng", which were used by scholars to worship Confucius in ancienttimes.

Facing the gate of the school is Mingde hall, whose name is inscribed byWen Tianxiang. Mingde hall is the place where students gather. After thepilgrimage every month, students gather here to teach their tutors to preach theholy doctrine and the imperial edict, so as to cultivate their loyalty andpatriotism. Ming De Tang was originally named "Ming Lun Tang". When the yuanarmy was about to conquer Nanjing, Wen Tianxiang changed "Ming Lun Tang" to"Ming De Tang" by hand in order to show his determination to die rather thansurrender and his ambition to serve the country and the people.

The Zunjing Pavilion behind Mingde hall is three stories high, with doubleeaves and T-shaped ridges on the top of the mountain. It was a lecture hallwhere Confucian classics were stored and lectures were given. Now it is a museumof folk customs. Standing side by side with Zunjing pavilion are Chongshengtemple and Qingyun tower. Zunjing academy is divided into two sides behindZunjing Pavilion. Chongsheng temple was originally dedicated to Confuciusancestors, but now it is pear garden. Qingyun building was changed into alibrary in the Qing Dynasty. Zunjing academy is a place for lectures, which isequivalent to the present classroom. The small highland behind Zunjing Pavilionis called Weishan, with Jingyi pavilion built. The so-called "Jingyi" is thedevotion to Confucianism.

Other (1 minute)

Ladies and gentlemen, the Confucius Temple is prosperous during the day,and the Confucius Temple at night is even more colorful! As early as thenorthern and Southern Dynasties, there was a Jinling Lantern Festival on theQinhuai River, and it reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. The Qinhuai River inthe sound of oars and lights is unique in the world. Todays Confucius Templefollows the Huizhou architectural style of "blue brick, small tile, horse headwall, cloister with falling flowers and windows". When tourists come here, theycan not only appreciate the traditional culture, but also taste the uniqueQinhuai snacks, explore the legend of Qinhuai Bayan, enjoy the scenery on bothsides of the Strait by Qinhuai boat, or explore the traces of celebrities suchas Wuyi lane, former residence of Wang Dao xiean and former residence of LiXiangjun. This is the end of my explanation. Thank you!

B Gongyuan front street, Mingyuan building (1 minute 30 seconds)

Now we come to the front street of Gongyuan. There are six statues standingin the street. They are all talented people from all dynasties. They are TangYin, Wu Chengen, Zheng Banqiao, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu and Zhang Jian. On the eastside of the sculpture, there are 11 stone tablets, which record the rise andfall of the Gongyuan, as well as the praise, evaluation and chanting ofemperors, ministers and celebrities. In front of the front street is theGongyuan, on which there are couplets inscribed by Li Yu. It was built in theSouthern Song Dynasty and is specially used for holding imperial examinations.At first, the number of examinees was small and the scale was not large. It wasonly used for the examination of government and county schools. When the numberof examinees increased, it even needed to borrow temples as temporaryexamination rooms. In the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the Gongyuan wasrebuilt. Later, the scale of Nanjing Gongyuan continued to expand. When it wasofficially named "Jiangnan Gongyuan" in the Qing Dynasty, it reached anunprecedented trend, starting from yaojiaxiang in the East, In the west, thereare more than 20000 houses, bordering on the Qinhuai River in the South andJiankang road in the north. After the Republic of China, Gongyuan was neglected.Until today, only Mingyuan building has been preserved as a historical relic.Mingyuan building was used for warning and giving orders in the past imperialexaminations. In the arch on the first floor, there are stone tablets of Ming,Qing and Republic of China, which record the rise and fall of Jiangnan Gongyuanin detail and effectively preserve the scene of imperial examination hall infeudal times. In the 1980s, the relevant departments established "JiangnanGongyuan exhibition hall" here.

