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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3879 字

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17 km southeast of qianshan mountain is located in anshan city, liaoning province, with a total area of 44 square kilometers, known as "the pearl of the northeast", for the national key scenic spot. He the bohai sea in the south, the north changbai, peaks, pull all wat, with peak valley show, stone cliffs, deep and remote, temple, Buddha is high, the pine is known, the number of flowers, with attractions intensive, walking king vary, exquisitely carved. Qianshan mountain changbai mountain branch, main peak is 708.3 meters tall, with a total area of 72 square kilometers. Mountain peaks, a total of 999 seats, the number of nearly thousand, so the name "qianshan mountain", also known as "product green mountain", "qian hua shan", "qian mountain", "thousand flower lotus", qianshan mountain "no peak is not strange, no stone is not impressive, no not the ancient temple, nowhere not deep and remote". Through the ages, has been attracting many tourist scenic spot in the world.

Qianshan mountain to mountain, YanSong, temple, pear flower of four big landscape. According to the natural topography is divided into northern, central, southern and western four scenic area. Including 20 small, scenic spots and 228 attractions, wind distribution within several valleys. Beautiful scenery, four seasons, is a concentration of temples, gardens Yu Yishan scenic resort. Midsummer season, the climate here is very cool, particularly pure and fresh air, to the mountains for the summer holiday is absolutely a wise choice for you.

Qianshan mountain, all the year round shapes: spring flowers over a mountain valley full of our lives; Summer heavy mountain jade green, lush; Fall overflow hill, the red sunset flying; In winter, snow mountains, xuelang constantly. Something beautiful all the year round, attract visitors to linger. Qianshan mountain not only attract tourists with its beautiful charm, more suitable for obsessed with natural scenery, loose blue yan photographer work all year round. May the qianshan mountain, pear flower blooming everywhere, pale green, flowers came refreshing. June early summer qianshan mountain, song tao, leaf shadows, like waltz on the green, give a person the sense with a harmonious and beautiful. Golden autumn in October, under the blue sky white clouds, ma everywhere golden yellow, the whole dye cream maple leaves, photography is gather the golden season of harvest. In December of qianshan mountain snow mountains are everywhere. In the wind and snow, more tall and straight pine, particularly rolling mountain. A rare cold grandeur, can make more beautiful photography creation.

Qianshan mountain, is the natural landscape and human landscape of perfect and unified, and religious culture is the main part of the qianshan mountain humanities landscape. "Over the hill had Jin Zhongxiang, into the temple WenYu furnace first". Qianshan mountain have a temple, view, palace, temple, temples, such as more than 20, as each flash of gems, set in the valley, mountain peaks show to make ancient qianshan mountain more attractive. Some of these ancient and majestic temples, towering over high mountains; Some nestled in the mountains; Some is located on the plain field; Some hidden in the Yin of the ancient pine trees and spectacular, and natural scenery foil each other, together, constitute a beautiful and elegant, quiet and moving picture. As town in qing imperial house high plug frenzy at the beginning of the qing dynasty as described in the poem: "the blessed one yu zhongtian, incense rock crystal spring tea. Xu qing xiao Lou, deep and remote lives still singing cicadas. Must lead screw peak green, loose of top like cigarettes. Temple peak as the screen, mountain temple to show." In addition to the temple, there are countless holes, towers, pavilions, tablet and qianshan mountain is an important part of the human landscape.



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有这样一个故事:当年孝庄太后年老病重之时,极其爱戴她的皇孙——康熙帝,心情极其郁闷。他让侍女苏麻喇姑准备好纸笔,大笔一挥,写了一个 “福”字。写完之后,玄烨和苏麻喇姑看着那个“福”字惊呆了——那个字苍劲有力,十分潇洒。细一看,竟看见了多个词组:多田,多子,多才,多寿……这不就是皇祖母的心愿吗?康熙帝越看越满意,便命人把这个“福”字拓在一块巨石上。结果,久病多时的太皇太后很快康复了!康熙帝大喜,决定将这块饱含吉祥福瑞气息的巨石代代相传,让爱新觉罗家族世代昌盛。





乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海,背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三,太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆皇帝就褫夺了和珅军机大臣和九门提督两职,抄了其全家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于国库十几年的总收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法,同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则归了“爱豪宅不爱江山”的嘉庆胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。与此同时,嫁给和珅儿子的乾隆之女和孝公主,仍居住在半座宅第中。咸丰元年,即1851年,清末重要政治人物恭亲王奕?成为这所宅子的第三代主人,改名恭王府,恭王府之名由此沿用至今。 “一座恭王府,半部清朝史”是历史地理学家侯仁之对恭王府的评价。民国初年,这座王府被恭亲王的孙子溥伟以40万块大洋卖给教会,后由辅仁大学用108根金条赎回,并用作女生学堂。新中国成立以后,王府曾被公安部宿舍、风机厂、音乐学院等多家单位使用过。






























范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1817 字

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Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty

Hello, everybody! Welcome to Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty. It is the first world cultural heritage site in Nanjing.

Xiaoling Tomb is situated at the southern foot of Zijin Mountain in the east part of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is the burial place of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and his wife empress Ma. As one of the largest imperial tombs existent in China, Xiaoling became a major historic and cultural site under state protection in 1961. On July 3, 20xx, together with the 13 Ming Tombs in Beijing, it was accepted into the World Heritage List as an associated site of “the imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties”.

Ming Dynasty was the penult feudal regime in China’s history. Its founder, Zhu Yuanzhang, was often referred to as a “beggar emperor” for his miserable childhood.

Zhu was born into a poor peasant family in 1328 in Anhui Province neighboring Jiangsu. In 1344, a serious drought and plague swept the north of the Huaihe River. All his family members died in succession during the disaster. To support himself, he entered a monastery near his village to be a monk at the age of 17, but before long he was sent out to beg alms for survival until 1348. At that time, peasant uprisings against the oppression of the Yuan Dynasty broke out in many places. One of the strongest forces was the Red Tie Army, so named because every soldier wore a red tie on the neck. At the age of 24, Zhu ran away from the monastery and joined the army. There he fought bravely and showed great talent as a strategist. He was quickly promoted to be one of the leading generals and married the commander’s adopted daughter. When the commander died, he succeeded him. Under his leadership, the army became stronger. After wiping out all the other rivals



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2179 字

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The whole commentary of Zhaozhou Bridge includes three parts:

Part one: Introduction

The Zhaozhou Bridge is also known as the safe crossing bridge and the GreatStone Bridge. It crosses the Xiao River in Zhao County. It is named after thenearby Zhao County, which is known as Zhao Zhou in history.

Zhaozhou Bridge is designed and built by LiChun from 605 to 616 during theSui Dynasty, has stood the tests of earthquakes, floods and traffic for morethan 1400 years. It is the world’s oldest single-arch stone bridge still in usetoday and with the reputation as one of the Four Treasures of North China.

Part two: Creative construction.


1) It has only one main arch and this arch has a span of more than 37meters, which is a great creation in the world history.

2) The bridge has two small side arches on either of the main arch, theyserve two important functions: First, they reduce the total weight of the bridgeand save the structural materials. Second, in time of flood, they cooperate withthe main one allowing water to pass through, thus weaken the flood’s impact onthe body of the bridge itself.

3) This design also improve the general look of the bridge, contributes toits beauty, so people compared the bridge to a new moon rising above the clouds”and “a long rainbow hanging on a mountain waterfall”.

