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地势和气候:广州地势东北高、西南低, 依山傍水, 北部和东北部是山区, 南部是珠江三角洲冲积平原。亚热带季风气候, 夏无酷暑, 冬无严寒, 雨量充沛,四季如春, 繁花似锦。20_年,各区(县级市)的平均年降水量在1800多毫米之间,呈东多西少分布格局,年平均气温在21.5~22.2℃之间。


全市水域面积7.44万公顷,占全市土地面积的10%,主要河流有北江、东江北干流及增江、流溪河、白坭河、珠江广州河段、市桥水道、沙湾水道等。广州市大小河流(涌)众多,集雨面积在100平方公里以上的河流共有22条,老八区主要河涌有231条、总长913公里,构成了独特的岭南水乡文化特色。从化一带有丰富的地下温泉,水温摄氏50℃-70℃, 含有丰富的矿物质。粮食作物以优质籼稻为主, 一年两熟。经济作物以蔬菜、水果、花卉等为主。广州是“水果之乡”,主要产荔枝、龙眼、香蕉、菠萝、木瓜、杨桃等。广州的花卉和盆景远近驰名, 以阴生观叶植物、高档盆花、鲜切花、岭南盆景为主。阴生观叶植物占全国市场一半以上,红掌、蝴蝶兰、一品红等盆景已成为全国性的生产基地, 盆景远销欧美等海外市场。

广州山青水秀, 风光旖旎, 旅游资源丰富, 旅游景点100多处,其中以20_年5月18日新入选的羊城新八景(塔耀新城、珠水流光、云山叠翠、越秀风华、古祠流芳、荔湾胜境、科城锦绣、湿地唱晚)等景点最负盛名。20_年,广州旅游业克服全球金融危机带来的影响,全年全市接待游客1.18亿人次,比上年增长6.30%。

(四) 悠久历史

广州是一座有2200多年悠久历史的文化名城。早在公元前九世纪的周代, 这里的“百越”人和长江中游的楚国人已有来往, 建有“楚庭”,这是广州最早的名称。秦始皇33年(公元前220_年)统一岭南后建南海郡(郡治设在“番禺”, 即今天的广州)。公元220_年, 孙权为便于统治,将交州分为交州和广州两部分, “广州”由此得名。直到1920_年成立市政厅, 才特指广州这座城市。

广州又称“羊城”。相传周朝时, 南海飘来五朵彩色祥云, 五仙人骑着五只羊, 各携带一串谷穗降临此处, 赠谷穗给居民, 祝福此地五谷丰登、永无饥荒,留下五羊化为石头。今越秀公园建有以此传说为题材的“五羊石像”。

广州秦汉时就是繁荣都会, 汉唐以来是海上“丝绸之路”的始发港, 也是中国最早对外的通商口岸。

广州是中国近代和现代革命的策源地。著名的三元里人民抗英斗争、黄花岗起义、广州起义均发生在广州。孙中山在广州创办了黄埔军校,曾经三次建立了政权。_在这里创办的农民运动讲习所, 培养了大批革命骨干力量。张太雷、叶挺、叶剑英等在这里领导了轰轰烈烈的广州起义,并建立了广州苏维埃政权“广州公社”。鲁迅、郭沫若、郁达夫等也曾来广州传播先进文化。

广州的文物古迹众多。现有国家、省、市三级文物保护单位共219个, 其中全国重点文物保护单位19个, 省级文物保护单位41个,市级文物保护单位159个。中山四路一带先后发现了秦汉造船遗址和南越国宫署遗址, 其中南越国宫署遗址两次被评为“全国十大考古新发现”。目前,南越国宫署遗址、南越王墓、南越国水闸遗址等三处南越国史迹正联合申报联合国世界文化遗产。

(五) 文化习俗

广州是岭南文化的中心地。粤剧是广州地区最有代表性的地方剧, 享有“南国红豆”的盛誉。流行于粤、港、澳和东南亚等地区。广东音乐源于广州和珠江三角洲,吸纳了中原古乐、江南小调和昆曲等的精华, 与本地民歌、民谣相结合而成。岭南画派是现代中国画派之一。广雕、广彩、广绣驰名中外。粤菜是中国一大菜系, 菜谱上千种,“食在广州”闻名天下。

