





范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:大学,全文共 750 字

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Dear Martin,

I am looking forward to your visit. Just think, after all these years of writing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet! However, I am sorry that I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive.

The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest I can get To the airport will be about an hour after you land. Please wait for me in the arrival lounge. You should be able to have breakfast there while you wait.

By the way, as we have never met I must tell you how to recognize me. I am of medium height and have a small moustache. In addition, I will be carrying a copy of the morning newspaper tucked under my left arm.

Looking forward to our meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




范文类型:祝福语,全文共 596 字

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1. 松龄长岁月,皤桃捧日三千岁。

2. 嘉宾旨酒,笑指青山来献寿。百岁平安,人共梅花老岁寒。今天,这里高朋满座,让寒冷的冬天有了春天般的温暖。

3. 祝老寿星日月昌明、松鹤长春。

4. 文明享大年,逍遥鸠杖天保九如。

5. 先开北海樽,学到知非德器纯。

6. 祝老寿星万事如意、晚年幸福。

7. 春秋迭易,岁月轮回,当甲申新春迈着轻盈的脚步向我们款款走来的时候,我们欢聚在这里,为先生的母亲--我们尊敬的*老妈妈共祝八十大寿。

8. 福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松。

9. 祝老寿星笑口常开、天伦永享。

10. 鹤语寄春秋,古柏参天四十围。

11. 祝老寿星事事顺心、幸福长伴。

12. 如月之恒,如日之升,如南山之寿,不骞不崩。如松柏之茂,无不尔或承。

13. 祝爷爷万寿无疆长命百岁,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝.老如松柏.

14. 体明身健可活百岁犹少,茶甘饭软尽享千乐以多。

15. 福如东海、寿比南山;日月昌明、松鹤长春;笑口常开、天伦永享。

16. 这一季的花开得格外娇艳,你可知,那是因为我用情感在浇灌只等你的生日赠与你,愿你喜欢。

17. 愿你在充满希望的季节中播种、在秋日的喜悦里收获!生日快乐!

18. 在你生日来临之即,祝您身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,快乐非你莫属!

19. 身体健康、长命百岁;生日快乐、后福无疆。吉祥如意、富贵安康;

20. 让美丽的朝霞、彩霞、晚霞一起飞进您的生活,这就是我的祈愿!



范文类型:辞职信,全文共 723 字

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I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know.

Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 827 字

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你好老师。我的名字是* * *。我19岁了。我来自* *。很高兴今天来到这里。我的专业是国际金融和贸易。我爱我的专业,所以我要努力学习。每个人的喜欢某事。,不是吗?


Hello teachers.My name is .Im 19 years old now.Im from.Glad to be here today.My major is international finance and trade.I love my major,so Im gonna study hard.Everybodys keen on sth.,isnt it?

I like surfing online,playing basketball and listening to music.Im good at running,especially sprint,such as 100 meters.The country Im dreaming to visit is Spain,which is a very beautiful country.My favorite animal is dog,as its so cute.My biggest hobby is playing basketball,and ive dreamt to be a professional player,but Im not tall enough.So my present goal is to study hard,and pass Toefl in the first year.Thank you.



范文类型:工作总结,全文共 2270 字

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(二)统筹兼顾,合理安排。针对这次警示教育活动政治性强、教育面广,时光紧、任务重的特点,警示教育活动领导小组对本次活动进行了统筹兼顾,科学合理的安排。认真组织党员干部到洪山监狱参加警示教育活动,把开展警示教育与深入学习对照《廉政准则》及《实施办法》结合起来,确保警示教育到达预期效果:一是认真组织参加省纪委安排的统一活动。5月4日当天我室全体干部职工全员参加洪山监狱警示教育;二是集中学习。认真学习《中国共产党领导干部廉洁从政准则》、《中国共产党党内监督条例》、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》,学习的方式以室领导中心组、各支部集中学习为主,并规定活动期间集中学习不少于3次。在规定的时光内,每位党员干部都认真阅读了警示教育材料。为了使警示教育取得好的效果,我们把条例的学习和警示教育结合起来,组织党员干部观看了案件警示教育片;三是召开民-主生活会,认真自查自纠。5月20日,室中心组学习在深入学习和讨论的基础上,召开了一次专题民-主生活会,对领导班子及领导干部的廉洁自律、廉政勤政状况,重点对领导班子及领导干部遵守党的纪律、执行《中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政准则》和领导干部廉洁自律的“八个严禁、52个不准”的状况认真进行 了自查自纠。结合本单位的实际,抓装风气正不正,作风实不实”突出问题,进行了对照检查和深刻反思,分析了原因,总结了经验;四是认真组织督查整改,完善规章制度。5月27日,室领导对警示教育活动的开展状况进行了督查,对工作中出现的新状况、新问题进行了及时纠正,对过去已有的各项规章制度,重新作了修订和完善,加强了监督制约机制,从各个方面、各个环节规范了办公秩序。