Part three: Beautiful stories and famous folk song

There are many legends about the design of this bridge.

According to one legend, the bridge was built by LuBan, who is a excellentarchitect, he managed the sheep turn into stones and built the bridge in osingle night.

In another story, the bridge was put to the test by two immortals whocrossed it at the same time. One is ZhangGuolao, he rode his lovely donkey withthe sun and moon in his bag, and the other is ChaiWangye, who crossed the bridgewith the Five Famous Mountains. LuBan was worried and saved the bridge byplunging into the water and supporting the structure.

A folk song: Xiao Fang Niu

(Ask the tourists if there is anybody would like to sing the song, theguide should teach the visitor to sing the typical and beautiful folk song,which can exert an outstanding effect on and response from the tourists)



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Everybody is good! Welcome my visit guilins mountains and water, and Im the tour guide Chen, if I have the insufficient place, then please advice!

Next, we need to see is the lijiang river, li river is a very important place in guilin, if you must go to the lijiang river in guilin. Good, we now look here, the lijiang river water has three characteristics, one is static, one is clear, one is green, the lijiang river water should be quiet let you dont feel it in the flow, can see the sand and a recently, had unexpectedly green as if it was a piece of flawless jade, my friends, maybe you have seen a spectacular sea, pet level as a mirror of the west lake, but they cannot compare with the lijiang river!

Finished watching the water, we should see the mountain. There are three characteristics in the hills of guilin, is odd, show, risk, why? Grids, each are not linked, as the old man, like a huge elephant, like a camel. Why show? Like the green barrier, like the new shoots. Why risk? Dangerous peak stand out, jagged, as if a carelessly will fall down.

What beautiful guilin! Welcome you come again next time!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 36486 字

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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a Bo state tour, I am your guide__.

We want today place, is the Bo state that has the fame of"history culturalthou city", speak of Bo state, that is small to acquaint with any furtherhowever is my place, because the Bo state brought up me, my home town in the Bostate.If sometimes, you want to taste our special feature a light repast of Bostate, you followed behind small to go.Today, take everyone to come out for thefirst time, explain in detail our Bo state, I feel matchless proud of withhappy.So these two days, your route of travel handed over to me, friends, youfollow my footprint, let lets taste the city that has heavy cultural breathingtogether!

We Bo state, be located in province the northwest of Anhui, area 8374 thesquares are thousand meters, and it have three the counties are one area, Wosun, receive city, the benefit is bitter, also have the Qiao city the area.Whatabout my house, at the Qiao city area China Tuo town.We Bo state, before just acounty city, called that it is "Bo county" to, till the time in 1998 advanced topair ground class City, the time in 20__ formally became the ground class Bostate City.Some visitors started asking me, you the Bo state establish prettyand late of, but see the building of this flank, development of can also!Yes, wealthough the Bo state establishes to only have for 11 years, can in this veryshort 11 the middle of the years, we the Bo state is it may be said thedevelopment that flies soon.Remember my childhood, street basically have no sobreadth, and best of, also just asphalt road, wayside side also just brick anone-storied house.Everyone can see the many-storied building in nowadays alreadytowering rise in this Gao, standing gracefully.The neon light of road lastmyriad shapes, this till evening, Bo the night scene of the state is equallycharming.Now, be like smooth Sus fruit, and Wall-Mart...etc. of China someinternational brands also go into in succession we Bo state.So say, we the Bostate isnt only a history cultural city, now and hereafter still a metropolisthat fly to soon develop!We Bo state the products is abundant, people of talentcoming forth successive, the historic monument spreads all over, the vegetablecontains the good reputation of "Wan north bright pearl".Companys soup inhistory once founded a capital here, Cao Wei established temporary capital here,the dollar end farmer started revolution leader Han Lin Er built up big"Sung"political power here, therefore, the Bo state was called "three dynasties thethou was all".What about it, not only is a Cao to hold China Tuo nativedistrict, on the history still many celebrities gather to reside here.Is likeChuang son, the Cao plants, Cao Pi, Tang Dynasty Min agriculture poet, Li Shen,, Zhang Liang, Hua Mulan in military history, possess a Chen Tuan that veryloudly praise etc. on the religion of Taoism history.Long history, numerouscelebrities, special geography position, not only left for the Bo state numerousfamous spots and historical remains, also accumulate Dian Bo state decorousregion special feature culture.We the Bo state more famous tourist spot has theflower drama the building, the Cao hold to transport troops the temple, river inthe way, the Cao surname clansmen last homes, China Zu An and morals ratherguild, and thou well museum...etc..Friends, we Bo state, is still the country ofmedicine material, reside four greatest medicines in the whole country all ofhead.On January 12, 1995, chairman Jiang Zeming is us Bo state epigraph:ChinaTuo native district, the country of medicine material.We Bo state not only havea historic monument, celebrity, medicine material, we still longly make wineculture.I believe that our everyone in was affirmative to all once listen to oronce drink ancient well Gong wine., If have you never drunk, that didnt alsorelate to, today small, will take you to ancient well town, take a look makingby fermentation of ancient well wine process, taste our tunnel of ancient wellGong wine.We the Bo is also creating the health tour Bo state for states lastfew years, the time in 20__, we Bo states returning be reviewed "China has thecity of happy feeling most ".Friends, only wish we of the trip of this time Bostate can wash for you mind and body of exhausted, let you also take happyfeeling to leave this city.

Friends, we just, also probably understood 1:00 we Bo state of historyculture, also knew, it was a Three Kingdoms Wei Wu Di Cao held of home town,that now, make little Lyu Dai everyone in the park of Cao surname appreciateconcerning the Cao and held with the cultural object historic monument of Caosurname household.Like, the visitors, we go to of first station be, now, havebeen already arrived, everyone pleases go into a park with me.Cao surname parkbecause have the Cao surname the clansmen last homes inside the park but get,and he and cover 300 acres of, building in order to imitate mans building, thepark is totally divided into four parts:Be in remembrance of area, emperorsmausoleum area and calm down to fix an area and entertainment zone.Be inremembrance of area with the Cao hold memorial hall for corpus, the emperorsmausoleum area is the Cao surname clansmen last homes, set up a stone tabletwood, stone tablet gallery, Yong way etc., calm down to fix area andentertainment zone mainly is be provided for visitor to stop and rest and playhappy place.Like, the visitors, we now the southern front door in Cao surnamepark, please go toward with me in walk, we visit Cao to hold memorial hall.TheCao holds to mainly display Cao to hold wax and exhibition article inside thememorial hall and reflects a thousand years great accomplishments that the Caoholds politics, military and literature.Like, the visitors, we then visit Cao tohold household last home to bury-the Cao is four, and it, be also called itBE"four", and it, it is four hillocks that the southern north arc-shapeddistributes inside the park to is a Cao surname, 8 meters of Gao Zhe Yue, lowabout 5 meters.The last homes surroundings time plants a loose cypress, in thedead of night, the breeze moves branches and leaves, the Sa Sa makes ring, as ifocean big waves, so have "four loose cypress" it to say.The precious culturalobject that the Cao surname clansmen last homes sprout has much, such as silverwisp jade dress and copper wisp jade dress and the Chinese brick engraving tohave various form of written is more than 300 etc.s, bury in these a few lasthomes that have been already discovered in, the greatest

Big be the last home of Cao Teng.Cao Teng, word the quarter is cheerful,the grandfather whom the Cao holds, sealed for the fee station Hou, holdofficial post for more than 30 years, waited on to receive four emperors,backlog a great deal of of the patrimony be afterwards made track for is Gaoemperor.The Cao Teng last home shape is a high big square mound, build to°from824 pieces of granites inside the last home, biggestly grow two meters.The roominside the last home grows 15 ? 3 meters, breadth 10 ? is 2 meters, 3 meters inheight, from Yong way, front room, empress the room, southern north ear room andthing be partial to room 7 stone houses to constitute.The door is to dub outgranite, the symmetry intaglio wears green dragon, woman without pubic hair,Vinaceous Rosefinch and Xuan on the side of door force.Horizontal sum in thestone door is a pair of layers granites, the upper level engraves 《double Fengdiagram 》 , the bottom layer engraves 《keep deer diagram 》 , or so engrave 2people, likeness monster, for the of protecting of last home host.