广州的民间习俗很多, 有迎春花市、龙舟竞渡,、重阳登高、摆年橘、饮早茶等。

广州佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教、_五大宗教俱全, 主要活动场所有六榕寺、三元宫、怀圣寺、石室天主堂、东山堂等。

(六) 华侨之乡

广州是全国著名的侨乡, 华侨人数居全国大城市之首。据统计, 海外华侨华人106.08万人, 分布在世界130多个国家和地区, 港澳同胞87.72万人,归侨、侨眷、港澳眷属156.87万人。广州市从1986年开始, 分12批共授予373人“广州市荣誉市民”称号, 以表彰他们对广州作出的贡献。



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丰都鬼城丰都鬼城位于四川盆地东南边缘,地处长江上游。是七里的故乡。它是一 座依山面水的古城,春秋时称“巴子别都”,它是从重庆顺游长江三峡的第一个旅游景区。传说这里是人死后灵魂归宿的地方。“鬼城”丰都,名山上古木参天,寺庙林立,在庞大的阴曹地府里仙道释儒,诸神众鬼盘踞各庙,等级森严,各司其职并以苛刑峻法统治着传说中的幽灵世界。






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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4485 字

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Beidaihe - A Must for Birds Watchers

Set on the coast some 280 km east of Beijing, the seaside holiday resort of Beidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place to recuperate after illness, but also as one of the best places in the world to see migratory birds.

Chinas Yanshan Mountain Range winds its way thousands of miles from the west to the eastern seaboard. It sends a number of waterways like the Henghe, Daihe, Yanghe and Luanhe rivers down to the Bohai Sea at Beidaihe. They create a vast area of wetlands, mud-banks, and lagoons with rich feeding and good places for birds to rest. Here migratory routes come together like great seasonal rivers of birds linking northeast Asia with south China, Indo-China, Australia and even far off east Africa.

Nature has richly endowed Beidaihe with bird species and of the 1,198 found in China, 416 have been recorded at Beidaihe. This is a part of the world that plays host to eighteen species of gulls, three of swans, and six of cranes.

Xu Weishu, vice director of the China Ornithological Society tells of the time when as many as 2,729 oriental white storks were recorded in Beidaihe, doubling the previous world record.

Look into the skies of Beidaihe in the first ten days of November every year and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crowned cranes and white cranes.

The year from May 1999 to May 20xx saw ten new bird species added to the list for Beidaihe.

Back in the 1940s Danish scientist, Axel Hemmingsen, published a report saying that he had seen large numbers of cranes at Beidaihe, but no one followed up on this at the time. Then in 1985 guided by Hemmingsens report, British ornithologist Doctor Martin Williams first came to Beidaihe. With the help of an official from the Beidaihe tourism authority, Dr Williams visited Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County. What he discovered there was far beyond his expectations and he found many new kinds of birds. Since then, accompanied by his Chinese counterpart, Xu Weishu, he has brought many overseas professionals together in Beidaihe every year to enjoy watching the birds and carry out research.

Since the first two parties of Chinese bird enthusiasts visited Beidaihe in 1999, more and more domestic visitors have joined bird watching groups going there on vacation.

Beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 1893. It was then that a British engineer helping build a railway line recognized that with its low hills, beaches and sea breezes, the headland was an ideal place to go to escape the summer heat of the interior. On his recommendation, the first holidaymakers arrived. Beidaihe, until then a poor fishing village, quickly became popular with diplomats, merchants, missionaries, and well off Chinese.

Meanwhile the birds are regular visitors here too. Flocks of gulls are easily spotted. What might not be so easy is to be able to distinguish among the bewildering variety in the skies over Beidaihe. Many different birds pass through here as the seasons come and go and every year still sees fresh species spotted. It is a magnificent sight to see the occasional flock of large cranes pass by or to watch the birds of prey, however the larger birds have been decreasing in number.

