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鼋头渚位于无锡西南郊的太湖之滨,距离市区约18公里。渚是指三面临水的小陆地,因为它状如鼋头而叫鼋头渚。它可以说是独占太湖最美的一角,向南望,太湖有着青岛海滨的气概;向北望太湖又有着杭州西湖的明媚风光。在这一片真山真水的自然景色中辅之以别具匠心的人工点缀,使之成为观赏太湖最为理想的游览胜地。难怪诗人郭沫若畅游太湖之后,作出了“太湖佳绝处,毕竟在鼋头”的评价。鼋头渚以其“山不高而秀雅,水不深而辽阔”的无边风月,以及早中晚、晴阴雨景致各异的神奇变幻和春花秋月、夏荷冬雪的四时之景吸引着历代文人墨客和无数中外游人 。











现在我们登上了鹿顶山,这里海拔96米,是鼋头渚景区的制高点。鹿顶山还有一个传说:南极仙翁的天鹿触犯了无规,被仙翁一掌打下云头。仙鹿下凡时,看中了水草丰美的太湖,于是就在湖边化成了美丽的山峰,永远守护着太湖。鹿顶山共有6个山顶,在无锡“鹿”和“六”同音,所以此山也叫“六顶山”。 1984年,在这里建造了“鹿顶迎晖”景区。



向上走,便是西子池。池壁上刻“照影”两字,故叫“照影池”,据说西施曾在浣纱溪边,以水为镜,鱼儿见她美貌无比,羞得纷纷潜入池底,从而有 “沉鱼之容”的传说。池边还有一轩一亭,分别叫“西子”、“淡抹”。整个景致清远幽静,别具情趣。再向上走,金沤亭展现在眼前,亭名取自郭沫若的《游鼋头渚》诗中的“四周腾黛浪,万顷泛金沤”。亭立在峭壁之上,居高临下,向东眺望,远处五里湖上的宝界桥如长龙卧波;北岸的鱼池星罗棋布;南岸山峰绵绵,绿树成荫;湖面上波光粼粼,美不胜收。此情此景,各位游客想要细细品味,还可以到旁边的“环碧楼”、“静观”茶室坐下来,慢慢体会。

往前,是“碑刻影壁”。正面刻有艺术大师刘海粟手书的“鹿顶迎晖”4宇,是刘大师90高龄时书写的,气势雄伟,笔力苍劲。背面刻沙陆墟撰稿的《鹿顶迎晖建设记》。最后看到的是“准望亭”,这里原是鹿顶山的最高点,海拔96.6米的三级测量点就设在这里。后来用石亭取代了原先的三脚架,所以取名 “准望亭”。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3272 字

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Lihu lake, also known as Wulihu Lake, is the inner lake of Taihu Lakeextending into Wuxi. It is located in the southwest suburb of Wuxi, a famouscity in the south of the Yangtze River. It is about 10 kilometers away from thecity center and is shaped like a gourd.

The name of Lihu comes from the legend of Fan Li and Xi Shi: it is saidthat in the spring and Autumn period more than 2400 years ago, Wu Yue wasdefeated and captured in the battle of Fu Jiao, King Gou Jian of Yue. Fan Li, asenior official of the state of Yue, gave advice. Gou Jian endured humiliationand took the policy of "lying on the staff, tasting courage, and striving forgovernance". He found a gorgeous beauty, Xi Shi, in RUOYE stream of Zhuji Zhuluomountain. He was given the mission of humiliating himself and serving thecountry. He made Wu King Fu Chai indulge in wine and sex, lost his guard againstYue, and killed his loyal minister Wu Zixu. When the state of Wu was destroyed,Fan Li ranked first. Gou Jian is suspicious, so he can only share weal and woe,not happiness. Fan Li retired after success, and sailed in Taihu Lake and 72peaks with Xi Shi. After entering Wuli Lake, I missed the beautiful sceneryhere. I went boating on the lake all day and couldnt bear to leave for a longtime.

Lihu park also has good scenery. The lake is dotted with water chestnut,and the reed and calamus are elegant. There is also a man-made beach. Althoughit is not as small as a natural beach, it is also a good place to play in thewater. The cool water rippling on the feet is very pleasant.