Like, friends, we are next to go to of place, is a Cao to hold to transporttroops a way.BE leading to destination, whether we see have one to be likesimilar pleasure ground in the park, and it, was justour Bo state to just set upa good Wei the year before last year force square.This square, arrive in theevening particularly of jollification, become 100 to sing and dance here upthousand people, train for physical fitness, amuse a mood.There are also a lotof runt sellers, all coming together of a light repast hereat, that is noisy,seem to be every day is rushing through busy streets.We the Bo state spread sucha folk song from thou:"Cao full, real Xuan, will in groups, the soldier isrepeatedly.Transport troops to train soldiers a horse in way, rush a Bo state tohave China", what this folk song say is a Cao to hold to transport troops a way,and it at big Yu head district.It is said that the soldier for Cao to holds risein revolt is weak will few, he for showing the soldier is many will wide,attraction everywhere the hero return fluently, construct tunnel to lead tothing in city at the Bo state south north four, the life soldiers round wearsmany colors dress, an is four, again from another together turn back, thebeginning and end connects.Everywhere hero hears that the Cao holds soldierstrong Ma Zhuang, can with matter in Chengkong University, in succession come tothis mutually hurl, the Cao holds hence being rising to in group of heroes, atthe same time transport troops a way to continuously transport troops can alsoparalyze an enemy and use surprise tactics.Transport troops a way disheveledhair in 1938s now, and it and take big Yu head inside the city as the centerextends to 4 and builds to°from the green brick, the total length is more than12000 rices, leave 1 ? 8~ in the ground~3 ? is 5 meters, and it have one-wayroad, proceed together a double way, top and bottom double the layer way, turnway types with various etc., moreover still have the cat ear the hole, singlebunker and double persons bunker, obstacle book, trap, air hole, converse boreetc., design very skillful.And this tunnel, there is also a wonderful place, isa strict cold deep winter warmth is like spring here, intense heat midsummerhere cool like deep autumn, be modern have time to adjust can not reach theeffect like this is either.The underground transports troops genuine nexttransport troops a way is a Cao to hold then military can of history witness,its detection and exhumation aroused tremendous sensation in the whole country,is a local scale is the biggest currently, age at the earliest stage, keep themost intact underground military passage.It is praised as "underground GreatWall", it isnt only the miracle on the military history, but also ancient timesto construct one big miracle on the history.

The visitors, and morning, small said the ancient well wine he/she wants totake everyone to taste our Bo state tunnel on the car, and I, will never fail tokeep promise as well.What about now, let lets together go to with driverteacher!The Bo state made wine at the earliest stage, having a history couldcheck is at eastern man last years of the period.It is "nine altar spring wine"to carry the precursor of the wine of ancient well Gong according to thehistorical records, hold to make under charge for the Cao the person make byfermentation, empress the Cao hold to dedicate it to the man to dedicate emperorLiu Xie and dedicate the emperor everyones applause, is a palace it to usewine.From now on, Bo state a take to make wine workshop to grow profusely andquickly to develop.The man sets up Anne for 14 years, the Cao holds for goingdown south to strike against east Wu, return to old house Bo state to make bigantebellum preparation, collect a whole country to make wine a superior to cometo Wo sun at the same time blast furnace creation wine to provide armysupplies.Now with thou of Bo state the well Gong wine and the Wo sun wine in theblast furnace house for the representatives Bo state wine has become the mainforce of Wan wine.Make wine one of the support industries that the industry hasbecome Bo state.We now already till thou well wine culture read extensively apark, and it be located in our Bo state northwestern thou well town, cover 3200square meters.There is four-part cent that constitute:Wine cultural museum,ancient well park and Wei well park and production observe and learn area.Thisreading extensively a park is what thou well group in Anhui invests more than10000 dollarses 1500 to be finished, and the beginning outward open in 1996.Whatabout it, the building style is special, whole layout skillful, Chinese Quedoor, clearly the pure palace forms of"thou well special feature" style, meanancient well Gong wine to begin from a Han Dynasty, is more prosperous thanclearly pure(contribution), is meeting peaceful times today.The visitors, wewhether a scrolls seen big palace clear pillar:Spread Weis well for vintage winethousand years, thick joss-stick ten thousand inside hair the soup is all.Thisscrolls are what Qi achievement Sirs presents.What about exhibition hall and isdivided into four parts, on entering hall, right against the face is a high bigblack wood screen, up inset to have Jiang Zeming total secretary and manyBeijing leaderships photograph linked to the thou well Gong wine.The exhibitionhall described through a great deal of writing, picture and wine culturalhistory cultural object the thou well Gong wine, the the brand that containswine culture at history cultural city of fume the history of pottery growthunder the atmosphere.Still introduced at the same time, concerning culturalhistories, such as wine source, wine government, wine gift, wine teacher andwine interest...etc..

Ascend the second floors, what to come into view is the thou well Gong wineto produce craft process first model.Real object and picture prize that is agreat deal of thou well group the modernization from a hand workshop to todaydevelop the process present at our audience in front.What about the secondfloors, is "the wine constellate", "thou

Well art gallery"two exhibition halls.It displayed national white spiritall previous sessions to review the gold prize that the cocktail party reviewsthe white spirit is 17 kinds of and the whole country is all three review kindwine.The art gallery exhibition hall is mainly the celebritys work and epigraph,such as Qi achievement, Chen Peng, Lyu Ji Min, the Luo Zhe text waits

Come out hall, appreciate the inscription and the ectype that finishes acurving corridor inside, and we, can also go "Sung generation is undergroundthou well" and"eminent contribution cellar pond" visit.The eminent contributioncellar pond is Ming Dynastys cellar pond, and now, still can use.The visitors,we have already arrived at an ancient well park now, the thou well park is typebuildingses in Suzhou, the rockery is pretty, river water Chan Chan, the top ofhill contains station and below the hills has a bamboo, Lin Jian Niao blares.Isthe thou well business reception center here, and is the good whereabouts thatthe visitor takes a rest.

Wei well park, be located in area in the north of distillery, inside havethe ancient well one eye according to carry, spring the native son have alreadyused the well in autumn, till Han Dynasty the tidy water is mainly used formaking wine.There is one ancient Huai tree by the side of Weis well, this isthou well Gong the trademark of the wine, there is ancient well station on thewell, there is Zhao Pu Chu, Chen Peng and Qi inside the station son achievementof Bian.

The visitors, we arrived at the last visit to order~~~the productionobserve and learn area, it mainly from ferment, steam wine and pack three cars,here, you since the well Gong that can grasp till thou the main craft process ofthe wine, can also taste to arrive the fresh wine that the production just cameout.But the good wine can not be greedy for a cup!