Round the calendar

The period spanning the last ten days of April through the last ten days of May is the best season for bird watching. This is when you can see the greatest number and variety of birds in Beidaihe.

Then the period from the last ten days of August through September is the time for the medium and small wading birds to pass through.

October brings another peak season as many birds pass through the area, going south for the winter.

As the colder weather comes in with the first ten days of November, flocks of cranes will be making their way south. They will come north again the following March.

The best spots

For waterfowl and songbirds, try Chitu Hill, Lianfeng Hill and the hilltops in Geziwo Park or the many well-wooded courtyards in Beidaihe District.

· For swimming and wading birds, Daihe, Yanghe and Dapu rivers should not disappoint.

· Visit Jiaoshan Mountain to enjoy watching birds of prey and songbirds.

· Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County is well worth an extended visit of a few days duration.

During the course of a typical 12-day visit, you might expect to see 200 different kinds of birds. Beidaihe China International Travel Service arranges specialist tours for bird enthusiasts. Their office number is 086-335-4033598.



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西园——走过这条弄我们就来到了又一个景点---西园。西园系明代朱氏私邸,园内有树木、花草、假山、亭池,是当时镇上风景幽美之处,也是目前西塘古镇最大保存最完好的一座私家园林。大家进门发现这里的门槛特别高,俗话说“宰相门槛高三尺”,这也印证了此园主人地位确实比较高。进入门厅,迎面是一个“照壁”,一方面说明了江南人家“财不外露”的秉性,另一方面,我们可以看见,照壁上面的图案,四个角上画的是四只蝙蝠,在古代,蝙蝠的“蝠”与福气的“福”字同音,寓意“四季有福气”;照壁中间是一个“寿”字,整副照壁的寓意即是“福寿双全”。民国初,园内设茶室、供人游览,当时吴江诗人柳亚子创办的第一个爱国诗社——南社,西塘就有17人参加。民国九年(1920xx年)柳亚子邀友南来西塘与镇上的南社社友在园内吟诗欢歌,鼓吹革命,并摄影留念,一时传为佳话。建国后该园一度失修废弃,1993年,西园重建,辟为一公园。1997年,当地政府为纪念当年南社爱国壮举,重修西园,并陈列南社有关史料,以供瞻仰。西园系明代朱氏私邸,为江南大户人家建筑,园内有亭台楼阁、假山鱼池,是当时镇上风景幽美之处。民国9年春,吴江柳亚子偕同陈巢南来西塘,与镇上文友余十眉、蔡韶声、陈觉殊等在该园吟叙合影, 仿北宋李公麟所画表现苏东坡、米芾、黄庭坚等人雅集的《雅集图》,将照片取名为《西园雅集第二图》。现在园内有“朱念慈扇面书法艺术馆”、“百印馆”、“南社陈列室”等展厅。“朱念慈扇面书法艺术馆”展出了国家级工艺美术大师朱念慈先生的精品扇面一百余件,朱念慈是我国现代扇面真金书法艺术的杰出代表人物之一,1920xx年出生,浙江嘉善人,祖居西塘,曾任中国美术学会高级会员,浙江工艺美术学会顾问。一生致力于书法艺术,并首创真金微楷万字扇,功绩卓著,技艺超群。 “百印馆”里陈列着由杭州西泠印社组织的国内外百名篆刻家篆刻的一百枚反映西塘风情风貌的印章,印花和边款。这百枚印章表现的是西塘百景。其中有原“平川十景”(明代镇人周鼎所作的十首诗)、“平川新十景”、西塘八景、西塘的古厅堂、砖雕门楼、桥弄河街、西塘的老字号和民间艺术等。“环秀断虹”“烟雨长廊”“送子来凤”这些原本就已经相当动人的名字 ,被凝固在方寸之间,平添了几分气质,给西塘以另外的一种韵味。以提倡民族气节,推翻封建的清王朝,建立民主共和政体为志的南社,是在孙中山领导的中国同盟会革命浪潮汹涌澎湃的激荡下,于1990年11月在苏州秘密成立的。南社的主要发起人为陈去病、高旭、柳亚子。参加第一次会议的17名社员中,有14人为同盟会会员,由此可见其革命气氛的浓厚了。南社是一个革命团体,它主要是以文字鼓吹反清革命,与同盟会互相呼应,成犄角之势。一时京、沪、苏、浙、湘甚至南洋等地不少报纸,都为南社社员所掌握。“欲凭文字播风雷”(柳亚子语),为反清民族民主革命大造声势。在西塘参加南社的社员有十八人之多。其中有余十眉、李熙谋、郁左梅、沈禹钟、江雪塍等。他们留下的诗词文章,指点江山,评说时政,是当时小镇文人倾向革命的真实写照。柳亚子南下广州以后,逐渐远离西塘诸友,南社在大革命的浪潮中也四分五裂。但西塘的一班社友又组织成立了胥社,由江雪塍出任社长,宗旨不变、人员不变,可以说是南社在西塘的延伸组织,他们的诗文绝大多数都保留了下来。