The construction of Lihu Park adheres to people-oriented and water as thesoul. In the garden surrounded by clear water, small bridges and trestles withdifferent shapes make up all the scenic spots in the garden. The garden in thegarden -- Shiyuan, embracing with green shade. Built with four pavilions ofLiuyun, Tianyuan, Yuehong and Qinghui, and a 100 meter long corridor around thewater, the water mirror corridor will collect the ancient and modern poems,paintings and photographs of celebrities praising Taihu Lake, and show theprofound cultural heritage of Lihu lake. It can also serve as a platform for thepublic to participate in Lihu cultural activities and exchange exhibitions. Lihupark is the best place to watch Lihu bridge.

Lihu Park in Wuxi is a free park. Located in the North Bank of Lihu, BinhuDistrict, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China, it was officially opened to theoutside world on October 1, 20__. Covering an area of 300 mu, the park isdesigned by American Pan Asia e-way company and Wuxi Landscape Design Institute.The garden is dominated by plant landscaping, with four seasons of flowers andtrees forest belts of "beauty of spring", "beauty of summer", "charm of autumn"and "condensation of winter". The water mirror Gallery, a circular 100 meterlong corridor built around the water, displays the ancient and modern poems,paintings and sculptures praising Taihu Lake.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4426 字

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Lihu lake, formerly known as Wulihu Lake, is an inner lake in the northeastof Taihu Lake. Liyuan, which stretches into Lihu lake, is an old park in Wuxi.It has the style of Jiangnan garden. It is famous for its waterscape, withnarrow and long lifts, small bridges and long corridors on the water. Peachblossom is in full bloom in March and April, and lotus blossom in June andSeptember, just like a water garden.

In the early years of the Republic of China, the eight sceneries of Qingqiwere built on the Bank of Lihu lake. From 1927 to 1936, Liyuan was built on theoriginal basis, and then expanded several times. It is said that Fan Li and XiShi retired from Taihu Lake in the spring and Autumn period, that is to say,they went boating here. Most of the buildings in the park are based on the themeof Fan Li and Xi Shi. Come here to see the love and the delicacy.

To the left of the gate of Liyuan is a group of rockeries. Dont go to therockeries first, and then go out after a tour. Take the direction of BaihuaMountain House and go south to Siji Pavilion. Four seasons Pavilion refers to apond with four pavilions on each side. Plum blossom is planted beside springPavilion, Nerium indicum is planted beside Summer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragransis planted beside Autumn Pavilion, and wintersweet is planted beside winterPavilion. There is a big lawn in the north of the four seasons Pavilion. Itsvery pleasant to sit on the lawn, chat with three or four friends, or have apiic. To the west of Siji Pavilion is a sampan wharf. You can row on the lake.The reference price of pedal boat is 25 yuan / 40 minutes, and that of hand boatis 20 yuan / 40 minutes.

Continue to walk south to the long dike on Lihu lake, which is called"South dike spring dawn". This is the best place to enjoy the flowers in spring.There are a row of weeping willows on the bank. The willow branches swing withthe wind. There are many peach trees among the willows. There are many kinds ofpeach flowers. There are different colors of peach flowers on a peach tree.There are pear flowers, cherry blossoms, blowing petals spread on the lake, likea pair of colorful tin embroidery. In the southwest corner of Chunxiao, there isa lake watching Pavilion named "yuebo Pingtiao". There is a cruise ship wharfwhere you can take a cruise ship to xishizhuang.

Xishizhuang is an artificial island built in the south of Li. Along thestone road around the island, there are many scenic spots named after Fan Li andXishi. In the Taozhu residence, Fan Li helped Gou Jian, king of Yue, defeat thestate of Wu and go into business after retiring. There is a super big abacus inthe shangsheng hall, which is very interesting. It takes two hands to pull theabacus. Xishi garden is decorated with Xishis embroidery workshop, boudoir,study, and exhibits of tin embroidery. There are also spring and autumn stageand other attractions on the island. The island is not big. A tour around theisland takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Take a boat back to Chunxiao of Nandi, and walk northeast to Qianbucorridor. This is the old building of Liyuan. It is on the Lihu lake. On oneside, there is a wall, and on the other side, there is water. There are 80hollowed out flower windows on the wall. The patterns are very beautiful. At theeast end of Qianbu corridor, there is the pavilion in the center of the lake,which is "clear, red, smoke and green". The red brick and green tile of Ningchuntower, which faces the pavilion across the water, is small and has strong colorcontrast. It is one of the landmark buildings of Liyuan. In the eastern part ofLiyuan, you can see the ferris wheel of Lihu Park in the East. With Liyuan asthe foreground and ferris wheel as the background, the photos are veryartistic.