On the second day route of travel guides phrase

The visitors, small once says, we the Chinese medicine medicine of the Bostate the industry is it may be said a source far flow long, the common sayingsays well:The world medicine company gathers Bo state, Bo state medicine thecompany rush world.We the Chinese medicine medicine of Bo state develop easternChinese last years of the period and come to an a peak and was also born on theBo state the earth the person-China of one inside medicine field milestone typeTuo.Clearly the pure period is the Bo state Chinese medicine medicine theindustry greatly develops of another high peak, the Bo state becomes the Chineseherbal medicine commercial center of whole country.The reform opens, we the Bostate welcomed the third development high peak.As long as having the medicinematerial the place of the warehouse, have us the Bo state the person.The placethat we want in the morning that today, is cultural the relational place is withChinese medicine medicine.That we the first place for wanting, is filling theair heavy medicine joss-stick of Chinese herbal medicine bargain center.The Bostate is all four greatest medicines in the whole country(Anhui Bo state, theHenan Yu state, Jiangxi greenheart and Hebei Annes country) of head, Chineseherbal medicine bargain centers starting is set up to 1994 covers 387 acres andthrows in an use in 1995 and gets stripe a reformation in 20__ and trades hallarea 32000 square meters, is a local scale is the biggest currently, facilitieshad better, file times Chinese herbal medicine with tallest and the most wholefunction trade the market , here, dided not can not buy of medicine material,dont also can not sell off of medicine material.

Through approval in State Department, since 1985, the Bo state has alreadysuccessfully held 23"Chinese medicine medicine international exposition inChina(Bo state)" in a row and holds on this day on September 9 annually, so weBo state the person be so called:"99 medicines hand over a meeting", this periodto our Bo state is a biggest grand occasion annually, the large numbers offoreign companys guests, international friend and Chinese medicine medicinerepresentative take part in this grand occasion, we the Bo state also hold alarge literature evening party on that day and have large numbers of well-knownentertainers annually the Bo state perform, is like Han Hong, Zhao Wei to us,Wang Li Hong etc..The medicine in past hands over meetings all to hold in theneighborhood of train station, everyone can also see, the train station isleaving not far eastern side in the bargain center, at two years, hold at theour Bo state new city hall, this year later, medicines handing over will hold inthe just- been finished Bo state gymnasium, it is inside new southern area atour Bo state.If next time, you sometimes return to our Bo state, small will takeyou to go to that place and see.Friends, we the Bo state real estate medicinethe material is also known for a whole country, especially the Bo Shao, Bochrysanthemum and Bo mulberry skin, Bo pollen cures square in the house more towin first gradely.Up to 20__, the whole city Chinese herbal medicine plants areato have a whole country pretty much of a, reach to more than 40,000hectares.Have already drunk a slice of production business enterprise 36 throughthe Chinese herbal medicine of national GMP attestation now, take up 44% of thewhole country, the Chinese herbal medicine drinks a slice of yield to take up1/3 of the whole country around, the Chinese herbal medicine import and exportsum has the third in the whole country.Educate aspect in the Chinese medicinemedicine, the Bo state occupation technical college set up Chinese medicinemedicine profession, the Bo set in the state City set up the Chinese medicinemedicine technique school.Currently, we the Bo state have already formed agather a medicine to plant, process, sell, transport, educate, the research,tour is integral whole of industry system.

Friends, we bargain center in the year 20 time start closing the door, hardyear of medicine company by this time also all goes home to like a rest andplaces to do the New Years shopping, preparation New Years Day.Bargain center ofthere are clock building and drum building in southern square, annually 8:18 ofJanuary 16 mornings of lunar calendar, colleague hall in Peking of old alwaysall want to bump a clock in this Lei drum punctually, and then the Chineseherbal medicine bargain of whole country opens for business.Friends, I said somany, also not equal to everyone a see for quick, that we now go to a hundredyears grand old-colleague hall, watch valuable medicine material in the world inthe Bo state!

The visitors, we have already understood, we the medicine material of theBo state industry and culture, and that now, we are still going to visit thefounder-China of Chinese medicine medicine boundary Tuo.China Tuo, word dollarChina, eastern man outstanding medical science house, we Bo state person, hethis from cradle to the grave not wish an official, not Mu fame and wealth, makea deep study medical skill, medicine arrive disease in addition to, driveChinese medicine educational circles your respectful name BE"China Tuo old Zu",he mainly invented to anaesthetize the medicine"hemp the Fei spread" andcompared west early usage to tingle Fei to spread to implement surgicaloperation for patient for more than 1000 years.Created to weave "five birdsdramas"s sport set road, the action of the tiger, deer and bear, ape and bird ofthe mimicry"five lines of theories"s, use to train for physical fitness,strengthen physical endowment, founded an athletics medical treatment toexercise first river.Like, that nows making us drive a car together memorialhall is to R.O.C Tuo.What about it, again China Zu the An is the temple thatrespectfully receives China Tuo and manage the in the past as Ni inside theoriginal temple, so call temple as An.What about it be located in permanentstability street the west carry, "permanent stability" takes China Tuo alwaysguarantor people peaceful idea.China Zu Ans starting is set up to Tang, 80s inlast century original Bo county peoples government carries on greatly fixing ata time, the Bo peoples government in the state City again spends a huge sum torenovate in 20__, become now everyone see of view area.The China Tuo memorialhall wins a view to be known for by"the grass hall is spread to stay joss-stick,cloud bridge to lie wave, five birds to blare a life, the poem stone tablet Mojoss-stick and benefit life to save Jean by voice, medicine" etc..Now China Tuothe memorial hall and China Tuo Be past to reside, China Tuo the Chinesemedicine medicine cultural museum connect for the integral whole.The visitors,we have the horizontal tablet that see the center door, those are those earlyyears Guo Mo if Sir in 1961 in person write.

Like, the visitors, please go into a park with me, come in is a maintemple, main temple ex- have a scrolls, ascend allied:The vegetable theory didntspread a spool of sad jailer fire;Next allied:Door Shu the immortal slice ofspeech be eventually living a person square.What scrolls speak is at time ofdeath China Tuo before will entrust to maintain for jailer from the curing ofZhao book 《green bag through 》 , the jailer doesnt dare to accept, China Tuo hasto it throw in fire in, the book burns half hour, the jailer stungs byconscience, from the material for new fire extrication half department, hencethe in this world had the half department of two great uses the book:One is Sungmutually Zhao Pu cure world with the half department 《Analects 》 , the anotheris half department 《green bag through 》 that is called "live a person square" tosave persons innumerable.China Tuo carving inside the palace is like, is thework that is famous to carve Qian Shao Wu, and the Cao of our train stationholds statue is also come from this masters hand.Up there aring a scrolls on thepillar beam of main temple is a big Manchu dynasty calligraphist to believe inan ability the Zhuan,(while seeing, the contents says) the meaning is to saythat China Tuo creates five birds dramas of plait huge to the mankinds healthyfunction, the achievement can contrast with Emperor Huang of Xuan Yuan.Stilldisplayed some works of China Tuo inside our palace.