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Kunming lake is located in the Summer Palace in Beijing, its area is aboutthree-quarters of the total area. Former northwest Beijing many springs convergeinto natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake.

Kunming lake, a former northwest Beijing many springs converge into naturallakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Due to thelongevity hill after the predecessor has the name of urn hill, also known as urnhill parking. Kunming lake is a natural, artificial lake. Here is the originalxishan hill arch fans, former reason springs to assemble a lowland swamp.

In 1153 AD, after gold yanjing (as) in its capital, gold master yan honglight out the chicken water land, built in the jinshan palace. More from thewest to the aim of yuquan hill spring note at the foot of the jinshan, make itbecome a plain, storage called the golden stream. This is the precursor of thekunming lake today. To the yuan dynasty, to increase the golden stream of waterwill be needed to supply the Kyoto grain transportation, water conservancy, guoshoujin guided ChangPing County white water from springs and yuquan hill intothe mooring floating village. Jinshan was renamed urn hill, lake was renamed urnhill berth, the surface than had previously been expanded. In the Ming dynasty,white village water channel (white floating weir) disrepair, the water dried up,urn hill parking area is narrow. Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty carveddeep to expand mooring and urn hill, become larger than when Ming dynasty triplegiant leaching, the beginning of the kunming lake.

This name, is the emperor that is applied in the qianlong emperor inchangan capital kunming pool practicing wenhuan allusions. The name used today.After the yuan dynasty Beijing its capital for grain transportation, presidedover by the water conservancy experts guo shoujin, upstream water development,changping along the mountain spring water and running water into the lake,became mostly in the city of grain transportation by using the reservoir. Manyplanting lotus in the lake in the Ming dynasty, around the paddy planting rice,lake have temples, pavilions, wins again, like the jiangnan scenery, hence thereare "west lake", "west lake scenery" of reputation.

MingWu of land god, Ming has been on a boat to go fishing for fun here.Qing qianlong built qingyi garden, the lake will develop, become the size of thenow, and take the emperor in changan kunming digging pool exercises war story,named kunming lake, on the lake every summer training exercise. Kunming lake onthe main subject is west dike and six bridge, east dike, the west embankment inthe south lake island, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which and so on. Flowaround the longevity hill river at the foot of the mountain, known as thelake.


Appropriate county village of Venus, if there are mountain shape lie lion,said fu lion mountain. Five mountains rise steeply, rock mountains toweringmountain. Rock under clear spring flowing day and night, good water quality, andlarge flow. Water xiushan jung, bamboo forest, beautiful YaJing. Because of thelandscape, also known as yanquan mountain. "The monk of the ancient mountains".Yuan to early is (about 1341) monk panlong father to name, "MAO as the temples,carry forward the catch. Edge, full followers build patriarch temple consecrateand handed down. After the monks found here is "land", among them. Yanquanancient concurrently in a way together in the release, and temples.