(三)透过警示教育活动,坚定了党员干部廉洁从政的决心。透过对郑培民、汪洋湖和吴天祥等先进事迹材料的学习,进一步深化了党员干部廉洁自律教育。学习他们忠于职守、淡泊名利,一身正气、两袖清风,生命不息、奋斗不止的工作精神。做到立党为公、执政为民,永葆共产党员的先进性。党史研究室的每一位党员干部,只有胸怀党史事业的发展全局,牢记宗旨,真心实意的为湖北跨越式发展创造出良好的经济发展环境,努力做一名清正廉洁的干部,就会受到群众的拥护和爱戴,受到社会的认可和好评。 总之,此次反腐倡廉警示教育收获很大,效果显著。透过警示教育活动提高了广大领导干部思想道德素质,锻炼了党性,净化了心灵;增强了法制观念和纪律意识,增强了拒腐防变和求真务实的自觉性,进一步推进了党史研究室党风廉政建设和反腐-败工作,为推进我室各项工作更好更快发展作出用心的贡献。



范文类型:心得体会,适用行业岗位:生产,全文共 1976 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 585 字

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hello, my name is_______. i am_______ years old. now i am studying in_______primary school. i am in grade _______, class_______.

i live in_______. there are _______ members in my family—father, mother and me. my father is a_______ but my mother is working in _______. i love both of them.

in my spare time, i like _______, and my favorite colour is_______. also i love__________very much, such as ________________.

i hope i can learn english well, because i think it very important. but_______ is favorite subject, because it is very interesting.

i wish i can become a_______in the future.



范文类型:心得体会,全文共 1881 字

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范文类型:道歉信,适用行业岗位:酒店,经理,全文共 851 字

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Dear Ms. Iwasaki,

Thank you for your positive comments regarding your experience while staying with the Westin Shanghai.

At the outset, please accept our most sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused. Kindly rest assures that your concern has been well taken and communicated to all concerned for immediate improvement. Ms. Iwasaki, as we’ve conducted a thorough investigation about all pinpointed issues you bought out. Please allow us to explain the outcome for your reference.

Upon your arrival, our agent failed to locate your reservation. We sincerely apology as our associate obviously mistakenly implemented the standard checking in procedure. The reservation for you and Ms. Hinako Muto were made early November, and never been deleted. We understand that you may requested the King Size room but actually we could not satisfy your request.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:职员,全文共 290 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:文秘,全文共 262 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 4438 字

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As a salesman in the Baiyun side for many years in the marketing staff, has always been, I think in marketing must have: sensitive response capability, know how to guess the customer psychological changes, product awareness and interpretation, language skills , A good psychological quality. After several years of efforts and struggle has also been some experience.

First, to sell products to have confidence

I think a qualified salesman must first have full confidence, only to their confidence, in order to eliminate the fear of customers in order to give themselves a clear idea, the product through the smooth language to sell to customers.

One is to have self-confidence in their own image, only self-confidence, in order to have enough courage to face all kinds of customers. No one can be born on natural beauty, and we face each customers aesthetic point of view is not the same as saying that one-third of appearance, seven dressed, so at work or in the face of customers, we should pay attention to instrument,Dress and dress up on their own image strengths and weaknesses, so that their spirit, temperament display the best. Second, the products to be self-confidence to sell, to believe that Baiyun series of liquor, whether brand, taste, sales, customer acceptance, in the same product will always be the best, in addition to a comprehensive understanding of Baiyun edge series , We have to choose to understand the 1-2 stores in the more competitive products of similar information, identify the entry point to further enhance the confidence of selling products, to be able to cope with the marketing process may be a variety of problems, Meet different customers and different needs.

Not to sell an excuse to fail, not to visit failed to complain, I firmly believe that as long as their confidence, confidence in the product, then we have been successful in half.

Second, to determine the target object

Although China has a no-feast banquet custom, but with the continuous improvement of peoples material level of life, the emergence of various types of wealth disease, customer hospitality wine culture also occurs microsecond changes in peoples eating habits from the past material to meet the type To the present health and comfort type gradually in the transformation of a single hotel store sales have been not suited to the needs of the situation, so we need to change marketing strategy in the protection of customer sales face to face sales, to determine some key customers to buy type to promote, to ensure Our market share.

One in the face-to-face marketing to learn when the wind blows, in-depth understanding of customer mental activity and accurate judgment of customers, spotted in the reception can determine the factors, and then guests can be quickly and accurately positioned according to the recommended product positioning, according to the Chinese Habits, products in the positioning to provide three kinds of products with the same brand for customers to choose. The second is to establish a good customer relationship network, in the daily sales process to determine the key customer object to regular etiquette to visit, the formation of a good network of relationships, and gradually expand to the Group buy, the development of a consolidated one.