Two sides of main temple have 6 sets to carve, and everyone, can take alook, each one carves to all have a small story, here, small is everyones simpleintroduction for a while small story concerning"absolute being needle is tiny,admirable skill":It is said that the Cao holds the disease of having theheadachy disease, once just in the argument matter, suddenly have a headache,please cure to toss about along while too much also useless.The son China Tuo isused a seven inch silver needle, shine on the acupuncture points on the headfirm next go, the instant Cao holds of headache disease then completelyrecovered.Main temple east the side contain two side doors, is gone in by theside door, it is thus clear that from the Yi station, it is the place that ChinaTuo takes a rest to mutually rush.Bo state while being that China Tuo is classicto cure case and Three Kingdoms the exhibition inside the palace peripheralgeography diagram.What the western side of main temple displays is China Tuo inthe pediatrics, surgery, gynecology, Medicine, health, puncture, square medicineetc. of achievement.Led main temple, can immediately see the dollar turn a grasshall, east the set of rooms is a benefit life Xuan, western wing building forsave Jean Zhai.Benefit life Xuans mutually rushing is China Tuo to diagnose veinto treat disease place, saving Jean Zhai is the place that China Tuo depositsmedicine.Save Jean Zhai to have two kind exhibition the article is well worthspeaking, on being to slice medicine knife, two is a medicine Nian son.It issaid that there was a blacksmith to get a heavy disease, be cured by China Tuogood, for expressing appreciation the heart of Helping of China Tuo, theblacksmith sends to China Tuo a slice the tool of medicine-slice medicineknife.Send for a long time, this blacksmith slowly disappears China Tuo to use,till the last just know, China Tuo once swore before, the whole life need notleft hand.Originally time of young China Tuo, cure a heavy disease, think thathe has already canned not save to cure and lets it goes home to makearrangements for funeral and just has old process at this time and think thatthe patient can cure, China Tuo because of young annoy prosperous, hence exportcrazy speech:If you can chase his medical treatment good, I chop down my lefthand.Afterwards the old Jean of that patient cure like, China Tuo hence raiseknife chop down to go to the left hand, be blocked by the old:Cure to have nodestination, you are still young, study hard, hereafter save to cure morepatients.China Tuo keeps firmly in mind this precept and swears that whole lifein no case uses a left hand.The blacksmith esteems highly the personal characterof China Tuo more after knowing, hence with meticulous care develops to by footoperate again of medicine Nian son.

The visitors, led a dollar China grass hall, wash Zhi pond, we was lessonTu building.The lesson Tu building devolution was China Tuo to teach Tu in thoseearly years, spoke to learn of place.Three big words in"lesson Tu building"s arelifted by that big calligraphist Chen is naturals.The lesson Tu front and backof the building has already washed Zhi pond, is those early years China Tuo towash away dirt the place of medicine material.Wash there is one medicine park bythe side of the Zhi pond, it is said that this is the first medicine Pu that isChinese to develop, also a Bo state human race to plant the point of departureof medicine material.

The visitors, we are a tour tourist spot of this end, it may be said pressstalk of, we wanted to once wear the pure old street get into the 4 A class viewarea in nation"Central plains the treasure hide" clearly-flower dramabuilding.Let you appreciate the brick vulture and wood carving art ofmagnificent rival divine skill, the vivid portrayal literary reference makes youlike Chi if inebriate.The tour Zhang Fei Miao and Yue flies thou buildings suchas temple, Zhu Gongs academy and god of fire temple etc., feel we for a whilethe lingering charm of Bo state health culture and thou city old street.

The visitors, before arriving at and spending drama building, we have tosee square and up write four big words in"temple fair square", and that, is usthe sink type of the Bo state square, the square designs medium the west matchBi, west the noodles has a large Chinese man white jade shop;The east containsgossip diagram and the Bo state cultural wall, the western side of cultural wallengraves the Bo state book history the celebrity is 15, the east side engravesBo state to win view diagram.Need a meeting we free activity of time, if you aremore interested in, can cautiously appreciate.The visitors please get into tospend drama building with me, the flower drama building is a national pointcultural object to protect unit, original the song set is a satge ofperformance, is the temple ancestral temple that offers sacrifices to celebrityin Shanxi to close feather, the medicine companies of Shanxi, Shaanxi conductthe ground of the contact of medicine material in the Bo state while being alsoclearly pure, therefore also call "guild in Shanxi", "toll-gate emperortemple."Close the emperor temple lord palace Be set up to pure fluently cure for12 years, the drama building is set up to Kangxi for 15 years, increased againduring the reign of Qianlong many color and carve.The whole building area is3163 square meters, guild of so call in order to spend drama building it, isbecause spend drama building in the hospital the color is gorgeous,magnificent.Aforetime Bo state vulgar cloud:"Suzhou sells good head oil, the Bostate sees flower drama building".

The visitors, we spend drama building to have three extremely, this firstunique, two iron flagpoles before being a center door, each one weighs 6000kilograms, the flagpole is many 16 meters in height, the flagpole divides 5sections, the each stanza divides the Zhu gossip Pan Long Dengs pattern, the topZhu Dan Feng is a , the shape is vivid, be like at lead a neck long blare, theexhibition wings desire flies.Each pole still has the 3 F square Dou to hangbreeze bell total 24, aweather the dingdong makes to ring, clear and crisppleasing.Japanese scholar after investigating to spend drama building theflagpole sighs for the view, 100 think not to get its solution:At that timepeople how solution divided stanza foundry and the problem for welding, did thesuch weight how stand up again, how did it experience rains and winds for 300years but still keep standing erect not to pour?This, also well embodied, we thediligence and intelligence of the Bo state the ancients.We spend drama buildingmust the seconds cutting off is an at present gate to a monastery, it is a 3 Fmemorial arch type that imitates wood structure building, up inset to be knownfor world of stereoscopic water mill brick the vulture is extremely keen, feastfor the eyes.If deeply the big wood that says theatrical stage the vulture isfull of sun just of beautiful of words, that water mill brick vulture thenpresented an another extreme achievement-Yin soft United States.The brickvulture that spends drama building, belongs to Jin to send a badge vulture art,the condition is great, topic abundant but again have inside contact, absorbedNa at the same time badge parties choiceness lovely, knife method carefulcarvings art, even engrave the hairs of person clear, the true feeling,stereoscopic feeling and clairvoyance feeling is the strongest, the skilledsuperb technical skill makes people be full of praise.

The visitors, we have already come right away the flower drama buildingsong now set, the flower drama building song set sits south noodles north, lordbefore the set Tu, both sides each the set with a small wing, or so set up aclock, the drum second floors, allocation have a preface, layer clear thing setof rooms is 2 F several-storied building, is at that time inside the Juan go toopera of reserved box.Northern sides getting this building is to close emperortemple main temple.So formed a courtyard of exact square, at have no acoustic ofancient times, at the right moment form the effect of natural wreath sound.TheYing of song set both sides is allied:A song the spring time awakens now thoudream, two sort features do to serve faithfully adultery.Song set above Zao wellup, have already colored nine, like Long Fengs good luck, pleased top tip ofbrow, recruit a wealth the etc. is into the treasure, the quickly passing timeoverflows colourful, form absolute being and have.Particularly spending thedrama building third extremely is worthy of paying attention to-woodcarving.Believe our visitor has been already seen as well, the top of the songset carves a lot of tasks and pattern.What about this, is use a big wood deeplyvulture carvings but become, this up and totally has a Three Kingdoms drama thetext is 18, the person is several hundred, the expression is each difference,fierce battle between two giants, seem ready to come out.Spend drama building togather a big carvings art to become, is our country satge building of delicacy,construct, carve towards studying ancient times of our country, the histories ofart and drama all have very important value.Like, the visitors, we together getinto to close emperor temple now,

The visitors, we visit now of is a god of fire temple, the Chinese thinkthat the creation all has absolute being, the fire is mankind the sign of thecivilization and mankind exist the material of most, there is certainly alsoabsolute being, this is the virtuous true god of fire-fire gentleman.The god offire temple is the temple of oblation fire virtuous true gentleman, belong to areligion of Taoism building.