The XFX years (1450 ~ 1450), mu fu man Zhu Fuhai beginning, monks and widebetween wanli rebuilt. It is advisable to have said "yanquan wash jade", one ofthe eight sights "good". Kangxi 26 years (1687 years), city Gao Shilang,teachings to work is glad to invite scholars city investment management, build apavilion pavilion, built half moon pool. Yanquan has since become somethingnatural and cultural landscape are all places of interest. Salty, with BingXianDianGe damaged. In 1915, the magistrate of a county Qian Liangjun rebuiltpavilions, "half ShanTing". In 1929, city yun-xiang ma, raised mother fightspavilion, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion the cool new pavilion, wide plantflowers and trees, and mass of cliff stone carvings. Temples look brand-new,into the most prosperous period. In 1940, the Japanese bombing of kunming, thedisabled in hospital, scenery to avoid damage.

Published in July 1987, moya carved stone county, it is advisable to goodkey cultural relics protection units. In February 1993, the county governmentapproval, yanquan office allot the ownership of the temple of Venus. In recentyears, the office on a large scale comprehensive reconstruction. New Ursa major,the great hall, temple, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion, the gate, swimmingpool, etc., and wide planting flowers and trees, lawns, and roads, adding stonetable bench, making yanquan changes today than yesterday. In April 1999, kunmingexpo garden gave nameboards headquarters and tourism bureau of yunnan provincetourism fixed-point units, for the expo.

20_, yanquan temple management committee carved stone steles commemorativetee: "professor mu book place", "Yuan Jiagu tea place", "hidden pavilion site".Modern three historical facts recorded yanquan temple, very creative, greatlyimproving the yanquan temple culture grade.


Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunmingmingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resortsto create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) movedtongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years(1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing buildingdouble-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, isChinas largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirageof the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy isthe largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs totaihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roofflying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues,curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc werebronze.

Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has morethan 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built duringMing wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within theterritory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a littlechange. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mus evil, court repeatedly beingdisciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, andto seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of thecity, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can gwood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet ofwestern yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning ofthe qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years,were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc.

From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng","first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visibleancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres ofcastle peak, zhu LouYing, dont drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the templegate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about severalzhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", rightagainst the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture,famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower,the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, castby 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnanslargest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain inhubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper buildinghoused a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridgeswater, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each otheroff, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanicalgarden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden,magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20_ kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape,natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to thenortheast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronzecasting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, sopeople called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China.

Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui afterpeasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction ofmirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build"the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors andWindows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, thesteps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. Thewhole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls,gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thickfolded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle,legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the SpringFestival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus asfire.


Kunming lake dianchi lake for short, is located in the southwest of yunnankunming, around 300 square kilometers, in more than 1800 meters above sea level,even your depth of 5 meters. Pool of the surrounding mountains, acquainting,famous countless, wide, green lake, excellent scenery. As a result, was regardedas one of the jewels in the yunnan-guizhou plateau. The formation of the dianchilake is located in the bottom because the fall of faults, forming lakes. Heavenear the mountains, endless miles. Underground cave not counted, liaoning benxiwater tunnel and devoted WangTianDong, shenyang Tibetan army hole and itscontrast, like a snail and elephants. Composition nets

Magnificent grand view pavilion, in the lake. Chinas most famoushistorical records a coupon from the long, recommended by chairman MAO. Thewestern hills near the risks and magnificent, haigeng sports park, zheng hepark, famous in the world, nie ers tomb, let a person respect, stone mountainvillage, white fish mouth, kuanyinshan magnificent appearance, the prosperity ofancient tomb complex sites let person fancy here.

, looking up, lakes and mountains, loud and clear, that look very cool. Whynapa lake, breeding and growing fast. Years, built roads and tourism, touristsas a cloud. Brigitte chicken mountains and golden horse very image, between theshores of lake shi, tree forest. A and a looming temple, especially yan templemonks chanting loud voice to the morning bell and evening drum reminders,echoing in the mountains, is a beautiful picture.

Many mainland minorities, such as bai, dai, SaNiZu, fine clothes. Standbefore is not expensive ethnic handicrafts, such as batik dress and jewelry.Many flavor snack, I just dont back to the assembly meeting to eat lunch anddinner, as some are full.