Then go northwest to chunqiuge, which belongs to the eastern region. Thereare three floors in the pavilion, which is the high building of Liyuan. There isa teahouse on the upper floor. You can drink tea while overlooking the beautifulLihu lake. Finally, back to the rockery group, a large pile of Taihu Lake stonesformed a variety of strange peaks, all named after the word "cloud", such asyunwo, yunjiao, Chuanyun, etc. Guiyun peak is the highest, with a height of 12meters. Entering the rockery group is like entering a labyrinth. You can alsoclimb to the rockery to play.

Liyuan is close to Yuantouzhu in the West. Many tourists will arrangeYuantouzhu and Liyuan for one day tour.



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无锡,简称“锡”,素有“太湖明珠”、“小上海”之称。无锡位于北纬31°7′至32°2′,东经119°33′至120°38′,位于长江三角洲江湖间走廊部分,北扼长江、南控太湖,西依锡山、惠山,京杭大运河穿城而过。是苏太湖佳绝处 毕竟在鼋头南地区的交通中枢、长江咽喉,地理位置十分重要;东邻苏州,距上海128.2公里;南控太湖,与浙江省交界;西接常州,距南京183公里;北望长江,与泰州市所辖的靖江市隔江相望。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2103 字

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<翠仙楼>走进城门后下台阶后,进入内门,左边有一处宅第,在〈〈水浒传〉〉中武松为报兄仇,杀潘金莲和西门庆被发配至孟州,多亏管营大人金眼彪施恩的厚待,义气相投,结拜为兄弟,后又帮公义夺快活林,醉打蒋门神,这里就是当初剧组拍摄施恩家外院的地方。右前方这一楼阁便是翠云楼,梁山好汉为救玉麒麟卢俊义,派鼓上蚤时迁在元宵节火烧翠云楼,众好汉大闹北京需,救出这个后来坐了梁 山第二把交椅的卢俊义。这翠云楼其实是座酒楼,在当时是河北第一大酒楼,全楼三檐滴水,有上百个阁子,规模宏大,是大名府的标志性建筑。











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Ladies and gentlemen, the scenic spot we are going to visit now is Liyuan.Liyuan, 10 kilometers away from Wuxi City, is located in Qingqi village on theNorth Bank of Qianhu lake. It is a famous garden in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

[a brief history of Liyuan: origin of its name - History of itsestablishment - distribution of scenic spots]

Liyuan is named after Lihu lake, formerly known as Wulihu Lake. It is aninner lake on the Northeast Bank of Taihu Lake, covering an area of 9.5 squarekilometers. It is said that more than 20__ years ago, fan he, a senior officialof the state of Yue, helped the king of Yue to perish the state of Wu. He becamefamous and lived in seclusion with Xi Shi. Later generations called the WulihuLake, where Fan Li and Xi Shi were boating, Liyuan also got its name.

The earliest construction of Liyuan was in the early years of the Republicof China. Yu xunzhen, a native of Qingqi village, planted willows and lotusroots on the Bank of Lihu lake. Then he built embankments and built thatchedpavilions to form "eight sceneries of Qingqi" such as "fragrant snow in meibu","spring dawn in Nandi" and "fish watching in Quyuan". He also set up a "scenicarea with bright mountains and beautiful waters" to show visitors, thus layingthe foundation for the development of Liyuan landscape. In 1927, Wang Yuqing,another native of Qingqi village, got rich in flour business in Shanghai andreturned to his hometown. On the basis of the "eight sceneries of Qingqi", hecreated 30 mu of land, dug pools to divert water and piled stones to form apeak. It took three years to build Liyuan. In 1930, Chen Meifang, anotherbuilder of Taiyuan, built another garden beside Liyuan. According to the rumorthat Fan Li raised fish with his villagers here, he named it "Yuzhuang" andclaimed that he would surpass Liyuan, so he named it "sailiyuan". In 1936, WangKangyuan, the son of Wang Yuqing, built Huxin Pavilion and Ningchun towerrespectively. After liberation, in 1952, after comprehensive renovation, WuxiMunicipal government built a thousand step corridor between Taiyuan andYuzhuang, thus connecting the two countries, collectively referred to as"Liyuan". In 1978, a new garden was built in the east of the corridor, formingthe scale of today.

Taiyuan now covers an area of 123 mu, of which the water surface accountsfor more than 40%. The whole garden is divided into four scenic spots: BaihuaMountain House, yuebo pingting, Nandi Chunxiao and Siji Pavilion in the East;Qianbu corridor, Huxin Pavilion and Ningchun tower in the West; rockery groupand Lianfang in the middle; and Chunqiu Pavilion in the new.