Third, warm and secure service

In the same industry in the fierce competition, we can think of, others have thought, we can do, others have done, to learn innovative service approach to warm and thoughtful service, for every customer service.

First, the hospitality to be warm, in the hotel stores, regardless of whether or not to choose Baiyun side of the product customers are greeted with smile, to provide convenience for the guests; established key customers to be more proactive and generous service.

Second, delivery to be fast, new and old customers to send the product requirements, be sure to achieve rapid delivery, especially high-end users.

Perseverance, rotten wood does not fold, perseverance, stone can be Lou. This statement shows that success is the need for a spirit. Marketing staff need this will, have not up to the goal of not giving up the faith, have the opportunity to success. Marketing is a long and arduous road, not only to maintain the momentum of the full spirit of the business, but also to uphold the conviction, self-motivation, self-inspired in order to survive in the end, through numerous difficulties to the final victory.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 533 字

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范文类型:请假条,全文共 642 字

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I am * * * * * ( Department, such as a workshop, a store ) * * * * * * * ( your name ), my hometown is in the * * * * * * * * s, * * * * * * * ( specific addre), home to older parents (if there are grandparents also wrote, better), have been looking forward to my home for a reunion of the festival. I have two years did not go back to exploring parenting, family are eager to copolymerization. Please leaders approved my, home visiting elders, slightly to make my filial piety. Date: year month * * * * * * * * to date, a total of * * day.

I urge the leadership approval.

* * * ( your name )

* * * * * * * * * * * * year month day

Please leave a



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 1091 字

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There is a little girl, a little mouth, the eyes like cherry, long eyebrows, and guess who is that? Yes, I -- -- -- Wu Wenre, a good little girl.

I have a position in class is also a man - captains. I do little affectations who is special pipe class, a someone do little tricks, I have to hold at the meeting that a few "mice".

Once in class, there are a few was seen by me "little mouse" doing little tricks, I cough at first, but that a few little mouse didnt hear, I didnt also the way.

For a while, keeps ringing, the class that a few naughty little mouse ran out of the classroom immediately, I will follow up.

Teachers in school is not allowed to play with toy, I saw the "mouse" playing mini car, I went up to receive his small car, to the teacher. Im glad! Help teachers get rid of a "mouse".

This is me!!!!!!!









范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:六年级,全文共 512 字

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am very glad to introduce myself to you. My name is... I am 12 years old this year. I am tall, about 1.65. I have a round face with two big black eyes. I work hard and I can always get good grades. And I am good at English and maths. I often help my classmates with their English and they like me very much. I like all kinds of sports. But I like playing basketball best and I often play it with my classmates after school. I like music, too. In my free time I like playing the piano and I can play it very well.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,全文共 995 字

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Good afternoon, everyone! My name is wjh. I am 12 years old. Now I’m a student in Xitan School. The school is a little far from my home, so I uaually get up early and go to school by bike.

My favorite subject in school is English, because it’s very interesting. I like Chinese too. My teachers are kind and fun. I like them. I have many friends at school and we usually study and play together.

On weekends, I usually go shopping with my mother, sometimes I climb moutains with my father. I love my parents very much and they love me. I like eating fruits and vegetables, because I want to be healthy.

Fish is my favorite food. It’s yummy. In four seasons, I like winter best. Because I like playing with snow. I made a beautiful snowman with my parents last year. I was very happy. I hope it will snow this year too. I have a dog. His name is Xixi. He is very smart and lovely. I like playing with him. I think I am a happy girl. I often smile and I’m very friendly. I hope you like me. Thank you!



范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 670 字

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As of August 7, I will be terminating1 my employment at ABC Company. I have allowed two weeks prior to2 my departure for assisting in the transition process3.


Although I have enjoyed watching the Advertising Department grow from its humble beginnings4 to the current formidable5 size and influence in Wuhan, I have received an offer for another company that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.


I regret having to resign from my position. I wish you and ABC the best of luck and future success.





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,全文共 377 字

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I am a Chinese girl.My name is Luxy.I am twelve years old.I was born on April 28.I study in the class of 266 in the Fifth Middle School.My favorite color is yellow.My hobby is playing computer games.I like to eat egg and pear and drink milk for my breakfast.For lunch I like to eat chicken,radish(红萝卜)and apple.I like to take hamburger,fried potato and ice cream for my supper.



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 610 字

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June 16, 20xx

Dear Tom,

I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that!

In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly.

With every good wish for your swift recovery.













范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2095 字

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Good morning, my name Cindy, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,I am 23 years old,born in province ,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing university.my major is.and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend

several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, I have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these I have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but I have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.

I guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life,I would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,I like my major packaging and I wont give up,if I can pursue my master degree here I will combine law with my former education.

I will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know I am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,I learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, I was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.