Yang Dian scholars in Ming dynasty there are poems said: climate is oftenas one, 4 flowers on spring. Is singing the weather and beautiful scenery here,seems to be added to travel a vacancy.


Huating temple, formerly known as great circle sleep temple, the yuandynasty to treat three years (1323) XuanFeng monk is adding site of gause villa,the Dali kingdom period tomorrow shun six years (1462), temple monk sheng hostrebuilt, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor kangxi (1688) rebuiltafter the expansion of the name huating temple.

Virtual cloud presided over the old monk rebuilt in 1920, called "by thecloud of Buddha, the most jinzhou.would in kunming area. 1984 to carry out thepartys religious policy, huating temple on the first temple, open wide bycourtesy of the merits of good people, to reconstruct the scripture-stored,overhaul hall, the newly built five hundred arhat hall, repair of culturalrelics and ancient and modern famous inscriptions, increase the moderncalligraphy couplet, fully protect the famous buddhist temple.

Huating temple complete structure, layout, exactly, imposing manner isthick, the study of religious culture and ancient architectural art hasimportant value. Main building are: Ursa major, the scripture-stored tower, theclock tower, the abbot, meditation room, ancestors hall, monastery, guest room,bell and drum tower, and the sea will tower, etc. A rectangular plane layout, inthe buddhist architecture of axisymmetric, closed courtyard type. Have thatplastic Ursa iii golden body of Buddha, the south China sea guanyin and fivehundred arhats, great plastic maitreya, four major Kings, fire, water, and twotransformers and bodhisattva wei tuo, the scripture-stored consecrate Buddhawhite marble statue. Temple treasures have: yuan tai (1324) of the first year ofSanskrit mantra stone statue of sheng tuo Ronnie after building, tomorrow theYang Ming dynasty the imperial tablet, number one scholar of the couplet "holdwest monohydrate, with or without haze, column outside the monk to be diffusedrod; peaks toward you, sunny rain shade, lean on a bar person" in the drawing,and other precious historical relics.

Too hua temple years of vicissitudes of life after seven hundred years ofwind and rain BingXian, Ming and qing dynasties expansion and repair for manytimes, but the rule is still keeping the yuan dynasty architectural style.Summer temple east west, scale, layout rigorous, five mixture patio, circusturrets, showed more traditional wear bucket structure, temple pavilion,pavilion, gallery, ChiHuiCheng, quiet quiet.



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"Je t aime, Paris!" Paris, prehistoric burial at sea level under the land, in the city of more than 20xx years later, the name will not let anyone strange. Huadu, the world famous historical and cultural city known as the city of light, romantic, fashion, food of all... Maybe you just want to go to the avenue montaigne likes shopping, maybe just want to take a walk to the river Seine, maybe you just want to go to Michelin restaurant taste French dinner, on the left bank may just want to drink coffee, maybe you just want to go to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa smile... Maybe the earth only Paris can satisfy everyones expectations.

Paris from the earliest channel island, on the left bank to the river Seine is divided into the right bank, after several expansion, Paris now has "small Paris" and "greater"; Refers to the small Paris is divided into 20 downtown district of Paris, the French population "Paris" and indicated in the address of "Paris" generally refers to the Paris city, zip code for the 750 , most of the attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame DE Paris located in Paris, attractions relatively concentrated, so walking is a good choice. The greater is the small plus around Paris suburb of seven provinces of Ile DE - France (French island district), there are many worthy to place, such as the palace of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Disneyland, etc.

Once backpackers in Opera (Opera house), with the gradual rise of land price in Paris, has various levels of tourists all over Paris any corner of the left bank and Montmartre became to be bestowed favor on newly. Developed and convenient public transport is the first choice for travel, ride a bike or walk is also a good idea. In an urban area, drive is definitely not a good choice, the Paris government environmental protection very discouraged road trip to Paris.



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Dear friends hello! I am a tour guide. Today we are going to mount emei scenic area is world-famous. On the emei mountain there is a legend: once upon a time, Simon, the emei county go there is a temple. One year, to a white-haired old painter, the painter and a temple monk friendship is very good. Later, the old painter with monk said goodbye, when he left to the monk four picture, and asked the monk to put this four picture in the box, live forty-nine days to hang out. Monk felt so good picture on the box its too bad, so he put the four picture to hang up.