We have already arrived at Zhu Gong academy now, and it and start Be set upto feeling Kangxi 37 years are a Bo state the factitiousness is in remembranceof Kangxi the benevolent government that know the Lian of state for year butbuilds of livings an ancestral temple, because is to set up an ancestral templefor still living person, belong to and call academy, but dont call an ancestraltemple.The Lian of , the word companys jade, enters a private for pure Kangxi 31the middle of the years, is sealed to know a mansion for Bo state at the sameyear.He weighs agriculture mulberry while allowing, not tired people,tenaciously impartial.Change Anne to celebrate to know a mansion behind.Kangxi48 years, the Bo state occurrence flood disaster, the epidemic rises everywhere,the people find it hard to live on.The Lian of is again once adjusted Bo state,lead people to pass through disaster, the Lian of at Bo state people anothertime leave a fine impression in the middle of the heart, we Bo state artificialexpress us heart of appreciate of feeling, so set up this academy.Zhu Gongsacademy existing gate to a monastery, over the hall, empress building etc.construct.What mountain wall insets is 46 years of pure Kangxi, Wu Chu Qi writes《Zhu Gongs academy records 》 of combining the book stone tablet.Empress buildingthree, is a hard point mountain type the mountain 2 F floor building, brick woodstructure, the ash tube tile house noodles, the first floor is the place thatoffers sacrifices to the Lian of .

The visitors, we are going now of tourist spot, is a Yue to fly temple, itis to offer sacrifices to south Sung the patriotic famous general Yue fly oftemple ancestral temple, believe the story flying Yue, widely known, here, smallalso no longer did to excessively introduce.We the Bo state set up due torespecting adore the race moral integrity that the Yue flies temple with offersacrifices to, the temple being existing is pure Kangxi year of building.It fromgate to a monastery Chong the building is a , big palace 3 constitutes.Exactcenter have Qin Kuai husband and wifes stone carving to suffer torture to kneelto be like inside the hospital, be provided for person to excoriate.This stillhas a legend to the stone statue:In those early years Yues flying is harmed byQin Kuai clay-cold, Bo state the people were very angry, went to hell, descendedthe parlance of oil pan according to the Buddhism concerning clay-cold badperson, made into two people with the face powder, represent Qin Kuais husbandand wife respectively, put in the oil pan to use to fry in oil to solve thespirit in the heart.Unexpectedly this after eating also want to eat, because ofvery delicious and again solution spirit, quickly become popular, the person whoeat is more and more.The person who does noodles has to with two noodles andpresses together, again Ning for a while, mean that they are husband and wife,put to provide a person after deep-frying in oil pan edible.It is said that thisis the origins of twisted dough-strips



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乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海,背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三,太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆皇帝就褫夺了和珅军机大臣和九门提督两职,抄了其全家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于国库十几年的总收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法,同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则归了“爱豪宅不爱江山”的嘉庆胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。与此同时,嫁给和珅儿子的乾隆之女和孝公主,仍居住在半座宅第中。咸丰元年,即1851年,清末重要政治人物恭亲王奕?成为这所宅子的第三代主人,改名恭王府,恭王府之名由此沿用至今。 “一座恭王府,半部清朝史”是历史地理学家侯仁之对恭王府的评价。民国初年,这座王府被恭亲王的孙子溥伟以40万块大洋卖给教会,后由辅仁大学用108根金条赎回,并用作女生学堂。新中国成立以后,王府曾被公安部宿舍、风机厂、音乐学院等多家单位使用过。







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Dear visitors from Beijing, everybody! I am a professional tour guide from CTS group. I just call me Wang Dao, everyone. Today, I take you to visit the Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace is located in the northwest suburb of Beijing haidian district. World heritage also have a lot of, kunming lake and longevity hill, corridor and so on. One of the most beautiful is the kunming lake, let me introduce for you.

Kunming lake is northwest suburb of Beijing springs converge and become natural lakes. Because is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, so, also known as the west lake.

As our steps, we came to kunming lake in the west bank. West causeway of su causeway is modelled on the west lake. From north to south lies the six bridge: tianchi bridge, jade belt bridge... One of the most beautiful is the jade belt bridge. It is shaped like a jade belt, beautiful modelling, give a person a kind of elegant feeling.

Kunming lake in the lake is very wide, when the sun shines on the surface of sparkling, the water is turning up the walls white and beautiful! Cruise, original slowly glide from the surface of the water, leaving a few ripples, give a person a few silk elegance.

We look toward the shore, hits the willows hung long braid, if you listen carefully, can also hear the breeze obsolete, willow issued a rustling sound. Give a person a kind of wonderful feeling.

Not only the west dike is very beautiful, look, in three center was built in the kunming lake in the island? They respectively are: the south lake island, mirror cabinet and algae JianTang islands. Let me introduce you to one of the most famous south lake island.

South lake island is located in the southeast of kunming lake, assumes the circular throughout the island, the island has a correlation, month wave floor, YunXiang pavilion, etc. It is surrounded by water, on the island, you can breathe the fresh air at any time.

Watching the center island, lets sail will shore.

I think we should say goodbye, I hope you have a chance to come to visit the Summer Palace, at that time, I also want to give you when the tour guide, goodbye!



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XX年是不平凡的一年,XX年我从学校走了出来,把两年里所学到的关于导游的知识运用到我的工作中,从理论转向实践 。xx年6月开始我在南岳衡山从事地接导游导游工作,时间不长,资力也不深,而感慨却颇多


通过几个月的工作实践 ,我深深的体会 到,取得了导游证,并不代表你就永远是一个合格的导游员,而是要不断的的学习 、充实、提高。在旅游者的眼中,导游员应该是无所不知的“万事通”。导游服务是知识密集型的高智能的服务工作,丰富的知识、广博的见闻是做好导游服务工的前提。作为一个导游员就要“与时俱进”,永远保持积极的求知欲,以适应社会进步和发展的需求。更重要的是。我们自己千万不敢把自己当成“万事通”,要保持谦虚谨慎的态度,要切记“学海无涯”、“学无止境”,“人外有人,天外有天”,“三人行,必有我师”。

要时刻牢记导游的职责,认真 学习 《导游人员管理 暂行规定》、《中华人民共和国国家标准导游服务质量》,努力的实施好旅游计划,作好联系、协调、讲解等服务工作。坚持“宾客至上、服务至上、为大家服务、合理而可能”的四大服务原则细致、热心、周到的作好导游服务工作。也就是一切工作以旅游者为出发点,以服务为出发点,时刻考虑旅游者的利益和要求,绝不能拒绝游客的合理合法要求。服务过程中要坚持“为大家服务”的原则,不能有亲疏之分,厚此薄彼,而应对每个游客都热情、周到、友好、尊重,不偏不倚、一视同仁;要坚持“合理而可能”的原则,在旅游服务过程中,要时刻关注游客的情绪变化,耐心倾听旅游者的意见、要求,冷静分析、仔细甄别,合理又能实现的,就努力的去做,如果没有作好或是已经错过机会,就想办法及时弥补,以求限度的达到游客的满意。




















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The passengers:

Everybody is good! B: my name is lu, Im go to the guide of qin Terra Cotta Warriors. Im very honored to serve you, hope we have a nice day today.