[Liyuan gate Baihua Mountain House] ladies and gentlemen, we are now at theLiyuan gate, which was rebuilt from the original Yuzhuang gate. The entrance isa 90 square meter open hall with a landscape of Liyuan on the right wall.Passing through the dark corridor, moon cave gate and rockery barrier, you cansee the famous Baihua Mountain House on the right side, which is piled with lakestones and rockery. It was built in 1934, the appearance of long windows for thefloor, with a variety of patterns carved. The hall is furnished with ancientfurniture, and plantain and palm are planted behind the house. The wall in thecloister of Baihua Mountain House is decorated with painted murals, whichvividly shows the main experience of Xi Shi to Sheng with the story of Xi Shi asthe clue. Xishi is one of the four beauties in ancient China. She was born inZhuji, Zhejiang Province. In the war between Wu and Yue, fan he, the counsellorof Yue, helped Gou Jian, the king of Yue, set up a "beauty trick" and offered XiShi to Fu Chai, the king of Wu, so that Fu Chai indulged in wine and sex andfinally perished.

From the corridor forward, the two-story building is "Zhuojinbuilding".

[rockery group Lianfang xierquan Tianxiang, Guilin]

Ill be a tour guide. Rockery and stone formation is the main feature ofTaiyuan scenic area. When Chen Meifang built the fishing village in 1930, hebuilt rockeries with Taihu stones, which were designed and built by JiangZiyuan, a native of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province. When you come to the rockerygroup, you can only feel the twists and turns of the road. Its like entering alabyrinth. The construction of rockery group enriches the content of garden,increases the wild interest of mountain forest, and separates the space ofscenic spot. These rockeries are all named with the word "cloud", includingyunwo, yunjiao, Chuanyun, Duoyun, Panyun, Guiyun, Liuyun, etc. The highest partof the rockery is Guiyun cave, which is 12 meters high. Here you can have apanoramic view of the whole garden. If we come here, do we have the feeling of"living in the mountain, not knowing the depth of clouds"? Although the rockeryis small, the scenery is unique. Beside the rockery group, there are alsopavilions, ponds, streams, curved bridges, stalagmites, and various kinds ofprecious flowers and trees, which have the scenery of Kuaiji OrchidPavilion.

The largest building in the rockery group is LIANHANG. It was built in1930. It faces the pond on three sides and connects with the revetment on oneside. It is divided into three compartments: the front compartment is a longlanding window, the middle compartment is decorated with low wall flowerwindows, and the tail compartment is separated by a pink wall railing.Navigation is a kind of boat shaped building built in the Garden Lake, which ismainly for people to stop and watch the waterscape during sightseeing. Mostgardens in the south of the Yangtze River Center on water, and Li Garden isbuilt on the edge of Taihu Lake. Therefore, Chen Meifang built this lotus boatin the rockery group, which makes visitors feel like they are in a boat insteadof rowing in the water, which fully reflects the intention of the gardener.

After the visit, we went south along the stone road. In front of us, thereis a spring well about one meter in diameter. The surrounding rocks are likeauricles. This is the famous "Xier spring". The big stone beside the spring,like a lion, seems to be guarding the spring. If you look at these Lake stoneson both sides of the stone road beside the spring, if you carefully identifythem, you can see the animal forms of the 12 zodiac animals. There is the word"Qianyu" on the stone bridge across the river. The landscape here is likescenery, so we have to admire the ingenuity of the gardeners.

Next, lets go around the rockery and come to a suddenly bright scenicspot. There are ten ancient osmanthus trees planted on the flat land, which arefull of green and fragrant, so it is called "Guilin Tianxiang". If you come hereduring the Mid Autumn Festival, you will be able to feel the taste of "Tianxiangcloud floating outside, Guizi moon falling in the middle".