Come back in one day, he went out and saw the four girls, feel very familiar. Hou to found the girl is the painting on the wall. He immediately went to chase, run faster because my sisters, he caught only four sisters. Four sisters hide away, he began to cry out: "elder sister, two elder sister, three elder sister, come and save me!" Three sisters see four sister dogged by monks, scolds: "this monk dont be shy!" Four sisters because every far, only to hear "dont be shy" three words, thought that my sisters in scold her, blushing shame, shame, immediately into a mountain. Monk suddenly missing girl, but there was a mountain before, I thought, you become a mountain I would waiting beside you, cant let you anyway.

Three sisters see four younger sister into a mountain, also become three mountain and waiting for her. Later, beside the mountain monks death, into a porcelain lohan, still keep the mountain. People built a temple there, is called "porcelain buddhist temple". Four sisters into four peaks, a more than a beauty. Then they take slices "moths" rewrite into mountain "I" word. Elder sister is called big asan, two elder sister is called two asan, three elder sister is three asan, four younger sister is called four asan. So far, the big asan asan, two and three asan, standing still, only four asan across a distance. Emei mountain scenery beautiful. How many visitors letters, they make poetry article, whereabouts, found them all, the number is not clear. The tang dynasty poet Li Baishi yue: "shu town, I putuoshan following difficult." ; Ming dynasty poet Zhou Hongmo shout: "three I show of guilin, why Marine penglai found."

Contemporary writer guo moruo emeishan for book "the world famous mountains"; Mount emei is also known as the "emei world show" of reputation. Through the ages, mount emei is proving worship, sightseeing, scientific research, leisure spa resort. Mount emei is one thousand years, incense exuberant, tourist flow, eternal charm. Tourists, emei mountain has arrived, please take to bring something, well set out tourism. During the visit, please do not spitting, littering, to protect the environment and mount emei wonderland.



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好,各位朋友,现在我们就来到了三峡中的最后一峡——西陵峡,它西起秭归的香溪口,东至宜昌市的南津关,是三峡中最长的一个峡,全长66公里,曾经的西陵峡以滩多水急著称,自古三峡船夫世世代代在此与险滩激流相搏。“西陵峡中行节稠,滩滩都是鬼见愁”。 而现在,这样的情况已成为历史,随着葛洲坝工程的建成蓄水,水位上升,险滩礁石永睡于江底,加上解放后的航道整治,西陵峡中滩多水急的奇观、船夫搏流的壮景不复见了。今天西陵峡的大部分已经成为葛洲坝平湖库区,船行驶在西陵峡中也感觉是那样的平稳和舒适,我们沿途可欣赏博大恢弘的三峡工程及西陵峡两岸的美妙景色。




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good afternoon! ladies and gentlemen! today, with such great joy, on behalf of anhui travel agency. i’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the pacific. please allow me to introduce myself. my name is li xin and i work for anhui travel agency .during your short stay in huangshan, i’ll be your local guide. it’s my honor to be of your service. if you have any request, go ahead! i’ll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!

now, i want to say something about your itinerary. you will be here for about 3 days. during these days, you’ll enjoy not only the beautiful scenery of huangshan mountain, but also the ancient huizhou-culture!

first, we’ll visit the most beautiful scenery—mt.huangshan.

ok, we’re heading for the main gate of huangshan. it’s about 1.5 hour’s bus ride. on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and i’d like to give you a brief introduction about mt.huangshan.

huangshan is probably the most notable mountain in china. it’s located in the south of anhui province, and the main scenic area covers 154 square kilometers. mt.huangshan is well-known not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site in 1990, and also listed as a world geological garden in , which is unique in china!

in ancient times, mt.huangshan known as mt.yishan because the mountain is formed by granite which looks black and grey, and yi in old chinese means “black”, hence the name. but it renamed mt.huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huangdi, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

wu yue is the collective name given to china’s most important mountains which we can also call them the five holy mountains. it’s said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing the five holy mountains but you won’t wish to see even the five holy mountains after returning from mt.huangshan. this saying which said by xuxiake, a famous traveler over 400 years ago may give us some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of mt.huangshan.