Dormitory (1 minute)

Now more than 40 houses have been restored in Gongyuan. In the order ofthousand characters, the houses are 6 feet high, 4 feet deep and 3 feet wide,with an area of no more than 1.5 square meters. There are only two boards ondisplay. Examinees have to stay in it for 9 days and have three exams. Eating,drinking and sleeping are all here. During the day, they answer questions on thechopping board, and at night, they close their clothes and sleep on the choppingboard. We can imagine the hardships of the examination in those years. In thewest side of Gongyuan, wax figures were used to show the examinees attitudes.In the east side was the tourist experience area. Interested friends canexperience it.

To court (1 minute 30 seconds)

The imperial examination began in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and ended inthe late Qing Dynasty, which lasted for 1300 years. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it gradually formed four levels of examination, namely, childrensexamination, rural examination, general examination and palace examination. The"Zhigong hall" you can see in front of you used to be the public land run by theexaminers. The word "Zhigong" means "fair, just and equal". Now it is theimperial examination exhibition room, which is divided into three exhibitionhalls: East, West and East. In the middle of the exhibition hall is the imperialexamination culture exhibition room, in which there is a sculpture of Kuixingsfighting and monopolizing the first place. The horizontal shape next to it showsthe situation of No Its often spectacular. The pictures and materials on thewalls around introduce the origin and development of Chinas imperialexamination system. The number one scholar hall on the east side displays a listof the number one scholar in China. On the west side is the hall of fame, whichdisplays celebrities related to Jiangnan Gongyuan, as well as some pictures andmaterials related to the imperial examination.

This concludes the explanation of Confucius Temple. Thank you!



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故朱偰先生在比较了长安、洛阳、金陵、燕京四大古都后,言"此四都之中,文学之昌盛,人物之俊彦,山川之灵秀,气象之宏伟,以及与民族患难相共,休戚相关之密切,尤以金陵为最。" 尝以为中国古都,历史悠久,古迹众多,文物制度,照耀千古者,长安、洛阳而外,厥推金陵。北京虽为辽、金以来帝王之都,然史迹不过千年,非若金陵建都之远在南北朝以前也。他若汴京、临安,一开都于五代,继于北宋;一肇建于吴越,偏安于南宋,其为时较短,而历史遗迹,亦不若长安、洛阳、金陵、北京之众。而此四都之中,文学之昌盛,人物之俊彦,山川之灵秀,气象之宏伟,以及与民族患难与共、休戚相关之密切,尤以金陵为最。--《金陵古迹图考·序》……论者每谓金陵形势,偏于东南,都其地者,往往为南北对峙之局,不足以控制全国,统一宇内。故三山驻师,终鼎足割据之势。五马渡江,开南朝偏安之局。

实则金陵一隅,实中国民族思想之策源地。《世说》所谓“过江诸人,暇日辄至新亭,周觊曰:风景不殊,举目有河山之异;王导曰:当共戮力王室,何至作楚囚对泣耶?”其民族意识之浓厚,可以想象。自后明祖奠都金陵,以伐胡元,终成一统之业;太平天国虽未成功,然亦以金陵相号召;近者如辛亥革命,国军北伐,皆莫不以南京为策源地。金陵之于中国,亦犹Frankfurt a.M.之于德,Orleans之于法,Moscow之于俄;虽未必尽为全国中心,然有事之秋,登高一呼,天下响应。此郑成功之所以海道千里,直薄金陵,恸哭孝陵,以图恢复也。况时移势异,古今未必尽同;昔日中原群雄角逐之场,关中沃野千里天府之国,今皆化为贫瘠,全国财赋之汇,趋于东南,经济重心,厥在江浙。





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相同点是古代的木结构建筑易起火,泮池和放生池都是便于防火救火。 不同点:夫子庙前的泮池为月牙形,沿袭传统,教化黎民百姓像流水一样源远流长。








9、 为何何孔庙的门都叫“大成门”,大殿都叫“大成殿”


10、 大成门内四块碑的名称,内容是什么?