[Jiuxu Pavilion - Siji Pavilion - yuebo Pingtiao - kongjie bridge]

I come to be a tour guide. I walk out of the rockery group and cross thestone arch bridge of Yuelao Pavilion. The pavilion that I see in front of me is"Hanxu Pavilion". This pavilion was originally located in the east of Liyuan. Itwas moved here when the fishing village was built. Originally, the pavilion wasdivided into eight sides, with low walls and long lattice windows on it. When itwas renovated in 1958, the flower windows and low walls were removed, making itthe open appearance now. In 1983, there was a statue of "Xishi Huansha". Infront of Hanxu Pavilion is the four seasons Pavilion. Although the fourpavilions have the same appearance, they have profound implications. Theyrepresent the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in a year. Builtin 1954, the four seasons pavilion has a unique shape and a Xieshan Paviliontop. The three sides of the handrails inside the pavilion are called"meirenkao", and the top of the pavilion is decorated with aquatic plants lotus,lotus leaves and lotus pods. In ancient China, aquatic plants were regarded asmascots to avoid fire. How can we distinguish the four pavilions? First, we cansee the plants planted beside the pavilions: plum blossom and Yingchun besidethe spring pavilions; Nerium indicum beside the summer pavilions; Osmanthusfragrans beside the autumn pavilions; Chimonanthus praecox beside the winterpavilions. The second is to look at the location of the four pavilions. Wuxi islocated in the coastal area with a low latitude and a subtropical climate. Thewind directions in spring, summer, autumn and winter are mainly east, South,West and North. Therefore, the location of the four Pavilions in the East,South, West and north is determined.

Four seasons Pavilion also has a better name, which was selected in Wuxidaily in 1980. They are: Spring Pavilion is called "Yihong", Summer Pavilion iscalled "DiCui", Autumn Pavilion is called "zuihuang", winter Pavilion is called"Yinbai".

I came to be a tour guide and built a "six corner Pavilion" near the lakein the southwest corner of Liyuan, which is the most beautiful view of Liyuan.It has cornices, green tiles and red pillars. Because there was a crane on thetop of the pavilion, it is also called "crane Pavilion". In 1958, it wasdemolished during renovation and replaced with the current hulucan spire. Thereare 12 pieces of wood on the top, which are connected by brackets. There are 60Golden Phoenix carved on the top. Each five Phoenix is led by a dragon, andthere are two dragons playing with pearls in the middle, so it is also called"dragon and Phoenix Pavilion". In 1981, Wuxi calligrapher and painter Ni Xiaojinwrote the plaque of "yuebo Pingtiao" hanging in the center of the pavilion.Standing in the pavilion, you can overlook Wuli Lake and appreciate the sceneryof the lake and mountain, so it is also called "Wanghu affair".

Dear tourists, if we take a boat to visit Lihu lake here, we can see theBaojie bridge in the distance. It was built by Rong Desheng when he celebratedhis 60th birthday in 1934. The bridge has a total length of 375 meters, a widthof 5.6 meters and a height of 7.7 meters. There are 60 holes under the bridge,symbolizing rongdeshengs 60th birthday. Because the bridge is at the foot ofBaojie mountain, it is called Baojie bridge. Because it is the longest bridge inWuxi, it is also called Changqiao.

[Chunxiao in the South - Qianbu corridor - dark red smoke green - Ningchuntower]

At the front of the "Wanghu Pavilion" is the "South dike" beside the lake.In the early 1930s, Yu xunzhen planted peaches and willows here, known as"spring dawn on the south bank", and became the first of the "eight sceneries ofQingqi". Now there are more than 300 willows and 600 peach trees. Every spring,more than ten varieties of peach blossoms, such as Hongbi peach, ziye peach,Jinshan Jinbi peach and double petal Baibi peach, etc., are blooming, competingfor splendor and beauty, making this place extremely beautiful. Along the Southdike to the East, through the rockery cave, is a small patio, on the left is theincense tree, on the right is a wisteria, and then forward through the moon cavegate, is the corridor. The 289 meter long corridor, also known as "Qianbucorridor", was built in 1952. It not only connects Laoli lake and Yuzhuang, butalso forms a unique landscape. On the other side of the corridor is a long wallwith more than 80 leaky windows and various patterns made of green tiles. If youlook carefully, you will find that each pattern is different and unique. On theeast side of the corridor, there are 38 brick carvings carved by Su Dongpo, MiFu, Wang Yangming and others, which were inlaid when the garden was built in1928. Benches are set on the water side of the corridor, which not onlydecorates the corridor, but also provides visitors with a rest and a view byleaning on the fence. People can really appreciate the artistic conception of"mountain light shining on the sill and water circling the corridor". At theeast end of the promenade, the trestle and the promenade are connected by thepavilion in the center of the lake. The pavilion in the center of the lake is aflat bridge culvert structure, which extends about 50 meters into the lake. Itwas built by Wang Kangyuan in 1935. The pavilion is rectangular, with cornicesand corners. It is open on all sides. The top is covered with golden glazedtiles, and the bottom is made of yellow scaffolding materials. On one side ofthe wall, there is a mural of Jiahu Jiahua; on the other side, there is a plaqueof "clear red smoke green", which indicates that the scenery of Wulihu ischangeable, so it is also called "dark red smoke green" Shuixie. Across thewater from the pavilion in the middle of the lake is the "Ningchun tower", aboutseveral meters high, with five stories and octagons, red bricks and green tiles,small Lingxi, a combination of Chinese and Western culture, which is a famousscene in Liyuan.