now, after my introduction, are you expecting to feel the graceful bearing! be patient! there’s only half an hour before we arriving. let’s continue.

within so large area, there is a crowd of peaks, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble. lotus, brightness top and celestial capital are the three major ones, all rising above 1,800 meters above sea level. and it’s well-known for its four wonders, ( i think some of you know some about it, who knows?) yeah, they are the oddly-shaped pine trees., fantastic rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. now, people also add to the winter snow as the fifth wonder. here i will not introduce one by one and soon you’ll enjoy with your own eyes. mt.huangshan changes its color and appearance with the alternation of seasons, now it’s winter, and we will keep ourselves into a crystal world of frost and ice with sliver boughs and rocks everywhere. don’t be excited, everybody! as a matter of fact there are marvels almost everywhere, especially in the following scenic areas. hot spring, jade screen tower, west sea, north sea, cloud valley temple and pine valley nunnery.

eyes front! ladies and gentlemen, the colorful archway across the street is the main gate of huangshan. we’ll go directly to the north sea scenic area, which is the most important scenic area! so never miss it!

ok, here we are, seeing is believing, let’s get off the bus and bring your camera.

the first sight that comes to us is yungu temple, here we’ll take yungu cable-car to white goose bridge. it’s about ten minutes. oh, come on, then follow me, walk downstairs to start-to-believe peak. along the way we can see several famous huangshan pines: black tiger pine, couple pine, dragon’s claw pine and so on. now, before we climb to the top of peak start-to-believe, for a breathtaking outlook, that is bamboo-shoot peak. do you see? you surely can take a picture.

en, next destination after start-to-believe is peak lion, let’s go! it’s shaped like a sleeping lion from a point of view in north sea hotel. ok, here is dawn-light pavilion, you can see a group of interesting rocks: you see two in the middle resembling two celestials playing chess, on the left is a man in packback, and on the right is a onlooker—a chinese ancient official who watch play. you can see carefully and do you think so? then we’ll reach a refreshing terrace, and you can view a fan—shaped pine cling to the cliff beneath the terrace a nice crowd of pines, a column of stone looking like a person with a big pen, peak rooster and peak rise surrounding you.

arriving at the destination—on the top of lion peak, you can see a rock like a monkey on the flat top of another hill. it’s a very famous rock: a monkey gazing at the sea when there is a sea of clouds.

i expect that after such a long visit you’d like a good rest, and here are the optimum places to see the sunrise. so now we can go back to the north sea hotel to have a rest.

tomorrow we’ll visit brightness top, lotus peak which is the highest peak in huangshan mountain, and the most famous spot—guest-greeting pine, and which is also the sign of huangshan.

ok, ladies and gentlemen, now our itinerary is all finished. first of all, on behalf of my company, my chinese colleagues and myself, i’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your consideration, understanding, tolerance and cooperation.

a few days ago, we met as total strangers, but today, you leave as my friends. i’ve tried my best to satisfy your needs and explained to you what i know about huangshan mountain. however, there are probably still some unfulfilled requests. i hope you’ll leave your comments and suggestion so that we can better our service in the future.

i look forward to seeing you again soon. at last, i bless you in a chinese words:”一路顺风”! a pleasant journey!



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峨眉山是我国的四大佛教名山之一,位于四川中南部,她高出五岳,秀甲天下。在我国的游览名山中,峨眉山可以说是最高的一个,最高峰万佛顶海拔3099米。山体南北方向延伸,绵延23公里,面积115平方公里。长久以来,峨眉山以其秀丽的自然风光和神话般的佛教胜迹而闻名于世。她古雅神奇,巍峨媚丽。其山脉绵亘曲折、千岩万壑、瀑布溪流、奇秀清... 峨眉山不仅以秀丽的景色名扬四海,更以她那日出、云海、佛光、圣灯等使峨眉山久盛不衰.