b) 《集庆孔子庙碑》撰写碑文的是元朝翰林院学士卢挚,内容是“诏以兴学作士为王政”强调教育及培养人才是立国之本。

c) 《封四氏碑》:是元文宗加封孔子最有成就的弟子颜回、曾参、孔伋、孟轲为四亚圣,刻于1331年

d) 《封至圣夫人碑》是元文宗加封孔子夫人的碑,因孔子在元朝被封为大成至圣文宣王,所以加封孔子夫人为至圣夫人,刻于1331年。

11、 中国科举制度始于何年,终于何年?始于隋朝,终于清末1905年。



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друзья посетителей:

здесь находится мавзолей г - на сунь ятсена, предшественника великойкитайской революции.

сунь ятсен, сунь ятсен, сунь ятсен, был назван господином Накаяма, так какв 1912 году во время революционной деятельности в Японии под псевдонимом"дровосек Накаяма". Г - н Сунь Ятсен скончался в пекине 12 ноября 1866 года, 12марта 1925 года, в возрасте 60 лет.

гробница чжуншань была выбрана до рождения г - на сунь ятсена. передсмертью в марте 1925 года г - н Сунь распорядился, что ? после моей смерти онможет быть похоронен в предгорье нанкина, где было сформировано временноеправительство, не забывая о революции в синьхай?.

Люй янь спроектировал среднегорные холмы, плоскости в форме кольца. Онтакже символизирует дух господина Накаяма, как громкий колокольный звон.Гробница была заложена в день первой годовщины смерти г - на Накаяма, начавшаяся1 июня 1926 года и завершившаяся весной 1929 года.

дорогие туристы, мы сейчас идем на площадь перед чжуншань.

на этой полутора - месячной площади, прямо на юге, трехэтажныйвосьмиугольный Каменный стол, стоявший на трехухах медный треножник, весом вдесять тысяч фунтов. все преподаватели и студенты университета чжуншаньпожертвовали осенью 1933 года. В литейном корпусе есть школа чжуншаньскогоуниверситета ? Чжи жэнь юнь? три слова, в треножнике есть бронза шестиугольнойформы, с надписью ? сяо цзин? полный текст, так называемый траур.

ударная каменная мастерская, известная под названием ? Лав любви?, скарнизами на четырех столбцах напротив треножника, на своем ортогональном лбувырезала из книги г - на сунь ятсена две позолоченные золотые клички ?братство?, слова ? любовь? взяты из книги Тан Хань ? в оригинале?.

через лаву любви мы пришли к могиле длиной 480 метров и шириной около 40метров. по обе стороны гробницы есть две симметричные сосны, можжевельник,гинкго, красный клен и другие деревья, которые заменили каменный зверь передгробницей древних, в аллегории дух средних гор, таких как сосновый кипарис.

Пройдя через могилу, мы подошли к рампы. платформа находится на севере,чтобы сделать из гранита фуцзянь один карниз, чтобы сделать перерыв на вершинехолма, покрытый голубой глазурой черепицы. на каменном лбу под навесом гробницывысечены четыре слова из книги г - на сунь ятсена ? под небесами?. Эти четыреслова заимствованы из "акта вежливости и вежливости", который гласит, что "путьпо дороге также является справедливым". перед воротами холма стояли каменныельвы высотой в три метра, с одной стороны, и стенки полукольцевого камня, сдругой стороны, были связаны с стеной Мавзолея, в которой были очерчены нижниеконтуры "Колокола свободы".

за дверью гробницы мы увидели надпись на арке. вершина павильонапредставляет собой тяжелый карниз горный стиль, покрытый голубой глазуройчерепицы, Бут из гранита. нейтральный гранитный памятник, памятник высотой 8,1метра, на нем изображен горный рельеф, надпись: "в китае похоронен премьер -министр г - н Сунь. Китайская Республика 18 июня 18 - го года, 1 июня, цин цин,написанное бывшим председателем правительства и Председателем Исполнительногосовета Тань янь? на лбу стояла мрачная партийная эмблема. был подчеркнут самыйвысокий стандарт погребения "партийных похорон".