[Banting Spring Autumn Pavilion]

Ive come to be a tour guide. Now when we return from the Qianbu corridor,we can see that at one end of the corridor, there is a unique building, which isconnected with the corridor. Half of the corridor and half of the pavilion, soit is called "Banting". Banting is an extension of Qianbu corridor, whichconnects Liyuan new area and plays a transitional role. It is also the bestplace to enjoy the Spring Autumn Pavilion.

Tourists: the three story Pavilion in front of us is "spring and AutumnPavilion". It was built in 1978. Lets get close to the pavilion. You can see:this single eaves building on the top of the hill stands at the highest part ofthe whole garden, adding a variety of layers to the architecture of Taiyuan.Under the eaves hung a horizontal plaque of "spring and Autumn Pavilion", whichwas written by Liu Haisu, a famous calligrapher and painter. The name of thepavilion comes from the story of fan Mai and Xi Shi in the spring and Autumnperiod. Tourists: there is an ambulatory in the pavilion, which can be viewedfrom afar. At the bottom of the pavilion, there is also a large mural "thepicture of Fan Lis Xi Shi boating" for you to enjoy. Now, please join me on thespring and Autumn Pavilion to enjoy the magnificent landscape of Liyuan!



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园林设计者根据地势高低,结合梅园特点,以梅饰山,倚山植梅,梅以山而秀,山因梅而幽,别具特色。园内还有天心台等步步登高的观赏景点。 梅园以老藤、古梅、新桂、奇石来显示出它的高雅古朴风格。

园内植梅5500多株,品种繁多。著名的有素白洁净的玉蝶梅,有花如碧玉萼如翡翠的绿萼梅,有红颜淡妆的宫粉梅,有胭脂滴滴的朱砂梅,有浓艳如墨的墨梅,有枝杆盘曲矫若游龙的龙游梅等。还有造型幽雅、虬枝倒悬、枯树老干、疏影横斜的梅桩艺术盆景。 解放前曾是红色资本家荣毅仁的私家花园梅园。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1118 字

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现在我们登上了鹿顶山,这里海拔96米,是鼋头渚景区的制高点。鹿顶山还有一个传说:南极仙翁的天鹿触犯了无规,被仙翁一掌打下云头。仙鹿下凡时,看中了水草丰美的太湖,于是就在湖边化成了美丽的山峰,永远守护着太湖。鹿顶山共有6个山顶,在无锡“鹿”和“六”同音,所以此山也叫“六顶山”。 1984年,在这里建造了“鹿顶迎晖”景区。



向上走,便是西子池。池壁上刻“照影”两字,故叫“照影池”,据说西施曾在浣纱溪边,以水为镜,鱼儿见她美貌无比,羞得纷纷潜入池底,从而有 “沉鱼之容”的传说。池边还有一轩一亭,分别叫“西子”、“淡抹”。整个景致清远幽静,别具情趣。再向上走,金沤亭展现在眼前,亭名取自郭沫若的《游鼋头渚》诗中的“四周腾黛浪,万顷泛金沤”。亭立在峭壁之上,居高临下,向东眺望,远处五里湖上的宝界桥如长龙卧波;北岸的鱼池星罗棋布;南岸山峰绵绵,绿树成荫;湖面上波光粼粼,美不胜收。此情此景,各位游客想要细细品味,还可以到旁边的“环碧楼”、“静观”茶室坐下来,慢慢体会。

往前,是“碑刻影壁”。正面刻有艺术大师刘海粟手书的“鹿顶迎晖”4宇,是刘大师90高龄时书写的,气势雄伟,笔力苍劲。背面刻沙陆墟撰稿的《鹿顶迎晖建设记》。最后看到的是“准望亭”,这里原是鹿顶山的最高点,海拔96.6米的三级测量点就设在这里。后来用石亭取代了原先的三脚架,所以取名 “准望亭”。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5114 字

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Dear tourists: among the tourist cities along the East China line, Wuxi isfamous for its proximity to the beautiful Taihu Lake. In this "warm and waterfilled" city, the scenery is pleasant, the humanities answer this, has attractedthe guests from all over the world. Today, lets go to enjoy the charming styleof this "Pearl of Taihu Lake".