Now were going to set off to the world-famous qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

You see, this great historical sites show in front of our eyes! Our xi an lintong has three qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, a total of 3 20xx0 square meters, nearly 50 basketball courts, a pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors to nearly eight thousand. In three pits at the pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, of course, also the most, there are more than six thousand! Above the no. 1 pit has a huge vaulted hall. Into the hall, standing on high birds eye view, will see the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, line by line, the process is very neat, formed a huge army of rectangle like qin shihuang had command of an army of fighting, invincible.

You look, the general burly, wearing a brown, wearing armor, sword in hand, with pride. Know its the look on his poses battle-hardened, accountable.

The average height of the warriors, 1. 8 meters, trim. They dressed in a shirt to wear armor, feet front end up the cock combat boots, and armed with weapons, ready to go.

Look, the horse figurines in short armour, on foot mouth was wearing tight pants, boots right hand holding the REINS, left hand with bows and arrows, as if ready to mount a horse to kill.

Now we use one hour to watch slowly. Please take good care of cultural relics, dont litter. Thank you for your cooperation.

Well, today was the end of run. Welcome to have the opportunity to visit again later.



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Ladies and gentlemen:

Hi, everybody. Now I take you to visit the world famous buddhist art treasure house, dunhuang mogao grottoes. The mogao grottoes from 25 km southeast of dunhuang city, I use this time, just the mogao grottoes do a simple introduction first.

The mogao grottoes in dunhuang and luoyang longmen grottoes, the datong yungang grottoes and called Chinas three major grottoes. The mogao grottoes of digging than 128 years before the longmen grottoes, yungang grottoes as early as 94. The mogao grottoes in it to create s. Construction scale, the large number of murals and statues of modelling, the intact, is famous for its extensive and profound world of its artistic value, enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad. Visitors a year come, an endless stream, to promote cultural exchanges, communication theory, carry forward the national art, patriotism education played a decisive role. The mogao grottoes mural art was not longmen, yungang grottoes, is unmatched by any cave temples all over the world, it is the essence of art of the mogao grottoes. If the 45000 square meters of murals every link will be up to 25 kilometers, want to put these murals which side of the road, can constitute a from downtown to the mogao grottoes of a long gallery. Its epic scale, the subject of extensive, exquisite art, by Japanese scholars call it "a big gallery"; French scholars call it "the library" on the wall; As a scholar sigh with emotion after seeing the mogao grottoes of say: "saw the greatest grottoes is to see the ancient civilizations of the world".

A high wat, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes, the digital "thousand" here refers to the number of specific, but refers to a lot of, because there are many buddhist grotto statues, murals, so commonly known as the "thousand-buddha grottoes". The mogao grottoes the name first appeared in the sui dynasty grotto cave no. 423 words, the origin of its name, unable to agree, generally there are three: first, the mean high fe wat named digging in the high places of the desert, "desert" in the ancient Chinese "desert" and "the mogao grottoes" is "mo" tongjia characters; Said the other is from published documents and unearthed many literature in the tang dynasty, tang dynasty dunhuang XianJing sand states there are "desert mountains", "desert observed," said, according to this research, the singing in the sui and tang dynasties, also known as desert mountains, so will cave in township, near name; A third is that in Sanskrit "moga" voice of means of relief, "moga" is Sanskrit transliteration.

Because dunhuang since jun, is a place where many ethnic han Chinese and gathered mixed and intersection here, the fusion of the national culture; Dunhuang is west out of the western regions, east into the central plains choke points, since ancient times, people believe in Buddhism, where the officer to collectors, nobility, transformation, and poor people out of the silver to open wat, sculpture, painting as a home to make offerings to the Buddha and bodhisattvas; And from the silk road merchants, angel, monks, etc in order to thank you on his peace processes the taklamakan desert, or take the bliss, into the investment of the kingdom of heaven after death. So on the singing of the cliffs, grottoes constantly emerging, big and small.



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Ladies and gentlemen:

The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing. It is also known as the Forbidden City in the old days. Actually it was the imperial palace for the emperors and served as both living quarters and the venue of the state administration in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Its name, on the one hand, comes from ancient Chinese astronomers belief that Gods abode or the Purple Palace, the pivot of the celestial world, is located in the Pole Star, at the center of the heavens . Hence, as the Son of God, the emperor should live in the Purple City. On the other hand, except for palace maids, eunuchs and guards, ordinary the Forbidden City and the Purple City.

It took 14 years to complete the magnificent palace. Construction began in 1406 and finished in 1420. The following year, in 1421 the capital of the Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing to Beijing. Starting from the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Di to the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty Pu Yi, altogether 24 emperors lived here for a total of 491 years. 14 of then were Ming emperors and 10 were Qing emperors.

The Forbidden City covers an area of 72 hectares with a total floor space of about 163,000 square meters. It is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west with a10-meter high city wall surrounded and encircled by a 52 meter-wide moat. At each corner of the surrounding wall, there is a magnificent watchtower which was heavily guarded in the old days.

The Forbidden City now consists of more than 90 palaces and courtyards, 980 buildings with rooms of 8,704. Most of the structures in the Forbidden City were made of wood with white marble, stone or brick foundations. The building materials were from parts of our country. The timber came from Sichuan, Guizhou, Guandxi, Hunan and Yunnan provinces in southwest China. But in the Qing Dynasty, the timbers were transported from northeast China. Other construction materials, including brick, stone and lime, were used by both Dynasties. The golden bricks that paved the halls were manufactured in Suzhou, refined bricks used to build the foundation of halls were made in Linqing, and lime came from Yizhou. White marble was provided regularly by Fangshan County and glazed tiles by Sanjiadian.

The Forbidden City can be divided into two parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The Outer Court consists of three main buildings where the emperors attended the grand of rear three main buildings and the six eastern palaces and six western palaces where the emperor used to handle daily affairs and the living quarters for the emperor, empress and imperial concubines to live in.

The Forbidden City is the best-preserved imperial palace in China and the largest ancient palatial structure in the world. In 1987 it was listed as the world cultural heritage by UNESCO.

The Meridian Gate is the main entrance to the Forbidden City. It is called Meridian Gate because the emperor believed that the meridian line went right through the Forbidden City and his imperial residence was the center of the whole universe. It is 35.6meters high with five towers on the top, so it is also nicknames as the “Five-Phoenix Tower.”

The Meridian Gate was the place to announce the new lunar year calendar on the first day of 10th lunar month every year. Lanterns would also be hung up on the Meridian Gate on the 15th day of the first lunar month during the Ming Dynasty, when all the officials would have a feast in the Forbidden City and ordinary citizens, when all the officials would have a fast in the Forbidden City and ordinary citizens would go to the Meridian Gate to look at the beautiful lanterns. When a general returned from battle, the ceremony of “Accepting Captives of War” was held here. The “Court Beating” also took place here.

The gate has five openings. The central passageway was for the emperor exclusively. But apart from the emperor, the empress could use the central passageway on the day of the imperial wedding ceremony. However, after the palace examination, the first top three outstanding scholars were allowed to go through the central gate. The high-ranking civil and military officials went in through the side gate on the east. The two smaller ones on both sides at the corner were for the lowranking officials. During the Palace Examination all the candidates went in from these two side-gates according to the odd number or even number.