от павильона до жертвенного храма было восемь каменных ярусов, каждый изкоторых имел платформу. платформа, состоящая из восьми пунктов из трехпредыдущих пунктов, означает "три народных принципа, пять правящих конституций".Iii) граждане: национальность, гражданские права, благосостояние населения;Начиная с дома братства, имеется 392 ступени. Цель заключается в том, чтобыпозволить страннику при восхождении помнить Предсмертное заявление премьер -министра о том, что ? революция еще не увенчалась успехом, товарищи все ещедолжны работать?.

выйдя на лестницу, мы пришли в храм жертвы.

по обе стороны храма стояли часы до 12,6 метра, на которых изображалисьрисунки из красивых облаков, а за каменной стеной каждой была бронзовыйтреножник, отданный семье сунко.

храм жертвоприношения - дворцовое здание, напоминающее древнюю деревяннуюархитектуру. длина 30 метров, ширина 25 метров, высота 29 метров, карниз голубойluluqu черепицы, в карниз, в том числе сунь ятсена книги "небо и земля" прямолоб. под навесом алтаря на передней стороне трех сводчатых ворот с востока назапад с надписью "нация", "народ", "гражданские права" шесть Ян чжуаньпозолоченных золотых иероглифов, написанных г - ном Чжан цзинцзян.

в храме лежала мраморная лавка из Юньнань. в храме четыре и восемь былирасположены 12 больших каменных столбов, нижний мраморный фундамент. верхняячасть стены - искусственный камень, нижняя - черный мрамор. на стене с востока изапада вырезан текст программы государственного строительства, написанной г -ном сунь ятсеном. в жертвеннике на верхней части ковша, и диагональный кессонявляется символом партии мозаики.

на середине жертвенника изображен халат господина Накаяма, высота 4,6метра. Г - н сунь ятсен, сидя на скамье Тай - шань, сложив ноги и расставленныеколенями длинные свитки, устремил взоры в будущее, продемонстрировав глубинумысли и мудрость мыслителя. эта статуя была изготовлена французским польскимскульптором Поль синусовским из итальянского белого мрамора стоимостью 1,5 млн.франков. вокруг него было шесть рельефов, отражающих жизнь г - на Накаяма. наюге - "как нагиши", на востоке - "агитация за границей" и "обсуждениереволюции", на западе - "глухота" и "страна юань", на севере - "Печатьконгресса". седалище бледного мрамора под ним еще ярче.

наружная дверь кладбища состоит из двух медных ворот, на лбу которыхизображена надпись ? бессмертие?. Во - вторых, одна медная дверь с надписью ?гробница г - на сунь ятсена? в семи иероглифах.

кладбище имеет закрытую полусферическую форму в виде свода неба, диаметром18 метров, высотой 11 метров, с верхней крышкой, с изображением эмблемы измозаики. четырехстенный бежевый мраморный облицовка. круглый мраморный кладбищепосреди гробницы, диаметр 3,9 метра, вокруг него тонкий белый мраморный перила.на глубине 1,6 метра лежит каменный гроб, на нем лежит изображение г - на суньятсена в китайском холме. Чешский скульптор с высоким счастьем сделал это пообразу хрустального гроба в начале смерти г - на сунь.

Ложись как на пять метров ниже могилы. останки г - на сунь ятсена былипомещены в саркофаг наньмы в центре пещеры с медным гробом, изготовленнымСоединенными Штатами. с 1 июня 1929 года, когда могила была заложена, онаникогда не открывалась и не перемещалась.

в 1961 году Государственный Совет включил мавзолей и холмов в числоприоритетных национальных памятников культуры. В настоящее время 5 класса аявляется одним из "40 лучших туристических объектов Китая".

Вот и все, что я могу сказать.



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