Wuxi is located in the south of Jiangsu Province, on the shore of TaihuLake, adjacent to the Yangtze River in the north, Zhejiang and Anhui provincesin the south, Changzhou City in the West and Suzhou City in the East. It is 183km from Nanjing in the West and 128 km from Shanghai in the East. The famousBeijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, which runs through the north and south of China,meets here. Its terrain is plain, fertile land, rich products, canals andrivers, is Chinas famous "land of fish and rice". It has jurisdiction overXishan, Jiangyin and Yixing. The city has a total area of 4656 square kilometersand a population of about 4.26 million. With an area of 343 square kilometersand a population of about 20000, it is the second largest city in Jiangsu afterNanjing. At present, it has developed into a medium-sized city with lightindustry, textile, electronics, chemical industry, machinery and otherindustries.

Wuxi is an ancient city in the south of the Yangtze River with a history ofmore than 3000 years. According to historical records, at the end of the ShangDynasty, Taibo, the eldest son of King Zhou, and his younger brother Zhongyongcame here from Shaanxi to settle down. They built the city in Meili (Meicun areaof todays Xishan City) and built the "Gouwu" state. This was the beginning ofWuxis construction.

Wuxis name was first seen in the book of Han Dynasty. It is said that whenKing Ping of Zhou moved to the East (about 770 BC), tin deposits were found onthe east side of Huishan. Tin was the raw material for smelting bronzes at thattime, so the conflict between local people and foreigners lasted for hundreds ofyears. By the end of the Warring States period, tin mines were decreasing. In224 BC, Wang Jian, the general of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, found astone tablet in Xishan, on which was engraved: there are tin soldiers, fightingin the world; Wuxi Ning, the world is clear. "Wuxi Tianxia Ning" expresses thepeoples desire for a peaceful and peaceful life, so the name of "Wuxi" has beenhanded down and become the name of the city.

Wuxis economic development has a profound foundation. As early as the MingDynasty, weaving, ceramics, brick and other handicraft industries were verydeveloped. In the mid-19th century, Wuxi, Jiujiang, Changsha and Wuhu werecalled "Chinas four major rice markets". Since the beginning of this century,relying on its superior natural conditions, Wuxi has become the raw materialbase of Chinas national industry and a city with developed industry andcommerce, known as "little Shanghai".

The development of Wuxis economy is related to the good climate. Wuxibelongs to the north subtropical monsoon climate zone, with mild and humidclimate, abundant rainfall and four distinct seasons. It has become a rich placein the Taihu Lake Basin. Geography and climate also provide conditions foraquaculture. There are dozens of aquatic products in Taihu Lake, especiallysilverfish and crab. In addition, Wuxis local products: fake (Huishan clayfigurine), big (Wuxi sauce ribs), empty (Wuxi oil gluten) have become the bestgifts for relatives and friends.

Convenient transportation provides convenience for the guests to Wuxi.Aviation: Wuxi Shuofang airport has opened many routes including Beijing,Fuzhou, Foshan and Huiyang. Railway: Wuxi is located on the Beijing Shanghailine. There are more than 100 express trains stopping in Wuxi every day. Thereare direct trains to Wuxi in all major cities in China. Highway: ShanghaiNanjing Expressway passes through Wuxi, and there are tourist buses to and fromevery city in East China every day; nine national and provincial highwaysradiate to the whole country and the whole province. Waterway: from Huzhou,Zhejiang Province, you can take a cruise ship to Wuxi via Taihu Lake; fromSuzhou, Zhenjiang and Danyang, you can take a cruise ship to Wuxi via theancient canal.

Wuxi has unique tourism resources, such as Yuantouzhu, which is known as"the best place of Taihu Lake", Huishan, which is the first mountain in thesouth of the Yangtze River, Liyuan, which is named after Fan Li, Meiyuan, afamous plum blossom resort in the south of the Yangtze River, Jichang Garden,which is known as "garden in the garden". There are also new film and televisionshooting bases such as "Tang city", "Three Kingdoms city" and "water tour city"built in recent years. These landscapes enable tourists to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the Great Lakes and the magnificent historical pictures in Chineseclassic works.

Tourists: the landscape of Taihu Lake, numerous historical figures andcultural relics make Wuxi a tourist attraction integrating natural landscape andcultural landscape. Today we come to this warm and beautiful city, pleasemobilize your thinking, expand your imagination, enjoy it!