范文类型:工作总结,适用行业岗位:导游,个人,全文共 1684 字

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即将到来,作为在这个行业从事导游工作近6年来,从来没有做过一次工作总结,总是在实践和实验中成长,每个人都希望自己能比别人优秀,能做一个让别人认可的人,但是从我的工作来看, 确实没有啥值得骄傲或者自豪的事情,或许比其他工作看起来风光,但是其中的酸甜苦辣又有谁能理解呢?










范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1520 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, Hello! I was 009 among the tour guide, we will visitthe worlds largest hydropower station of the Three Gorges Hydropowerstation.

The Three Gorges is the Qutang gorge, Wu Gorge, Xiling gorge, in general,is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, between Chongqing andHubei in Yichang. The total length is about 1200 li.

On both sides of the Three Gorges high mountains and lofty hills jijuescenery; meanwhile, sheer precipice and overhanging rocks, the river rushingtide, beauty life insurance is pushing forward despite repeated frustrations,and fascinating. On the trip, youll be amazed at the wonderful scenery of thethree gorges.

Rippling waves in, swim in the mountains, you will also learn the longhistory of the Three Gorges, the great Qu Yuan poet in China, and the beauty ofthe messenger of peace Wang Zhaojuns hometown is here, it seems not only createa generation of three talent, but also to cultivate the peerless beauty, reallyis outstanding, Li Bai and many other poets have words in three gorges. It seemsthat the Three Gorges not only have a good view, but also have a longhistory.

The Three Gorges hydropower station, which we are about to visit, has thelargest hydroelectric generating unit in the world. It is expected to become thelargest hydropower station in the world

The Three Gorges is really one of the great treasures in the world!

Well, let us follow the footsteps of the saints, together to explore themystery of the three gorges! I believe we will definitely not!



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1475 字

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article 6 technical documents

6.1 party b shall, according to the delivery schedule and details stpulated in

appendix 2to the contract, deliver the documents at________________.

6.2 the date stamped by the air transportation ageney at____________,shll be taken

as the actual date of delivery paryt a shall send to party b a photostat copy of the

airconsignment note shwing the stampde date of arrival.

6.3 within twenty-four hours after the despatch of each lot of the technical documente,

party b shal1 notify party a by cable or telex of the contract number, number and date

of the air consignment note, items of the documents, number of pieces, airmail to

party a two copies of each of the air consignment note and detaikled list of the

technical documents.

6.4 if the technical documents are foumd lost, damaged or mutilated during air

trans-portation, party b shall supply party a free of charge with a second lot of

documents within thechortest possible time but not later than thirty days after it has

received from party a the writtennotice. within sixty days after party a has received

the documents from party b,if party a does not declare the shortage and request to

cover the same, it is considered asa-cepted.

6.5 the technical documents shall be in english and based on metric system of


article 7 verification and acceptance

7.1 the verification test on the first samplemachine of the contracted product shall




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7119 字

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The Mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 Moslems in Xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the Provincial People’s Government. Unlike the Arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the Mosque here in Xi’an possesses much Chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to Islamic mosques, this Mosque also holds characteristics of Chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

However, any further discussion about the Mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of Islam into China is brought up.

Islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century A.D. and was introduced to China in the mid-600s. At that time, Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of China by way of Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. In the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through Bangladesh Bay and the Malacca Strait to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became Moslems.

However, massive immigration of the Moslems to China did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when Genghis Khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, including the north of Iran. Many of the Moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in China.

Among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the Hui people in the history books on the Yuan dynasty. The Hui people later followed Kublai Khan down to the south, helping him unifying China and then establish the Yuan dynasty. In the wake of the conquest, Islam spread all over China and mosques began to appear everywhere. In the Yuan dynasty, many Moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. And a lot of the Moslems took part in Zhu Yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, all the emperors of the Dynasty issued mandates to protect Islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the Moslems for their feats. In the early 16th century, Islam predominated Qinghai on the minority nationalities including the Huis, the Uygurs, the Kazaks, the Kirgizes, the Tajiks, the Tartars, the Ozbeks, the Dong Xiangs, the Salars and the Bonans. The Moslems in Xi’an are mainly the Huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in China.

The Mosque at Hua Jue Lane is the largest in Xi’an, and at the same time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved mosques in China.

According to the Stele on the Building of the Mosque”, the mosque is said to be built in the Tang Dynasty. However, the architectural style of the mosque suggests a possible building dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The four courtyards of the mosque cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, out of which about 4,000 are occupied by various structures. The still intact wooden front memorial gateway of the front yard, built at the turn of the 17th century, with glazed tiles on the top, spectacular corners and upturned eaves, is about 9 metres high, and has a history of about 360 years. The stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked with a tail stele on either side with dragons carved on each, recording the repair work ever since the building of the Mosque. On the back of one of the steles are engraved characters by the master calligrapher Mi Fu, May Buddhism Fill the Universe”, on the other, Royal -Bestowed”by Dong Qichang, another master of the same art of the Ming dynasty. They are treasures in Chinese calligraphy. At the entrance of the third courtyard is an imperial built hall, where a month tablet”, showing the calculation of the Hui Calendars in Arabic, is stored. It was compiled by a man in charge of the mosque called Xiao Mining in the early period of the Qing dynasty. A three –storeyed octagonal wooden structure called Retrospection Tower”also stands in the center of the courtyard, which has the same function as the minaret in Islamic temples in Arabic countries, and which is a place from where orders were sent to call the Moslems to come to worship. Respectively, on the south and north wings of the tower, are a reception chamber and a Scripture Chamber, both elegantly laid out. The five wooden houses, which are called Water Houses”in the southwest section of the Mosque are the place where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services. And in side the fourth courtyard there is a structure called the Pavilion of Phoenix”, a place where the worshipers used to wait for the services. The Pavilion, in fact, is a compound structure of three small buildings. The six-gabled structure of the central part, adjoining the two three-gabled buildings on each side looks very much like a flying phoenix, and hence its name. Just at the back of the Pavilion, there is a fishpond, beyond which is a platform occupying an area as large as 700 m2. Across both ends of the platform stands the 1,300 square metered service hall, holding over a thousand worshipers at once. There are over six hundred sunk panels well as the sunk panels, are decorated with patterns of painted trailing plants and Arabic letterings. The imam leads his group of worshipers, while facing in the direction of Mecca, to chant in Koran and to pay their religious homage.

The Moslems in China share very much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. They worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night. Female worshipers attend their services in a separated place from their brothers, usually at home. Moslems pay special attention to their health and see that they always wear clean clothes. They are teetotalers not only of wine, but also of pork and animal blood for in Koran pigs have been mentioned four times as being unclean”. According to Koran, a man can have four wives and women should wear veils when they go out. However, except a few places in Xinjiang, the Chinese practise monogamy and women are veiless when they go out. Upon his death, a Moslem has to be thoroughly cleaned”(thoroughly bathed), has to be put on Ke Fan”(to be shrouded with a piece of white cloth) and has to be buried coffinless in the ground, with an imam reciting Scriptures at the funeral.

The Chinese constitution promulgates that freedom of religion of each citizen and freedom of preserving or reforming local customs for every nationality are permitted. And of course, the Moslems in China enjoy equal rights with peoples of other nationalities and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.