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Wuxi Liyuan is located in Qingqi village on the West Bank of Lihu lake,2.5km southwest of Wuxi City. It is named after Lihu lake. It is said that morethan 20__ years ago in the spring and Autumn period, Fan Li, a senior officialof the state of Yue, helped the king of Yue destroy Wu, and then he took abeautiful woman Xi Shi to go boating here. Later generations named this lakeafter Fan Li in memory of him.

In 1927, Wang Yuqing of Wuxi built Liyuan on the basis of Qingqi Bajing.Liyuan covers an area of 5.2 hectares, including 2.2 hectares of water. Visitorscan visit Liyuan in three parts. That is: the rockery area in the middle, thelakeside levee and the four seasons Pavilion in the west, the promenade, thepavilion in the center of the lake and the layer wave overlapping shadow area inthe East. Sijiting district is the main scenic spot of Liyuan. This pavilion wasbuilt in 1954, which is derived from the meaning of spring, summer, autumn andwinter. It is respectively titled "Yihong", "DiCui", "zuihuang" and "Yinbai".Spring plum is planted in spring Pavilion, peach blossom bamboo is planted inSummer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragrans is planted in Autumn Pavilion, andwintersweet plum is planted in winter Pavilion. There are many flowers in thefour seasons, and the fragrance is far away.

Passing through the four seasons Pavilion, there is LiuDi on the west sideof the garden. On the southwest corner of the pavilion, there is a smallhexagonal pavilion built according to the lake, named Wanghu Pavilion. Visitorscan see Lihu lake and Shitang peaks. In the house of Wanghu Pavilion, there are12 pieces of wood, on which 60 colorful Phoenix are carved. Each Phoenix is ledby a dragon. The dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious and lifelike. In thenorth of Siji Pavilion is the famous "Qianbu corridor", which is about 300meters long. The leaky windows on the corridor wall are made of tiles. On the 89flower windows, the patterns are different, which is very negative to the charmof Jiangnan gardens. Su Shi, minanggong and Wang Yangming, writers of SongDynasty, and calligrapher of Ming Dynasty, all have stone inscriptions fortourists to enjoy.

Liyuan is the most scenic spot in Lihu Lake scenic area. When visitorsvisit the lake scenery, they all stop here to enjoy the scenery. The long willowdike, the long corridor near the water, the delicate bridge, the gorgeousPavilion, and what a picture of "overlapping waves, snow waves and smokegreen"!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 830 字

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鼋头渚位于无锡西南郊的太湖之滨,距离市区约18公里。渚是指三面临水的小陆地,因为它状如鼋头而叫鼋头渚。它可以说是独占太湖最美的一角,向南望,太湖有着青岛海滨的气概;向北望太湖又有着杭州西湖的明媚风光。在这一片真山真水的自然景色中辅之以别具匠心的人工点缀,使之成为观赏太湖最为理想的游览胜地。难怪诗人郭沫若畅游太湖之后,作出了“太湖佳绝处,毕竟在鼋头”的评价。鼋头渚以其“山不高而秀雅,水不深而辽阔”的无边风月,以及早中晚、晴阴雨景致各异的神奇变幻和春花秋月、夏荷冬雪的四时之景吸引着历代文人墨客和无数中外游人 。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 857 字

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太湖仙岛位于鼋头渚西南2.6公里的湖中"三山"之上,形如神龟,俗称"乌龟山"。岛上林木繁茂,琼楼玉宇,瑶池灵洞掩映其间,建有仙岛牌坊、会仙桥、月老洞、天都仙府、天街、太乙天坛、灵宵宫、大觉湾、仙佛洞等景点,加上灵猴戏耍,是一处融中华传统历史文化于秀美山水的特色景观。游人置身岛上 ,听古乐,赏胜景处处,大有登临"蓬莱仙境",飘飘欲仙之感。









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无锡的旅游资源更是得天独厚,这里有被誉为“太湖佳绝处”的鼋头渚、“江南第一山”的惠山;还有因范蠡而得名的蠡园;江南著名赏梅胜地梅园和著名的“园中园”寄畅园等。也有近几年新建的“唐城”、“三国城”、“水游城”等影视拍摄基地。这些景观,使游客们在观赏大湖山水秀色的同时,又领略了中国古典名著中波澜壮阔的历史画面。 您正浏览的文章由第一'范文网www.diYifanwen.com整理,版权归原作者、原出处所有。




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洗心池 佛足坛















